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NPD Sales Results for September 2007


Timbuktu said:
I'm just trying to lower expectations, we still don't know who exactly are buying the Wiis and what games they like. But if, just if, SMG somehow disappoints, it would be like the sky falling down on neogaf.

Mario Party/Super Paper Mario/WarioWare sold well, i dont think you have to worry about Mario on November.


hyperbolically metafictive
Branduil said:
You're talking to a blithering demagoguery machine. Pointing out the truth has no effect on such existences.

as long as we're sending people to the dictionary, you need to look up 'demagogue'


Wow, my numbers are boned. Almost a 100k short on Xbox and Wii.

Looks like Reggie was right about Halo, it sold mostly (as anyone who thought about it would surmise) to the people who already had an xbox. I hope third parties don't get nervous on 360 with such alarge disparity between third and first party sales, sorry just channeling asshole. But the actual amount shipped of Halo surprises me. And WTF is Sony gonna do?


500k+ for both the Wii and the 360, not to shabby. :)

RattleHead_ said:
Wii Sports is THE killer app, that alone is what is continuing to sell wii's.

It is this generation's Super Mario Bros., or even Tetris.


Props to MS and Bungie for making Halo one of the most successful gaming series ever.

While the sales for 360 were spectacular for the month, it's absolutely incredible that the Wii can manage to sell 500K units in a month where there no significant software releases.

Sony is pretty much doomed for this generation. There is absolutely nothing that can save the PS3 now.

Hunter D

ninj4junpei said:
Poor Corruption :(
Should have used that for lair and heavenly sword. Both games had to have cost sony over 50mill combined yet the combined sales of both are probably less than MP3.


Lefty42o said:
show me npd for tha last mario game.

we could go sunshine or the latest mario party,

yes mario has loooong legs but uit never sells like hotcakes. and it def won't move anymore hardware. zelda moves hardware imho.

plus the wii eed no help n moving harddware :lol

Words cannot describe...


Lefty42o said:
show me npd for tha last mario game.

we could go sunshine or the latest mario party,

yes mario has loooong legs but uit never sells like hotcakes. and it def won't move anymore hardware. zelda moves hardware imho.

plus the wii eed no help n moving harddware :lol

Again, why isn't he banned? He sounds like someone from the PS3forums.


iammeiam said:

Given the market Wii's selling to, SMG will cream MP3. I mean, I'm willing to believe most of the Wii-ownership doesn't realize Metroid's a girl, but I expect the vast majority know Mario's a fat red plumber with a green brother. It's an entirely different league.

once again in the long run mario will cream mp3 but in the short term sales numbers won't be overly impressive imho. infact i doubt its top 3 when it hits. top 10 sure but not top 3 and will likely get outsold by wii play like everything on the wi does.


Hcoregamer00 said:
Yeah, it did bad, there is no way to spin it.

F-you Wii owners, you have a good game but you ignore it.
I totally didnt ignore it. Im quite happily in the midst of playing it. and currently getting schooled by it, but thats besides the point.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Where's Skate PS3?

drohne said:
i wish i respected metroid prime enough to use its poor sales as evidence that wii isn't a game console
What do you classify PS3 as? :lol


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Hero said:
Sony is pretty much doomed for this generation. There is absolutely nothing that can save the PS3 now.

A 40 gig PS3 with backwards compatability for $400 might, but the BC part isn't happening.


Frillen said:
Agian, why isn't he banned? He sounds like someone from the PS3forums.

why cause i state the obvious. the wii has poor software sells.

next i own all 3 consoles and prefer my 360 over any other console. i mean come on lol.i am the least fanboy person in here.



impassioned appeals to the prejudices and emotions of the populace

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Sounds about right. Of course I could have just said "troll," but that gets a bit boring after a while, much like your act.
360 did fuckmazing, everyone who says Halo fans already had 360 can eat some crow

Wii did fuckmazing

MP3 did great

Heavenly Sword did great

360 doesn't even have Arcade and Premium pack in yet, can it hit 1.5M for December?
Halo 3 is a monster. Halo 4 = Motion Picture Industry Killer

So MP3's LTD = 385.5K.

It launches in Europe a week from now... it may push over a million WW by Christmas.
I think it's doing okay... I think it'll have legs. Even some of those who picked it apart here concede it's a great game.
drohne said:
fad |fad|
an intense and widely-shared enthusiasm for something, esp. one that is short-lived and without basis in the object's qualities; a craze

oxford american dictionary

the wii fad doesn't look very 'short-lived,' but its superabundance of 'without basis in the object's qualities' might compensate

So it's what you inflect? I understand.

Main Entry:
fad Listen to the pronunciation of fad
origin unknown

: a practice or interest followed for a time with exaggerated zeal : http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fad

a custom, style, etc. that many people are interested in for a short time; passing fashion; craze


short-lived fashion: something that is embraced very enthusiastically for a short time, especially by many people

fad Show phonetics
noun [C]
a style, activity or interest which is very popular for a short period of time:

You've also failed to answer my second question: When was your definition ever the intended definition on GAF?


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Innotech said:
I totally didnt ignore it. Im quite happily in the midst of playing it. and currently getting schooled by it, but thats besides the point.

Then I am not talking about you.

Out of Curiosity, what are the USA LTD numbers for the consoles?
Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Shit. This thread is starting to become a mountain of crap. I saw the numbers and enjoyed the first 10 pages of reactions. Good night guys !!
It's actually alot more tolerable than expected. The 360 fans are quite a modest bunch!

I blame the anti-climatic thread title though. Remove the "Nintendo still kickcing ass" part and we'll see an explosion, me thinks. That part of the title is scaring some people away thinking it's still buisness as usual.


Lefty42o said:
once again in the long run mario will cream p3 but in the short term sales numbers won't be overly impressive imho. infact i doubt its top 3 when it hits. top 10 sure but not top 3 and will likely get outsold by wii play like everything on the wi does.

You have no idea what you're talking about. The more you write, there more you're going to own yourself. So please just get out. Please. Take the hints.


Junior Member
Lefty42o said:
once again in the long run mario will cream p3 but in the short term sales numbers won't be overly impressive imho. infact i doubt its top 3 when it hits. top 10 sure but not top 3 and will likely get outsold by wii play like everything on the wi does.
:lol Your officially Gafs newest village idiot.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Enjoy it while it last, xbots. This will be the last time Xbox sells above a Nintendo console. I'm certain of it.
Halo Domination.

I wonder if some of those 360 sales would have been PS3 sales if not for Halo.

Gahiggidy said:
Enjoy it while it last, xbots. This will be the last time Xbox sells above a Nintendo console. I'm certain of it.

Good lord man.
Drensch said:
Looks like Reggie was right about Halo, it sold mostly (as anyone who thought about it would surmise) to the people who already had an xbox.

Let's see what Halo 3 and 360 hardware sales are like over the next few months.


Lefty42o said:
why cause i state the obvious. the wii has poor software sells.

next i own all 3 consoles and prefer my 360 over any other console. i mean come on lol.i am the least fanboy person in here.
We know your a joke character now PLEASE stop filling up this thread with trash
OokieSpookie said:
SO people are acting all shocked and amazed that the PS3 did not have a good month during the month that Halo 3 launched....

Well seeing that one of it's biggest games (Heavenly Sword) released that month and it only sold that much is kinda surprising.


Slurpy said:
Not fucking 3.3 million excellent. And certainly not 20X better than MP3 excellent, if one goes by the sale.

Fucking Nintendo should be ashamed of themselves- sabotaging potential MP3 sales by being so goddamned stingy on the almost non-existant advertising.

Halo has much more casual appeal than Metroid. Increased advertising would have bumped Metroid sales, maybe another 100k, but to Nintendo I don't know if they see that as worth the cost.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Gahiggidy said:
Enjoy it while it last, xbots. This will be the last time Xbox sells above a Nintendo console. I'm certain of it.

I am not an XBOT, but even I know that the Wii will get supply constrained if Galaxy ends up being the pure awesomness that the screens show.


radioheadrule83 said:
Halo 3 is a monster. Halo 4 = Motion Picture Industry Killer

It launches in Europe a week from now... it may push over a million WW by Christmas.
I think it's doing okay... I think it'll have legs. Even some of those who picked it apart here concede it's a great game.

yes i expect it to have legs as well. nintendo software tends to have long legs whihc was my point of my posts.

casue most of its gamers tend to be casual. they go into a store and see a game and buy it. they don't hit it day one like those of us on the ps3 or 360. imho
Smorgasbord of information

For both X360 and Wii this is the first time either system has gone over 500K outside of a holiday month. Their predecessors never did. Both systems actually sold more than last November... though less on a per-week basis.

At 3.3 million, that's nearly one Halo 3 for every two X360s.

Both X360 and Wii sold more in September than PS3 did in the entire July/August/September quarter.

Wii has now passed 2/3 of X360's LTD. It's up to where X360 was at the end of last year.

Wii has also now sold about as much as GCN did at both its $200 and $150 price points before hitting $100 in September 2003.

New total weeks ownership info
X360: 330.2 million weeks
PS3: 55.2 million
Wii: 112.9 million

Divide by LTDs to get the average weeks ownership
X360: 49.1 (+1 week from last month)
PS3: 29.7 (+3.1 weeks)
Wii: 25.0 (+2.2 weeks)

X360 there is evidence of how when a system has a particularly notable bump, it keeps the "average age" of each console down. PS3... shows the opposite.

The Bioshock/MP3 squabbling is silly. Their sales were split up differently between the months what with the release date differences and all, but they've sold pretty similarly per userbase.

DoctorWho said:
Holy shit. I forgot that Halo 3 came out on the 25th of September. This only accounts for 5 days
NPD doesn't use calendar months, Doctor. From September 25 through the end of the period was 11 days.
maynerd said:
How the hell does the X360 barely beat the Wii? I never see the Wii in stock. Who is buying these systems!?
The people in front of you.
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