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Oculus CEO: The headset and computer to run it will cost you ~$1,500


so i don't really have a horse in the morpheus/rift race, but i think there's a real barrier in price in that people may already have a computer or that computer technology will eventually be affordable to the point where a rift is a one-off novelty device to have for several years. the ps4 is already a luxury item that's several hundred dollars and then it needs a peripheral that might cost a good penny more. if you have a pc and not a ps4, it might be more accurate to see the pc vr device as inexpensive compared to the gaming-only device.

more than that, i think this is super duper early in where it will eventually wind up. like in ten years probably expect these things to be $100 if successful. as far as video games are concerned, i think this is the equivalent of making a cd add-on machine for them sweet sweet full motion videos. the first people to rock the video game world are going to be the people who make it part of their system as a standard, so that every experience is designed around vr conceptually, much like 3d was with the playstation and n64.
Too high a price-point for me—the enthusiast lot will eat this up though and I'm guessing many will find innovative ways to use it.

Fascinating to experience the infancy of the VR market.


How do you know that? It will be almost impossible to play a game like star citizen in vr with that rig though. We are talking about 1440p @ 90fps and 3D

Where'd you read that it was 1440p?


On the raw rendering costs: a traditional 1080p game at 60Hz requires 124 million shaded pixels per second. In contrast, the Rift runs at 2160×1200 at 90Hz split over dual displays, consuming 233 million pixels per second. At the default eye-target scale, the Rift’s rendering requirements go much higher: around 400 million shaded pixels per second. This means that by raw rendering costs alone, a VR game will require approximately 3x the GPU power of 1080p rendering.


It's not confirmed that the Rift CV1 is higher fidelity than the Vive though.

I can go ahead and confirm that for you. for one thing, the vive is coming out sooner; it's reasonable to assume that technology will have progressed between Q4 2015 and Q1 2016. for another, samsung has the technological advantage over htc. just compare their cellphones; samsung has the advantage over htc.


You can skimp a bit here and there but it's still $1200-1500 for a decent system (my prices are AU as well so that probably makes a difference).

Point is, a realistic figure for a system that will be able to run modern games on medium/high settings at 2160x1200 (or higher) @60FPS is going to cost. The Rift will be around $500 so I would think realistic figure for starting from scratch would be closer to $2k.

Yeah, I realised that, will make a difference.

Don't double down dude. It's not £1200-1500, it's £1500. We're talking about the lowest price point here.

Also when the oculus arrives these prices will have dropped quite a bit.


Where'd you read that it was 1440p?
Here's a nice summary of the rendering costs of VR:

I can go ahead and confirm that for you. for one thing, the vive is coming out sooner; it's reasonable to assume that technology will have progressed between Q4 2015 and Q1 2016. for another, samsung has the technological advantage over htc. just compare their cellphones; samsung has the advantage over htc.
I hope you'll forgive me for considering that line of argument insufficient.


Gold Member
As I said earlier in the thread- technical superiority is really not the biggest difference. It's the other part you mentioned - content. VR on the PS4 is likely to be far more limited in variety and number of experiences. With VR being about far more than games, it's really the PC that is gonna give you the widest spectrum of VR apps.

While it's true that the PC will have more experiences, it does seem like you're taking for granted that Sony won't really support Morpheus with software at all, and that 3rd parties won't bother either. Maybe that's what will happen, maybe it isn't. Could turn out that Morpheus will get loads of cool experiences, even if it won't get all the crazy experimental stuff you'll get on PC.
I can go ahead and confirm that for you. for one thing, the vive is coming out sooner; it's reasonable to assume that technology will have progressed between Q4 2015 and Q1 2016. for another, samsung has the technological advantage over htc. just compare their cellphones; samsung has the advantage over htc.

Just 3 months isn't exactly enough to have a technological leap in hardware.
Yikes, considering most people don't know how to read if this starts getting media traction I can see people thinking the headset costs $1000+ really hurting them.

It seems like this is already happening in this thread.

My PC was around $1000 because I built it myself (GTX 970/i7-4790K)
I can't imagine it's going to cost $500 though.


I am no expert, but maybe the Oculus CEO should button up his trap.

sure kill the future of VR with some outrageous sticker price after saying they wanted this new VR set to be ultra consumer-available.

I guess short sighted eyes have trouble seeing long term goals.


While it's true that the PC will have more experiences, it does seem like you're taking for granted that Sony won't really support Morpheus with software at all, and that 3rd parties won't bother either. Maybe that's what will happen, maybe it isn't. Could turn out that Morpheus will get loads of cool experiences, even if it won't get all the crazy experimental stuff you'll get on PC.
I never said that Sony or 3rd parties wont support Morpheus whatsoever. Never said anything like that. All I said was that PC will have vastly more content, and more varied content.


Seems like very reasonable price.

Anyone who think this too much is crazy, is actually quite small price, especially when there are not really single solution GPUs out there yet that will fully support high fidelity VR games.


Release Morpheus with 3 games packed in. No Man's Sky, some multiplayer/competitve game, some adventure/single player game that really shows off the immersion aspect and Sony would rule the landscape. I love the rift, but thinking Sony has the bigger shot on making the public take notice.
By 2016 PS4 is all but guaranteed to be down to at least 350. They aren't going to sell Morpheus at the same price as the console, so lets say 300 at the very most. You can buy 2 move controllers for like 10 bucks at this point, they'll probably just be included with it. I'd say for everything you'd be looking at 600 realistically, 700 at max.

Oculus can charge because they're targeting an extremely hardcore audience. Casual gamer John Doe isn't going to go out and build a PC thats capable of running Oculus. Sony is targeting the hardcore and the casual and if they're targeting the casual, it will be cheaper, even if they eat the cost.

I was going for current prices, sure. Maybe you are right about the prices by then. I was simply pointing out that it's still going to be a pretty expensive purchase is one wants to go all in on a PS4/Morpheus that doesn't already own one.


forget about time, just look at the state of their current cellphones.

Samsung Galaxy S6

HTC One M9

samsung clearly has more advanced screen technology.

Your line of reasoning in this post and the last is flawed, and doesn't confirm anything. As of right now we know the Oculus Rift is using a 2160x1200@90Hz display split in two. The HTC Vive, last we saw, is also using a 2160x1200@90Hz display split in two, with a statement saying that they plan on improving the HMD further for the consumer version. Given that information, only wishful thinking would lead anyone to confirm anything about Oculus having better specs, even if it does end up happening.


Release Morpheus with 3 games packed in. No Man's Sky, some multiplayer/competitve game, some adventure/single player game that really shows off the immersion aspect and Sony would rule the landscape. I love the rift, but thinking Sony has the bigger shot on making the public take notice.
There is a difference between making the public take notice and 'ruling the landscape'. They are actually not competing with each other on that level like many people seem to think. People taking notice of VR with PS4 and Morpheus is ultimately good for Oculus.


There is a difference between making the public take notice and 'ruling the landscape'. They are actually not competing with each other on that level like many people seem to think. People taking notice of VR with PS4 and Morpheus is ultimately good for Oculus.

I meant more the console landscape.


Nice! According to that other article, you'd need a $2000 rig as the min spec to power the rift. So not only is the HMD free, but they're giving you $500! Sick!

In all seriousness, if Oculus recommends a 970 as the base, this number seems quite reasonable. Expecting $200-400 personally.

Oh, and people need to keep in mind that this is the "recommended spec" for optimal input. I'm sure laptops and anything of that nature will still be able to beast their way through indy / small dev team games without sweating. Which I imagine will constitute the bulk of great experiences early on.

Yeah, I am a little surprised at how much surprise there is in this thread. People figured maybe the headset would be $3-400 (which seems about right), and oculus already said they recommend an i5 and GTX970, so a $1200 PC to drive it. This $1500 figure should be entirely understandable.

And most people that are likely to be following OR or into PC gaming will already have at least part of that equation, which reduces the overall cost. Maybe they'll need to upgrade some parts.

And Vive will likely be at least as expensive, possibly more including the controllers and lighthouse accessories.

I also don't understand the 'who will win' argument. Both are aiming at different audiences, and both will help grow VR. Neither will 'win' because it will be an immature technology that will take some time to mature. OR/Vive has the advantage of an iterating PC platform but Oculus have already said they want the GTX970 to be the baseline for the lifetime of the first OR. PS4 is simulatenously somewhat held back by a fixed platform, but also potentially more accessible for that same reason.

This thread really demonstrates some of the most egregious examples of concern trolling I've ever seen on GAF.

VR is terrifying apparently; and since it's awesome and revolutionary it brings the worst out of every community xD

But we know the drill: blind concern / aversion comes from people who has not yet tried it. Or can't afford it ;)


I meant more the console landscape.
Well......yea. I think they've got that covered already as is! Already the much more popular console and MS and Nintendo have no VR products(that we know of), so they are pretty much in a singular position with the console VR market.


Star Citizen isn't even a game yet, I don't think its worth talking about its possibility of VR support for it anytime soon. SC will probably be out by the time CV2 is released, and the VR landscape will be far different.

Sure and yet it's going to be one of the better VR games since it's going to be an "always stay in character" game with a very photorealistic graphics engine. The first playable portion of the single player is coming out at the end of this year, prolly early next year with delays and I bet you, you need way more than a $1500 PC to play it in VR.

A $1000 PC might be a suitable entry level rig for the majority of VR games but I think most people underestimate what it takes to properly run those games. The requirements are pretty insane for today standards and it's only getting worse. You really need 4k screens at some point to even match the image quality of a simple 1080p display. The first consumer version might do fine with a 1500 rig, but I wouldn't go below that. No matter what a company says who want to sell as many of these devices as possible anyways.
Yeah, I'm not yet looking to buy a new PC, maybe in two years...but for Porn alone one doesn't need a big rig, so I might buy me Rift a little sooner ;)
But for now, my entry into the VR world is almost certainly Morpheus.

These technical and monetary hurdles, one has to overcome to fully enjoy the Rift, are the reason why Sony has a real opportunity to truly shine. Not only will it be cheaper but it will most certainly be easier to get it running (plug & play) and they can develop for a fixed system.

Don't fuck this up Sony and you have a 2nd PS2 in your hands!!1


I don't think gen 1 of this stuff (including morpheus) is going to take off like some people hope. People are hand-waving away a tag of $1500 but I think a figure even lower than that would be too much. If it costs $500+ for instance to get in on Sony's version of the tech (even including the cost of the ps4), it will sell to only a fraction of the ps4 base.

Those poised to make the fast mass market gains will be those with inferior but more easily accessible and affordable devices.


I love how some are saying Morpheus and Sony will capitalize on the casual public. Seriously when have any console accessories ever sold well? The Morpheus is setting itself up to be as big of a failure as the Kinect on Xbox One imo. Its going to tank hard because it won't be cheap and it won't have any killer apps. No one in their right mind is gonna go out and buy a $300+ console add on. The npd threads for this stuff will be a blast to go through. I just hope they release official sales numbers for it and not keep it secret. Peoples hype and expectations are reaching ridiculous levels.

Anyways the PC stuff sounds about right. This time next year there will be new gpu/cpus on the market. So your probably looking at about 300-500$ price reduction across the board. It will probably be around $1100 or so in total when the Oculus launches. Which isn't really that bad considering what you are getting in return.


Your line of reasoning in this post and the last is flawed, and doesn't confirm anything. As of right now we know the Oculus Rift is using a 2160x1200@90Hz display split in two. The HTC Vive, last we saw, is also using a 2160x1200@90Hz display split in two, with a statement saying that they plan on improving the HMD further for the consumer version. Given that information, only wishful thinking would lead anyone to confirm anything about Oculus having better specs, even if it does end up happening.

well, we'll see what actually happens in the end. I just feel safer betting on samsungs level of technology vs. htcs level of technology. of course if you're in the market for a new cellphone, it's a foregone conclusion that samsung is better.
I still think the possibilities for core games will be better on PC compared to PS4. I could see Fallout 4 having proper VR support on PC but I really can't see it happening for PS4 without severe graphical downgrades.


I love how some are saying Morpheus and Sony will capitalize on the casual public. Seriously when have any console accessories ever sold well? The Morpheus is setting itself up to be as big of a failure as the Kinect on Xbox One imo. Its going to tank hard because it won't be cheap and it won't have any killer apps. No one in their right mind is gonna go out and buy a $300+ console add on. The npd threads for this stuff will be a blast to go through. I just hope they release official sales numbers for it and not keep it secret. Peoples hype and expectations are reaching ridiculous levels.
I think it has the potential to do quite well. Word of mouth will spread and it seems like it will have decent enough support that it wont be like Kinect/Move in that devs didn't give a shit about it. One of the big differences with VR is that developers are actually excited about VR. In fact, developers have been driving the adoption of this tech right along with consumers. Unlike Kinect and Move which nobody ever really asked for and whose meagre support was primarily a result of orders from upstairs more than anything.

Love your honesty
Anybody who says they're not interested in VR porn is a liar.
Sounds reasonable, expecting them to start the vr age in the budget sector right from the start would be very unusual for new hardware like this.


People have had Oculus development headsets since 2013.

I was being ironic ;)

But I do kinda mean it; "quality affordable VR" is still a thing for the future. People investing in all this gear now are the enthousiast demographic. It won't sell by the bucketloads; and it will mostly allow Occulus / Valve (and Sony to a lesser degree) to work with more consumer feedback, optimise their tech and logistics, test and change their businessmodels, etc. I know this goes for a lot of tech, but we're talking about a new product, in a 'new' (for most people) medium. For me, the next few years are about testing the waters.


El Capitan Todd
I suspected this, and this just confirm that the VR will not be of my interest for a long time, until the technology will become way more affordable.


I was being ironic ;)

But I do kinda mean it; "quality affordable VR" is still a thing for the future. People investing in all this gear now are the enthousiast demographic. It won't sell by the bucketloads; and it will mostly allow Occulus / Valve (and Sony to a lesser degree) to work with more consumer feedback, optimise their tech and logistics, etc.
Sure, it's still early days. And there will be pitfalls and mistakes made. But hey, look at the traditional gaming scene today and you could argue the same things are still happening. VR's technical aspects, features and useability will definitely improve rapidly, as will the software support, both core(API/SDK) and app level, but I don't think using the phrase 'beta testing' is fair at all. I think the big 3 in VR at the moment are really in a good position to provide a fairly polished consumer experience from Day 1.


I think the big 3 in VR at the moment are really in a good position to provide a fairly polished consumer experience from Day 1.

true, but it comes with a cost. I have no VR-experience, but 'consumer experience' also translates to factors like 'does it work out of the box' etc. I can see the PC crowd (and myself) happily tweaking various settings for performance related issues, but the bigger crowd will probably just want it to work, for an affordable price.
I love how some are saying Morpheus and Sony will capitalize on the casual public. Seriously when have any console accessories ever sold well? The Morpheus is setting itself up to be as big of a failure as the Kinect on Xbox One imo. Its going to tank hard because it won't be cheap and it won't have any killer apps. No one in their right mind is gonna go out and buy a $300+ console add on. The npd threads for this stuff will be a blast to go through. I just hope they release official sales numbers for it and not keep it secret. Peoples hype and expectations are reaching ridiculous levels.

Anyways the PC stuff sounds about right. This time next year there will be new gpu/cpus on the market. So your probably looking at about 300-500$ price reduction across the board. It will probably be around $1100 or so in total when the Oculus launches. Which isn't really that bad considering what you are getting in return.

Despite the fact that every VR thread as of late has turned into a PC vs Console pissing match. Morpheus, Vive and Oculus will all have a symbotic relationship at the dawn of consumer level VR. I bet each company is hoping th other do well so as to increase the overall pool of people that will be consuming VR content. The more successful Morpheus is the better it is for Oculus and Vive down the line and vice versa.


Are there people super-hyped for the oculus who don't already have a PC setup?

Given the last few threads expressing disappointment that have gone along these lines, yes. Why? I don't know.

"Hi, my computer can't run modern games in high resolution at 60 fps, but I am SO READY for Occulus!"


Despite the fact that every VR thread as of late has turned into a PC vs Console pissing match. Morpheus, Vive and Oculus will all have a symbotic relationship at the dawn of consumer level VR. I bet each company is hoping th other do well so as to increase the overall pool of people that will be consuming VR content. The more successful Morpheus is the better it is for Oculus and Vive down the line and vice versa.
Indeed. The best possible outcome would be for each of them to occupy a separate cost tier: Morpheus - budget, Oculus - enthusiast, Vive - luxury. This way they will not have to directly fight each other, but each carve a living niche of their own.


Given the fact that computer hardware components tend to be a bit pricier in Europe than they are in the US, I wonder what that is in pounds.

Sounds about right, really. It's not a budget platform. Morpheus will probably give you more bang for your buck but if you're looking for the top of the line experience you're paying a pretty penny for this.

It does make me wonder what Facebook is after, here. This doesn't sound like the product I imagine they had in mind, in the end; it doesn't strike me as mass-market enough for the audience I thought that they were pursuing. Maybe they're making plans for a few generations down the line.

If you break down the Morpheus cost you're looking at 400 for the PS4, probably that again, maybe 350 for Morpheus itself. Then the camera and move controllers on top. So 800-900?

I think a key difference, too, is that there are more people out there who only require a small subset of upgrades to get enough to make Morpheus work. I'm fairly sure I'd basically need to completely refit my PC to reach that target level. To be fair, though, I am about due a big upgrade, so maybe that's not so bad.
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