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(ONM) Senran Kagura Burst is damaging the industry - here's how to stop it

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Bloody idiot move from Nintendo part. If you have an opinion that greatly antagonizes a business partner/potential business partner, you don't publish./announce it in your official magazine. Yes it's from a blogger and not the staff but nonetheless the fact that the article appears in the magazine on the first place can be perceived by the game maker as approval to its content.

What would a game maker think if an article of an official magazine for the platform they're making games for explicitly tell its readers to *NOT* to buy its product? I know if I were that game maker I would be extremely unhappy with it.

Bloody idiot.


Followed it up with this:


Which Twitter's translate says, "Devote time to have a lot of fun things fit into their world, but can't comprehend things like it is at best useless."

Would love a human translation.


Bloody idiot move from Nintendo part. If you have an opinion that greatly antagonizes a business partner/potential business partner, you don't publish./announce it in your official magazine. Yes it's from a blogger and not the staff but nonetheless the fact that the article appears in the magazine on the first place can be perceived by the game maker as approval to its content.

What would a game maker think if an article of an official magazine for the platform they're making games for explicitly tell its readers to *NOT* to buy its product? I know if I were that game maker I would be extremely unhappy with it.

Bloody idiot.

Nintendo doesn't run ONM.


I can assume the general distaste for anime have to do with the typical "bug eyed girls with the face of a child but a body of an voluptuous woman" design. I looks off putting to anyone not exposed to it like the people in this thread.

Oh, and the blue hair. Can't forget that.

I grew up with 80s and 90s anime so that's the aesthetic and style that appeals to me the most. This moe and oppai stuff that blew up over the last 10 years leaves me cold. Huge boobs on an underage girl in a suggestive outfit is just tacky at best.


Bloody idiot move from Nintendo part. If you have an opinion that greatly antagonizes a business partner/potential business partner, you don't publish./announce it in your official magazine. Yes it's from a blogger and not the staff but nonetheless the fact that the article appears in the magazine on the first place can be perceived by the game maker as approval to its content.

What would a game maker think if an article of an official magazine for the platform they're making games for explicitly tell its readers to *NOT* to buy its product? I know if I were that game maker I would be extremely unhappy with it.

Bloody idiot.

Nintendo themselves have nothing to do with ONM.
Despite the "Official" heading, ONM is Nintendo-endorsed, not Nintendo-controlled. Which is why we have stuff like this happening in the first place.
Followed it up with this:

Which Twitter's translate says, "Devote time to have a lot of fun things fit into their world, but can't comprehend things like it is at best useless."

Would love a human translation.

He's saying it's a big waste of time to spend your time on something you hate or don't understand.

Also in the other tweet above, he's saying the article is another proof that the game is most suited for the Vita.


Membero Americo
He's saying it's a big waste of time to spend your time on something you hate or don't understand.

Also in the other tweet above, he's saying the article is another proof that the game is most suited for the Vita.

Guess that's it for future Senran Kagura games on Nintendo platforms.

Good job, ONM.


Wait wasn't the story and art design of code of princess done by a women? Guy kinda shoots himself in the foot repetitively in the article from what I've read. How did this get published?


It's a free market. In my opinion you can voice your displeasure of a game all you want but actively trying to discourage sales seems so petty and childish.

Definitely. There is a market for all types. Whether or not you think it's tasteful is a another matter. When you try and tell people not to get buy something because you don't like it just makes you petty.
I could have sworn something like this happened before but with a different game. Someone attacked a small niche game blaming it for all of society and women's ills (hyperbole). In the end, nothing changed. No grand truth was revealed. No enlightening understanding was reached.

In the end, it was just an opportunity to for people to come out and vent against things they don't care to understand. I can't remember what game it was though, which is funny because I'm pretty sure it was something recent.


He's saying it's a big waste of time to spend your time on something you hate or don't understand.

Also in the other tweet above, he's saying the article is another proof that the game is most suited for the Vita.
Eh, you'll probably get that reaction regardless of platform (Dragon's Crown for example), it just looks back since it's (ostensibly) from Official Nintendo Magazine rather than a neutral party like Joystiq or Kotaku.
Probably the best thing that Nintendo can do right now in regards to damage control is to state that the opinions stated within the magazine and related media do not reflect the opinions of Nintendo itself. They could pressure the management to fire the editor that approved of the blog post too.


Santa May Claus
I could have sworn something like this happened before but with a different game. Someone attacked a small niche game blaming it for all of society and women's ills (hyperbole). In the end, nothing changed. No grand truth was revealed. No enlightening understanding was reached.

In the end, it was just an opportunity to for people to come out and vent against things they don't care to understand. I can't remember what game it was though, which is funny because I'm pretty sure it was something recent.

Dragon's Crown, maybe? Which sold very very well.


I could have sworn something like this happened before but with a different game. Someone attacked a small niche game blaming it for all of society and women's ills (hyperbole). In the end, nothing changed. No grand truth was revealed. No enlightening understanding was reached.

In the end, it was just an opportunity to for people to come out and vent against things they don't care to understand. I can't remember what game it was though, which is funny because I'm pretty sure it was something recent.
Dragons Crown. Beaten by GuardianE.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Nintendo doesn't run ONM.

Nintendo themselves have nothing to do with ONM.

Oh, I see. Well the "official" part throws me off.

Regardless, Nintendo should make a move towards the maker of this game to ensure that the article is not damaging its relationship with them. And throw a "WTF do you think you're doing" towards ONM too.

Bloody idiot move from ONM. What the fuck are they thinking.


Membero Americo
So Nintendo might lose a third-party series.

As if they didn't have enough third-parties abandoning them already.


Wait wasn't the story and art design of code of princess done by a women? Guy kinda shoots himself in the foot repetitively in the article from what I've read. How did this get published?

I dont know about the story but the characters were designed by legendary (former) Capcom artist Kinu Nishimura, who is a woman.


Oh, I see. Well the "official" part throws me off.

Regardless, Nintendo should make a move towards the maker of this game to ensure that the article is not damaging its relationship with them. And throw a "WTF do you think you're doing" towards ONM too.

This is the type of conflict-of-interest in journalism/advertising/corporate ownership that people normally frown upon. By being "Official" Nintendo Magazine, their independence should already be in question, but asking for Nintendo to reinforce the notion that they're just a propaganda magazine by retaliating in some fashion isn't exactly a solution.

The guy can have his article, and people can call it out as a shitty article with shitty goals, without needing Nintendo to come in and "clean house".

Japan also has a very different idea of what's acceptable in an enthusiast magazine for just about any industry.
I could have sworn something like this happened before but with a different game. Someone attacked a small niche game blaming it for all of society and women's ills (hyperbole). In the end, nothing changed. No grand truth was revealed. No enlightening understanding was reached.

In the end, it was just an opportunity to for people to come out and vent against things they don't care to understand. I can't remember what game it was though, which is funny because I'm pretty sure it was something recent.

Nonsense, teaching moments are always worth it. The world is better with this article in it, and Rooke should be proud to wear the badge of Ally of the Month.
This is the type of conflict-of-interest in journalism/advertising/corporate ownership that people normally frown upon. By being "Official" Nintendo Magazine, their independence should already be in question, but asking for Nintendo to reinforce the notion that they're just a propaganda magazine isn't exactly a solution.

The guy can have his article, and people can call it out as a shitty article with shitty goals, without needing Nintendo to come in and "clean house".

If ONM continues to publish articles that might hurt Nintendo, then Nintendo should rightfully drop their endorsement of the magazine. They can't and don't need to "clean house" when it's easier to just discredit them entirely.


Having games about girls in Bikini and extreme proportions do not stop us from having games like Stanley Parable or Antimatter. I would be sad to see either go away. There is a difference between being sexist and being attracted to something sexually. A lot of people like sexy women/men in little clothing, it's not a sexist thing and do not hurt anybody and is a natural thing. Thinking that somebody is only good for being naked and have sex is bad, I think we can all agree with that.

Having sexy games do not hurt the industry. It's like saying that porn hurt cinema or that Erotic literature hurt Literature. But right now there seem to be a popular trend to do do overly Pro Women/Anti Guy articles to get more clicks, and that, that hurt the game industry. Doing articles only for the click bait without having actual work dont on the article itself is bad, but is sadly a result of the industry even outside of games. Sensationalism, and the current trend is feminism. So they go overboard with the misogyny.


Followed it up with this:

Which Twitter's translate says, "Devote time to have a lot of fun things fit into their world, but can't comprehend things like it is at best useless."

Would love a human translation.

From the Google translation my interpretation is;


Calling it a ironic or a contradiction I guess. Want fun but don't want/see fun when they're given it.


My wife saw this game and commented, "Yeah that is seriously out of proportion but man loves it right? You perverts hahaha." and walked off. Doesn't seem too offended by it to me.

Then I went on the internet and saw women up in arms about these sort of things... I guess I don't know how the world works.

I personally thinks boobs are always great, what's to argue? lol.
Although it seems a bit mismatch to the 3DS.


Unconfirmed Member
Biggest problem with these women's representation discussions is that very few people look at the big picture.

The problem isn't with individual games. The problem is that the aggregate is overwhelmingly male dominated

and on the other side the problem isn't how individual women interpret individual examples on an individual level, but how a broad range of women feel about the medium as a whole.

Instead we have a bunch of articles about how X game is damaging the industry, and people responding with "well my girlfriend thinks it's ok so..."


My wife saw this game and commented, "Yeah that is seriously out of proportion but man loves it right? You perverts hahaha." and walked off. Doesn't seem too offended by it to me.

Then I went on the internet and saw women up in arms about these sort of things... I guess I don't know how the world works.

I personally thinks boobs are always great, what's to argue? lol.
Although it seems a bit mismatch to the 3DS.

My 30 yo cousin said that she 100% Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball. And she's heterosexual, her roomate was gay though. Also had a couple of female friends who loved big breasted anime girls like this.
But on the internet, there is no spectrum it seem. People forget that there is a whole spectrum between Love and Hate. If I say "I'm okay with the game" this do not mean that I'm at 100% love. I could be from 51% to 100%. But people do not like to play in the spectrum. If they do not like a game, they HATE it. They do not dislike it, they do not find it meh. They HATE it.


He's saying it's a big waste of time to spend your time on something you hate or don't understand.

Also in the other tweet above, he's saying the article is another proof that the game is most suited for the Vita.

As some people said already, He DID NOT say that. He was just saying it's a terrible article. The Vita thing was a comment from a (I guess butthurt) 'fan'


My 30 yo cousin said that she 100% Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball. And she's heterosexual, her roomate was gay though. Also had a couple of female friends who loved big breasted anime girls like this.
But on the internet, there is no spectrum it seem. People forget that there is a whole spectrum between Love and Hate. If I say "I'm okay with the game" this do not mean that I'm at 100% love. I could be from 51% to 100%. But people do not like to play in the spectrum. If they do not like a game, they HATE it. They do not dislike it, they do not find it meh. They HATE it.
I think it's more people FORGET there's a spectrum, and that there's even different reasons for not liking some of the sexualization stuff: impracticality's another thing that sticks out badly, and the fact they opt out of practicality for sex appeal can make it infuriating on multiple levels. Or if something seems like it could have a broader appeal but screws it up for no good reason without at least following an artistic vision.
As some people said already, He DID NOT say that. He was just saying it's a terrible article. The Vita thing was a comment from a (I guess butthurt) 'fan'
Not surprised about the fan thing, he DID a secondary tweet though but I can see a fan saying to him "see, these Nintendo plebs don't appreciate your work, this is why Vita's superior!" when the developers themselves wouldn't want to alienate Nintendo (and maybe really want those boobs in 3D.)
Oh, I see. Well the "official" part throws me off.

Regardless, Nintendo should make a move towards the maker of this game to ensure that the article is not damaging its relationship with them. And throw a "WTF do you think you're doing" towards ONM too.

Bloody idiot move from ONM. What the fuck are they thinking.

Nintendo kind of regalate Senran Kagura in the EShop. Is a best seller but barely gets exposure and never in the main page (I don't blame Nintendo logic... but still, )


Also in the other tweet above, he's saying the article is another proof that the game is most suited for the Vita.

Well the audience is more abundant on the Vita.

Shinovi Versus outsold Burst and that cooking game will outsell the upcoming 3DS one (assuming that game doesn't get transferred to the Vita)


These games have really fleshed out and awesome characters so the 'we need more independent and powerful women in games' is actually being implemented here. These games should be awesome from a feminist perspective I would think from that front.

I sort of get the argument for photoshop models and stuff like that contributing to bad body images in women and that being harmful, but I just don't get it when it comes to anime style stuff. I mean, if people are looking at stuff like this:


And feeling bad about how they can't look like that, I think that there's something strange and not with the game.

I mean, who thinks that after watching DBZ:


The art and animation are ridiculous and that's the point. That's the reason a lot of people like them. They aren't supposed to resemble reality.

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