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NY Times:Trump’s Chief Strategist Says News Media Should ‘Keep Its Mouth Shut’

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He can say whatever he wants, won't make the media go away.

But he/they can make their lives miserable. Small change, but i've started to see some print news organizations footnoting their sources when discussing Trump and his Administration. Don't remember seeing it before. It's a hedge against a defamation claim.

Not mention arrests and "felony" charges merely for reporting on protests.

It's gonna get worse and the guys with the guns will put action behind words.
I'm starting to feel the psychological appeals to fascism, I'm afraid, I suddenly have a desire for a Trump supporter registry that all Trump voters must be entered into for the future.
As Thomas Jefferson said, "the cornerstone of democracy rests on the foundation of an educated electorate. a news media that keeps it's mouth shut and never opposes the government."
Go ahead, we're right behind you, buddy.

Silly old bear.

Okay, is there anyone who isn't useless and can they do anything? What about Bill Gates or Google? Surely Google has great plans for control over the Earth.

Where's Obama? If he's not going to come back as the leader of a rebel group of freedom fighters, I'm going to be disappointed.

All I can do is attend the Science March and make a goofy sign.

I'm starting to feel the psychological appeals to fascism, I'm afraid, I suddenly have a desire for a Trump supporter registry that all Trump voters must be entered into for the future.

Way ahead of you with my idea to throw all republicans into a volcano.
Nearly every major news outlet endorsed Hilary and/or condemned Trump. You're being intellectually dishonest and lazy.

What happened was every major newspaper endorsed Hillary via their editorial staff, but print media and cable news alike still gave breathless coverage to emails, gave airtime priority to Trump rallies, and infinite airtime to paid hacks like Corey Lewandowski and Kellyanne Conway to deflect and lie, sometimes on the media institution's payroll itself (hi CNN!).

So that disconnect was there, and in the end, I think the substance of their coverage and how the candidates were proportionally framed had a lot more actual impact on voters than the editorial board endorsement of the candidates themselves.


Trump treating the media like shit will be his undoing. He has hundreds of journalists despising him and all wanting to be the star of All the President's Men 2.
Silly old bear.

Okay, is there anyone who isn't useless and can they do anything? What about Bill Gates or Google? Surely Google has great plans for control over the Earth.

Where's Obama? If he's not going to come back as the leader of a rebel group of freedom fighters, I'm going to be disappointed.

All I can do is attend the Science March and make a goofy sign.

Way ahead of you with my idea to throw all republicans into a volcano.

Bill Gates!? That guy said there was a chance that Trump could be a president like JFK...



The problem with this is that right-wing hate media took advantage of this to rise in power and influence to the point where they're now able to attack the truth with unmitigated zeal. Had hate media designed to exploit people's fears and racism had never been given a voice in the first place this would not have been a problem.

And, I'm not even saying you need to censor it. But you sure as fuck had not better normalize it. That is what steered democracy into a proverbial shit storm.

The fact that such obvious and previously seen tactics to create this storm of false facts and such hate and racism is a disgrace. Where did America fail to allow people to be so ignorant to reality? Education?
Was he referring to the assassination part or the part where we were at the brink of a nuclear winter?

No he said this:

"But in the same way President Kennedy talked about the space mission and got the country behind that," Gates continued, "I think whether it's education or stopping epidemics ... [or] in this energy space, there can be a very upbeat message that [Trump's] administration [is] going to organize things, get rid of regulatory barriers, and have American leadership through innovation."


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Yeah all this fuckery has broken me. I tried recovering after the election by ignoring everything and drowning myself in entertainment like video games, movies etc. Then reality hit last week and the nightmare got real. Then it just got worse and worse.

I have 2100 on repeat, it's an anthem for these times, have a listen!


Kills Photobucket
Every news story about Bannon should refer to him as "White Nationalist, and Chief Trump Strategist, Steven Bannon..."
He can say whatever he wants, won't make the media go away.

He wants people to think that the media is in a constant fight with the White House so they will question the media's motives.

He wants to pull them offsides. What he desperately needs right now is for a major media story to go to far or be debunked. Then he has a concrete example of bias that he can use as a cudgel for the next 4 years.


Beat EviLore at pool.
He wants people to think that the media is in a constant fight with the White House so they will question the media's motives.

He wants to pull them offsides. What he desperately needs right now is for a major media story to go to far or be debunked. Then he has a concrete example of bias that he can use as a cudgel for the next 4 years.

Proof of this is the MLK bust. The little things matter. If Trump finds one voter that matters.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
On the bright side... this sounds like a really blunt and imprecise strategy on Bannon's part.

"No it's you media who are wrong"

Yeah, real "masterful" strategy there.

Let's remember that Bannon isn't necessarily a master strategist... he just convinced Trump that he is, and that's not necessarily a high bar.

This does something convincing the diehard Trump base that mainstream media is bad... but for the majority of America? Not exactly sewing clever seeds of psychological warfare here.

Tommy DJ

Bill Gates!? That guy said there was a chance that Trump could be a president like JFK...


Its a reminder that Bill Gates, while has done a whole lot of good with his charity, was and still is a pretty terrible person as far as business practices go.

There's a quote I can't remember, probably said by someone like Oscar Wilde, that goes something like "rich people donate late in life to erase the sins they committed to mass their wealth early in life".


Clothed, sober, cooperative
No he said this:

"But in the same way President Kennedy talked about the space mission and got the country behind that," Gates continued, "I think whether it's education or stopping epidemics ... [or] in this energy space, there can be a very upbeat message that [Trump's] administration [is] going to organize things, get rid of regulatory barriers, and have American leadership through innovation."

Polite speculation.
A military coup to remove the President and the messengers of Breitbart from the White House is a "best case scenario" outcome right now.

Yeah, this really worked out well for Afghanistan and Iraq. Mmmhmm.


Especially the Arab Spring, too!
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