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Not confirmed: Dark Souls 3 PC framerate to be locked at 30 fps?

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I am actually, assuming I can find a cheap (30) key.

Yeah sorry for being rude to this guy, but he's no sacred cow to me. He's just a game creator.

It's fine, it doesn't really upset me, it's not my series. But people have to understand that not every flaw of a game is the fault of the director. These are complicated things and just insulting the guy who is the face of the game is a little impulsive.
To play the devils advocate here: while Dark Souls 2 could be played in 60 fps, there were some quite substantial (as far as I know unintended) changes to gameplay in 60 fps mode, such as faster equipment decay. It is possible that they found those gameplay changes unacceptable, but lacked the motivation to fix the core issues in the engine that prevented variable refresh, right?

Wasn't weapon decay fixed in Scholar?
Lmao @these last few posts.

"Grabs popcorn and continues waiting for Ds3 on PS4"

If From doesnt make it 60 on PC thatll suck. Itll get fixed within a week but still dumb, especially after how the Ds1 port was recieved.

Saying that I'm still glad I dont get all up in a tizzy for these sorts of things...especially when "confirmed" by a help desk employee lol/


It's fine, it doesn't really upset me, it's not my series. But people have to understand that not every flaw of a game is the fault of the director. These are complicated things and just insulting the guy who is the face of the game is a little impulsive.

That is totally fair. I regret my choice of words.


fromsoft makes great games but they're notoriously shit at pc optimization. So ot wouldn't surprise me if that was the case


The so called "A" team better get their shit together.

The "so called A team" worked on Bloodborne up until the end of last year, with the expansion, highly doubt they were involved with Dark Souls III. Which is part of what would make this being 30fps even more surprising.
Kind of debatable.... Obviously things aren't 100% civil all the time here, but name-calling developers is a little over the line. If everyone just did that whenever they were upset about something it would be a horrible cesspool of a forum.

Name calling developers is exactly what every single angry and/or sarcastic post referring to Tanimura/Shibuya's dev team as the "B team" is, though. They were implying they were inferior and unqualified compared to Miyazaki and his dev team which also isn't really fair, just they didn't use as much of a well..."colorful" comment as that guy did about Miyazaki.

All of it really needs to stop though.


At the 34 second mark of the last trailer they released there's a short clip of a giant standing up that seems to be 60fps. At least, it definitely looks smoother than the rest of the video.


I thought it looked odd at the time, and assumed it was a short clip from the PC version.


Miyazaki does not care about 60 framerate, and to my knowledge has never launched a 60fps game. He did not direct ds2.

30fps on pc before a dsfix would not surprise me. Its not From's top priority.

Mister Wolf

Miyazaki does not care about 60 framerate, and to my knowledge has never launched a 60fps game. He did not direct ds2.

30fps on pc before a dsfix would not surprise me. Its not From's top priority.

Wont play it till the fix comes out. Scholar has spoiled me. Bloodborne is choppy as hell

30fps confirmed.
Miyazaki does not care about 60 framerate, and to my knowledge has never launched a 60fps game. He did not direct ds2.

30fps on pc before a dsfix would not surprise me. Its not From's top priority.

This. If people like FROM games they had better get ready to deal with 30FPS(With the occasional drop/frame pacing) for a while. We already know they have a few more PS4 exclusives lined up and going by their history on Console they wont be 60FPS.


Lol, it isn't gonna be locked to 30. Souls is Namco's PC bread and butter and we already have 60fps footage on the Steam page.

Remember the vertical slice being on Steam up to the release for Dark Souls 2? While nothing is certain, they did the same shit before in terms of obfuscated marketing.
Miyazaki does not care about 60 framerate, and to my knowledge has never launched a 60fps game. He did not direct ds2.

30fps on pc before a dsfix would not surprise me. Its not From's top priority.

this isn't like consoles where the 30 fps is a tradeoff between graphics and horsepower. every pc game technically can run at 60 fps if you brute force it with hardware. what were are talking about here is a 30 fps lock, presumably for more complex reasons. It's not because they couldn't push the hardware enough because the hardware isn't fixed in this case. I'm genuinely curious what the reason is.
Remember the vertical slice being on Steam up to the release for Dark Souls 2? While nothing is certain, they did the same shit before in terms of obfuscated marketing.
One was a vertical slice versus the game at a different framerate. Even if it was locked, it'll be fixed in no time. I'm certain it won't be though.
Well looks like PC players will be waiting for Dark Souls 3: GeDoSaTo Edition
Direct X 11 though ;_;
All they have to do is keep it unlocked framerate like DS2 and we're good to go.

The only reason I can think they might do this is because their programmers have once again tied mechanics to frame rate which leads to broken design like the durability loss had on DS2. If that is the case it would be another monumental disappointment in their programming abilities. Too bad they aren't world class like their art direction.


from software probably is just prioritizing console development so they targeted 30fps. so a bunch of crap is simply tied to it.


Durante does that shit for free, and I doubt he gets much in the way of donations, so I imagine it's gotta be pretty annoying for everyone to be calling on him constantly when news like this comes out.
Let's not jump to conclusions before it's official, fellas. DSII happened, SOTFS again and it doesn't make sense for them to go back to 30 now. This isn't the Tales team.

I hope this Miyazaki dumbfuck will not impose a 30fps lock for the PC version with his stupid "vision" as justification.

Why even be interested in a game made by "this Miyazaki dumbfuck" in the first place? Also, which PC version of his games did "HE" go out of the way to lock at 30hz, citing "his stupid vision as justification"? Googled and couldn't find a single result. But hey, at least we have your source that you're gonna share with GAF, exposing what a "dumbfuck" he really is.

Hope the PC Masterrace gets justice and wins the internet. The global economy and every country's GDP rests on your SUPERIOR!1ONE, mighty, shiny shoulders. I also apologize to have quoted you without your permission, your highness. Though I'm probably going to triple dip this title in the long run, I should have known my console peasant privilege before summoning thee.


Durante does that shit for free, and I doubt he gets much in the way of donations, so I imagine it's gotta be pretty annoying for everyone to be calling on him constantly when news like this comes out.

With all the broken PC games released these days he may as well set up a Patreon.
I know this probably isn't true, but I don't think people should give From the benefit of the doubt. I mean after all they did produce one of the worst looking and preforming games of last-gen, at the end of last-gen. They are completely incompetent on a technical level.


I didn't have a problem playing through bloodborne multiple times. But I was extremely excited and looking forward to ds3 at 60fps on my pc. If it's not at least 60 on pc, I might just settle for the ps4 version with big screen and comfy couch...


Hope the PC Masterrace gets justice and wins the internet. The global economy and every country's GDP rests on your SUPERIOR!1ONE, mighty, shiny shoulders. I also apologize to have quoted you without your permission, your highness. Though I'm probably going to triple dip this title in the long run, I should have known my console peasant privilege before summoning thee.



fromsoft makes great games but they're notoriously shit at pc optimization. So ot wouldn't surprise me if that was the case
DS2 was very well optimized from my experience. It was one of the very few games that could run at an almost constant 50 fps on my work laptop with medium settings.


these are all the issues that dark souls 2 had when it was unlocked to 60 fps. Are people really being that dismissive that they want to blame it on 'laziness' or 'miyazaki's dumb vision? like....can't you even entertain the possibility that there might be other reasons the game is locked at 30 fps?

The only excuse is shitty programming. There is LITERALLY no good excuse to lock a framerate on PC. Ever. Full stop.
The only excuse is shitty programming. There is LITERALLY no good excuse to lock a framerate on PC. Ever. Full stop.

Did I say it was an excuse? LOL I already said in this very thread that I don't agree with 60 fps, just that there might be more to this then 'miyazaki's dumb vision', 'lazy dev's' or all the other driveby shit posts I've seen in this thread. I fully agree, if they can't get it running at 60 fps without issues on PC then their PC programming skills are sub par. ah whatever, I give up.


Did I say it was an excuse? LOL I already said in this very thread that I don't agree with 60 fps, just that there might be more to this then 'miyazaki's dumb vision', 'lazy dev's' or all the other driveby shit posts I've seen in this thread. I fully agree, if they can't get it running at 60 fps without issues on PC then their PC programming skills are sub par. ah whatever, I give up.

But that seems to the excuse From Software are spinning.


I am actually, assuming I can find a cheap (30) key.

Yeah sorry for being rude to this guy, but he's no sacred cow to me. He's just a game creator.

lol i almost wish it's 30 fps locked on pc just for your post. not because you insulted the director but for your attitude
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