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Oculus Rift available for preorder for $599.99, shipping in March


HAd to change the shipping address because it seems they have a bot that formats shipping addresses.

Received a couple of emails with an address change that completely messed up my address, so changed it back manually and opened a support ticket. I suppose (and hope) my place in Line is not affected and I will still be getting it in March.


It's a bogus number regardless. Doing zero down preorders was a really bad idea if they actually wanted to gauge interest and adjust manufacturing capacity (which I'm assuming was the goal, 4 months in advance). It might as well be a "sign up for email updates" list cause the majority of todays orders will be canceled as March 28th approaches and that $680 charge threatens to materialize.

What are you basing that on?
You guys arealise that 599 today is a lot cheaper than 599 in 2006 was? Due to inflation it would be ~700 now.
Inflation, without considering average cost of living, consumer disposable income, and average income is just silly.

But then again, gaming circles have always been the haven of amateur business commentary since last gen...


I wonder if Sony is in champaign or panic mode at the time
Definitely champagne. The VR gaming market for 2016 and 2017 is theirs to take now.
HTC & Valve are in champagne mode too I would suspect with their likely highest price now not being far away from their main competitor. The Oculus price & delayed Touch has made Vive more relevant.


Neo Member
No matter how hard I try, I cant seem to get all ticks :(


Hey, I got this status too. Sad that my wallet cannot take the hit, I just hope that the software will still support DK2.
How I wish they will just remove all the extras and sell just the headset+sensor+remote without the Xbox controller and games.


Why even have an Xbox One controller in the bundle? The people buying this are going to be gamers and enthusiasts and have controllers just lying around.


Why even have an Xbox One controller in the bundle? The people buying this are going to be gamers and enthusiasts and have controllers just lying around.
I dunno but they said the controllers add almost no price to the bundle and I really don't mind having a spare. Plus it saves me $30 on the wireless adapter woo. Also, Gamestop will give you $20 for it if you want quick cash.


Why even have an Xbox One controller in the bundle? The people buying this are going to be gamers and enthusiasts and have controllers just lying around.

Guaranteed target that doesn't really cost anything. Devs can develop games knowing every Rift has an Xbox One controller available to it.

Also the Touch controllers aren't ready and won't be out until second half 2016.


[–]Megaclone18 678 punti 6 ore fa*

How long do you see the first generation of the Rift lasting, and are there any features that weren't feasable for this generation that you hope to eventually fit in?

[–]palmerluckey 425 punti 5 ore fa

Somewhere between a console and a mobile phone, much closer to a mobile phone. The PC spec for Rift won't change during the 1st generation.

Quite a few features. We have a lot going on in Oculus Research, some of which will make it into the next product, some of which will go into products even further down the road. VR is still advancing very rapidly, there will be some pretty huge technological shifts happening.

So, about 2/3 years? Yeah, doesn't justify me spending 800€ on something that will last that little.


Heh I thought it was expensive but not that bad, decided to look up median income for full time workers in the USA. Uproar suddenly makes more sense, I will also never complain about US prices being somewhat lower than AUS prices ever again


So, about 2/3 years? Yeah, doesn't justify me spending 800€ on something that will last that little.

There is nothing that fundamental that would make the Cv1 obsolete in 2-3 years. Maybe you'd want to upgrade for higher res etc, but the original should still work fine.

No different from upgrading your GPU - at some point the cost and performance will hit a point where you are comfortable upgrading. Others will have upgraded sooner, others will upgrade later.


There is nothing that fundamental that would make the Cv1 obsolete in 2-3 years. Maybe you'd want to upgrade for higher res etc, but the original should still work fine.

No different from upgrading your GPU - at some point the cost and performance will hit a point where you are comfortable upgrading. Others will have upgraded sooner, others will upgrade later.

Eye tracking and foveated rendering.


Then why did you post?

You are right.
I'll put my actual opinion on the price then:

The philosophy behind the price tag piss me off. It's because it's "futuristic" that they think they can rip off people... So many consoles/products in the past came out with the "More Power!" philosophy and became AVGN episodes as pathetic failures. You can make a wide range of products with very different prices. It's their decision to make it 600$, not a design implication. My staple of product design is the Game Boy line, an harmonious mixture of usability, necessity and focus in what's important. Not everything has to be a Game Boy, but the lesson it represents should be always be taken into account... Just compare the Pebble Watch with the Apple Watch man. That's the shit I'm talking about right there...

P.S.: Also, I think the very nature of the PC market is injurious for consumers, and this is a convenient consequence of that
You are right.
I'll put my actual opinion on the price then:

The philosophy behind the price tag piss me off. It's because it's "futuristic" that they think they can rip off people... So many consoles/products in the past came out with the "More Power!" philosophy and became AVGN episodes as pathetic failures. You can make a wide range of products with very different prices. It's their decision to make it 600$, not a design implication. My staple of product design is the Game Boy line, an harmonious mixture of usability, necessity and focus in what's important. Not everything has to be a Game Boy, but the lesson it represents should be always be taken into account... Just compare the Pebble Watch with the Apple Watch man. That's the shit I'm talking about right there...

P.S.: Also, I think the very nature of the PC market is injurious for consumers, and this is a convenient consequence of that

Please explain.


You are right.
I'll put my actual opinion on the price then:

The philosophy behind the price tag piss me off. It's because it's "futuristic" that they think they can rip off people... So many consoles/products in the past came out with the "More Power!" philosophy and became AVGN episodes as pathetic failures. You can make a wide range of products with very different prices. It's their decision to make it 600$, not a design implication. My staple of product design is the Game Boy line, an harmonious mixture of usability, necessity and focus in what's important. Not everything has to be a Game Boy, but the lesson it represents should be always be taken into account... Just compare the Pebble Watch with the Apple Watch man. That's the shit I'm talking about right there...

P.S.: Also, I think the very nature of the PC market is injurious for consumers, and this is a convenient consequence of that

How do you respond to their claims that it's being sold at cost? Do you still consider the product as "them ripping people off" despite that they (claim) they make no profit off of it?


How do you respond to their claims that it's being sold at cost? Do you still consider the product as "them ripping people off" despite that they (claim) they make no profit off of it?

Hm, didn't know that. However, it's still a design choice. They chose to put in the highest specs, or designing the thing in a way it comes out being sold as a cost. As I said, it's not part of the nature of VR to do it that way. It isn't a design implication.


Unless PSVR costs much less than this, I don't see this VR-thing taking off to be honest.

Give it time, its the 1st gen of a brand new technology. Don't know why people think it needs to immediately break into the mainstream and sell millions to be considered a success.
Hm, didn't know that. However, it's still a design choice. They chose to put in the highest specs, or designing the thing in a way it comes out being sold as a cost. As I said, it's not part of the nature of VR to do it that way. It isn't a design implication.

The nature of VR? What are you on about? Is this some perceived altruistic thing that you think they're not adhering to based on statements made over a year ago? Things change. I'm tired of middling or just okay VR, I'm ready for a premium experience. If you don't like it there will be cheaper options. Everybody and their mums are gonna be releasing some sort of hmd within the next year or two. Take your pick.


Hm, didn't know that. However, it's still a design choice. They chose to put in the highest specs, or designing the thing in a way it comes out being sold as a cost. As I said, it's not part of the nature of VR to do it that way. It isn't a design implication.

Companies are ripping off people by deliberately using premium components in their products? And that's a design choice but not a design implication? I'm confused by your line of reasoning


On the bright side, I don't need to think whether to buy this or not. They decided it for me when they announced it at 599 lol.

Here's hoping psvr is half that price.


I almost preordered one when the orders went live yesterday. Decided against it purely because I'm going to wait for more games and more hands on reviews with the consumer version first. I'll end up picking one up before the end of the year I expect.

In other news... Don't look at eBay... those scalpers.


Hm, didn't know that. However, it's still a design choice. They chose to put in the highest specs, or designing the thing in a way it comes out being sold as a cost. As I said, it's not part of the nature of VR to do it that way. It isn't a design implication.

I would rather them with the first consumer version set the bar extremely high for expected quality than come in with some shitty cost cutting headset. It sets a precedent that their product will be at a quality we can expect and each new iteration will build on that.

Take Google Cardboard and Samsung GearVR for example. Cardboard is a free piece of shit mount for cellphones that does nothing to help show what VR is capable of and in most cases, hurts it. GearVR on the other hand, while requiring a 2015 Samsung Galaxy phone, delivers a solid foundational experience for mobile VR with a wide array of content as well as a headset that's comfortable and affordable as an accessory for the phones. The best thing about it is, Samsung is behind GearVR and it will only get better with each major revision to their phones and with that you can expect a quality that Google Cardboard really has no intention on ever meeting.

I expect the Rift to be an industry leader in VR by focusing on delivering great hardware and giving developers tools to really explore what possible. Yes not having the Touch controllers at launch sucks but everything coming out of CES and past events of people getting to use the have said they are great.The recommended spec is higher than what most people have, but that's a bar that'll lower over the next few years as the 970 becomes cheaper and newer things come along. Coming in with that as the recommended spec means the games Oculus puts into their curated store are expected to run with a specific performance in mind. Best part, as new hardware comes out, you could buy that Pascal or Polaris card and really push those games and the headset to its limit.

VR is something that is going to take 3-4 years to really entrench itself as something everyone considers because the barrier for entry is high right now but it is something that will come down. None of the 3 headsets come out this year are going to be the thing that puts VR in every home but they are all the best attempts at consumer VR we have ever had.


The Birthday Skeleton
HTC early on said the Vive would be priced at "a premium price for the premium VR experience", so expect it to be more expensive. I dunno why you think if it's at the same price then Oculus is in for deep shit.

740 EUR is quite a premium price I would say.


At that resolution it's not gonna be a premium experience. My gear vr is higher resolution and my first thought was this is not high enough
... VR is something that is going to take 3-4 years to really entrench itself as something everyone considers because the barrier for entry is high right now but it is something that will come down. None of the 3 headsets come out this year are going to be the thing that puts VR in every home but they are all the best attempts at consumer VR we have ever had.

Agreed. VR isn't going to be a mass-consumer device until Oculus/HTC/Samsung/Sony/Microsoft/Apple/Someone creates a stand-alone device that requires no separate PC or console, is self-contained with the GFX power to drive high refresh and resolution, and is (probably needs to be well) under $500. And that's years away.

If a device can accept a VR camera feed from the sideline of the Super Bowl or the front bumper of a Nascar vehicle, maybe the mass consumer will pay attention faster.


Please explain.

The success of PC, as I understand it, comes from Microsoft's decision of letting everyone put Windows in their machines/hardware in mid 90's, as opposed of Apple's standpoint of making both software and hardware themselves, as one single product. In consequence, personal computers became cheap and available for everyone, producing a BOOM that last until today. But that's the problem. This practice should have stopped with XP... but too many people were making too much money at the consumers' expense, so why stop doing it?

The downside of the model was bad match-ups of hardware, and therefore bad products that malfunctioned... but that was only going to happen after a good while, so it didn't necessarily needed to. Sadly, the "BOOM" was so great that things got ugly... and the very last one that would ever do anything about it is Microsoft themselves. So after a 10-years-too-long practice, prices go from ultra cheap to ultra expensive, quality and experience don't have anything to do with the prices at all, buying a PC is literally a lottery for the great majority of people... and the worst part? Each year specs get "better", machines multiply the power and capacity of products that came out just few years ago, and still... they have the exact same problems. If not worse. All that power and progress means nothing, because it's never truly applied or realized...

They know it. But this model gets along sooo well with their standardized planned obsolescence.
Finding a not-infernal PC it's like treasure hunting in a frigging jungle full of deadly creatures... and very very few people can do it without hassle. I'm a monkey, but I still do not like to be systematically put trough extreme inconvenience... and a lazy, mean-spirited product design chaos orgy.


What people may be forgetting is that it's highly likely that the likes of Amazon etc will end up selling it for $599/£499/€699 including delivery and without the need to pay for Customs charges etc.

Doesn't seem so bad when you think about that. People that are getting it directly from Oculus are going to have to pay more for getting it early.

I'm not too pissed off about the price here in the UK because when I saw the US price I thought we'd end up getting shafted here in the UK and have to pay £599. I set myself a limit of £500 for VR and that's what we've got.

Of course it could be better but £499 isn't a deal breaker for me personally.


Why does it have to "take off" on year 1 to be a success?

It doesn't :) Most new technologies are expensive when being introduced. Sound cards, Graphic cards, VHS player ($4600 taking inflation into account), DVD etc. If you think it's to expensive, just wait. The price will go down.


It doesn't :) Most new technologies are expensive when being introduced. Sound cards, Graphic cards, VHS player ($4600 taking inflation into account), DVD etc. If you think it's to expensive, just wait. The price will go down.

The context is different here, video games aren't cheap to make while producing a DVD out of a cinema movie which already got its return on investment via ticket selling and VHS sales isn't a big risk.


Uuuuh, so many responses in too little time... bear with me. I'm slow.

The nature of VR? What are you on about? Is this some perceived altruistic thing that you think they're not adhering to based on statements made over a year ago? Things change. I'm tired of middling or just okay VR, I'm ready for a premium experience. If you don't like it there will be cheaper options. Everybody and their mums are gonna be releasing some sort of hmd within the next year or two. Take your pick.

A dedicated game console is bound to cost 600$...? 500$...? 400$...? Not at all. Right? It's the same with this. Sony's greed made them put a 600$ price tag in the PS2 successor. They didn't have to make it that powerful (if we can even call it that)... they chose to. That's what I'm getting at. Can you truly say PS3's experience was more premium than the others... just because the price? It must be destiny that Oculus Rift and that thing had the same release price, hahaha!

2 years later Sony got their deserved scolding and did what they should have done from the beginning... and now PS3 is one of the best and most successful game consoles ever. Maybe Oculus experiences the same fate.
Unless... someone does it incredibly well before that happens...

Companies are ripping off people by deliberately using premium components in their products? And that's a design choice but not a design implication? I'm confused by your line of reasoning

I remit myself to the PS3 comparison I made above


30. Stupid credit card rejection.
Yeah I had that too. I was ready to order it and entered all the informations 5 minutes past the start and managed to do it 40 minutes later -.-

I'm in the 27. Got a screenshot with the Expected to ship in March. Who knows however... xD
I got the same message. Maybe it also depends on your region? Let's say 90% of the orders in the first 60 minutes are from US customers then there should be a high chance for Germany to get it earlier with later order date?
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