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NPD Sales Results for March 2009

jetjevons said:
If the Nintendo brand is comparable to Disney, then the Wii is Disneyland. When you go to Disneyland, and there's a part of the park sectioned off as'Non-Disney Disneyland', who the fuck wants to go in there? Sure, you might pop in to see a couple big non-Disney rides like 'Guitar Hero', but after the 3rd or 4th shovelware ride you want to get the hell out of there and back to the Disney rides.
A valid analogy. There's also the matter that some games seem fine at first glance (Sonic, Red Steel etc.) but aren't so good when you actually play them.


Haunted said:
I'll say the same I always do in PS3 game threads: I'll keep buying them if they keep making them.

Still, only 66k for MadWorld makes me kind of sad. Platinum just can't catch a break, can they?


lawblob said:
Im' surprised people are surprised at Halo Wars sales. Biggest IP on the console + a moderately successful genre + a company that clearly knows how to market its shit.

How are these results surprising?

I know. I was actually surprised at the interest in Halo Wars with some of the people i work with.

And yes they knew it was RTS.:lol
Dabanton said:
I know. I was actually surprised at the interest in Halo Wars with some of the people i work with.

And yes they knew it was RTS.:lol

Sounds like they did a good job of selling...ALL UNITS!

Ah ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha


Dabanton said:
I know. I was actually surprised at the interest in Halo Wars with some of the people i work with.

And yes they knew it was RTS.:lol

But did they REALLY know it was an RTS? I doubt it...



Kuroyume said:
- MLB 2K9... Sucks for anyone who bought that.

God I hope Microsoft takes notice of MLB09 and the fact that there is a market for a better baseball and make use of the High Heat license so no one will ever have to buy MLB2K again.
Just as an anecdotal aside for the KZ2 marketing argument.. I live in Toronto, alongside the busiest street in the city. This street, called Yonge Street, is also apparently one of the longest streets in the world and also the most prominent street people use to enter the city. On this street, people can see in plain view, a big ass billboard with a stoned-eyed Killzone 2 Helghast and the single quote: "5 out of 5 stars" or something to that effect. It's been up there since the KZ2 launch, and is still up there now, at least a month after launch.

Now, I know this is Canada, but I've never seen anything of that nature before in terms of mass marketing. Maybe it's Sony Canada who has their finger on the gaming pulse of the city, but I'm pretty sure the advertising campaign in the U.S. can't be much less overt.


Comics, serious business!
BenjaminBirdie said:
Sounds like they did a good job of selling...ALL UNITS!

well, it's not like they could sell a group of units to a specific location easily. Selling all units was the only option, really.


People were wanting Halo-level advertising, mentalfloss. In all regards.

Anyone know how much MS spent on Halo 3's marketing?


jjasper said:
God I hope Microsoft takes notice of MLB09 and the fact that there is a market for a better baseball and make use of the High Heat license so no one will ever have to buy MLB2K again.

I would really, really like to know the sales of MLB2k9 on the PS3. This would offer an immediate sense of how a first party can stifle a third: two games released near simultaneously in the same genre with exactly the same pitch of "realistic sim." If MLB2k9 sold about 100k on the PS3, then it would seem there is no stifling at all. If MBL2k9 sold 50k on the PS3, then Sony's first party is indeed stifling third parties.


While it's not unusual for March sales to be lower than February sales despite the extra week, these numbers are lower than you'd expect pretty much across the board. Maybe Nintendo will finally be able to stock up enough Wiis for December this year?
Zachack said:
NMH? Office party, thus success.
NMH is a success because the publisher and developer were very pleased with it's performance. It's really not complicated.


Jokeropia said:
While it's not unusual for March sales to be lower than February sales despite the extra week, these numbers are lower than you'd expect pretty much across the board. Maybe Nintendo will finally be able to stock up enough Wiis for December this year?

Depends on what's hitting the system at the end of this year. Might end up being supply constrained again if it's anything as big as they're touting.

Eteric Rice

Threi said:
He pays a german midget to change the avatar everytime a GAFer refreshes the page

Actually I don't like Madworld that much :( The visual style is amazing, but everything else has been eh :/

Why that game fails to sell? You could say demographics, but you have to be more specific, as with everyone in this thread. I remember posting a couple pages back asking where I stand if I don't like ultraviolent games geared towards teenage males or soccer moms. The point I was trying to make is that the market isn't that easy to segment, and there are many other (an almost infinite amount) of factors that can differentiate who buys what games. I guess you can put it like this: Adding components to a game that makes it more "hardcore" for lack of a better word, you are increasing potential sales for that particular portion of the market, but the appeal of markets similar to that one get decreased. My theory of the Wii userbase is that there is no clear demographic that dominates the console, but instead a very wide spread of different demographics that overlap when you describe them loosely (e.g. Casuals). Because of this I don't think any game that has a narrow appeal will sell well on the Wii, core or casual. And that is why games with at least a loose appeal to the different demographics are mega hits (e.g. Mario Kart, Wii Sports).

Would Madworld sell on PS3/360? Well maybe, but MadWorld would not have been MadWorld if it was on the PS3/360 so it's not really worth debating a hypothetical.

Would MadWorld be better on PS3/360? The gameplay is kind of shallow even with waggle, it would be the most boring shit on earth to play with a gamepad (IMO) :lol

(food analogy will be posted later)

I'm not sure if MadWorld would have done much better on the 360 or PS3 either, really. While MadWorld is violent, it's a very artsy game. It seems 360 owners like realistic games.

PS3, it's hard to say.


Regarding Madworld, Wii games are supposedly able to sell over time, but Madworld had a big advertising push, so you'd expect there would be some degree of front-loadedness...

Are there concrete sources for its sales, anyway? I'm seeing people talk about a definite 66k figure, but all I've seen is a somewhat mysterious "madworld <77000" post.


markatisu said:
By that time there will be some new game (probably Conduit) that will face the same situation and we will be doing this all over again :lol

Boom Blox (sold very well getting sequel), NMH (best selling Suda game, getting sequel), De Blob (out of nowhere, did not even chart in Wii Top 10 ever getting sequel), Shaun White (outsold HD Twins combined in 1st month), and COD WaW (pathetic sales in Nov, Top 20 finish Dec-Jan) are examples off the top of my head that GAF has lol'd and then been bitch slapped within 60 days
I always found the argument of "established IPs selling on Wii don't count" pretty funny, considering that for the most part, all we ever see really selling well on the HD twins are established IPs (or new IPs with blockbuster ad campaigns)

borghe said:
problem is that as just a random developer, you're going to have a bitch of a time sticking out on the 360, especially without a recognizable IP. People are wowing at Halo Wars and RE5 and WaW. But at the same time there are plenty of decent games on the 360 with new or lesser IPs that have tanked spectacularly or at the very least probably didn't cover production costs.

It's an interesting market... Do you go for 360 (w/ PS3) and hope that your smaller game can withstand the crushing blow of the 3rd part big guns on that system, or do you go to Wii where it's cheaper to develop but you have to deal with Nintendo. If you are going to sell 70K no matter what (like say possibly Madworld for existence) it almost makes more sense to do it on the console where it might only cost $1M to develop vs. one where it might go up to $2-5M to develop.

That's the funny part about Madworld. It relatively tanked on the Wii at 70K and people blame it because of the Wii's brand perception. Yet had it sold the same 70K on the 360 all those same people would say is how it's a crying shame that no one bought this game.
You are amazing (not sarcasm)

Mrbob said:
Indeed. This was one of my arguments for having a disc versus a code for Lost and Damned retail box. MS bombards the end user with a ton of advertising on the NXE for everything. Retail games, downloadable games, DLC, movies, xbox originals. It really is well done. Heck they even tie in events for new releases. They also tie events back into older games. With all the work MS does put into keeping the 360 end user current with games the system does really deserve having the highest share of software sales for multiplatform games. Sony is doing a better job now too with Pulse and to a lesser extent Qore, but it still doesn't hold a candle to NXE.
Absolutely. If there is one thing Microsoft does right, it's getting the word out. Never fails to amaze me how educated their user base is.


ZAK said:
Regarding Madworld, Wii games are supposedly able to sell over time, but Madworld had a big advertising push, so you'd expect there would be some degree of front-loadedness...

Are there concrete sources for its sales, anyway? I'm seeing people talk about a definite 66k figure, but all I've seen is a somewhat mysterious "madworld <77000" post.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Yeah Killzone 2 as it exists would sell more on 360, there are more units out there. But that line of logic only goes so far. The game would never have been given the budget and development time it had if it were not intended to move hardware and as a result help other first party titles sell (all of which Sony hampers with their hardware pricing, but I'm not taping together a broken record). Would it have generated any interest if it they only had 18 months to make it, couldn't develop their own engine technology, and had to divide their resources among two systems? For every COD4 you've got a Blacksite, TimeShift, and a Legendary The Box.

As for Madworld, I'm not even entirely sure what constitutes good or bad sales for it. It doesn't seem like it could have had an insanely large budget.

GTA on the other hand... wow. One of the most recognizable brands in games, excellent reviews, a huge user base and... kaput? It should definitely sell more in the coming months but I think it goes to show the responsiveness and interest exhibited by a user base matters more than a large number of people that are indifferent to your product.


I'm a Wii owner but I really don't understand other Wii owners. There is definitively a hardcore user but most of these people are complaining about lack of core games. But they don't want core games. There are a lot of great games on Wii - not only for casual gamers. But the so called "hardcore faction" always finds a reason why to not buy these games - especially not on day 1.

Next victim: Little King's Story. The game will be available next friday in Europe and it isn't a "casual" game. But I'm sure that most people won't buy this, at least not now.


Threi said:
He pays a german midget to change the avatar everytime a GAFer refreshes the page

Actually I don't like Madworld that much :( The visual style is amazing, but everything else has been eh :/

Why that game fails to sell? You could say demographics, but you have to be more specific, as with everyone in this thread. I remember posting a couple pages back asking where I stand if I don't like ultraviolent games geared towards teenage males or soccer moms. The point I was trying to make is that the market isn't that easy to segment, and there are many other (an almost infinite amount) of factors that can differentiate who buys what games. I guess you can put it like this: Adding components to a game that makes it more "hardcore" for lack of a better word, you are increasing potential sales for that particular portion of the market, but the appeal of markets similar to that one get decreased. My theory of the Wii userbase is that there is no clear demographic that dominates the console, but instead a very wide spread of different demographics that overlap when you describe them loosely (e.g. Casuals). Because of this I don't think any game that has a narrow appeal will sell well on the Wii, core or casual. And that is why games with at least a loose appeal to the different demographics are mega hits (e.g. Mario Kart, Wii Sports).

Would Madworld sell on PS3/360? Well maybe, but MadWorld would not have been MadWorld if it was on the PS3/360 so it's not really worth debating a hypothetical.

Would MadWorld be better on PS3/360? The gameplay is kind of shallow even with waggle, it would be the most boring shit on earth to play with a gamepad (IMO) :lol

(food analogy will be posted later)

Are you cribbing from me, Threi? You had accused me of taking a ladder/rung analogy from you (which was a coincidence, I promise), and now this looks eerily similar to a post I made a few months back.


I went back and looked. That one.


Kunan said:
If there is one thing Microsoft does right, it's getting the word out. Never fails to amaze me how educated their user base is.

Yep. If the marketplace ad's don't get you your friends list will.

I turn on my 360 and see 6 friends playing lets say for this week Outrun i'm going to want to get the game as my friends are playing it,and that has been a constant thing for every big release. See friends playing the game on thursday evening next day i go out and get it.:lol


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
GC|Simon said:
I'm a Wii owner but I really don't understand other Wii owners. There is definitively a hardcore user but most of these people are complaining about lack of core games. But they don't want core games. There are a lot of great games on Wii - not only for casual gamers. But the so called "hardcore faction" always finds a reason why to not buy these games - especially not on day 1.

Next victim: Little King's Story. The game will be available next friday in Europe and it isn't a "casual" game. But I'm sure that most people won't buy this, at least not now.

People on forums such as this one are not like the majority of people people buying Wii and DS. The sooner people accept that, the less upset they will be. I own a 360 and I don't understand why bugged out turds from Ubisoft continue to sell, but whatever. It is pretty well defined what works on each system this gen and what does not.


Mooreberg said:
GTA on the other hand... wow. One of the most recognizable brands in games, excellent reviews, a huge user base and... kaput? It should definitely sell more in the coming months but I think it goes to show the responsiveness and interest exhibited by a user base matters more than a large number of people that are indifferent to your product.

I think a more fairer thing would be to make a full 3D GTA game for DS from talking to people they didn't know or "appreciate" the angle the game was set at, they thought it was going to be like the PSP GTA games so they found it confusing. Now for us old school GTA players it's not a problem i love the game, but i would expect that top down angle could have had a big effect on some people's outlook on the game and lack of sales.
Mooreberg said:
GTA on the other hand... wow. One of the most recognizable brands in games, excellent reviews, a huge user base and... kaput? It should definitely sell more in the coming months but I think it goes to show the responsiveness and interest exhibited by a user base matters more than a large number of people that are indifferent to your product.

I still wonder how much the relatively archaic look of the game (i.e., the "classic" GTA look instead of the "modern" look of GTAIII etc.) had an impact, not to mention the general feeling among gamers that it was going to be a shoddy cash-in.

When even the official thread on GAF is full of people expressing amazement that it's actually any good after playing it, or saying they'd decided not to pick it up but were going to now they'd heard the good word-of-mouth, you really have to wonder how much that initial cynicism about the title may have affected its chances.


ZAK said:
Regarding Madworld, Wii games are supposedly able to sell over time, but Madworld had a big advertising push, so you'd expect there would be some degree of front-loadedness...
It could be that it would have done even worse without it?

Boom Blox had EA's TV marketing behind it and it sold less than MadWorld in the first month out. HOTD: Overkill had a push probably around the level MadWorld got and it only sold 40k or so...

People are definitely freaking out unnecessarily... let's wait a few months to see whether the game is taken out of circulation or whether like other games is able to stay on shelves and slowly build up sales.

It's not like MadWorld was a high-budget, lengthy blockbuster-type game. It comes from a development house specializing in niche productions - which is something to be kept in mind when wondering about how much better it would do on another system. Okami didn't set the world on fire on either the PS2 or the Wii, yet GTA3 sold really well so it's not like "core" games wouldn't sell on PS2, it's just that many of the ones that did were huge games with big budgets.

MadWorld not doing great down the line isn't going to change the fact that Call of Duty 3 and World at War were top-selling 3rd party games during the holiday seasons they were released... in other words "core" games have already proven themselves to sell really well on Wii (sometimes more than their PS3 counterparts).

Let's keep Boom Blox and de Blob in mind (slow starts, great long-term sellers outside the Top 10) before deciding the fate of MadWorld though.


GC|Simon said:
I'm a Wii owner but I really don't understand other Wii owners. There is definitively a hardcore user but most of these people are complaining about lack of core games. But they don't want core games. There are a lot of great games on Wii - not only for casual gamers. But the so called "hardcore faction" always finds a reason why to not buy these games - especially not on day 1.

Next victim: Little King's Story. The game will be available next friday in Europe and it isn't a "casual" game. But I'm sure that most people won't buy this, at least not now.
Or maybe the 'hardcore' crowd in general overestimate their ranks?


Little King Story will have poor first month sales, but I see that game being exactly like Boom Blox and De Blob in sales pattern. It will most likely be a game we look at near Dec and think where did that come from.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
sfog said:
Totally off-topic, but that would be Disney's California Adventure. It has several attractions that one would typically associate with the Disney theme park experience, but also has a good number of hastily themed variants of rides found at most any regional amusement park. I suspect most people don't go to DCA for those, but rather for the "true" Disney rides...
Wouldn't that also be rides that are based on non-Disney properties like the Indiana Jones Ride etc. Ie big properties that can stand against Disney's IP. So what you are saying is that on the Wii the properties that stand a chance of succeeding are the major ones - COD, RE, GH, DMC, SF. The analogy actually holds for the ones that have been released on Wii, how many major videogame IP's that have appeared on the Wii have outright failed? Madden, Tomb Raider, SSX, MOH ...?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
lawblob said:
But did they REALLY know it was an RTS? I doubt it...


This is the most bizarre meme in the whole thread. Funny how it doesn't work in reverse - trillions of copies of GTA Chinatown Wars sold because casuals thought it was an Asian cooking sim...


poppabk said:
Wouldn't that also be rides that are based on non-Disney properties like the Indiana Jones Ride etc. Ie big properties that can stand against Disney's IP. So what you are saying is that on the Wii the properties that stand a chance of succeeding are the major ones - COD, RE, GH, DMC, SF. The analogy actually holds for the ones that have been released on Wii, how many major videogame IP's that have appeared on the Wii have outright failed? Madden, Tomb Raider, SSX, MOH ...?

Madden did not fail, not if you count almost 900k and growing each year over the last fail.

SSX and MOHH2 are probably good examples, then again MOHH2 on PSP did not sell well either, and Tomb Raider bombed the whole world round regardless of systems

If we are going to comment on Wii specific bombs SSX Blur is a good example, shame too because it was excellent but seriously could be done much better now with the Balance Board and M+ to draw the tricks


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Cosmonaut X said:
When even the official thread on GAF is full of people expressing amazement that it's actually any good after playing it, or saying they'd decided not to pick it up but were going to now they'd heard the good word-of-mouth, you really have to wonder how much that initial cynicism about the title may have affected its chances.

Yeah maybe people were expecting far less to begin with, but expectation comes out of interest. I don't think all the DS owners who didn't go out and buy it had expectations one way or the other, they just know it isn't the type of game they bought the system for. It's not like they were logging on to Gamerankings and expressing disbelief at the review scores.


markatisu said:
Madden did not fail, not if you count almost 900k and growing each year over the last fail.

SSX and MOHH2 are probably good examples, then again MOHH2 on PSP did not sell well either, and Tomb Raider bombed the whole world round regardless of systems

If we are going to comment on Wii specific bombs SSX Blur is a good example, shame too because it was excellent but seriously could be done much better now with the Balance Board and M+ to draw the tricks

There is no evidence for this and the only website that supports these "facts" is a banned one.

Though, it should be reaffirmed that thanks to the leaked NPD data we know that some third-party games sold best on Wii.


Kenka said:
There is no evidence for this and the only website that supports these "facts" is a banned one.

Though, it should be reaffirmed that thanks to the leaked NPD data we know that some third-party games sold best on Wii.

I am not using VG numbers, I will have to find it but I am pretty sure both EA and IGN confirmed that Madden 09 had rebounded from a bad first two months and was nearing 700-800k before the holidays.

We do know for a fact how much Madden 07 had sold and I am pretty sure again we know concrete what 08 sold as well

EDIT: Here is the Gamasutra article about Madden 07 and 08
Note the following:

- Despite the weak first-month sales, the Wii version of Madden NFL 08 eventually sold nearly 500 thousand copies. (The PS3 version ended just over 660 thousand.)

-After August 2007, the Nintendo Wii version of Madden NFL 08 outsold the PlayStation 3 version through the end of December.

-Sales of Madden NFL 08 on the Xbox 360 and PS3 were extremely front-loaded.

This demonstrates just how difficult it is to measure success on the Wii. Consider that the PlayStation 3 version of Madden NFL 08 started 220,000 copies ahead of the Wii version in August, but was just over 160,000 copies ahead by the end of December.


Mooreberg said:
People on forums such as this one are not like the majority of people people buying Wii and DS. The sooner people accept that, the less upset they will be. I own a 360 and I don't understand why bugged out turds from Ubisoft continue to sell, but whatever. It is pretty well defined what works on each system this gen and what does not.

Nintendo sold nearly 50 million Wii systems. A lot of people who bought one are casual gamers. But there also hardcore gamer. There is Nintendos hardcore fan audience, there are a lot of GameCube fans. RE4 Wiimake and REUC sold both over a million copies. Sonic and the Secret Rings sold over two million copies. Metroid Prime 3 sold over a million copies. Red Steel, CoD3 and CoD W@W sold also over a million copies. Do you think this people are casual gamers?
Vinci said:
I'm talking about the market in general, not just the Wii itself. I hate that consoles are becoming PC-lites. It doesn't match my expectations for what a console is; all it does is make me go, 'Okay, so ... everything wants to be a PC, even though we already have those?' This is obviously popular with many gamers, but it's making me feel very distant from the console space. I have a PC gaming rig. Maybe many don't. I've always been a tiered gamer: PC for certain types of games and experiences, consoles for others, handhelds for portable gaming. The fact that the PC and console games are becoming so similar is mitigating any appreciation I might have for the consoles focusing on that end, meanwhile the console that is sticking - in some ways - with my perception of what a 'console experience' is, is getting the shaft when it comes to content.

In the end, the DS has become the best console this generation. For me, from my perspective. And outside of a few possible exceptions - Motion +, another Mario, Matsuno - I think it's going to be my primary console for quite some time.

I have stupid amounts of DS games. PC too.

Vinci, you are quickly becoming my favorite poster.

Buy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time for DS
Mooreberg said:
Yeah maybe people were expecting far less to begin with, but expectation comes out of interest. I don't think all the DS owners who didn't go out and buy it had expectations one way or the other, they just know it isn't the type of game they bought the system for. It's not like they were logging on to Gamerankings and expressing disbelief at the review scores.

Well, the point I'm making is that perhaps the subset of DS owners who would be interested in a title like GTA were put off entirely by the "old-school" presentation or were wary of the change of style from the PS2/PSP versions and held off early purchases.

I think next month's figures will be interesting though.
Opiate said:
I would really, really like to know the sales of MLB2k9 on the PS3. This would offer an immediate sense of how a first party can stifle a third: two games released near simultaneously in the same genre with exactly the same pitch of "realistic sim." If MLB2k9 sold about 100k on the PS3, then it would seem there is no stifling at all. If MBL2k9 sold 50k on the PS3, then Sony's first party is indeed stifling third parties.
Wouldn't it be more parsimonious to assume merely that better games stifle worse ones, regardless of their source? "Better" and "worse" don't even have to possess objective truth here, just correspond to the audience's view of the matter. It's a pretty wide consensus among gamers that The Show is a superior product.

I'd argue that the effect you'd see isn't any different than the one driving the comparative sales of Call of Duty: WaW and Killzone 2. The latter game has received lots of attention and hype, yes, but backlash as well. It's also a late followup to an underwhelming predecessor, whereas its primary competitor is a timely (spiritual) sequel to the most well-regarded FPS of the last several years. In this case, first-party origin is granting no clear advantage in audience perception.

Oh, and also, a few pages back you said:
Opiate said:
The install base of the PS3 in America now is similar to the 360's install base at the release of Army of Two a year ago.
I wouldn't classify a 25% smaller installed base--over two million units' difference--as "similar". And while your further point about attach rates is valid in one sphere(publishers are interested in total numbers, not ratios), it's not germane to arguments about demographic splits or typical user behavior.


Dabanton said:
I'm sorry but all but 1 of those games are multiplatform so that should be Xbox 360 and PS3 'failures'. Nice try though.

Does it make it any better? Not really

My point was releasing Madworld on X360/PS3 wouldn't have meant better sales. Which people seem to believe.


Liabe Brave said:
Wouldn't it be more parsimonious to assume merely that better games stifle worse ones, regardless of their source? "Better" and "worse" don't even have to possess objective truth here, just correspond to the audience's view of the matter. It's a pretty wide consensus among gamers that The Show is a superior product.

Absolutely, I'd completely agree with this, Liabe.

But this isn't the purpose of my post. I'm sure you've noticed that 1st party games are often given some sort of magical power: as if their games sell better just because, and not as a consequence of superior design. If we can agree that MLB the Show sells better because it's the superior game, and not because 1st party games are magically different than 3rd party ones -- as if consumers consciously differentiate between the two, which seems highly unlikely to me -- then we are in complete agreement.

Oh, and also, a few pages back you said:

I wouldn't classify a 25% smaller installed base--over two million units' difference--as "similar". And while your further point about attach rates is valid in one sphere(publishers are interested in total numbers, not ratios), it's not germane to arguments about demographic splits or typical user behavior.

We've had this discussion before, Liabe, and I concur. Since this is an NPD thread, we can assume this is the former discussion, not the latter.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
GC|Simon said:
Nintendo sold nearly 50 million Wii systems. A lot of people who bought one are casual gamers. But there also hardcore gamer. There is Nintendos hardcore fan audience, there are a lot of GameCube fans. RE4 Wiimake and REUC sold both over a million copies. Sonic and the Secret Rings sold over two million copies. Metroid Prime 3 sold over a million copies. Red Steel, CoD3 and CoD W@W sold also over a million copies. Do you think this people are casual gamers?

Maybe? Resident Evil and Call of Duty aren't exactly obscure brands. And not everyone buying Call of Duty on 360 is a prestige mode junky either. The "hardcore" and "casual" labels get thrown around too much. GTA isn't a franchise relegated to "hardcore" people. It is basically a pop culture staple at this point.

Cosmonaut X said:
Well, the point I'm making is that perhaps the subset of DS owners who would be interested in a title like GTA were put off entirely by the "old-school" presentation or were wary of the change of style from the PS2/PSP versions and held off early purchases.

I think next month's figures will be interesting though.

It will probably be a game that ends up being a quiet success but I don't know if "holding off" is any more accurate than saying it is a "demographic mismatch." Maybe the number of DS owners that would buy it isn't as big as people had imagined. I don't really know what game on the system would be a good basis for comparison sales wise.
Rhazer Fusion said:
IMO, Killzone 2 sold pretty good considering it was going head to head with COD:WAW. People are acting like it is not going to sell another copy after April 2009. I know I mentioned or asked this before, but what are the numbers for the game worldwide?

I am not really surprised Halo Wars sold as well as it did. It's HALO!!! Much like just about anything that is part of a popular franchise such as Mario in it will typically generate some interest and praiseworthy sales. How many strategy games on the X360 sold that well in such a short length of time? Wow, impressive.

I really hope no one is surprised by the PS3 hardware numbers. The console is still double the price of a X360. A system that has most of the popular and good games that the PS3 has. The gap numbers between the two systems are too be expected and no "PS3 exclusive" will change that IMO.


Don't stop spinning that shit dawg.


Vinci said:
Did I accidentally kill your dog or something? I haven't said a damn thing truly negative about either system, the 360 or PS3, in this thread. You can keep imagining that I'm part of some conspiracy to see them both die, but you're sounding like more of a fanboy than I am at the moment.
Why would I think you want them to die? All I do know, though, is that you gave comfort to the first horseman of the death spiral, who has since performed the appropriate junction break and summoned the next form.


Opiate said:
Absolutely, I'd completely agree with this, Liabe.

But this isn't the purpose of my post. I'm sure you've noticed that 1st party games are often given some sort of magical power: as if their games sell better just because, and not as a consequence of superior design. If we can agree that MLB the Show sells better because it's the superior game, and not because 1st party games are magically different than 3rd party ones -- as if consumers consciously differentiate between the two, which seems highly unlikely to me -- then we are in complete agreement.

What would be best is if we could see the sales of the 2 games over the last 3 years and see if there is a drop each year in MLB2k and a proportional rise each year in MLB09. Proving that quality wins.
Stoney Mason said:
I touched on this yesterday but pulled a couple of old quotes to sort of prove a point. RE 5 was one of the most bitched about demos in recent memory. Can we now stop the idea that demos in and of themsevles combined with internet impressions solely are some magical barometer of what a game will sell.

Ok? RE5 could have sold just as much it did with NO demo or even more. I don't know one person outside of GAF that played that demo then went and out and bought the game, bad controls being the major deterrent. Does that mean RE5 won't sell at all? No, just means instead of selling 1million it could have sold 1.5 million. The demo turned me from a day 1 purchase to a day 1 rental, I have no doubt in my mind that if the RE5 controls weren't shit it would have sold better in the US.


Zachack said:
Why would I think you want them to die? All I do know, though, is that you gave comfort to the first horseman of the death spiral, who has since performed the appropriate junction break and summoned the next form.

You talking about Link? I gave comfort to him?
What the fuck are you talking about?

Where's that Jim Carrey gif when I desperately need it?


Vinci said:
You talking about Link? I gave comfort to him?
What the fuck are you talking about?

Where's that Jim Carrey gif when I desperately need it?

I think he was referring to Scrubking? Where is Link anyway, with Wii sales of MadWorld being low and the shit hitting the fan in Japan I have not seen him much (I think he had like 2 posts in this thread)
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