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Now that we know....which system(s) will you be buying next gen?

PS4 for certain. That was never in doubt, especially after the reveal and cemented after this reveal.

I will probably pick up a WiiU eventually, once the games arrive and it's better priced.

As it stands, I won't be picking up an XboxOne after this reveal. MS did nothing to convince me it's not going to be another 360 (post Kinect) all over again. I didn't get why I'd want any of those features, I don't. I want compelling, new as well as familiar franchises. Xbox currently doesn't have any of those and this reveal showed nothing new other than that Remedy game, which gave little away.


Will be Wii U and I'll get PS4 once I get through PS3 back catalogue (only just getting it now). Might buy Xbox One in a few years assuming it can play offline.


Neo Member
PC only for the next year or so, I think. I might get a PS4 at some point but I'm not really feeling either platform at the moment.

One thing is for sure, the lack of BC for Xbox 360 / Live with Xbox One has made me very wary of digital purchases on console in the future.


After this conference... WiiU/PS4 for me, it seems. Perhaps Steambox? Xbox One looks like a no-no right now, and 360 was my "main" this gen. Unless they wow me beyond my wildest dreams at E3 and I don't see that happening.


Got a beefy PC as a main platform that, in the light of what we know will be more than enough, 3DS and WiiU so i'm all set for the years to come.


PS4, that's it. Don't care about WiiU, and Xbox One can f*ck right off!

So your laziness is more important to you than your rights as a consumer? You're what is wrong with the industry.

Best post I have ever seen from a junior.


You like me, you really really like me!



WiiU when the price drops and for Bayonetta 2

PS4 for free online


3DS Hoping for a new version/price drop but I am getting one soon regardless


XBoxVCRONE the threat of always online remains very real and even ignoring the the used games fee is a deal breaker.

PSVita (Sorry)


Still Wii U only like I had planned before. Anyway, even though I won't buy PS4, it actually sounds pretty good, though I'm pretty sure the price is going to be ridiculously high (399€ or more). XBox One on the other hand sounds just stupid...
I've been a 360 fan since the beginning of this gen but PS4 is where I've been leaning towards since the initial rumors and the PS Meeting. After this disappointing Xbox One reveal I'm 80% sure I'll go with Sony this gen if they don't lean so heavily into being cloud focused.
PS4. Sony have convinced me that it has the specs and launch worthy of my monies day one, while being far more friendly to the core gamer. Because y'know, it's a GAMES console after all.


Unconfirmed Member
PC + WiiU for Nintendo games.

And whichever of the PS4/One has more, better console-exclusives late in the generation (and I'd prefer the PS4 given what we know, but games come first).

And both portables since that's where all the non-Nintendo Japanese games are going to be.


I don't have cable - PS4
I sell my used games (about 50% of my games) - PS4
I prefer good graphics - PS4
I prefer Sony's first parties - PS4


Already have a WiiU, going to upgrade my PC to be better than everything else as usual, will probably get a PS4 after a price cut when it has atleast 2 exclusives I want, or just 1 if it's a really good exclusive.

Xbox One?
Wii U has some games I want to play; the Xbox and PS4 have nothing at the moment. So I guess I'll pick up a Wii U once Nintendo starts liquidating them.
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