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Oculus Rift will have the ability to "stream Xbox One games" in "virtual cinema"


So, it's basically XB1 remote play - with a big headset instead of a Vita-equivalent.

So, you can pair your $350 XB1 with a $1,500 Oculus VR headset and play your XB1 games anywhere - with a big VR headset over your face, not giving you any peripheral view of the outside world, thus potentially making it dangerous to use in a mobile sense, which would defeat a major point of the "remote play" idea.

1. Oculus is not going to be $1500.
2. It's not wireless, so they're not trying to get you to do things in a "mobile" way.
3. This is just a fairly straightforward was of showing off the VR cinema side of things. It's an added bonus, not something they're likely to focus on as a major selling point in the long term.


I still just can't believe this. It's an interesting if extremely niche feature. I get it. But to think that demoing this at an event to show off the Xbox-Oculus partnership was a good idea? Wow.
If there's going to be space around the virtual TV, is there really much of a difference? If you want a bigger screen without the audiovisual interference, couldn't you just turn the lights out and sit closer to your current TV?

If I understand correctly what you mean, no, it wouldn't be the same. My mind can't be fooled that much by sitting closer to my 40". I'd like to try this on and let my home theater do the rest.
Anyway, I'm confused as all of you are.


I think it's cool feature that I would use ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Just hoping they have options to make customize how big the screen is and how far away you sit from it




If there's going to be space around the virtual TV, is there really much of a difference? If you want a bigger screen without the audiovisual interference, couldn't you just turn the lights out and sit closer to your current TV?

It's still missing the room scale.


what is even the point of this?


American Living Room Simulator. For the Japanese market. Now they can experience what its like to have room big enough for their huge Xbox One with Kinect.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
This is really cool if you buy Oculas for your PC and also own Xbox One. Being able to play without an actual TV is an awesome idea. But cant imagine anyone getting this just to stream games on virtual TV.

But as Xbox owner, if I am looking for a VR headset for my PC. I would definitely get this over other.
Some of your guys imagination sucks.


I'd love to be able to be virtually sitting in a forest playing Witcher 3 or sitting on an alien planet shooting up aliens in Halo 5/Destiny while the whole galaxy spins around me. Or imagine having vitals displayed on the wall next to the "TV" freeing up screen space for a less intrusive UI. As long as the size of the TV is adjustable for preference, this could be a great feature. In application however most of what I just wrote is probably a pipe dream.


I'll just opt to play my Xbox One games on my TV... without that thing on my head. But if they were to offer actual support that allowed me to take virtual tours or whatever, then I would be more keen to try it.


Some of your guys imagination sucks.


I'd love to be able to be virtually sitting in a forest playing Witcher 3 or sitting on an alien planet shooting up aliens in Halo 5/Destiny while the whole galaxy spins around me. Or imagine having vitals displayed on the wall next to the "TV" freeing up screen space for a less intrusive UI. As long as the size of the TV is adjustable for preference, this could be a great feature. In application however most of what I just wrote is probably a pipe dream.

+virtual ambilight
+a hot woman stripping next to the TV
+a cat constantly blocking the view to the TV

Whatever you want.
It's surprising how many don't have the imagination to be able to comprehend what this would be like.

Everything I've heard about the virtual cinema apps that are currently available is extremely positive.


It's surprising how many don't have the imagination to be able to comprehend what this would be like.

Everything I've heard about the virtual cinema apps that are currently available is extremely positive.

When I am playing a game, I am paying attention to the game I am playing. I don't need to strap that thing on my face so I can play the same games in a virtual environment. I would rather just play on my TV. It's just plain gimmicky.


It's surprising how many don't have the imagination to be able to comprehend what this would be like.

Everything I've heard about the virtual cinema apps that are currently available is extremely positive.

I think many get it, but also get the massive drawbacks this concept still has with the current technology.

edit: ok maybe not so many
When I am playing a game, I am paying attention to the game I am playing. I don't need to strap that thing on my face so I play the same games in a virtual environment. I would rather just play on my TV.

But if you don't have a TV, now you can have a VIRTUAL television. It's the hot new wave of the future.
I wonder if some of the "illumiroom" stuff MS showed off a while back could be implemented in a virtual cinema setting. I'm not entirely sold on the idea of playing Forza Horizon 2 in a cinema setting, but would it be possible to have the weather effects from the game extend "beyond" the screen to the virtual room you're sitting in? That kind of experience would be really interesting to me. I have no idea if any of this is feasible, haha.


I'm sorry but it still sounds ridiculous. The Oculus Rift only has a 1080p screen anyway, so any simulated screen will have a smaller resolution.

Pretending to watch a movie on the moon while you're sitting on your couch just has no appeal whatsoever, and making the screen massive enough where you need to move your head around sounds like sitting in the front row of a movie theatre. Especially since you'll be sitting there alone, closed off from the real world and any real people you live with.

My point is it is all variable, obviously if you create a screen of preposterous size, you don't want to be up close with it, but it is the sensation of being present with things of such scale that is compelling. Again - this is not some selling point, it's just one thing you can do, which has uses


I just stared at that picture for about 10 seconds trying to figure out what was going on.............

Why would you want to play a game on the wall of a VR room?


+virtual ambilight
+a hot woman stripping next to the TV
+a cat constantly blocking the view to the TV

Whatever you want.
That research on IllumiRoom could finally come in handy. It would be like experiencing AR in VR.

Environments I'd like to play in:
  • Tron landscape
  • 80s living room
  • Middle of the ocean
  • Random Google Streetview locations
  • Simpsons living room
  • Honey I Shrunk the Kids where the big TV screen is a propped-up cell phone
If you could do online multiplayer with this, seeing the other players in the room around you, that would be awesome. Same goes for watching a movie in VR with other people.


I was sad when Facebook bought OR. Now I'm even more sad about the OR-Xbox partnership. This is not gonna end well... :-/


I could see it maybe being fun for split screen multiplayer.

Garry's mod seems fun to dick around in a theater and play YouTube videos.

I'd never so it solo
I was sad when Facebook bought OR. Now I'm even more sad about the OR-Xbox partnership. This is not gonna end well... :-/

It really might not be anything more than MS providing controllers for a cheap price and OR integrating the Xbox One streaming into their movie theater app. If that's all it is, then the worry is kind of goofy.


Neo Member
It's really funny to me to see people shitting all over it based on a 10 second video.

The potential is there for it to be something cool. Primarily I could see it as a tool to stream games if someone is using your TV and you want to play xbox. But it can go beyond that to augment the experience.

But at the end of the day, MS still has HoloLens to show off, so we'll see what that is going to look like. VR is very niche right now and I don't see that changing anytime soon. Better to focus their resources on stuff gamers actually care about, like first party titles.


instead of playing forza on her xbox one on her tv in her room, the woman streams the xbox one game to her pc and puts on the oculus rift so she can watch her avatar sit in a room playing xbox one on the virtual screen in the room

which is something no one would ever want to do

This is hilarious.

Wasn't this thing going on where they want to move people into the living room?


to clear up my initial post, I dont think virtual television is a dumb feature. it can be really awesome. so many environments impossible in real life!

whats dumb is needing to stream your xbox one to your pc to then stream to your oculus. surely you could make this natively work with the oculus connected to the xb1 standalone.


I suppose more info on this will come in the future. At first impression I feel I must be thinking of it wrong. Look at the game through a TV in a living room? I'm sure there is more to that than this.


Did anyone ask for this? Who would actually use this?

I guess it's not hurting anything but it seems like a bullet point.


Not gonna criticize until I try it. It probably looks and feels way cooler seeing things directly through the Rift.
wat? Who is going to do that and WHY?

I guess it's a deal to pay less for each XB1 controller they are packing in? (which is already weird in itself)
While MS gets to say "yo, we are doing VR stuff with XB1" and further promotes their Windows10 XB integrations.

Not gonna criticize until I try it. It probably looks and feels way cooler seeing things directly through the Rift.

looks even better and feels cooler seeing things directly on a TV/monitor.
It's surprising how many don't have the imagination to be able to comprehend what this would be like.

Everything I've heard about the virtual cinema apps that are currently available is extremely positive.

sure but why would you want to buy 3 devices (xbone, pc, oculus) to do that?

might as well buy a new entertainment system with that money.


I suppose more info on this will come in the future. At first impression I feel I must be thinking of it wrong. Look at the game through a TV in a living room? I'm sure there is more to that than this.

yes, there is also added latency
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