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Oculus CEO: The headset and computer to run it will cost you ~$1,500


To put it simply, you won't need an i5-4590 processor and GTX 970 to watch VR videos or play Minecraft. At the same time, Oculus has stated that those parts are necessary for the headset.

So is Oculus just going to ignore the fact that low-end users without the recommended specifications could still enjoy lots of VR content? Are they going to just pretend like you need a $1000 PC to even get in at the ground level?

I had imagined that they would start an Oculus App Store, and give a rating to games/apps based on necessary hardware requirements. Something like Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Silver games run on integrated desktop/laptop hardware, Gold games run on dedicated mid-range videocards, Platinum games run on high-end videocards like the 970. It seems like they gave up on offering software in tiers, and just said "Fuck it, everybody with an Oculus needs to have a $350 videocard."

In the early days it will probably follow traditional gaming. If you have a dope PC you get a better visual, except now framerates are more important than ever so a good PC will give you more headroom to do stuff that might not be possible on a PS4. I imagine there will be a decent amount of overlap so devs that want to try their hand at VR will want to maximize their efforts by releasing on PS4 and PC, with the PC getting a better version. It will leave out a lot of customers but that's what they decided to do in order to not put out what they deem a subpar VR showing. I'm glad that they seem to be looking at presenting VR in a positive light. GearVR and Morph will keep the masses happy, Rift and Vive will be there for the premium sector. It's all good.
Its a peripheral. You will still want a monitor for your pc.

Edit: technically a monitor is a peripheral.

I know, I know.

You get the point though: it's a peripheral just like a monitor is, meaning it's not meant for a single experience (like other peripherals are).

And the end goal is that you won't need a monitor to run it (in fact, you can already use the devkits as display replacements).


I know, I know.

You get the point though: it's a peripheral just like a monitor is, meaning it's not meant for a single experience (like other peripherals are).

And the end goal is that you won't need a monitor to run it (in fact, you can already use the devkits as display replacements).

I have my PC hooked to my HDTV and use my rift there just fine. Sure, I have to sit closer when I'm using my Rift but at that point I'm not in my den anymore anyway. Also I use a virtual desktop sometimes so my wife can watch TV while I geek out. Works for me.


I've held off building my new gaming PC specifically because of VR (more than likely Oculus) and have been holding off for months. As such I have a very, very nice nestegg already put to to to the side, so much so I am now at a point I will not just be building a PC that is capable of running Oculus based games, I will have a PC that handles them with ease.
It is truly the only time in my close to 15 years of building my own computer that waiting has not only paid off but was the right decision. One can always play the waiting game, but this time I'm glad I did. In fact I have waited so long I very well am going to hold off a few months into it's release to really see how driver support and compatibility plays out in the real world.
I've yet to experience VR yet I can sincerely say it is the most I have been excited for new gaming tech since building my first PC and / or the N64. Just a little while longer.


I spent 800 euros for my perfectly oculus ready pc (4670,gtx970,8gb ram) just a month or so ago... so either the oculus costs way too much at launch, or this is not true at all
That's good Price, I think.
PS4 with Morpheus will cost around $700, I think, but this is without such good VR experience and with much less games.
Plus good PC it is good PC, you know) Many possibilities)


Gold Member
This is what's gonna make Sony win the VR war. I don't know what Morpheus will cost, but I highly doubt it's gonna be more than $300. So that's at most $700 for a PS4 and headset, and you'll probably be able to pick up a bundle for like $600.


This is what's gonna make Sony win the VR war. I don't know what Morpheus will cost, but I highly doubt it's gonna be more than $300. So that's at most $700 for a PS4 and headset, and you'll probably be able to pick up a bundle for like $600.
The only thing that can make someone win the vr war is how good the v2 actually is...


This is what's gonna make Sony win the VR war. I don't know what Morpheus will cost, but I highly doubt it's gonna be more than $300. So that's at most $700 for a PS4 and headset, and you'll probably be able to pick up a bundle for like $600.

This argument doesn't make too much sense. Unless you neither have a PC nor a PS4, and you wanna go for the lowest common denominator VR solution. If you assume the Morpheus will cost around $300 (which is suspect imo) and the Rift kit will also cost around that much, the headset costs are basically the same and thus negligible in the comparison. So the comparison is, would you rather buy a gaming PC or a PS4? And that dilemma already exists for people and there are compelling reasons to buy both. A VR headset for each platform that will cost roughly the same amount won't tip the scales in that dilemma. The Rift will be a significantly better performing device (if only by the nature of being plugged to a way stronger system that lets it do 90+fps on a high res display), just like how gaming PCs perform significantly better than PS4s. I don't think Sony can afford to price their set a lot lower than the Rift, so the comparison still stands.


I spent 800 euros for my perfectly oculus ready pc (4670,gtx970,8gb ram) just a month or so ago... so either the oculus costs way too much at launch, or this is not true at all

How do you know that? It will be almost impossible to play a game like star citizen in vr with that rig though. We are talking about 1440p @ 90fps and 3D

I think $1500 is actually the middle ground. You will be able to run most games with it but not all. Around the $2000 range is where you can easily play all VR games.

I actually know from CIG that they think only SLI will make VR widely enjoyable.
Jump, jump, jump to conclusions.

This doesn't say much about the price. Even going by their recommended specs there can be quite some leeway accounting for price differences and I doubt they are penny pinching for this price estimate. I'd expect it to be about 300.

Of course everyone is also including the price of the PS4 in their estimations right?

And I never was expecting it to be for people that don't already have an expensive PC or weren't planning to get one. For some time this still looks like a luxury product for me, but then again, the Kinect was an expensive peripheral too that got super popular.

The price here provides you with a PC that is more than two times as powerful and a better VR experience, it is just the same situation as we now have between high-end PCs and consoles. Also the Rift allows for a bigger variety of use cases and games.

The Morpheus player base will likely be higher because I think there are or will be much more PS4s than high end PCs, but this can't be attributed to the Oculus itself.

And because I don't expect users that don't already want a high end PC to suddenly get one I don't think there is some direct completion on between Morpheus and Oculus Rift. It is simple, if someone has a high end Pc, they go for Oculus Rift, if not, they go for Morpheus.


Gold Member
This argument doesn't make too much sense. Unless you neither have a PC nor a PS4, and you wanna go for the lowest common denominator VR solution. If you assume the Morpheus will cost around $300 (which is suspect imo) and the Rift kit will also cost around that much, the headset costs are basically the same and thus negligible in the comparison. So the comparison is, would you rather buy a gaming PC or a PS4? And that dilemma already exists for people and there are compelling reasons to buy both. A VR headset for each platform that will cost roughly the same amount won't tip the scales in that dilemma. The Rift will be a significantly better performing device (if only by the nature of being plugged to a way stronger system that lets it do 90+fps on a high res display), just like how gaming PCs perform significantly better than PS4s. I don't think Sony can afford to price their set a lot lower than the Rift, so the comparison still stands.

Yes. And most people would choose the $600 console bundle over the $1500 PC in that situation. That's just not money most people can spend on entertainment willy-nilly.
Yes. And most people would choose the $600 console bundle over the $1500 PC in that situation. That's just not money most people can spend on entertainment willy-nilly.

What next? What games could you play on PS4 with morpheus? I think it mostly will be cheap indies and some demos. No games like Mirror's Edge, GTAV or Skyrim. There is a BIG difference and no magic.


How do you know that? It will be almost impossible to play a game like star citizen in vr with that rig though. We are talking about 1440p @ 90fps and 3D

I think $1500 is actually the middle ground. You will be able to run most games with it but not all. Around the $2000 range is where you can easily play all VR games.

I actually know from CIG that they think only SLI will make VR widely enjoyable.

$2000 is and has always been overkill for a PC gaming rig. You overestimate how much power it takes to run a game in VR. It takes a lot, but not two graphics cards worth


I guess the Rift will be free cause to build a half decent rig that will power the Oculus is going to be around $1500.....




a Intel Xeon "bundle"
a superclocked 970
an expensive 24" monitor
on an australian tech site

you have no idea what you're building

I guess if you're including monitors you better include the price of the $2500 50" plasma TV in your lounge room to plug the PS4 into


How do you know that? It will be almost impossible to play a game like star citizen in vr with that rig though. We are talking about 1440p @ 90fps and 3D

I think $1500 is actually the middle ground. You will be able to run most games with it but not all. Around the $2000 range is where you can easily play all VR games.

I actually know from CIG that they think only SLI will make VR widely enjoyable.
They released the specifications for the 'oculus rift ready. pc' a couple of weeks ago.. specifications that they say will remain the same through the entire life of the oculus, so to make it cheaper and cheaper the more time passes.


lol what? $2000 is and has always been overkill for a PC gaming rig. You overestimate how much power it takes to run a game in VR. It takes a lot, but not two graphics cards worth

It depends on the games. As I said Star Citizen is going to one if not the best VR game that's on the horizon so far and when I talked with the developers they were kinda waiting for a DX12 feature that allows you to render the left eye frame on one gpu and the right eye frame one the other. They think SLI is a must at least if you wanna be on the sure most stuff works.

And most VR games are more or less demos right now. Sure there are games that run just fine as well.


It depends on the games. As I said Star Citizen is going to one if not the best VR game that's on the horizon so far and when I talked with the developers they were kinda waiting for a DX12 feature that allows you to render the left eye frame on one gpu and the right eye frame one the other. They think SLI is a must at least if you wanna be on the sure most stuff works.

And most VR games are more or less demos right now. Sure there are games that run just fine as well.

Star Citizen isn't even a game yet, I don't think its worth talking about its possibility of VR support for it anytime soon. SC will probably be out by the time CV2 is released, and the VR landscape will be far different.


It depends on the games. As I said Star Citizen is going to one if not the best VR game that's on the horizon so far and when I talked with the developers they were kinda waiting for a DX12 feature that allows you to render the left eye frame on one gpu and the right eye frame one the other. They think SLI is a must at least if you wanna be on the sure most stuff works.

And most VR games are more or less demos right now. Sure there are games that run just fine as well.
as already said, oculus itself released the specifications to which the developers have to adhere for an oculus game. you might not max everything on screen, but you don't have to and neither you will on ps4
That is a lot of money for something that'll probably end up being a gimmick.

If the reports are true and you aren't able to play VR longer than 30 minutes without getting nausea, I see no chance in this ever getting a standard for anything. I certainly won't buy into VR without testing it excessively somewhere.


as already said, oculus itself released the specifications to which the developers have to adhere for an oculus game.
Nowhere did they say developers *have* to adhere to those specifications. lol

If the reports are true and you aren't able to play VR longer than 30 minutes without getting nausea,
No idea which 'reports' state this, but it is not true.

I certainly won't buy into VR without testing it excessively somewhere.
That's the best way to get convinced to buy into VR. :)

I do love that you're calling it a gimmick having never tried it, though. Almost every time...


Sony just got handed an excellent chance to take big chunk of VR market. By the time Morpheus arrives PS4 will reach install base of 35-40M consoles, and combined price of PS4+Morpheus should be half of the what Oculus requires.

Now Sony just have to price Morpheus well [hopefully $199 for cheapest SKU without PS4 Camera and Move], and attract as much software as they can. They need VR killer apps, which should possibly be No Man's Sky, Witness and that Media Molecule molding/minecraft/performace game they showed on PSMeeting.
I just helped my friend build a PC with almost the exact recommend specs for the Rift, it was just over $1000 after taxes. I'm not particularly adept with PC part prices but I know they drop pretty fast when new tech comes out and by mid 2016 that number will be 800 max. Even if the Rift is 400 bucks, a total of 1200 for a VR machine (and oh so much more) is pretty decent.

No telling how it compares to the Morpheus as far as quality of performance and level of content, but a PC will undoubtedly be more modular, which for me is good. I like to figure shit out if I think it will benefit my gaming experience.


it seems some people are missing the "bigger picture." oculus and facebook have a plan for this device, and it won't be realized within the next 12 or even the next 24 months. they're aware of this, and have accepted it. as time goes by, the oculus itself will become cheaper and the cost of any additional requirements will become cheaper.

it's interesting that each of these headsets have their place. if you want VR ASAP the valve vive is obviously your only option for VR in 2015. if you're price conscious, it might be better to wait for morpheus in 2016. if you want the maximum visual fidelity then the oculus rift is your best bet.

btw I plan on buying all 3


I am no expert, but maybe the Oculus CEO should button up his trap.

sure kill the future of VR with some outrageous sticker price after saying they wanted this new VR set to be ultra consumer-available.


I am no expert, but maybe the Oculus CEO should button up his trap.

sure kill the future of VR with some outrageous sticker price after saying they wanted this new VR set to be ultra consumer-available.

They have to say something otherwise people will plug the Oculus into their 15 inch Macbook Pro from 2011 and complain it "lags"

Oculus are in it for the long haul, don't worry about them


Gold Member
It's not $1500, a recommended spec PC for Oculus is around $800~. Obviously more "VR ready" pre-builts will come out too. There's really not that much of a difference in price, and a recommended spec PC will only drop in price over the coming months.

So why are Oculus trying to scare people off by saying it will cost a lot more than it will to get the performance you need? Doesn't really make sense.

What next? What games could you play on PS4 with morpheus? I think it mostly will be cheap indies and some demos. No games like Mirror's Edge, GTAV or Skyrim. There is a BIG difference and no magic.

I don't know, Sony seem to be rather invested in this. I doubt they're gonna release this thing and then just let it sit there with no games that take advantage of it.
I can tell you. ;)

I guess I was thinking more of the definitive experience designed specifically for the products. No doubt that a PC of the aforementioned caliber will run a game like Eve: Valkyrie better, but exclusive Morpheus games may be well optimized and tight, like a Nintendo game. But yea, more power to play with is the way I ride.
Do people count the cost of a TV when determining the price of a console?
I find people saying things like "PS4 and Morpheus it is then" a bit weird, like what were they even expecting. Also people acting like VR on PC won't succeed because of this - it's obvious it won't sell gangbusters at start, but it's a long term game.

But the cost of TV isn't really comparable to the cost of a monitor. Pretty much everyone already has a TV. If you don't have a PC, then you most likely don't have a monitor.


I guess I was thinking more of the definitive experience designed specifically for the products. No doubt that a PC of the aforementioned caliber will run a game like Eve: Valkyrie better, but exclusive Morpheus games may be well optimized and tight, like a Nintendo game. But yea, more power to play with is the way I ride.
As I said earlier in the thread- technical superiority is really not the biggest difference. It's the other part you mentioned - content. VR on the PS4 is likely to be far more limited in variety and number of experiences. With VR being about far more than games, it's really the PC that is gonna give you the widest spectrum of VR apps.
So why are Oculus trying to scare people off by saying it will cost a lot more than it will to get the performance you need? Doesn't really make sense.

I don't think he mentioned the PC being built with separate parts, maybe he was just talking about the current prices for buying a gaming PC at a store, although I would think that number would be even higher.

As I said - technical superiority is really not the biggest difference. It's the other part you mentioned - content. VR on the PS4 is likely to be far more limited in variety and number of experiences. With VR being about far more than games, it's really the PC that is gonna give you the widest spectrum of VR apps.

Well said.


On one side this is a good idea. The Oculus would need high specs anyway, so why make a half-hearted attempt? They go all the way and that's correct imo. While the price for that performance will eventually come down, what'll happen to the requirements in the meantime? Developers would finally have to learn to show restraint with graphics that's for sure, if the bar is ever to lower.

As I said earlier in the thread- technical superiority is really not the biggest difference. It's the other part you mentioned - content. VR on the PS4 is likely to be far more limited in variety and number of experiences. With VR being about far more than games, it's really the PC that is gonna give you the widest spectrum of VR apps.

Sony first party studios are a huge asset. For now Sony has all the cards.


Oculus v1.0 isn't being targeted at mainstream consumers. Even morpheus isn't, if you think that thing + the required hardware for frame warping is going to be less than $400, you're crazy.

Actually increasing the framerate from 60>120 and frame warping is done on PS4. That video processing breaker box is just there to take image from one eye and create additional video stream that can showcase game on the HDTV.


Ill have to look into how I need to upgrade my rig so it works well enough with the rift. I hope I have enough cash left to do it.


Sony first party studios are a huge asset. For now Sony has all the cards.
Sony first party studios are going to put out a few games, no doubt.

That will pale in comparison to the vast quantity and variety of experiences that will be available for PC.

On one side this is a good idea. The Oculus would need high specs anyway, so why make a half-hearted attempt? They go all the way and that's correct imo. While the price for that performance will eventually come down, what'll happen to the requirements in the meantime? Developers would finally have to learn to show restraint with graphics that's for sure, if the bar is ever to lower.
The requirements for the apps developed for CV1 will stay the same.

As always on PC, if you want the latest and greatest(CV2 and the highest end of experiences), you will have to pay more. This is nothing new.
Is this including a monitor?
So far, I have a laptop, so only the headset and the computer will not be all I would have to buy...
Also, how much from the 1500$ goes to the computer, how much to the Occulus?


Is this including a monitor?
So far, I have a laptop, so only the headset and the computer will not be all I would have to buy...
Also, how much from the 1500$ goes to the computer, how much to the Occulus?
Rift will likely be in between $300-400, probably depending a lot on if they include any input device with a purchase.


it seems some people are missing the "bigger picture." oculus and facebook have a plan for this device, and it won't be realized within the next 12 or even the next 24 months. they're aware of this, and have accepted it. as time goes by, the oculus itself will become cheaper and the cost of any additional requirements will become cheaper.

it's interesting that each of these headsets have their place. if you want VR ASAP the valve vive is obviously your only option for VR in 2015. if you're price conscious, it might be better to wait for morpheus in 2016. if you want the maximum visual fidelity then the oculus rift is your best bet.

btw I plan on buying all 3
It's not confirmed that the Rift CV1 is higher fidelity than the Vive though.

I still hope for someone to step up and create a premium consumer device which slots in above the Vive/Rift. I want much more resolution for monitor replacement.

As I said - technical superiority is really not the biggest difference. It's the other part you mentioned - content. VR on the PS4 is likely to be far more limited in variety and number of experiences. With VR being about far more than games, it's really the PC that is gonna give you the widest spectrum of VR apps.
So what you are talking about is porn.

Joking aside, I get what you mean. Just e.g. Dolphin VR alone is something I wouldn't want to miss, and some of my favourite VR games so far have very little chance of showing up on console.
(Like Suwako-chan Cubic)

I don't understand, are people with PC's concerned about this, or people without?
Concern trolls are concerned.

I am no expert, but maybe the Oculus CEO should button up his trap.
Why? Because he doesn't lie to people?
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