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OK nerds, you win. Song of Ice and Fire is gud.

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Honorary Canadian.
Just started Storm of Swords and I'm already pissed that I came in this thread and highlighted a spoiler. God damn me. :(


Honorary Canadian.
again, i'm only like 100 pages into Storm of Swords but Tyrion is easily the coolest character in the book for me.
Ignatz Mouse said:
I find Cersei a cartoon even in the last book. I really don't care for my badguys drawn with such broad strokes.

Huh? I wouldn't even consider her a "badguy" honestly. Everything she does has the purpose of making her house stronger, which is essentially what all the characters are either doing or trying to do.

She's not nearly as complicated as her brothers but imo that's one of the things that makes her interesting. Her father is one of the great strategists in the entire series, Jamie is a fearless warrior, Tyrion is dangerously cunning...but what is Cersei. She's all those things and none of them, at least to me. It was interesting watching her plot and prod through AFFC only to watch it all fall down. She basically spends the entire series attempting to prove herself as the true heir to her brilliant father only to falter at nearly everything she tries. Cersei is so belligerent and unrepentant it's easy to dislike her. But that's what makes me love her. She's going down with the ship yet won't concede until the very end


Humongous (A Storm of Swords, the 3rd book) spoilers below:

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I had to stop reading when House Frey betrayed Robb. I had a feeling it was coming, Robb not being really a main character, but was hoping it wouldn't happen this way. It was somewhat obvious from the way things were going with Frey, him stating that the 'red will run', and Bolton showing up for Edmure's wedding. I rest my hopes with Jon and Bran (please no comments about this as I want to be clueless as to what will happen).

I have a feeling as to where the direction of the story will go, but wouldn't be surprised to see it go any other way, and this is annoying to some extent. Only because the characters are so well developed that the reader becomes very invested in them (GRR, don't you dare harm Bran or Jon!). But, this is a sign of well told stories. Oh, and Jaime too has to pay... along with the Lannisters... maybe with the exception of Tyrion... maybe!

Needless to say, I'm sad about these dark times in Westeros. :(
PhoenixDark said:
Huh? I wouldn't even consider her a "badguy" honestly. Everything she does has the purpose of making her house stronger, which is essentially what all the characters are either doing or trying to do.

She's not nearly as complicated as her brothers but imo that's one of the things that makes her interesting. Her father is one of the great strategists in the entire series, Jamie is a fearless warrior, Tyrion is dangerously cunning...but what is Cersei. She's all those things and none of them, at least to me. It was interesting watching her plot and prod through AFFC only to watch it all fall down. She basically spends the entire series attempting to prove herself as the true heir to her brilliant father only to falter at nearly everything she tries. Cersei is so belligerent and unrepentant it's easy to dislike her. But that's what makes me love her. She's going down with the ship yet won't concede until the very end

We'll have to agree to disagree. In a series full of multi-faceted characters, I find her very one-note and the motivations given to her very simplistic compared to the rest of the cast. And some of the stuff that makes her bad is cartoonishly petty.


She reminds me of an evil stepmother from a fairy tale. In Storm of Swords or whatever, she plays that kind of role
To Sansa
and I was sort of hoping that although she stayed a nasty piece of work, the
Sansa angle
would add another dimension to her (Building on one of her few redeeming traits, that she loves her children). There are a few moments throughout in the books that I thought she's bad, but at least she's human , so...

But who knows. Considering what I heard happened in AffC, she could change, her development just starting later than the others, and needing this BIG thing to change it.

I want to read it now.


Ignatz Mouse said:
We'll have to agree to disagree. In a series full of multi-faceted characters, I find her very one-note and the motivations given to her very simplistic compared to the rest of the cast. And some of the stuff that makes her bad is cartoonishly petty.

I totally agree with this. In the first book she comes off as being somewhat ruthlessly clever; well, if not clever then at least a competent and dangerous enemy. But in Feast, she is utterly incompetent and oblivious and never once seems to make a correct judgment or take a prudent action.
Just saw this thread bumped, and popping in to note that there is yet another here about to start "A Storm of Swords". Looking forward to diving in...after diving out of this thread to avoid spoilers.
Good news and bad news.

Good news? George has finished another of his dumb projects so he can concentrate on Dragons.

The bad news?



Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
BuckRobotron said:
Just saw this thread bumped, and popping in to note that there is yet another here about to start "A Storm of Swords". Looking forward to diving in...after diving out of this thread to avoid spoilers.


Try no to....

snaildog said:
Probably worth bumping this thread for the updates on his blog - a couple of angry rants to the obsessive 'fans', and a tentative hope to finish the book by June.


Excellent update. I feel sympathetic to an extent but this doesn't bode very well at all for the completion of the series :\. The fact that he took out
Sansa completely from the story
is definitely somewhat disturbing.

At least we can say that some progress has been made on the Winds of Winter :lol...half done? :D


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
He's not responsible to avoid recreational activity and the fruits of his success (and dumb people say the same dumb shit being thrown at him any time a big name game dev posts on GAF), but it's damn sure a painful, depressing wait for the fans at this point.

And fact is that his physical condition *is* a serious concern at the rate he's (not) finishing the books. Face reality, big bearded brothah.


Good to finally see another update. I don't think GRRM really realizes what it is like to be a fan of the series and have to wait through all these delays. He says that he doesn't want to talk about the book until it's done. Well, waiting between these updates is kind of like waiting for a loved one to go through surgery - not hearing anything makes the wait much worse. Even if he just updated once a month to say something simple like "still working, made some progress" or "had some setbacks this month" that would go a long way.
I'm really (foolishly) optimistic about Winds coming faster than Dance or Feast. He really wrote himself into a corner at the end of Storm; once he writes himself out of it I hope he finds the work easier.

The pace was much faster for the first three books; hopefully that's what we can expect for the last two.


First tragedy, then farce.
Brian Fellows said:
Not even close. Thoros could have done that for anyone.

But his sword catches fire when he fights unlike Stannis'. Obviously Cat being undead throws a kink in things

Brian Fellows said:
Say what?

Sorry, I meant Robb. The stuff with the Frey's I could care less about now


First tragedy, then farce.
So, I am halfway through Feast of Crows and I am just not feeling it.

Cersei I just don't care for. She isn't clever at all, and all she cares about is her house. Tyrion and even Jamie were great characters. Tyrion because he is a fucking bad ass. Jamie because he is trying to redeem himself. At this point Cersei is just a whiny bitch.

Sansa. Didn't care about in book one. Don't care about her now. I like how they managed to put all 4 of my least favorite charachters from the first book into the same sub plot. But at least they killed off Cat's fat sister.

The Iron Islands stuff is interesting, but it feels like a side note. He barely even bothered with their story in the last 3 books. Hell, he didn't bother with it at all in Storm of Swords. Maybe it will go somewhere amazing, but right now it doesn't feel relevant to the stories I care about.

My problem is my favorite charachters are Sam, Beric, Danny, Davos, Jon and Tyrion and none of them are in this book in any major way to this point which is pissing me the fuck off. It's like an entire book filled with my least favorite parts of the first 3.

I enjoyed what little I got of the wall and Arya, but I'm starting to think that is all I am going to get in this book. I guess Sam will make an appearance in Oldtown at some point later in this novel.


Honorary Canadian.
Eh, I'll cut the guy some slack. I'm fully planning on stopping the series after Storm of Swords. I'll read Feast for Crows once Dance with Dragons comes out and we'll go from there.

On the one hand, I am by no means of the thought that he should avoid all that he would like to do just to appease his fans.

Also, you can't rush art.

And, also, it would have been a crime against humanity of Michelangelo got bored and went AWOL half way thru painting the Sistine Chapel. So basically, I don't know. I just hope he finishes the books. If not I'm sure they can sell the rights to five different pre-eminent authors and watch them all butcher the last book. I personally opt for JK Rowling, Tom Clancy, Dan Brown, Stephen King aaaand Terry Goodkind to actually do it properly after the first four ruin it :lol

Clancy writing fantasy:
The sword was forged with valyrian steel, in fires that run approximately 276 degrees farenheit and with hammers made from iron. Jack Ryan looked at the sword, wavering in the hands of the Irish terrorist, and suddenly decided that the steel was stronger than the .9mm Baretta sidearm he had tucked into the waistband of his Dockers. The Baretta, obviously the chosen sidearm of all US Marines, was his only defense against the sword.

Come to think of it, they should make a movie instead of a TV show and let M Night Shyamalan make it. Just as a joke.
Good, honest update. I can't help but think the book will come out this year, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Does the exclusion of Sansa suggest he's cutting back on the "catch up" chapters he talked about previously, which would tie up AFFC cliff hangers? When he first said he was working on a Sansa chapter I was kinda confused. Was it just one epilogue type chapter at the end of the book, or multiple chapters that would occur after catching us up on the events of the north.

Putting it in Winds of Winter will allow for Sansa to court Harry I guess, instead of having one chapter where she's simply marrying the dude


Pity about Sansa. She's one of my favourite characters because along with Arya, her character development is and will be more interesting than the other characters.


Still Tagged Accordingly
man i love this series!

come on george, get it done!

i want to see more of arya's development.
Sansa was so damn annoying in GoT. I liked her in the subsequent books, and can't wait to see what happens with LF

seems like every good thing that's supposed to happen for her backfires, from Joffery being a monster to not going with the Tyrells. That makes me suspect the Queen of the North thing isn't going to come to fruition


PhoenixDark said:
Sansa was so damn annoying in GoT. I liked her in the subsequent books, and can't wait to see what happens with LF

Yep. In Game of Thrones she was all lemon cakes and handsome princes and little sugar plum fairies, and I like how she's being twisted and corrupted by the unfairytale that is ASOIAF. If it ever happens, I cannot wait to see her be reunited with Arya.


I really want to know what Littlefinger is up to next. Of course, he
told Sansa all this stuff about her getting the North etc
, but I can´t see it happen. From his behaviour I don´t think he could just marry her away (with his creepy lusting for her), he has to plan something else. He is the master of double and tripple crossing. I hope he dies, though! Eddaaaard! D:

But I really want to know who Dany marries.
Dany+Tyrion+Sam would make me wet myself with joy.
:lol :lol :lol It just wont happen
Edit: ^^^ You should spoiler out your first sentence.

I finally finished Feast for Crows last night and oh man on man. If I had read this book in 2005 and left in suspense for four years now I don't know if I could do it. I really hope the next book comes out this year. The one thing that surprised me at the end of Feast for Crows was the fact:
Jamie refusing to come to Cersei's aide. I know she slighted him, but it is his family and twin after all. Although now perhaps he is becoming the knight of the Kingsguard he should have been and is now going to serve his king only. Indeed I think this book should be called a feast of crows because Cersei seems to be the one eating crow now.

EviLore said:
And fact is that his physical condition *is* a serious concern at the rate he's (not) finishing the books. Face reality, big bearded brothah.
Your post made a knott turn in my stomach. Something better not happen to him before the series ends. I don't know if I could take it without some sort of closure to the series.


Good news on A Dance with Dragons. Started reading the series last year and I absolutely adore it and even like the majority of the characters who still live. (Except Cersei that bitch).

I could not imagine the wait some people have had to endure though. 9 years to find out what's been happening with Jon, Tyrion and the others? Dear God it'd have drove me mad. :lol


Ah screw it, I'm gonna start reading the books again for the 3rd time. Was gonna wait until just before ADWD, but I don't feel like reading anything else.


I wonder where Varys and Illyrio fit in. For example Arstan said that Aerys started to go bonkers when Varys showed up, then he seems to plot for the Targaryens in AGoT, but is still working for and against Dany. Is he weakening
Dany AND Westeros
to help
the OTHERS?!?!one
? He´s one of the characters that really sets ASOIAF apart from other works (in one of Tad William´s books people conspire in...a wardrobe).

Plus, why Duskendale. Was it ordered by
Bolton on behalf of Lord Tywin
? Or was there something...special the army went after.

Sansa in Feast
seems to think that Tyrion wasn´t such a bad guy/husband, after all
EPIC twist incoming?

Back to reading Feast again.:D

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Binabik15 said:
Plus, why Duskendale. Was it ordered by
Bolton on behalf of Lord Tywin
? Or was there something...special the army went after.

Bolton was systematically ridding himself of people he thought might stay loyal to Rob.


That´s what I thought, too, but there´s no real evidence he actually ordered it. Glover was in charge of this part of the foot soldiers, if I remember it correctly. If Glover really just followed an order to fight at Duskendale, something which was quite suicidal from the reactions of everybody else, he deserved to get slaughtered :lol

I think that you´re right, but it always lingers in the back of my mind that there could´ve been a reason to fight there. Like, lasers. Or, like, bears with lasers :D It´s just that it all falls in place smoothly for evil B, that´s a bit boring.

The stuff I really want to know about is the rest of my post.


Not that I doubt you, I just can't remember, but what has
Varys ever done against Dany? I always thought he was working for the Targaryens.


John Scalzi on why people pissing and moaning over the time it's taking the next book to come out are lame.

Choice quote:

I don’t want to hazard guessing how GRRM does his creative thing, but I’ll say this: The reason GRRM’s series is so damn popular is because he’s created this immense, complex world strewn with characters readers love to follow. When you do this, it doesn’t get easier building on it, it gets harder, especially if you’re trying to maintain quality control. This isn’t like a television series (or their literary spinoffs), where you have several writers working in the universe sharing the load; it all comes down to this single guy, pulling it all out of a single brain.

Seriously, people, WTF? Give the man a friggin’ break. Yes, it’s taking a while. Yes, he’s doing other things. But I assume it’s taking time because GRRM believes it’s worth getting right, and I assume he’s doing other things because he wants to stay sane. Let the guy do what he needs to do to make himself happy, and happy with the writing. You’ll benefit from a book that you’ll actually want to read, as opposed to a book that is simply there to have.


Flynn said:

Obviously people react harshly towards Martin when it comes to Dance not being done, but it is at least partially justified. The man created a series that people love and left it on a cliffhanger. Of course people are going to be mad when it takes so long for them to have some resolutions to their questions. The thing with Martin is that he hardly ever acknowledges that he is even working on the book let alone close to being done. Instead we get updates on all his various other projects. Im not saying he shouldn't work on other things but it just compounds fan frustration when the book is delayed so much without hardly a peep from Martin about his progress with it. Im sure the man is hard at work on the book but posting blog posts about how fans should shut the fuck up about the book not being done isn't the way to go about easing fan backlash.
The north aspect is so damn fascinating, with so many different ways to go. I'm especially interested in

-Bolton: Seems like his bastard son is gonna try to take him out. Bolton is a heartless bastard and while I hate what he did...you can't deny he's a pragmatic realist. I can't help but think he'll be around for awhile

-Stannis: Surprised he's lasted so long and kinda wonder if he's reaching the end of the rope.

-And of course the heir issue. I'm assuming it's not Jon, mainly because things that allegedly happened off screen can't be taken as fact. But I can't think of a good candidate


bathala said:
i think the HBO show will motivate him to start working faster.
i hope

I think he's going to be an executive producer on it, plus he's definitely writing one episode per season, so probably not.

Anyways, I agree with Flynn.


Honorary Canadian.
Ok. Finally finished with A Storm of Swords and yeah... awesome. But I think I'll put the series aside for now and leave Feast for Crows til there's something firm on the following book.

A couple thoughts:
I somehow see a hookup between Dany and Jon Snow/Stark/Targaryen coming down the road.

Barristan Selmy is awesome.

I'm interested to see Jorah Mormont come back for Longclaw, if he ever does.

Loved the twist where Jaime told Tyrion that his first wife really wasn't a whore. That whole chapter, starting with that and finishing with Tyrion strangling Shae with the Hand's chain and then killing his father was awesome. Hope to see Tyrion reconcile with Jaime somehow and admit he didn't touch Joffrey.

I would love to see the Freys get burnt to the ground at some point.

Dondarrion turned into an awesome character, as well.

Pumped to see what happens with Arya next, as well. Valar Morghulis, eh? :D

awesome set of books. so glad I picked 'em up because of GAF.
Finally Finished A Feast for Crows. I enjoyed it, but didn't burn through it the way I did the first 3 books. I don't really have much to add that hasn't already been said, except to say that the books are excellent, and I loved them, despite hating almost all other works of fantasy, be they books, movies or games. ASOIAF showed me that the genre can be done well.

Thank you, GAF, for introducing me to the series.

Sooo.... how long until the next one? (;p sorry to everyone who'll coming rushing in hoping for more news. I just wanted to add my voice to the chorus)

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Revengeance said:
Sooo.... how long until the next one? (;p sorry to everyone who'll coming rushing in hoping for more news. I just wanted to add my voice to the chorus)

Hopefully by the end of the year. But this is the 3rd year I've been saying that.
Brian Fellows said:
Hopefully by the end of the year. But this is the 3rd year I've been saying that.

I'd be shocked if it doesn't come out this year. This is the first year in awhile where he's already finished many of the projects he juggles, thus allowing more time for Dance. Plus the HBO situation should help from , as it'll probably be shooting around the time the book is about to come out - good way to sell books
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