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NPD Sales Results for March 2009

poppabk said:
When NPD consistently gives us LTD's for all games charting or otherwise. So basically never.
That still won't solve anything, GAF will still call games bombas on launch months, even though everyone already knows they sell a ton when we do get a hold of LTD's.

speculawyer said:
Layton has been way up on the Amazon Top 100 for a while now. I have no idea what the game is but I hear it is good. Nintendo can almost do no wrong these days when some title called 'Professor Layton' is a top-seller. :lol
1.6M between US/Europe IIRC and still charting in top 10 in many European charts and in the US.
Great RE5 sales. Capcom ftw. Their HD strategy is paying off big time.

360 continues to be a beast for high profile 3rd party efforts. Probably due to XBL as some have said in this thread.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Vinci said:
Guess I'm on the Nintendo team. Eh, figures. I don't make enough 'lolconsoles' posts to put me batting 2nd on the PC team. No, I'm a designated hitter on the Nintendo team.

I hate teams.

Yeah, it's really annoying. I disagree with many of Nintendo's ideals more than I agree with them. However, I'm a HUGE fan of the mainline Mario and Zelda games. So much that as long as Nintendo can deliver on those two ends, I can forgive their other faults. Unfortunately, that leads to people thinking that you'll defend anything and everything a company does. As someone who likes to think of himself as a fairly reasonable Ninthing (well okay maybe not), it gets pretty fucking irritating.


Sonic was launch at the beginning of March. Was there a day or two in February NPD. Otherwise, it's a bigger bomba than MadWorld.


Oblivion said:
Yeah, it's really annoying. I disagree with many of Nintendo's ideals more than I agree with them. However, I'm a HUGE fan of the mainline Mario and Zelda games. So much that as long as Nintendo can deliver on those two ends, I can forgive their other faults. Unfortunately, that leads to people thinking that you'll defend anything and everything a company does. As someone who likes to think of himself as a fairly reasonable Ninthing (well okay maybe not), it gets pretty fucking irritating.

Thing is, this is the first time I've supported a Nintendo product - outside of handhelds - in three generations. I didn't own the N64, I had a Gamecube but barely bought any games for it due to the avalanche of awesome the PS2 had. I loved the Dreamcast.

My favorite console of all time? PS2.

So yeah, being considered as part of some 'team' that's out to get Sony or Microsoft blows my mind.


Vinci said:
DS and PC, man. That's where I'm spending most of my time, 'cause I feel the same way.
High five PC+DS buddy. If there's any "team" I want to be on, it's that one. Easily the best platforms at the moment. I haven't touched my other consoles in a while.


Kifimbo said:
Sonic was launch at the beginning of March. Was there a day or two in February NPD. Otherwise, it's a bigger bomba than MadWorld.

How so, it seems to be following Sonic and the Secret Rings in both the EU and US. I do not remember it charting in the US at all

Sales over time, its lost on GAF


jetjevons said:
Top 10 Nintendo DS:


Professor Layton outsold GTA? :lol

Some dude in Chinatown is no match for a guy in a curious village.


markatisu said:
How so, it seems to be following Sonic and the Secret Rings in both the EU and US. I do not remember it charting in the US at all

Sales over time, its lost on GAF

Yeah, this is true. All the Sonic games have legs for some unknown reason.


Kusagari said:
Yeah, this is true. All the Sonic games have legs for some unknown reason.
Probably because they crash in price so quickly.

I think hope that people aren't going to be fooled this time. I mean, come on, it's Sonic. With a sword.


Aaron Strife said:
Probably because they crash in price so quickly.

I think hope that people aren't going to be fooled this time. I mean, come on, it's Sonic. With a sword.

Exactly, most of its sales were when it price collapsed to $29.99 and then to $19.99

The game has sold 1m+, most off the charts and outside the Top 20 and Top 10 of Wii

But yes lets add this to the BOMBA list, any others GAF? Come on there was more than a few games released last month lets name all the Bombas!


markatisu said:
Exactly, most of its sales were when it price collapsed to $29.99 and then to $19.99

The game has sold 1m+, most off the charts and outside the Top 20 and Top 10 of Wii

But yes lets add this to the BOMBA list, any others GAF? Come on there was more than a few games released last month lets name all the Bombas!

I think we get it, man. I'm all for waiting till the smoke clears for 'bomb' talk, but continuing to revel in how wrong some people are on this subject seems a bit much.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)

Not even with constant access to LTDs we would be sure since we don't get info on budgets and sales expectations (and even when we get those you'll see people discrediting the publisher or developer's statements with "what do you expect them to say? lol").


Grecco said:
Not good numbers for WWE Legends. THQ will lose that licence soon. Betcha EA gets it

I actually liked WWE Legends, its a shame. Maybe we can get a game the caliber of No Mercy after this though but probably not.


onipex said:
When will GAF learns that you can't tell if a game bombs in the first month?
Bomb or otherwise, legs or not, the first month sales are shocking. I wanted western devs to see a result that was too hard to ignore and that doesn't appear to have happened. No doubt that it will have legs and make a profit. I had higher expectations. For all the excuses gaffers can come up with for software sales on their favourite platforms being mostly inferior to other platforms with lower install bases, risk averse publishers will have the opposite view.


Is that the second time that Sega Ultimate Collection showed up for the PS3? I cannot but help but wonder why this series is doing so much better on the PS3 than the 360.
Now before I hear screams on the better d-pad do anyone think it has something to do with that fact that a lot of these games can be picked up on XBLA than PSN? Or I am wrong on this?
I kind of disagree with Threi about Wii having no clear demographic for which to cater. Surely, there are many different consumers who are buying Wiis, but why they are doing so is limited to the consumer values Wii, as a platform for games, offers. And reaching the broadest possible audience, I think, has more to do with seizing these values than developing with any one demographic in mind, which is the mistake, I think, of many third-parties on Nintendo's platforms.

In other words, developers will be more successful, I think, if they focus more on why rather than on for whom. Instead of having any one demographic guiding their approach, developers should create games which seize on the consumer values of the platform. This is what Nintendo does. NSMB wasn't developed, I don't think, with any one demographic in mind, but rather seized on why consumers bought a DS in the first place: immediate, tactile (that is to say, accessible and responsive) fun.


Higgy said:
Any numbers on GH Metallica on all platforms?

No hard numbers released yet, We just know it charted at #11 overall on the 360 and cannot determine where or in what order it placed after that


Professor Layton sold somewhere around 100k this month?

What on earth? Where did this come from?

Does anyone recall Layton's first month sales?


sciplore said:
Is that the second time that Sega Ultimate Collection showed up for the PS3? I cannot but help but wonder why this series is doing so much better on the PS3 than the 360.
Now before I hear screams on the better d-pad do anyone think it has something to do with that fact that a lot of these games can be picked up on XBLA than PSN? Or I am wrong on this?

Without solid numbers I don't think we can assume it's selling better on one platform over the other. Just because it's not showing up in the 360 top ten doesn't mean it's selling better on PS3.


sciplore said:
Is that the second time that Sega Ultimate Collection showed up for the PS3? I cannot but help but wonder why this series is doing so much better on the PS3 than the 360.
Now before I hear screams on the better d-pad do anyone think it has something to do with that fact that a lot of these games can be picked up on XBLA than PSN? Or I am wrong on this?

That's an interesting question as those that were die-hard Sega fans or even just Dreamcast owners would likely have skipped PS2 and also might have been less than thrilled with some of Sony's tactics to win that gen.

Dreamcast and xbox 1 had a lot in common as well (big controller, online focus), which you would think would lead to the 360 version doing better. Maybe it's just a matter of the competition for software being a bit steeper on 360?


Opiate said:
Professor Layton sold somewhere around 100k this month?

What on earth? Where did this come from?

Does anyone recall Layton's first month sales?

It came from renewed advertising, Nintendo ran an extensive promo campaign last month with Lisa Kudrow. Amazon.com sold out of it for a few days (anecdotal I know but its obviously was a sign)

Layton was ~90k its first month according to SimExchange
markatisu said:
It came from renewed advertising, Nintendo ran an extensive promo campaign last month with Lisa Kudrow. Amazon.com sold out of it for a few days (anecdotal I know but its obviously was a sign)

Layton was ~90k its first month according to SimExchange

Yup, I remember seeing these well done commercials. Just goes to show you that proper advertising, when marketed correctly, will help drive sales.
nextgeneration said:
Yup, I remember seeing these well done commercials. Just goes to show you that proper advertising, when marketed correctly, will help drive sales.

Eh. Surely, it helped to spread awareness, but if the game itself wasn't there, if it wasn't appealing in the first place, I don't think it would be enjoying its evergreen-like resurgence.

But it sure is fascinating. This is what things will be like in the disruption.


Aaron Strife said:
Probably because they crash in price so quickly.

I think hope that people aren't going to be fooled this time. I mean, come on, it's Sonic. With a sword.

When you put it like that. :lol


Recently, my copy of Layton was getting passed around in my family like a dog-eared book until they finally bought their own damn copies.

I was disappointed with the game's debut but it seems like it might become a huge hit with the recent advertising.


Guled said:
Layton 2 confirmed?
It's been confirmed since GDC.

I was disappointed with the game's debut but it seems like it might become a huge hit with the recent advertising.
I think it's sold a million here.
Can't remember the figures exactly from the GDC presentation.

EDIT - Wait, no, it was 1.59 million between NA and EU, I'd imagine EU having more though.


From the banned site:

“Remember that many games for Nintendo DS have a nontraditional sales pattern. The trend is toward ‘evergreen’ games that sell well over an extended period of time instead of in a one-month spike. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare for Nintendo DS is a good example. In its first month (November 2007), it sold only 36,000. To date, it has sold through nearly 500,000. Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is a great game that has received tremendous reviews. We expect that with continued backing, it will follow the same long-tail/evergreen sales route that other top sellers have taken.” - Denise Kaigler, Nintendo of America’s vice president of corporate affairs

Wow at all the discussions and responses.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Vinci said:
Thing is, this is the first time I've supported a Nintendo product - outside of handhelds - in three generations. I didn't own the N64, I had a Gamecube but barely bought any games for it due to the avalanche of awesome the PS2 had. I loved the Dreamcast.

My favorite console of all time? PS2.

So yeah, being considered as part of some 'team' that's out to get Sony or Microsoft blows my mind.

I'll do you one better. :D For me, I didn't care for the original Gameboy, NES or GC at all, and my final decision on Wii will depend on how the next Zelda turns out (Galaxy, thankfully is so ridiculously god like that I can look the other way on the entire software front). And yeah, I loved the PS2 in comparison to the GC and most other systems in general.


Call of Duty 4 has sold 500k on the DS?

I have to admit I find this evidence very compelling. I knew games on Nintendo systems tended to have longer lifespans, but not this much longer. That's very impressive.
Oblivion said:
I'll do you one better. For me, I didn't care for the original Gameboy, NES or GC at all, and my final decision on Wii will depend on how the next Zelda turns out (Galaxy, thankfully is so ridiculously god like that I can look the other way on the entire software front). And yeah, I loved the PS2 in comparison to the GC and most other systems in general.

Hah, if you didn't care about either GB/NES than I don't think the Wii was the right purchase for you. LoZ will probably me remade in Nintendo's disruptive direction, which would mean something more towards LoZ(NES) and PH (DS).


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
TheGrayGhost said:
Hah, if you didn't care about either GB/NES than I don't think the Wii was the right purchase for you. LoZ will probably me remade in Nintendo's disruptive direction, which would mean something more towards LoZ(NES) and PH (DS).

On the NES, I only REALLY loved SMB3. On the GB, Zelda: LA, and the Oracle games were pretty awesome, but I'm really not a fan of 8 bit stuff in general.

As for Zelda Wii, well Nintendo tried to make Mario more accessible, and we got SMG, the best game this generation. There's still a possibility that they may still make an awesome console Zelda despite what we've seen them do to the recent handheld titles.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Opiate said:
Call of Duty 4 has sold 500k on the DS?

I have to admit I find this evidence very compelling. I knew games on Nintendo systems tended to have longer lifespans, but not this much longer. That's very impressive.

Another notable example is Boom Blox as well COD:WaW on Wii. This happens all the time and people still act shocked.
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