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No Mans Sky releasing June 21, LEs revealed, maybe getting free post launch support

Hnnnnnnnng that boxart. Sublime.

Now to convince myself not to pick up the LE.

I don't need that awesome 8" metal ship statue. I don't. I shouldn't.

Adds to shopping cart.


Glad to see Hello Games think they have the selling power of a Call of Duty title and are pricing it accordingly on Steam.
Giantbomb sounds down on the game being boring (reality of finding barren planets).

But I agree with Sean that 9/10 planets should be barren or uninteresting until you find that 10th planet that is amazing. I just really hope they have hidden away a lot of the game's more interesting variables. As I recall, the planets get more interesting the deeper you go.. Would be amazing to realize everything shown is very early and basic stuff and that the true discoveries are to be discovered.

Is it kind of strange that I'm okay with this? The idea of me being able to visit all these planets even if they have nothing of interest at all is very appealing. Finding that *one* planet with something amazingly cool is what makes it satisfying.

This is one of the reasons I liked the original Mass Effect so much. I loved exploring the uncharted worlds, even if most of them were barren wastelands with little of interest or value. I loved finding something like a random mummified body and reading the little description about the League of One medallion it had on it, for example. I've played that game 5 times and still visit every uncharted planet every time I play it.

This definitely looks like one of those games that I can turn on and just casually explore and relax when I don't want to deal with stressful competitive multiplayer games or a story-driven single-player game where I need to both pay close attention to (to not miss the story) and need a significant block of time to make any progress in.


You would think if it supported PSVR they'd have announced it by now, but it could work as an E3 announcement. I'm leaning towards not happening though.
Does anyone know more info about how customizable ships will be? I haven't seen a lot of details on that but hopefully you can fully customize your ship as you go.
I am so hyped for this game. I have a young child, so I can't ever sit down to a game with the expectation of getting a solid block of uninterrupted gaming time. Multiplayer games? Too annoying to join, leave 5 minutes later, come back in a half hour, leave again, repeat... Singleplayer games? Is there anything more annoying than getting interrupted during an unskippable cutscene and then having to go look it up on Youtube to see what you missed (or coming back and realizing you were slaughtered by a boss while you were away)? But a singleplayer game where I can connect, play for any length of time, and leave, all without missing any story or losing a boss fight or whatever? PERFECTION. Bonus points for being vividly colorful and encouraging pacifism and exploration; it's like it was tailor-made for new parents.

Exactly what I am thinking. My son will love this game. Can't wait to play this with him.

Mr E.

This is going to sound a bit silly, but I want the physical version of this one because I kind of want to pretend that I am firing up my ship. I want to load the game, turn off all the lights, turn off my phone, put on headphones, and feel like I am really exploring a universe.

Something about loading up the disc just seems like it will make that experience feel a bit more tactile. :)
Can't you just throw any disc in your ps4 and just load from the library anyway, seems extreme to me.


"the journey to a thousand games ends with bad rats. ~Lao Tzu" ~Gabe Newell
Anyone who wants the cover/poster art...

Here is a nice big 12362 x 7000px version to make your own posters/backgrounds and so on :)



(just a preview)


Sony is the publisher. And this game will be amazing.

I'm glad that you know how the game will turn out without playing through, pricing something at 60 euros on Steam without any prior accomplishments or accolades is pretty dumb no matter how you look at it.


Yeah, I feel like people really undervalue negative space (for lack of a better term) in games.

If every planet had cool shit on it, it'd stop being cool pretty quickly.

the difference here is precisely that word... difference

cool shit stops being cool if everything is like that, but it keeps being cool if it is different from everything else, and I believe that's what this game tries to accomplish, not only finding cool shit, but also cool shit that is also different from other cool shit.
Not that I usually care about pre-order bonuses, but this is the first time I've actually not wanted them at all. Getting a ship, a gun, and/or money (depending on the store) in a game that has a large focus on accumulating resources might take away a bit of the fun for me. I'm certain the ship and the gun won't be much better than what you start with (if you start with anything?), but still, I don't think I'll be using my pre-order bonus and limited edition codes.
Not that I usually care about pre-order bonuses, but this is the first time I've actually not wanted them at all. Getting a ship, a gun, and/or money (depending on the store) in a game that has a large focus on accumulating resources might take away a bit of the fun for me. I'm certain the ship and the gun won't be much better than what you start with (if you start with anything?), but still, I don't think I'll be using my pre-order bonus code.
I definitely wont be using any of that stuff.
I'm glad that you know how the game will turn out without playing through, pricing something at 60 euros on Steam without any prior accomplishments or accolades is pretty dumb no matter how you look at it.
don't ruin this thread with this bullshit please


Beautiful cover.
Fell out of the hype entirely for it though, I will wait for people's impressions after the game launches to see if i'm back in.
I might start a youtube gaming channel dedicated to my journey to the center of the universe. I could limit my time for each video to a 15 min of discovering, interacting with each planets, and that would almost become like a vlog of a wonderful journey, full of surprises ;)
All over that LE for PS4 the moment it goes up on Amazon; even moreso now that Amazon Prime's pre-order 20% discount applies to LEs/CEs as well. $64 for a dope ass LE? Yes please.


Married Member
I'm glad that you know how the game will turn out without playing through, pricing something at 60 euros on Steam without any prior accomplishments or accolades is pretty dumb no matter how you look at it.

I sincerely hope you're trolling.

Wondering if I should get this on my PS4 or my PC. I think it will play better on PC because of higher specs but will probably wait for a Port Report from TB.
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