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OK nerds, you win. Song of Ice and Fire is gud.

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I gotta say, I'm really disappointed (and kind of angry) about how Davos and Gregor and Sandor Clegane were all killed off-screen (or whatever the book equivalent is called). I understand how the book doesn't romanticize death like in movies or other novels, but I still felt that Davos and Sandor especially deserved a better goodbye.

I was initially wary to accept these deaths, as Storm of Swords tricked me into believing certain characters had died when in fact they hadn't, but I just finished the chapter where the monk confirms Sandor's death to Brienne. I'm really sad to lose such an interesting character in such a quick in inglorious way. Davos especially. Sure, Sandor's death was heavily alluded to in Storm of Swords, but I thought that was misdirection.

I suppose Davos and Gregor's deaths could be red herrings as well, since we only hear about them from third-parties, but I'm not going to put much stock into it. And who knows, maybe it's revealed that Sandor received the Beric Dondarrion treatment, but I doubt it.

Aggghh, this sucks. Sorry, just had to put it out there. Now to get out of this thread, just in case someone posts something along the lines of "keep reading." ;) Cheers, guys.
It's the subtext.
Jaime was urging Tom to sing that song. The one that implies Jaime would have Edmure and his son/wife killed if he didn't do what Jaime suggested.

No, that's not the reason.
Edmure specifically dislikes Tom. It's mentioned that he dislikes singers in general (a number of times), and in the Arya chapters in Storm you hear about how Tom is the main reason for that. He once bedded a girl that Edmure was going to, and then wrote a song about a 'floppy fish' making fun of Edmure for not being able to perform.
No, that's not the reason.
Edmure specifically dislikes Tom. It's mentioned that he dislikes singers in general (a number of times), and in the Arya chapters in Storm you hear about how Tom is the main reason for that. He once bedded a girl that Edmure was going to, and then wrote a song about a 'floppy fish' making fun of Edmure for not being able to perform.

Just finished ADWD! I enjoyed it much more than AFFC.

It really felt like so much editing could be done... for instance, the first Cersei chapter gave out all the information I wanted from the Dorne chapters from ADWD!
I really enjoyed Jon's and Arya's arc.
Tyrion and Dany feel like they're wasting everyone's time...
Varys finally getting out and killing Kevan was very nice.

The Theon chapter from TWOW still confuses me. I didn't think Ramsay wrote that letter, but who? Melisandre? It does not really make sense. Any solid guess from anyone here?


Rapid Response Threadmaker

I gotta say, I'm really disappointed (and kind of angry) about how Davos and Gregor and Sandor Clegane were all killed off-screen (or whatever the book equivalent is called). I understand how the book doesn't romanticize death like in movies or other novels, but I still felt that Davos and Sandor especially deserved a better goodbye.

I was initially wary to accept these deaths, as Storm of Swords tricked me into believing certain characters had died when in fact they hadn't, but I just finished the chapter where the monk confirms Sandor's death to Brienne. I'm really sad to lose such an interesting character in such a quick in inglorious way. Davos especially. Sure, Sandor's death was heavily alluded to in Storm of Swords, but I thought that was misdirection.

I suppose Davos and Gregor's deaths could be red herrings as well, since we only hear about them from third-parties, but I'm not going to put much stock into it. And who knows, maybe it's revealed that Sandor received the Beric Dondarrion treatment, but I doubt it.

Aggghh, this sucks. Sorry, just had to put it out there. Now to get out of this thread, just in case someone posts something along the lines of "keep reading." ;) Cheers, guys.

AFFC Book Speculation Spoilers

A lot of people think that the Priest is Sandor Clegane

I'm not going to say anything else about the rest.

AFFC Book Speculation Spoilers

A lot of people think that the Priest is Sandor Clegane

I'm not going to say anything else about the rest.
Don't you mean the gravedigger?

Just finished ADWD! I enjoyed it much more than AFFC.

It really felt like so much editing could be done... for instance, the first Cersei chapter gave out all the information I wanted from the Dorne chapters from ADWD!
I really enjoyed Jon's and Arya's arc.
Tyrion and Dany feel like they're wasting everyone's time...
Varys finally getting out and killing Kevan was very nice.

The Theon chapter from TWOW still confuses me. I didn't think Ramsay wrote that letter, but who? Melisandre? It does not really make sense. Any solid guess from anyone here?

The letter to
Jon? I think that was Ramsay but he/Roose was bluffing about already defeating Stannis. Why else would he demand Selyse and Shireen if not to have leverage over Stannis?
Don't you mean the gravedigger?

The letter to
Jon? I think that was Ramsay but he/Roose was bluffing about already defeating Stannis. Why else would he demand Selyse and Shireen if not to have leverage over Stannis?

Yeah, I think the letter was just Ramsay bluffing and trying to piss off Jon. Also, I'll bet Mance wasn't captured either, he's chilling in the crypts.
It's what makes most sense I agree but I don't understand how he would know
Abel is Mance? I'll re-read the escape chapter I believe


Rapid Response Threadmaker
What are the restrictions on posting The Winds of Winter spoilers? Can we post them in spoilers or is it best not to post them at all?
Is A Dance With Dragons not available in paperback? I originally bought this set when I started reading these books, and I want future copies of the books to match up with the ones I already have. Looking on Amazon, however, it seems as though ADWD is only available in hardcover. The paperback version is split into two books, for some reason (bleh). Is this right, or am I missing something?

Guess I'll have to bite the bullet and get the hardcover version, as I don't want to wait until 2013 (!!!) for the paperback to release. Very odd.


No, that's not the reason.
Edmure specifically dislikes Tom. It's mentioned that he dislikes singers in general (a number of times), and in the Arya chapters in Storm you hear about how Tom is the main reason for that. He once bedded a girl that Edmure was going to, and then wrote a song about a 'floppy fish' making fun of Edmure for not being able to perform.

Ohh, I totally glossed over that tidbit, even during my first read of AFFC.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Wow I didn't realize until now that Damphair wasn't pronounced as Damfair and used as a title but was literally Damp Hair.

Regarding (ADWD)
Stannis' status at the end of ADWD

TWoW Spoilers
In Theon's POV Stannis is still with his army. Martin has dicked with the timeline before, but I doubt Ramsay Snow has him. Stannis refuses to ransom Theon to his sister Asha Greyjoy and insists that Theon must die to avenge Bran and Rickon or all the northmen will abandon Stannis' cause. Asha urges Stannis to kill Theon as Eddard Stark would have: by personally beheading him before a Weirwood tree and giving him to the Old Gods, instead of having him burned alive.

Here are the following POV chapters we know of in TWoW


Sansa Stark, one chapter was removed from A Dance with Dragons in June 2010
Arya Stark, one chapter was removed from A Dance with Dragons in June 2010
Arianne Martell, two chapters were removed from A Dance with Dragons in June 2010
Aeron Greyjoy, one chapter was removed from A Dance with Dragons in July 2010
Theon Greyjoy, one sample chapter appeared on Martin's website in December 2011
Victarion Greyjoy, portions of one chapter were first read at TIFF Bell Lightbox in March 2012
Tyrion Lannister, one chapter was read at Eastercon in April 2012

Martin omitted at least one planned large battle sequence and left several character threads ending in cliffhangers. Martin intends to resolve these cliffhangers "very early" in The Winds of Winter, saying "I'm going to open with the two big battles that I was building up to, the battle in the ice and the battle at Meereen—the battle of Slaver's Bay. And then take it from there.

So is the battle in the ice going to be Stannis vs. Bolton?


Is A Dance With Dragons not available in paperback? I originally bought this set when I started reading these books, and I want future copies of the books to match up with the ones I already have. Looking on Amazon, however, it seems as though ADWD is only available in hardcover. The paperback version is split into two books, for some reason (bleh). Is this right, or am I missing something?

Guess I'll have to bite the bullet and get the hardcover version, as I don't want to wait until 2013 (!!!) for the paperback to release. Very odd.

It was supposed to release this July, but was pushed back to March 2013 due to the hardcover continuing to sell so well.

AFFC Book Speculation Spoilers

A lot of people think that the Priest is Sandor Clegane

I'm not going to say anything else about the rest.


Hmm, I guess it's possible, but unless the gravedigger has a bigger roles in future books, it seems like baseless speculation to me. We only see him twice: the first time, he's far away from Brienne, and (I think his back is turned). Okay, maybe there's something there. But the second time the gravekeeper is mentioned, it's during dinner and GRRM makes no mention of him wearing anything on his face. Seems like that would be something important to point out if he's secretly Sandor Clegane, especially since he has brutal facial scarring and Brienne would immediately know who he was.

As for Davos and Gregor, I guess I was a little too quick to mourn their deaths. GRRM flat out says in the epilogue that Davos is coming back in A Dance With Dragons, and I guess Gregor's been turned into some type of Frankenstein's monster or something. I figured as much when Qyburn send Dorne a skull stripped of flesh. Seemed like an odd gesture if you wanted to quell all dissent in Dorne.

Can't wait to see what happens next! My copy of ADWD should arrive by tomorrow.

As for Davos and Gregor, I guess I was a little too quick to mourn their deaths. GRRM flat out says in the epilogue that Davos is coming back in A Dance With Dragons, and I guess Gregor's been turned into some type of Frankenstein's monster or something. I figured as much when Qyburn send Dorne a skull stripped of flesh. Seemed like an odd gesture if you wanted to quell all dissent in Dorne.

Can't wait to see what happens next! My copy of ADWD should arrive by tomorrow.

But he also said that ADWD kinda goes back and takes place during the same timeline as AFFC. So it doesn't necessarily mean Davos doesn't die.

He better not :(

Hmm, I guess it's possible, but unless the gravedigger has a bigger roles in future books, it seems like baseless speculation to me. We only see him twice: the first time, he's far away from Brienne, and (I think his back is turned). Okay, maybe there's something there. But the second time the gravekeeper is mentioned, it's during dinner and GRRM makes no mention of him wearing anything on his face. Seems like that would be something important to point out if he's secretly Sandor Clegane, especially since he has brutal facial scarring and Brienne would immediately know who he was.

As for Davos and Gregor, I guess I was a little too quick to mourn their deaths. GRRM flat out says in the epilogue that Davos is coming back in A Dance With Dragons, and I guess Gregor's been turned into some type of Frankenstein's monster or something. I figured as much when Qyburn send Dorne a skull stripped of flesh. Seemed like an odd gesture if you wanted to quell all dissent in Dorne.

Can't wait to see what happens next! My copy of ADWD should arrive by tomorrow.

Pretty good essay on the topic on Tower of the Hand...(AFFC spoilers, dont think it goes beyond that)

The Golem and the Gravedigger
Pretty good essay on the topic on Tower of the Hand...(AFFC spoilers, dont think it goes beyond that)

The Golem and the Gravedigger

Thanks for this. Really interesting.


I tend to agree with the author's last suggestion: even if Sandor Clegane is alive, most likely he's not a part of ASOIAF any longer. Which still sucks. Such a great character, and it seemed as if his story was nowhere near finished.


George R.R. Martin said:
Renly wants him to taste the fruit but it’s lost. I wish that scene had been included in the TV series because for me that peach was important, but it wasn’t possible.
This sounds like a simple thing that would have taken up 10 seconds of screen time. If it was so important to Martin, how could they not squeeze it in and cut a few seconds of useless tit shots here and there?
This sounds like a simple thing that would have taken up 10 seconds of screen time. If it was so important to Martin, how could they not squeeze it in and cut a few seconds of useless tit shots here and there?

If I remember correctly there were also some peaches in Renly's tent. I really don't see why it wasn't possible, unless horses are scared of peaches or something. I had a dog who was terrified of orange juice so anything is possible.
Just received my hardcover copy of ADWD in the mail. Damn, this thing is nice. Makes me wish I had all the books in hardcover. The maps are so much more detailed, too, though I have no idea if all the hardcover versions have nicer maps or if ADWD is just the first to be drawn by a different artist (not sure about that, I'd have to recheck). The borders around the maps are a nice touch.
IT just arrived!!!




Still chugging through the third book. Just finished one cool scene.

The Hound vs. Dondarrion was pretty cool. One of the more exciting battles action sequences depicted in the books thus far. I loved the final spat between Arya and Clegane as well. It'll be a pretty moving scene when it's adapted to the show.
Took me forever to get into book 5 for some reason. I got 100-200 pages in and put it down for months. Picked it up a couple days again and am 2/3s the way through.
Did Arya have chapeters in book 4? By the time i got to her chapter I had forgotten she was blind. Crazy how late her story starts.
Thanks for this. Really interesting.


I tend to agree with the author's last suggestion: even if Sandor Clegane is alive, most likely he's not a part of ASOIAF any longer. Which still sucks. Such a great character, and it seemed as if his story was nowhere near finished.

mindless speculation:
Nah, the 7 are going to heal him up and he's going to battle UnGregor thus causing Cersei to be found guilty.
But UnGregor's head is in Dorne. I hope they bring back Sandor though, doubt they're done with him.
That's the dwarf's head, not gregor's. Though who knows if the undead even need their heads in this universe. That hand that jon cut off the wight still moved and whatnot after the rest of the body was burned.
That's the dwarf's head, not gregor's. Though who knows if the undead even need their heads in this universe. That hand that jon cut off the wight still moved and whatnot after the rest of the body was burned.

I forgot about that first bit. I think a headless body is gonna have some issues though, I'm sure we'll find out eventually. So both Cleganes could still potentially exist, this is great news. :D


I have a small question I hope someone can clarify, Storm spoilers:
What happened to Rickon and Osha? My memory of that part is a little fuzzy. I was hoping someone would mention them before the end of the book but they never did.

Dresden vvvvvv: Thanks for replying. I didn't highlight your answer because I don't want to know their ultimate fate or final destination though.
Mainly I just want to know their motive for splitting up with Bran. As I mentioned, my memory is fuzzy of that detail and can't remember why they chose to leave.


I have a small question I hope someone can clarify, Storm spoilers:
What happened to Rickon and Osha? My memory of that part is a little fuzzy. I was hoping someone would mention them before the end of the book but they never did.

Gone feral on that island Davos hears about, iirc.

Angry Fork

I know I'm late to this thread but have just started reading Book 1 of this saga since I really enjoy the TV show (I'm only like 30 pages in so nowhere far yet). But there's 1 thing I really didn't like on the show and that's Daenerys. I loathed pretty much every scene she was in. Is she supposed to be someone you root for? Does the book characterize her differently?

She basically has stockholm syndrome towards her maniacal thug rapist and then claims she has the right to rule over everyone based on what? Some dragon prophecy? I don't understand. She has a bunch of servants/slaves around her that are there for no reason other than because she was the play thing of a tyrant, she takes advantage of that and more importantly enjoys exploiting them. I consider her to be the female Joffrey, he has done worse but they both have an equally psychotic god complex.

So is she the most important part of the saga? Do I have to read tons of MY DRAGONZZZZ monologue's over and over? How is she different in the book that makes people like her? It feels weird because the ending of season 2 is supposed to make it seem like the dragon scene is 'epic', but I was hoping she would die in the fire. What am I missing?

2nd thing I want to know is how much of a role does the magic/supernatural stuff play? I enjoy the low key bits (like Jaquen the assassin, who is obviously doing something supernatural but it isn't over the top, it's just the right amount that makes you inquisitive but isn't as much as Harry Potter). But then came the red haired lady giving birth to black smoke and that turned me off. I'm much more interested in the political side dialogue, the treachery that goes on behind the scenes, interesting character relationships like how different Tyrion the dwarf is compared to the rest of his family and how that will affect him in the future, the moral dilemmas people like Ed Stark had to deal with as hand of the king and so on.

Last thing: I don't want spoilers but I'd like to know if Arya gets some sort of revenge? She's by far my favorite character on the show and want to know if her story gets proper justice/deliverance for fans. I don't want to know the specifics just if her journey is satisfying for people who want her to get back at the Lannisters. Thanks.

btw I didn't put spoilers on anything since this was stuff that has already been shown on the TV show so I'm assuming it's fine but if it's still required I'll put spoiler marks.

Hmm, I guess it's possible, but unless the gravedigger has a bigger roles in future books, it seems like baseless speculation to me. We only see him twice: the first time, he's far away from Brienne, and (I think his back is turned). Okay, maybe there's something there. But the second time the gravekeeper is mentioned, it's during dinner and GRRM makes no mention of him wearing anything on his face. Seems like that would be something important to point out if he's secretly Sandor Clegane, especially since he has brutal facial scarring and Brienne would immediately know who he was.

As for Davos and Gregor, I guess I was a little too quick to mourn their deaths. GRRM flat out says in the epilogue that Davos is coming back in A Dance With Dragons, and I guess Gregor's been turned into some type of Frankenstein's monster or something. I figured as much when Qyburn send Dorne a skull stripped of flesh. Seemed like an odd gesture if you wanted to quell all dissent in Dorne.

Can't wait to see what happens next! My copy of ADWD should arrive by tomorrow.

Just a word of advice: unless there's a body, don't automatically believe someone is dead


I know I'm late to this thread but have just started reading Book 1 of this saga since I really enjoy the TV show (I'm only like 30 pages in so nowhere far yet). But there's 1 thing I really didn't like on the show and that's Daenerys. I loathed pretty much every scene she was in. Is she supposed to be someone you root for? Does the book characterize her differently?

She basically has stockholm syndrome towards her maniacal thug rapist and then claims she has the right to rule over everyone based on what? Some dragon prophecy? I don't understand. She has a bunch of servants/slaves around her that are there for no reason other than because she was the play thing of a tyrant, she takes advantage of that and more importantly enjoys exploiting them. I consider her to be the female Joffrey, he has done worse but they both have an equally psychotic god complex.

So is she the most important part of the saga? Do I have to read tons of MY DRAGONZZZZ monologue's over and over? How is she different in the book that makes people like her? It feels weird because the ending of season 2 is supposed to make it seem like the dragon scene is 'epic', but I was hoping she would die in the fire. What am I missing?

2nd thing I want to know is how much of a role does the magic/supernatural stuff play? I enjoy the low key bits (like Jaquen the assassin, who is obviously doing something supernatural but it isn't over the top, it's just the right amount that makes you inquisitive but isn't as much as Harry Potter). But then came the red haired lady giving birth to black smoke and that turned me off. I'm much more interested in the political side dialogue, the treachery that goes on behind the scenes, interesting character relationships like how different Tyrion the dwarf is compared to the rest of his family and how that will affect him in the future, the moral dilemmas people like Ed Stark had to deal with as hand of the king and so on.

Last thing: I don't want spoilers but I'd like to know if Arya gets some sort of revenge? She's by far my favorite character on the show and want to know if her story gets proper justice/deliverance for fans. I don't want to know the specifics just if her journey is satisfying for people who want her to get back at the Lannisters. Thanks.

btw I didn't put spoilers on anything since this was stuff that has already been shown on the TV show so I'm assuming it's fine but if it's still required I'll put spoiler marks.

1) The book characterizes Dany a little better, imo. But plenty of people still don't like her. The good news is she doesn't get too many chapters, compared to some of the other "major" characters.

2) The book has TONS of political intrigue and character dynamics. The magic is present, but low-key (but it grows as the series goes on). A lot of the supernatural stuff is related to prophecies too, which the show has not mentioned at all.

3) This is yet to be determined.
I know I'm late to this thread but have just started reading Book 1 of this saga since I really enjoy the TV show (I'm only like 30 pages in so nowhere far yet). But there's 1 thing I really didn't like on the show and that's Daenerys. I loathed pretty much every scene she was in. Is she supposed to be someone you root for? Does the book characterize her differently?

She basically has stockholm syndrome towards her maniacal thug rapist and then claims she has the right to rule over everyone based on what? Some dragon prophecy? I don't understand. She has a bunch of servants/slaves around her that are there for no reason other than because she was the play thing of a tyrant, she takes advantage of that and more importantly enjoys exploiting them. I consider her to be the female Joffrey, he has done worse but they both have an equally psychotic god complex.

So is she the most important part of the saga? Do I have to read tons of MY DRAGONZZZZ monologue's over and over? How is she different in the book that makes people like her? It feels weird because the ending of season 2 is supposed to make it seem like the dragon scene is 'epic', but I was hoping she would die in the fire. What am I missing?

2nd thing I want to know is how much of a role does the magic/supernatural stuff play? I enjoy the low key bits (like Jaquen the assassin, who is obviously doing something supernatural but it isn't over the top, it's just the right amount that makes you inquisitive but isn't as much as Harry Potter). But then came the red haired lady giving birth to black smoke and that turned me off. I'm much more interested in the political side dialogue, the treachery that goes on behind the scenes, interesting character relationships like how different Tyrion the dwarf is compared to the rest of his family and how that will affect him in the future, the moral dilemmas people like Ed Stark had to deal with as hand of the king and so on.

Last thing: I don't want spoilers but I'd like to know if Arya gets some sort of revenge? She's by far my favorite character on the show and want to know if her story gets proper justice/deliverance for fans. I don't want to know the specifics just if her journey is satisfying for people who want her to get back at the Lannisters. Thanks.

btw I didn't put spoilers on anything since this was stuff that has already been shown on the TV show so I'm assuming it's fine but if it's still required I'll put spoiler marks.

1) The books do a better job of explaining how the relationship goes from her being sold to a brutish husband/culture, to falling in love. Obviously whether that is done naturally/realistically is subjective, you may still find it objectionable. I'm not a big fan of hers, but I will say this: she loathes slavery, and treats her people fairly. That hasn't been as firmly established in the show imo, but will soon

2) The magic ramps up with each novel, but never reaches high fantasy levels, or Harry Potter magic. The first scene of season one establishes a supernatural aspect to the show, and that is expanded on (as you saw in S2's finale).

3) To a degree yes. It's a continuing process for her
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