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NY Times:Trump’s Chief Strategist Says News Media Should ‘Keep Its Mouth Shut’

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They should just say, naw buddy. And keep pressing them.

Or say nothing and press even harder.

Today Jake Tapper was like "I'm not keeping my mouth shut and now to Wolf Blitzer and he isn't either"

Tappers serious dead pan has been killing it the last couple days.


The problem is that CNN still normalizes Trump's actions the other half of the time which sort of undermines the good work that Tapper and Cooper put in.

I believe the real, fundamental problem with CNN and other media outlets vis a vis Trump is the fact that Trump is sending their ratings thru the roof and making them a shit ton of money. money money money money money

the real journalists may be immune, but the people who pay them are certainly not
If only they opened their mouth earlier rather than taking his boss as a joke and profiting off of him. If only they realized that he was a far worse candidate and treated him as an aberation to be abhorred rather than take any whiff of a non story about Clinton and drive it like the worst offense known to man.


No he said this:

"But in the same way President Kennedy talked about the space mission and got the country behind that," Gates continued, "I think whether it's education or stopping epidemics ... [or] in this energy space, there can be a very upbeat message that [Trump's] administration [is] going to organize things, get rid of regulatory barriers, and have American leadership through innovation."

If Trump does exactly the opposite of everything he's indicated, or thusfar has actually done, then he has the potential to be a good president.

Man I still cant get over how stupid that comment was.

Expecting the press not to report things is like expecting a mason to not lay bricks. It's sort of their job.


How about you shut your mouth and listen to the American people Bannon? They didn't want your cheeto Jesus as president.


I said it the other day, and I'll say it again: Bannon is not Karl Rove. I think he believes he's the same type of Machiavellian reality-bending bullshit curator, but he is nowhere near as intelligent or subtle. He and his alt-right Breitbart contingent are dangerous and troublesome, and what they did got Trump elected, but I think they're going to have a harder time keeping their insanity in their pants now that the spotlight is solely on them.
No he said this:

"But in the same way President Kennedy talked about the space mission and got the country behind that," Gates continued, "I think whether it's education or stopping epidemics ... [or] in this energy space, there can be a very upbeat message that [Trump's] administration [is] going to organize things, get rid of regulatory barriers, and have American leadership through innovation."

I was being facetious.
For the person who predicted CNN response you was spot on. I was watching anderson cooper 360 and 3/4 commentators by the end decided he was essentially right.


I said it the other day, and I'll say it again: Bannon is not Karl Rove. I think he believes he's the same type of Machiavellian reality-bending bullshit curator, but he is nowhere near as intelligent or subtle. He and his alt-right Breitbart contingent are dangerous and troublesome, and what they did got Trump elected, but I think they're going to have a harder time keeping their insanity in their pants now that the spotlight is solely on them.
You're definitely correct on the subtlety part. Bannon can't help to attack the media. Bannon can't help to push through his unpopular racially-intolerant policy. Bannon can't help but brazenly pull all of Trump's strings, draft all of his executive orders and dance him around while the rest of the Republicans react with shock and surprise - often not knowing about orders getting tabled before the media does.

He's very dangerous but it's also quite clear that the power has gone to his head and it has made him sloppy. Rove was more calculating. That said, I believe Bannon has more social influence... both on the president directly and the ignorant masses that swallow whatever right-wing rhetoric gets funneled to them via social media. This is a much more volatile situation than things ever got with Rove.

I have no doubt that the Republicans would love to rid themselves of both Trump and Bannon but they're kind of joined at the hip right now and the two of them together make it very difficult for them to do anything but capitulate - while leaking the hell out of everything in defiance.

Bannon knows exactly what he's doing.

He wants the media to comment on this and attack him.
They're sort of handling the response perfectly.
The media shouldn't be calling out Bannon by name. But the Democrats... they sure as hell ought to be.

I believe the real, fundamental problem with CNN and other media outlets vis a vis Trump is the fact that Trump is sending their ratings thru the roof and making them a shit ton of money. money money money money money

the real journalists may be immune, but the people who pay them are certainly not
I'm not convinced that you have to normalize Trump in order to land those ratings. Hell, I think going on the offensive and NOT normalizing him might attract higher ratings. Especially now when there are a ton of disenchanted Americans out there looking for voices in the media to echo their dismay and for reassurance that the truth will not be compromised.


With the way this administration is going, I'm half expecting an angry mob to rip Steve Bannon limb from limb by the end of the year.


Unconfirmed Member
Seeing what is happening in the US right now reminds me what happened in Panama from 2009-2014. It is if I used a time machine and traveled back to the past.
Or Argentina in the last decade. It isn't pretty, and it's going to hurt a lot.


Trumps already won against the media. Him going after the press nonstop all the way up until Iowa gave him reality bending powers. It diffused their effectiveness.
Washington Post is good. If you're a Amazon Prime member, there is a discount price. The Economist, while not US based, has pretty good coverage of what's going on, as well.

Thanks for the tip, that's super helpful! I'm on a big thing of supporting good journalism right now so I've got the NYT, Washington Post through Amazon Prime, and student pricing for the Wall Street Journal and The Economist. Plus other stuff like Time and Newsweek through the Texture subscription that I have


CNN needs uniformity on this. Why are the nightime newscasters eating this shit up and questioning themselves, whereas the daytimers seem to not be having any of it? Can't believe they're allowing themselves to be shit on.


Thanks for the tip, that's super helpful! I'm on a big thing of supporting good journalism right now so I've got the NYT, Washington Post through Amazon Prime, and student pricing for the Wall Street Journal and The Economist. Plus other stuff like Time and Newsweek through the Texture subscription that I have

Hey anytime; sounds like you're definitely good to go!
CNN needs uniformity on this. Why are the nightime newscasters eating this shit up and questioning themselves, whereas the daytimers seem to not be having any of it? Can't believe they're allowing themselves to be shit on.

They are scared. I just saw Anderson Copper fucking defending Donald Trump. My opinion of him has hit rock bottom. Of course they still have the typical Trump goons on too. MSNBC is the only news channel doing a good job.

for those that don't remember, Steve Bannon got charged with domestic violence against the wife of his twins, he lost it when she asked for his Amex card to go shopping, bruised her neck and wrists and threw the phone across the room after she tried to escape from him and call 9/11 luckily the operator heard the altercation through the broken phone and the cops turned up anyway.


When facts are against you, the media is indeed the enemy.

Totally not fascist, let's wait and see, he'll pivot as soon as he's sworn in.
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