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NYPD kill a man after he breaks up a fight between others.

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I'm pretty godamn sure the guy was following the law. Yet here we are, he was still killed.
I think all Dante was trying to say is the guy did pull away when the cop tried to hand-cuff him. In the article it was said that the guy had 2x upcoming court appearances for previous issues, one of them being selling loosies. Regardless of whether that should be a valid crime or not, technically it is, and the cop was trying to arrest him for that action.

There are plenty of videos out there of white folks being drunk, refusing to be arrested and getting slammed into the ground. I'm not saying the cops aren't at fault in this case, I'm just saying if you look at the video he isn't fully complying with the officer by pulling away and saying don't touch me while they are trying to handcuff him. You can also hear in the video him saying "he didn't sell anything", they are talking to him about the selling of loosies, not about the breaking up of the fight.


Chokehold? Gosh, that sounds familiar....

To clarify: Lyons was stopped by officers and placed in a chokehold that left him unconscious, spitting up blood, having urinated and defecated on himself, and with permanent damage to his larynx; he sued to stop the chokehold practice that had already killed sixteen men in L.A, including twelve black men.. The Court ruled that he would have to prove that he was planning on having an encounter with the police (committing a crime), that the police - all of them - would always use the chokehold, and that the City ordered the police to do this. The Court ruled that he did not have standing because of his inability to prove these things.

In other words, good luck getting the NYPD to stop doing this.

Seriously lost sleep when I first read about this. Left me angry and disturbed for weeks.

Hate the cops. I have a family member in the NYPD and tried talking to him about then-mayor Bloomberg and stop-and-frisk... the annoyance in his tone and expression over being asked about this was palpable. I wanted to ask him how many minorities he's stopped and harassed in the hood, but knew it would cause a huge fight at an otherwise amicable family gathering. They're all complicit in this. Fuck the poster and anyone else who said it's "just a few bad apples."

Consider myself lucky that nothing awful/violent has happened to me, but still afraid. I don't walk up to cops to ask them for directions or anything, I don't call them... I don't even stand around them. If they're near me on the street or on the train, I move away as non-suspiciously as possible. They're the only people in my day-to-day life that have the power to blow my head off if there's something they don't like about me, and the fact that they've done it to plenty of other people is disturbing and validation to dislike/distrust them.

Ok I'm getting demolished over this so I'm just gonna back out of the thread. It just irks me when generalizations like that are made. That's all.

You're getting demolished because you're wrong in your assessment. This is one of my favorite short videos to post in showing just how wrong people like you are:

The Hunted and the Hated: An Inside Look at the NYPD's Stop-and-Frisk Policy


Because threads about the discrimination against various minorities and women tend to be derailed by people really thinking they have parallels of white male oppression.

Cops harass everybody but minorities really get something else entirely.

It was a responce to the claim that white people have nothing to worry about.

True. But after over 400 posts, people have said a lot of different things and different conversation points are added, as Seeds demonstrated above.


Statistically speaking whites have 'almost' nothing to worry about compared to everyone else, but yes, they are also abused by police. Does this satisfy your quip?

What quip? I'm pointing out that it isn't as relevant to the thread as it is a responce to a comment someone made.


Since this obviously has or will become about race or discussed, it's best to understand that white and hispanic people also get profiled. It's unfortunate.

White people don't get racially profiled. Latinos definitely do, and still not to the same extent as blacks and usually dependent on how dark-skinned or menacing they look, or depending on how close to the US-Mexican border. Regardless, why are you diminishing what happened here just to say "but what about white people!!" ? Say what's on your mind instead of making snide remarks.


hide your water-based mammals
White people don't get racially profiled. Latinos definitely do, and still not to the same extent as blacks and usually dependent on how dark-skinned or menacing they look, or depending on how close to the US-Mexican border. Regardless, why are you diminishing what happened here just to say "but what about white people!!" ? Say what's on your mind instead of making snide remarks.

I wasn't the one who started that tangent. I didn't post that GIF. I reacted to it.
I think all Dante was trying to say is the guy did pull away when the cop tried to hand-cuff him. In the article it was said that the guy had 2x upcoming court appearances for previous issues, one of them being selling loosies. Regardless of whether that should be a valid crime or not, technically it is, and the cop was trying to arrest him for that action.

There are plenty of videos out there of white folks being drunk, refusing to be arrested and getting slammed into the ground. I'm not saying the cops aren't at fault in this case, I'm just saying if you look at the video he isn't fully complying with the officer by pulling away and saying don't touch me while they are trying to handcuff him. You can also hear in the video him saying "he didn't sell anything", they are talking to him about the selling of loosies, not about the breaking up of the fight.

The punishment for arguing with a cop and resisting arrest with "I can't breath" or some minor pulling away shouldn't be death. To justify it with "well he shouldn't have resisted" is so fucked.
I'm sorry that he lost his life, but why the hell do these people have to argue and fight with the police? They put themselves in this situation. It extends to all of these situations caught on camera, the victim is always arguing with the police and they are forced to get physical. If the "victim" is so innocent, then prove it and do as they ask. Follow the law, and you wont get in trouble. Some of your time may get wasted, sure, but it's a hell of a lot better than getting into these situations.
Why was victim put in quotes? Do you believe him not to be a victim? Was he really being non complaint in your opinion? This post is..


Why was victim put in quotes? Do you believe him not to be a victim? Was he really being non complaint in your opinion? This post is..

Oh wow I didn't even realize that, he/she sure did. What a world their mind must live in. It's certainly not the real world. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? The guy had an attitude so the response is lets have 5 people jump on him and hold him down with a choke hold? As somebody that has some personal experience with this, it's guilty and you better damn well prove you are innocent. Unless you can afford an expensive lawyer, then you still have rights.


I'm sorry that he lost his life, but why the hell do these people have to argue and fight with the police? They put themselves in this situation. It extends to all of these situations caught on camera, the victim is always arguing with the police and they are forced to get physical. If the "victim" is so innocent, then prove it and do as they ask. Follow the law, and you wont get in trouble. Some of your time may get wasted, sure, but it's a hell of a lot better than getting into these situations.

"Victim" huh? So you don't think he was a victim, do you think he deserved to die?
You know I find it really disturbing this idea that people should just be completely complacent about being carted off to jail or else you deserve what you get. Just change "protect and serve" to "harass and detain."


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
It's really dumb how this happens. They all pile on top of the person and deny him the ability to breath and are shocked that he dies. Do they just not understand how the human body works? How the lungs work?

They know. They don't care. They're trying to ensure their safety through compliance with their directives, not the arrestee's safety.

This also happens with bigger people who are tased and then left in handcuffs while supine for hours. They slowly run out of breath and die. Cops figure that the gasping is whining so they ignore it, and may (and have) tase them again if they struggle or try to turn on their backs. Again, the cops are doing this for their own safety because someone on their back has more options to fight than someone on their stomach, and therefore they insist that you comply with a directive that ensures their safety. If you do not comply, you will be forced to comply, up to the point where you can do nothing but comply as a corpse.

In the end, the objective is met and they get to go home to their families. If you think they're there to risk being hurt for you, you're misinformed. They have no duty to do that, as has been very publicly underlined.

The occupational health culture of police officers is actually quite fascinating if you're not the one they're standing on. If folks like BP, Halliburton, or Transocean operated that way, there'd sure as shit never have been a rig explosion at the Deepwater Horizon.

And if the cop's not a white cop?
Racist police policies are carried out by police of all colors and ethnicities. Programs like Stop and Frisk and CRASH had the participation of plenty of black and Hispanic officers that said nothing and carried out orders to their ultimate and nastiest conclusions.
I feel like the mods should code something where threads get coupled together if one gets bumped, the other does too right underneath it. Like when this gets bumped, right underneath it is the thread about the reporter who thinks black people are distrustful of cops because of daddy issues.


I'm sorry that he lost his life, but why the hell do these people have to argue and fight with the police? They put themselves in this situation. It extends to all of these situations caught on camera, the victim is always arguing with the police and they are forced to get physical. If the "victim" is so innocent, then prove it and do as they ask. Follow the law, and you wont get in trouble. Some of your time may get wasted, sure, but it's a hell of a lot better than getting into these situations.

What law did he break exactly?
If the "victim" is so innocent, then prove it and do as they ask. Follow the law, and you wont get in trouble. Some of your time may get wasted, sure, but it's a hell of a lot better than getting into these situations.


I will not do this because I am a free man. The day I behave this way is the day I stop being free.
Racist police policies are carried out by police of all colors and ethnicities. Programs like Stop and Frisk and CRASH had the participation of plenty of black and Hispanic officers that said nothing and carried out orders to their ultimate and nastiest conclusions.

So if you're a cop, what exactly can you do in that position?

If it works anything like the FDNY, you need to have in field experience in order to gain seniority and gain rank and take the exams to get that rank.

The best way to get in field experience is to go to the troubled neighborhoods where there's the most statistical crime.

The stats are skewed in minority neighborhoods.

It's a vicious circle and the justification for any bad police action is "we go where the stats say to go".
I've never ever seen someone get into any trouble when they just did what the officer said. The issues always get worked out and the innocent person always walk free.

Has there ever been a video like this where the victim follows every order the police officer asks of them? I've never seen one. They are always resisting arrest and arguing "I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything! I was just doing this or that!" If you didn't do anything, then why the hell are you arguing? Why are you resisting arrest? Unless you run into a really bad cop, which is rare, the cop isn't just going to walk up and beat the hell out of somebody for no reason.

I refuse to believe there is anyone this damn dumb, especially when Lifetime airs documentaries on how utterly false this is time and time again. I mean this is like stating the judicial system is perfect and never convicts innocents.

I refuse to believe you're not trolling people trying to be witty. I just refuse to believe it.


Fucking sickening, my stomach just turned. The guy was basically pleading for his life. This is the second video I've seen in the recent months where a man is pinned to the floor by police while saying they can't breath and then dying.


I've never ever seen someone get into any trouble when they just did what the officer said. The issues always get worked out and the innocent person always walk free.

Has there ever been a video like this where the victim follows every order the police officer asks of them? I've never seen one. They are always resisting arrest and arguing "I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything! I was just doing this or that!" If you didn't do anything, then why the hell are you arguing? Why are you resisting arrest? Unless you run into a really bad cop, which is rare, the cop isn't just going to walk up and beat the hell out of somebody for no reason.

i'm laughing so hard at this. wow, dude.
He talked back. So obviously he's the aggressor, not the thug cops who mugged him and choked him out.

If the "victim" didn't want to be "punished" he shouldn't have "resisted" arrest from the "cop" by having the audacity to state "I can't breath."

In some places the guy would have had his whole family punished for such insolence. SMH at how soft this country is on crime.


If the "victim" didn't want to be "punished" he shouldn't have "resisted" arrest from the "cop" by having the audacity to state "I can't breath."

In some places the guy would have had his whole family for such insolence. SMH at how soft this country is on crime.

he knew he was gonna die kid. all he wanted was to be left the fuck alone. too much to ask?


Tagged as I see fit
I remember when we were out looking for a cat at night and got the cops called (and rightly we were outside my house with flashlights and shit that wasn't the problem). Soon as I heard the dreaded "you match the description ...blah blah" towards Timedog, who seriously hadn't even been at my parent's place a week, I was like "oh fuck here we go." But it didn't escalate thank christ.

Hahaha, wow.

"Is this person bothering you ma'am? Are you safe?"


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
So if you're a cop, what exactly can you do in that position?
Either say "hey, guys, this isn't right" or quit. They can do that. They're not soldiers, despite what they'd like you to believe. Yeah, saying "hey, guys, this isn't right" is career-limiting. But, participating in the wrong shit just to get a paycheck and good benefits pretty much makes you part of the problem, don't you think?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
To imply that that is indicative of the behavior of most police officers in America is nonsense.

Are some police officers bad people? Sure.
Are most police officers bad people? No.
No we definitely have a problem. In almost every nation it's a national scandal if the police kill someone. Here it's normal


He talked back. So obviously he's the aggressor, not the thug cops who mugged him and choked him out.

Pretty much...

It's always valid since, you know, it's true? Plenty of officers are good men and women. I shouldn't even have to inform you of this.

Yet these "good mean and women" do nothing about the corruption and blatant abuse of power within the force that gives them all a bad name.
It's always valid since, you know, it's true? Plenty of officers are good men and women. I shouldn't even have to inform you of this.

When your 'good people' start speaking up when people get systematically abused by police then I will consider them 'good people'. To me they're no better because they look the other way and pretend it doesn't exist.
You know I find it really disturbing this idea that people should just be completely complacent about being carted off to jail or else you deserve what you get. Just change "protect and serve" to "harass and detain."


They know. They don't care. They're trying to ensure their safety through compliance with their directives, not the arrestee's safety.

This also happens with bigger people who are tased and then left in handcuffs while supine for hours. They slowly run out of breath and die. Cops figure that the gasping is whining so they ignore it, and may (and have) tase them again if they struggle or try to turn on their backs. Again, the cops are doing this for their own safety because someone on their back has more options to fight than someone on their stomach, and therefore they insist that you comply with a directive that ensures their safety. If you do not comply, you will be forced to comply, up to the point where you can do nothing but comply as a corpse.

In the end, the objective is met and they get to go home to their families. If you think they're there to risk being hurt for you, you're misinformed. They have no duty to do that, as has been very publicly underlined.

The occupational health culture of police officers is actually quite fascinating if you're not the one they're standing on. If folks like BP, Halliburton, or Transocean operated that way, there'd sure as shit never have been a rig explosion at the Deepwater Horizon.

Excellent post.


I'm sorry that he lost his life, but why the hell do these people have to argue and fight with the police? They put themselves in this situation. It extends to all of these situations caught on camera, the victim is always arguing with the police and they are forced to get physical. If the "victim" is so innocent, then prove it and do as they ask. Follow the law, and you wont get in trouble. Some of your time may get wasted, sure, but it's a hell of a lot better than getting into these situations.
If I'm getting arrested for no reason I'm certainly going to argue.


good credit (by proxy)
I've gotten the "you match the description" line twice. I'm 6'6" 250 bearded "middle eastern looking" but with a huge afro. I don't fucking match the description of pretty much anybody, so there's a 99.999% chance that this is a lie. But if I lie to a cop I get in trouble.


I'm sorry that he lost his life, but why the hell do these people have to argue and fight with the police? They put themselves in this situation. It extends to all of these situations caught on camera, the victim is always arguing with the police and they are forced to get physical. If the "victim" is so innocent, then prove it and do as they ask. Follow the law, and you wont get in trouble. Some of your time may get wasted, sure, but it's a hell of a lot better than getting into these situations.

What a dumb post. And who are "these people"?
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