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NPD Sales Results for February 2009

yoopoo said:
Wow what happen there?

Silent Hill Origins: 80k (PS2), 154k (PSP)
Silent Hill 5 - 73k (360), 84k (PS3)

Guess thats why the next SH is rumored to be on PSP and Wii (as a test).

I don't know. How valid would such a test be? They're supposedly remaking the original game, meaning (I hope) they won't be adding or changing anything, just giving it all a facelift. It will probably in that case be a traditional SH game. Isn't it possible SH5 didn't sell as well as Origins because it has a completely different gameplay style?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
*Looks at Tiger Woods Wii sales*

*Desperately wishes bdoughty hadn't gotten himself permabanned*


yoopoo said:
Wow what happen there?

Silent Hill Origins: 80k (PS2), 154k (PSP)
Silent Hill 5 - 73k (360), 84k (PS3)

Guess thats why the next SH is rumored to be on PSP and Wii (as a test).

A test? Seriously? a port of a game released over a decade ago is a test?


Uncharted has only sold 500k? :( I kinda hoped it had reached a mill or something. I can't believe it's sold that low after a year and a half.

In general those PS3 numbers are kinda pathetic.


listen to the mad man
Guys, hypothetically speaking if there was a public leak out there, wouldn't it be smart to not post it everywhere so it gets shut down immediately?

Like, just hypothetically speaking?


I got grudge sucked!
lowrider007 said:
I just don't get this really I don't, MS2 is such a good game and improves upon the original in leaps and bounds, when I see figures like this I just want to ring PS3 users around the neck, their purchasing habits seem so strange.

Remember that MS was a fairly hyped title at the time of the PS3 launch so when it hit, lots of people bought into the hyped. Its a decent game but didn't live up to the hype. As a result, MS2 was met with skepticism by a lot of gamers when it was released (I would have never bought it if not for all the positive word of mouth) and I don't remember Sony giving MS2 a big push. Its like coming out in between LBP and R2, MS2 was sent to die.
jett said:
Uncharted has only sold 500k? :( I kinda hoped it had reached a mill or something. I can't believe it's sold that low after a year and a half.

In general those PS3 numbers are kinda pathetic.

Which sort of shoots in the foot the constant mantra of legs some people use for titles both on the 360 and PS3. Legs is a rare thing that happens mainly on select titles.


jett said:
Uncharted has only sold 500k? :( I kinda hoped it had reached a mill or something. I can't believe it's sold that low after a year and a half.

In general those PS3 numbers are kinda pathetic.
I'm sure that its over a mill WW, plus I'm sure those # don't cover the bundles
We finally know Bioshock PS3's true numbers: 106k. Assuming world wide numbers of around 250k, anyone want to speculate on if 2k lost money on that venture?


Licorice-flavoured booze?
jett said:
Uncharted has only sold 500k? :( I kinda hoped it had reached a mill or something. I can't believe it's sold that low after a year and a half.

In general those PS3 numbers are kinda pathetic.

Only ?, I don't think that's to bad for a new IP tbh, if it's done 500,00 in NA then I bet it's done at least that in the EU as well so there's your million.

Edit - Wiki : "The game went on to sell more than one million copies in ten weeks, and become part of the European best-selling Platinum Range of titles"


monkspider said:
We finally know Bioshock PS3's true numbers: 106k. Assuming world wide numbers of around 250k, anyone want to speculate on if 2k lost money on that venture?

It is a port, it does not cost you as much as an exclusive.


monkspider said:
We finally know Bioshock PS3's true numbers: 106k. Assuming world wide numbers of around 250k, anyone want to speculate on if 2k lost money on that venture?

Eh I doubt, couldn't have cost much to port a UE3 game. :p


Are you fucking kidding me? Why in the hell am I not playing a localized version of Professor Layton 2? It's obviously not because there's a lack of a market considering the first sold 340k...


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Sony pretty much decided the game would not have legs when they kept the price at $60 in the US...

...drop the frigging price...
lowrider007 said:
Only ?, I don't think that's to bad for a new IP tbh, if it's done 500,00 in NA then I bet it's done at least that in the EU as well so there's your million.

Edit - Wiki : "The game went on to sell more than one million copies in ten weeks, and become part of the European best-selling Platinum Range of titles"

Maybe so. But then you are saying that no one should put out a PS3 exclusive new IP game, since the best you could expect it to do is break even and you still have the risk that it could bomb.


Y2Kev said:
Sony pretty much decided the game would not have legs when they kept the price at $60 in the US...

...drop the frigging price...

It's in their greatest hits line or whatever now...

Americans, you people suck.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
lowlylowlycook said:
Maybe so. But then you are saying that no one should put out a PS3 exclusive new IP game, since the best you could expect it to do is break even and you still have the risk that it could bomb.

Really ?, you think that Naughty Dog only just broke even with Drakes Fortune ?, have you got a source for that ?


I got grudge sucked!
lowrider007 said:
Really ?, you think that Naughty Dog only just broke even with Drakes Fortune ?, have you got a source for that ?

Nobody here has any sources for how much the overhead is for any of these games, only speculation. A lot of Sony IPs make their real money when they hit the Greatest Hits price point, usually by 500K they've recouped the overhead and can sell the game at a lower price for pure profit. But thats also speculation.
lowrider007 said:
Really ?, you think that Naughty Dog only just broke even with Drakes Fortune ?, have you got a source for that ?

Do you think 1M sales are enough to break even with some of the highest production values of this gen?

truly101 said:
Nobody here has any sources for how much the overhead is for any of these games, only speculation. A lot of Sony IPs make their real money when they hit the Greatest Hits price point, usually by 500K they've recouped the overhead and can sell the game at a lower price for pure profit. But thats also speculation.

Remember 2M is the new 500k for HD gaming.


I got grudge sucked!
lowlylowlycook said:
Do you think 1M sales are enough to break even with some of the highest production values of this gen?

Remember 2M is the new 500k for HD gaming.

I don't have the link but I know Amy Hennig was on record saying that Uncharted was profitable for Naughty Dog. Again, until someone actually KNOWS with actual STATS and FIGURES how much Uncharted cost ND to make, all we can do is speculate on how well the game performed.


lowlylowlycook said:
Do you think 1M sales are enough to break even with some of the highest production values of this gen?

Remember 2M is the new 500k for HD gaming.

On the other hand though, Uncharted was a new IP (higher risk) and it's first party, so Sony doesn't need to charge itself a royalty fee or pay itself for it's first party game development tools. I think whether or not Uncharted broke even would depend on the ad budget Sony put behind it. They did have prominent TV advertising during sports events


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
She said it on 1up yours during last year's GDC. She said they were profitable. It's not that hard to believe. ND is a small studio compared to some other studios.
So, once again, it's shown that Wii games sales aren't based on first month alone.
How long will this point have to be driven into people's heads until they get it?
Using an arbitrary golden number as a break even point for all AAA titles is dumb. Every project is different with different costs associated. The only possible use for such a number is forum warz.


Uncharted has 'only' sold 500k because it's still not a greatest hit. That is what makes game continue selling is a lower price point. I suppose it's a testament that they can still justify the game being full price that long after launch, or a glaring oversight.
Y2Kev said:
She said it on 1up yours during last year's GDC. She said they were profitable. It's not that hard to believe. ND is a small studio compared to some other studios.

It may well be that due to the relationship with Sony that Uncharted was profitable for ND. But if it made a profit overall i.e. for Sony and ND, it's a bit hard to explain the financial state of the publishers.

Of course maybe ND is highly efficient, etc, etc.

Phantast2k said:
I think for exclusive, high production values, third party games this might be true, but for anything else: not so much.

In theory an exclusive game should need fewer total sales than a multiplatform game.


truly101 said:
Nobody here has any sources for how much the overhead is for any of these games, only speculation. A lot of Sony IPs make their real money when they hit the Greatest Hits price point, usually by 500K they've recouped the overhead and can sell the game at a lower price for pure profit. But thats also speculation.

And lots of it!


I really want to know the sales numbers for Dead Rising (first month sales) and Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop (first month sales).


Yaceka said:
I really want to know the sales numbers for Dead Rising (first month sales) and Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop (first month sales).
It isn't hard to surmise ballpark guesses about these (360 version 400,000+ first month?, Wii version less than 75,000 first month?)

What I'd like is a budget, team-size, and development-time comparison.

If the Wii version is in the same ballpark in all those 3 - I'd like to congratulate Capcom on a serious effort. Somehow I doubt it. :lol
DMeisterJ said:
Uncharted has 'only' sold 500k because it's still not a greatest hit. That is what makes game continue selling is a lower price point. I suppose it's a testament that they can still justify the game being full price that long after launch, or a glaring oversight.

Not sure about that. Lots of PS3 games (Hot Shots Golf, I'm looking at you) have yet to see a price drop, that probably would have on another platform.

IMO, it's more about maximizing sales at the higher price point than it is any indication of quality.

Of course, they do need to be decent games for that to work.
Alcibiades said:
It isn't hard to surmise ballpark guesses about these (360 version 400,000+ first month?, Wii version less than 75,000 first month?)

What I'd like is a budget, team-size, and development-time comparison.

If the Wii version is in the same ballpark in all those 3 - I'd like to congratulate Capcom on a serious effort. Somehow I doubt it. :lol

Just looking at the game, you can tell CTYD probably didn't even have half the budget, team or time.


Alcibiades said:
removed #'s just in case, but either way the point of the post has nothing to do with what these games sold (so the numbers were irrelevant anyway), but what they didn't sell because they were left off a platform (Wii) in which 3rd party sales have prospered...

I kinda hope they would put Bioshock 2 or Fallout 3 to the Wii just to end these arguments. Sadly, they absolutely know it´s not worth it just because some licensed properties are selling on it.
lowrider007 said:
I just don't get this really I don't, MS2 is such a good game and improves upon the original in leaps and bounds, when I see figures like this I just want to ring PS3 users around the neck, their purchasing habits seem so strange.

It seems pretty obvious to me that while MS2 and R2 are both good games, the original games benefited GREATLY from their launch-window status. Almost everyone who bought a PS3 for a while bought at least one of the original two games if not both. Now, the PS3's library is much more varied, and the sequels for those games do not stand out anymore. They're just another off-road racer and FPS, genres we've been inundated with for 2 gens now.


I got grudge sucked!
lowlylowlycook said:
In theory an exclusive game should need fewer total sales than a multiplatform game.

Really? I'm not sure about that. A PS3/360 exclusive game that costs the same amount to make as a multiplatform game would still have have to sell as many copies to break even (granted the MP game has porting/distribution costs to factor in) only the exclusive game has a more limited user base to appeal to.


Luckyman said:
I kinda hope they would put Bioshock 2 or Fallout 3 to the Wii just to end these arguments. Sadly, they absolutely know it´s not worth it just because some licensed properties are selling on it.
Must... move... goalposts... ... .... why... am... I... talking... in... this... way?



theBishop said:
And lots of it!

Yeah it's easy to speculate when you're too lazy to make an effort to look for butterfly-effect context, and instead just go for knee-jerk knee-deep logic which "kinda sort-of" fits the scenario at first glance. ..But at least it's hilariously entertaining.
Sadist said:
Must... move... goalposts... ... .... why... am... I... talking... in... this... way?


By the end of this gen, I'm sure that the goal will be a billion copies sold of a Wii game = slight profits.


jett said:
Uncharted has only sold 500k? :( I kinda hoped it had reached a mill or something. I can't believe it's sold that low after a year and a half.

In general those PS3 numbers are kinda pathetic.

I agree, Uncharted was my favorite game of 2007 and it came out of no where for me, the voice acting/animation were amazing and gameplay/graphichs top notch.

If anyone wants a good example of an under hyped game, I think Uncharted is one. In 2007, all I saw on the gaming websites was Halo 3, Halo 3, and you guessed it, Halo 3. Which is fine, but I believe that Uncharted deserved a lot more attention then it got.

PS3 numbers are not THAT pathetic though IMO. Some things to consider, the economy is bad, and the PS3 is at a premium price point. The 360 is HALF the price of the PS3, so if you think about it, say the PS3 was magically at $199 tomorrow, what would the sell figures look like then? Do you believe it would be equal to the 360 numbers? Or do you believe it would be up with the wii numbers or beyond? That is the real question.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
SovanJedi said:

Passionate sports gamer who was convinced that Wii owners would never ever buy more than 1 year of a sports game.
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