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NYPD kill a man after he breaks up a fight between others.

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This is so naive. "Follow the law, and you won't get in trouble" made me laugh the most.

I've never ever seen someone get into any trouble when they just did what the officer said. The issues always get worked out and the innocent person always walk free.

Has there ever been a video like this where the victim follows every order the police officer asks of them? I've never seen one. They are always resisting arrest and arguing "I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything! I was just doing this or that!" If you didn't do anything, then why the hell are you arguing? Why are you resisting arrest? Unless you run into a really bad cop, which is rare, the cop isn't just going to walk up and beat the hell out of somebody for no reason.
I urge people to visit www.justice.gov and type in "Former Police officer"

Most of these are federal cases and many of them are sitting in federal prison atm.
"NYPD excessive" brought up complaints about lead and stop and frisk. Any search terms that would show the kind of jail times officers get for excessive force? Or even deaths like these?

The big issue here is accountability.


I've never ever seen someone get into any trouble when they just did what the officer said. The issues always get worked out and the innocent person always walk free.

Has there ever been a video like this where the victim follows every order the police officer asks of them? I've never seen one. They are always resisting arrest and arguing "I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything! I was just doing this or that!" If you didn't do anything, then why the hell are you arguing? Why are you resisting arrest? Unless you run into a really bad cop, which is rare, the cop isn't just going to walk up and beat the hell out of somebody for no reason.
How many times do I have to link to this video in the same thread?
I've never ever seen someone get into any trouble when they just did what the officer said. The issues always get worked out and the innocent person always walk free.

Has there ever been a video like this where the victim follows every order the police officer asks of them? I've never seen one. They are always resisting arrest and arguing "I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything! I was just doing this or that!" If you didn't do anything, then why the hell are you arguing? Why are you resisting arrest? Unless you run into a really bad cop, which is rare, the cop isn't just going to walk up and beat the hell out of somebody for no reason.

I haven't seen it so it must not happen!


I've never ever seen someone get into any trouble when they just did what the officer said. The issues always get worked out and the innocent person always walk free.

Has there ever been a video like this where the victim follows every order the police officer asks of them? I've never seen one. They are always resisting arrest and arguing "I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything! I was just doing this or that!" If you didn't do anything, then why the hell are you arguing? Why are you resisting arrest? Unless you run into a really bad cop, which is rare, the cop isn't just going to walk up and beat the hell out of somebody for no reason.
You are being willfully ignorant.


He left behind a big family as well, condolences to them. Losing a family member is hard enough, but in such an unnecessary manner for some cops' massive power trip must be something else entirely. What a fucking disgrace.
I'm sorry that he lost his life, but why the hell do these people have to argue and fight with the police? They put themselves in this situation. It extends to all of these situations caught on camera, the victim is always arguing with the police and they are forced to get physical. If the "victim" is so innocent, then prove it and do as they ask. Follow the law, and you wont get in trouble. Some of your time may get wasted, sure, but it's a hell of a lot better than getting into these situations.

You're a victim blamer and a terrible person. Shame on you.
If you didn't do anything, then why the hell are you arguing? Why are you resisting arrest? Unless you run into a really bad cop, which is rare, the cop isn't just going to walk up and beat the hell out of somebody for no reason.
It's almost like people are human beings who don't want to be restrained and potentially taken away by other people when they have done nothing wrong.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I've never ever seen someone get into any trouble when they just did what the officer said. The issues always get worked out and the innocent person always walk free.

I've never seen England. I keep hearing stories, but I can only assume it doesn't exist.


I've never ever seen someone get into any trouble when they just did what the officer said. The issues always get worked out and the innocent person always walk free.

Has there ever been a video like this where the victim follows every order the police officer asks of them? I've never seen one. They are always resisting arrest and arguing "I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything! I was just doing this or that!" If you didn't do anything, then why the hell are you arguing? Why are you resisting arrest? Unless you run into a really bad cop, which is rare, the cop isn't just going to walk up and beat the hell out of somebody for no reason.
Excuse us if we don't take your anecdotal stories over factual evidence that exists in the real world.

And for your second part, there are videos/stories of cops shooting people reaching for their wallet, turning their back or being mentally challenged. So you're wrong.
I'm sorry that he lost his life, but why the hell do these people have to argue and fight with the police? They put themselves in this situation. It extends to all of these situations caught on camera, the victim is always arguing with the police and they are forced to get physical. If the "victim" is so innocent, then prove it and do as they ask. Follow the law, and you wont get in trouble. Some of your time may get wasted, sure, but it's a hell of a lot better than getting into these situations.

What about that time cops got caught planting drugs? Whoops.



Have any of these police stories (that show up on GAF) ended up with officers doing time?
yes. The NYPD East Village rape cops who were dispatched to help a drunk woman, raped her and placed several fake 911 calls to go back to her apartment and repeatedly rape her got 1 whole year in jail! Not for burglar and rape, but for "official misconduct".


Quoting for the uninformed


The "few bad apples" argument has to be retired, or we have to come up with a new definition for the word 'few':




Criticisms against the entire police force are not generalizations, they are backed by empirical data.

Read the thread and please stop pretending we're complaining about nothing. Police misconduct is very real and very common.


hide your water-based mammals

Since this obviously has or will become about race or discussed, it's best to understand that white and hispanic people also get profiled. It's unfortunate.


good credit (by proxy)
I'm sorry that he lost his life, but why the hell do these people have to argue and fight with the police? They put themselves in this situation. It extends to all of these situations caught on camera, the victim is always arguing with the police and they are forced to get physical. If the "victim" is so innocent, then prove it and do as they ask. Follow the law, and you wont get in trouble. Some of your time may get wasted, sure, but it's a hell of a lot better than getting into these situations.
Arguing with someone doesn't force them to get physical. The fact that you think this means you automatically assume that the cops are going to break protocol. But curiously, despite this assumption you still argue in favor of the police and against the victims of bad policing. You are the poster child for cognitive dissonance.


Yeah, the solution to corrupt police officers is raising their salaries. Do you even think about any of the excuses you make for corrupt officers or are you actually expecting "I'm a cop so I know better" to just be a universally accepted response?

In fairness he mentioned a poor selection process and low wages attracting unqualified, possibly poorly educated candidates, not just higher wages as the reason for bad behavior on the part of the NYPD.
It's not hard to gather that you get what you pay for "talent" wise.

Between that, and bullshit politics, this is why you get the people you do with the power to remove someone's freedom. It's the reason I left my career choice of law enforcement and went back to school to become a Physical Therapist. It was a thankless job, which I was fine with as the feeling of helping is great, but the low pay, poor health benefits, and nearly locked in place advancement, not to mention risk on the job forced my hand to leave that career and get something that can help me be a safer provider for me and my fiance, and our future family. It is what it is I guess...

This doesn't excuse highly paid officers who still commit crimes. I don't think it's about the money, I think it's about psychological changes to an officer once exposed to the toxic environment over time.

The police face a similar corruption situation to politicians. The environment becomes toxic over time for one person, and so they become part of the insanity that they originally arrived to change.

In other words, throwing money at the matter would do little. A system change is necessary. There should be limits to how many years a politician can be active, and there should be a limit to how many years a police officer can be active.

I have little doubt the life of a police officer is tough, and that the actions some officers have taken that resulted in prison life do not reflect the mindset they had when they first entered the academy. I'm sure our soldiers overseas experience that same warping, and may not be able to come home the same.

This isn't just an American situation. You can see it across the world.

Governments attempt to balance out police power with stronger justice systems to hold them accountable for the inevitable divorce from justice. What we have in the US is a skewed power system that consumes minorities.

I don't sense that to be efficient. Limiting terms/years of service would probably be more efficient.

I've been looking for a study that correlates years of service to police abuse, by the by.
I remember when we were out looking for a cat at night and got the cops called (and rightly we were outside my house with flashlights and shit that wasn't the problem). Soon as I heard the dreaded "you match the description ...blah blah" towards Timedog, who seriously hadn't even been at my parent's place a week, I was like "oh fuck here we go." But it didn't escalate thank christ.


I'm sorry that he lost his life, but why the hell do these people have to argue and fight with the police? They put themselves in this situation. It extends to all of these situations caught on camera, the victim is always arguing with the police and they are forced to get physical. If the "victim" is so innocent, then prove it and do as they ask. Follow the law, and you wont get in trouble. Some of your time may get wasted, sure, but it's a hell of a lot better than getting into these situations.

Why is it the civilian's job? The cop is the one who should aim to settle every situation with the least amount of physical force required. Not murdering someone for speaking too loud. Conflict resolution should be the goal, not action hero.


I've never ever seen someone get into any trouble when they just did what the officer said. The issues always get worked out and the innocent person always walk free.

Has there ever been a video like this where the victim follows every order the police officer asks of them? I've never seen one. They are always resisting arrest and arguing "I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything! I was just doing this or that!" If you didn't do anything, then why the hell are you arguing? Why are you resisting arrest? Unless you run into a really bad cop, which is rare, the cop isn't just going to walk up and beat the hell out of somebody for no reason.

LOL at the bolded.

There are multiple stories of police incriminating an innocent person because he was at the wrong place, wrong time. Just talking to police can land you in prison.

The following story by TAL is pretty old but the first one I thought of:


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
In fairness he mentioned a poor selection process and low wages attracting unqualified, possibly poorly educated candidates, not just higher wages as the reason for bad behavior on the part of the NYPD.

Yeah because only rich people are capable of being incorruptible. There no reason to suggest education and morality are somehow linked.


LOL at the bolded.

There are multiple stories of police incriminating an innocent person because he was at the wrong place, wrong time. Just talking to police can land you in prison.

The following story by TAL is pretty old but the first one I thought of:


Fun little known fact about stop and frisk: they take your name down the first time it happens. If they stop and frisk you again they can detain you.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
All of the cops who grabbed the man in the video should be convicted of murder. Disgusting.

If you're white you've got nothing to worry about from the police.

The police harass white people too. Do I believe black/brown people get it more? Yes, I do, but white people do not have "nothing to worry about". From my experience the cops in this country are bad to everyone, and worse to some.

Getting stopped and frisked isn't the only way to be harassed or ignored by the cops. You're lying to yourself if you honestly think that cops aren't assholes to white people too. Obviously not at the same level, which is why I said it's not at the same level, but I've been harassed multiple times by cops and I'm your average white male.

I've been laughed at while I was looking for help for my friend who was being followed and verbally berated by a drunk woman. I've been stopped in neighborhoods and accused of buying drugs because the cops couldn't think of any other reason I'd be in the neighborhood I was in. I've been stopped and frisked because of the way I was dressed. I've seen cops cat call female friends of mine for just standing on the street outside of her job.

You don't get a pass from asshole cops just because you're white. Asshole cops are looking to be asshole cops to whoever they can.

Thank you.
The police harass white people too. Do I believe black/brown people get it more? Yes, I do, but white people do not have "nothing to worry about". From my experience the cops in this country are bad to everyone, and worse to some.

I've never got the "you match the description of a perp", just about every black man I know has gotten it within earshot of me, so I can't imagine how many times it's happened when I'm not around.
I've never ever seen someone get into any trouble when they just did what the officer said. The issues always get worked out and the innocent person always walk free.

Has there ever been a video like this where the victim follows every order the police officer asks of them? I've never seen one. They are always resisting arrest and arguing "I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything! I was just doing this or that!" If you didn't do anything, then why the hell are you arguing? Why are you resisting arrest? Unless you run into a really bad cop, which is rare, the cop isn't just going to walk up and beat the hell out of somebody for no reason.

No one knows how to really respond when they're being arrested/questioned by the police.

The uniform, the gun, the club, and the taser are very intimidating to look at and are meant to be.

You're assuming this guy was guilty because cops are there. You're wrong. Read the OP. The guy was breaking up a fight, then these cops came to harass him for selling loosies, then he gets placed in a choke-hold by some asshole wearing 99(is that guy even a fucking cop?!) then dogpiled by 6-7 people because he's a 6 foot something, 400 lb black man and they assume he's a threat when his body language says otherwise.

But what I asked before and will ask again; why were there 4-5 people who're short fucks and a fatass cop who clearly looks out of shape trying to take down this dude like he's the Hulk?

Notice the guy who has his knee on the guy's head like he's a MMA fighter.

But yeah, keep saying that people who have the cops called on them are guilty until innocent or get your eyes checked.


The police harass white people too. Do I believe black/brown people get it more? Yes, I do, but white people do not have "nothing to worry about". From my experience the cops in this country are bad to everyone, and worse to some.

Thank you.

Yep an alarming number of police pose a problem to the american public. White, brown, doesn't matter. They've militarized and see the tax payers as the enemy. Brown people end up in jail more, and killed more. OP is an example of something that wouldn't repeatedly happen to white people in NYC.


hide your water-based mammals
How exactly is "white people get harassed too!" relevant within the discussion of an unarmed black man being murdered by police?

My original post was to the posted gif. I'm hispanic and have been profiled and my best friend is white and has also been through it. It sucks.
How exactly is "white people get harassed too!" relevant within the discussion of an unarmed black man being murdered by police?

Because threads about the discrimination against various minorities and women tend to be derailed by people really thinking they have parallels of white male oppression.

Cops harass everybody but minorities really get something else entirely.
Let's agree that white people are the minority when it comes to groups harassed/abused by cops and that they shouldn't be cast aside just because they experience it at a significant fraction as browns/blacks.

I'll put hope that the posts saying "white people get fucked with too" are sincere and well-meaning and not dismissive of what browns/blacks go through on a day to day basis.

It was a responce to the claim that white people have nothing to worry about.

Statistically speaking whites have 'almost' nothing to worry about compared to everyone else, but yes, they are also abused by police. Does this satisfy your quip?
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