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(ONM) Senran Kagura Burst is damaging the industry - here's how to stop it


To you, maybe. Plenty of people like the game and others like it, and they'll continue to be made.
Right, and virtually all of those people are men. If you're only interested in seeing gaming as largely the boy's club it is today, that's fine. But plenty of people have higher aspirations for the community and, frankly, we'll win eventually.

I think games (and books, and music, etc..,) should not be limited like that.

But I also agree that we need to be critical about the stuff that is developed and how they portray the reality.

And in the end, trying not to deal with absolutes but arguments.
They're limited right now -- limited to a spectrum where women are pretty much always objectified to varying degrees -- and I'm advocating for them to be less limited. This isn't about censorship, this is about recognizing that women being sexually objectified in videogames is the norm right now.


Unconfirmed Member
I think games (and books, and music, etc..,) should not be limited like that.

But I also agree that we need to be critical about the stuff that is developed and how they portray the reality.

And in the end, trying not to deal with absolutes but arguments.



or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Right, and virtually all of those people are men. If you're only interested in seeing gaming as largely the boy's club it is today, that's fine. But plenty of people have higher aspirations for the community and, frankly, we'll win eventually.
And you'll win by increasing the breadth of games that are available, not by shutting down any game type that's available today.


Right, and virtually all of those people are men. If you're only interested in seeing gaming as largely the boy's club it is today, that's fine. But plenty of people have higher aspirations for the community and, frankly, we'll win eventually.

In what other mediums have "we" won? Or is that also planned for down the line?


TBH I think that comes with the territory. Men are stimulated visually for the most part.

Also, let's not act like romance novels (at least on the covers), boy bands, and female-targeted tv shows, soap operas, and movies aren't filled with unhumanly hot guys fitting a personally type that women find attractive.

Don't see how that's any different from "pandering" to men.

those aren't videogames
They're limited right now -- limited to a spectrum where women are pretty much always objectified to varying degrees -- and I'm advocating for them to be less limited. This isn't about censorship, this is about recognizing that women being sexually objectified in videogames is the norm right now.

So the game has the right to exist...


Right, and virtually all of those people are men. If you're only interested in seeing gaming as largely the boy's club it is today, that's fine. But plenty of people have higher aspirations for the community and, frankly, we'll win eventually.

What does that even mean? Win what? You act as if no females at all have interests in these games, and even if they don't, there's plenty of other games to choose from that might appeal to them instead. Not all games need to appeal to all people, just as not all films, books, etc. appeal to everyone. Having choices is a good thing, believe it or not.


Right, and virtually all of those people are men. If you're only interested in seeing gaming as largely the boy's club it is today, that's fine. But plenty of people have higher aspirations for the community and, frankly, we'll win eventually.
What's wrong with having games that only appeal to certain people? Its not like there aren't games that are made to appeal to females nor do these type of games make up the entire market.


And you'll win by increasing the breadth of games that are available, not by shutting down any game type that's available today.
Since when is "objectified women" a game type? I'm not in here advocating for less beat-em-ups. In fact, we need more beat-em-ups.

In what other mediums have "we" won? Or is that also planned for down the line?
By that I meant that history (especially recent history) has a progressive streak so this is less of a debate that we're having and more of a bump on the one-way road to the inevitable conclusion.

So the game has the right to exist...
It sure does. However, anyone remotely interested in seeing videogames become a more diverse and realized medium has an obligation to deride the game for its obvious and lazy objectification of women.

What does that even mean? Win what? You act as if no females at all have interests in these games, and even if they don't, there's plenty of other games to choose from that might appeal to them instead. Not all games need to appeal to all people, just as not all films, books, etc. appeal to everyone. Having choices is a good thing, believe it or not.
Having choice is a great thing. When a large percentage of the games released cater to the exact same market, that represents a lack of choice. You're advocating for the continuance of this, not me, so it's you who is rendering an argument against choice.
It sure does. However, anyone remotely interested in seeing videogames become a more diverse and realized medium has an obligation to deride the game for its obvious and lazy objectification of women.


Isn't this game doing exactly that?


I personally can't stand Senran Kagura, but my thoughts on the media itself is at the end of the post.

Can women like it? Sure. Just like men are free to like My Little Pony. Doesn't change that the show was created with little girls in mind, just like Senran Kagura is a series designed to appeal to a certain type of typically male audience.

MLP and Senran Kagura are not the same and this should be obvious. Explain to me how sexually charged MLP is. I don't even think that Senran Kagura's "unintended demographic" is anywhere near close to that of MLP's "unintended demographic" by way of zeitgeist influence and numbers, so that superficial similarity doesn't exist.

So the game has the right to exist...

I don't understand what sort of argument this is, it has the right to exist because it already exists. Sure we can create some sort of legal and moral void that allows any type of game to exist, but it's not in the interest of expanding the audience.

And you'll win by increasing the breadth of games that are available, not by shutting down any game type that's available today.

His point is clearly that Senran Kagura does not contribute to mitigating the gaming boys club. And while I don't personally count myself in the "but you want to destroy the games!" camp, I think railing against the franchise because of its content is perfectly valid, so long as properly articulated.

Isn't this game doing exactly that?

Again, the void of economics.

If enough people want it, is that all that matters? Is it really expanding the gaming audience beyond those who appreciate the fetishized/titillating content designed to appeal to straight men? Is Senran Kagura really carving that audience niche that doesn't exist in gaming?


Isn't this game doing exactly that?
No, objectifying women has been the gold standard in videogames since the early nineties.

What's wrong with having games that only appeal to certain people? Its not like there aren't games that are made to appeal to females nor do these type of games make up the entire market.
Imagine a market where the majority of the games appealed strongly to what marketers thought women were like. It wasn't an accurate picture so what you ended up with was a lot of repeated use of terrible character and narrative archetypes that, on top of being stale, were quite sexist. Yeah, there's a lot of good stuff being released, but an increasingly large percentage of it is removed from the mainstream for no reason other than that an overwhelming number of manufacturers cling to the notion that playing to this marketing stereotype is beneficial and maybe the only way to be successful.

If you changed the word "women" to "men" in that sentence you'd have a summary of where we're at right now.


By that I meant that history (especially recent history) has a progressive streak so this is less of a debate that we're having and more of a bump on the one-way road to the inevitable conclusion.

That doesn't answer my question though. How do you explain, say, pornography? Or is that going away too?

It sure does. However, anyone remotely interested in seeing videogames become a more diverse and realized medium has an obligation to deride the game for its obvious and lazy objectification of women.

No, they don't. What else is there to say?

Having choice is a great thing. When a large percentage of the games released cater to the exact same market, that represents a lack of choice. You're advocating for the continuance of this, not me, so it's you who is rendering an argument against choice.

A large percent of games released do not cater to the exact same market as Senran Kagura Burst. You could use your progressive streak powers to wipe it out and the market wouldn't change a bit, certainly not in the United States.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Since when is "objectified women" a game type? I'm not in here advocating for less beat-em-ups. In fact, we need more beat-em-ups.
You don't think a game with sexy women for a male audience should ever exist at all?

Good luck with that.

You don't need to kill Heavy Metal magazine to write Ghost World.


Having choice is a great thing. When a large percentage of the games released cater to the exact same market, that represents a lack of choice. You're advocating for the continuance of this, not me, so it's you who is rendering an argument against choice.

There actually aren't a lot of games (that get localized, anyway) that that cater to the specific market that Senran Kagura does. Even in Japan these games are niche and don't sell amazingly well. There's a ton of Japanese games that cater specifically to women, the problem is that many of them don't get localized. Aksys has been localizing some of them (the Hakuoki series, and Sweet Fuse, which I bought and enjoyed), but unfortunately most publishers likely don't see them as profitable in the west. I'm all for there being more choices available to a wider range of people, as I myself enjoy most genres. I just don't want niche games like this to go away like the author of this article does.
It sure does. However, anyone remotely interested in seeing videogames become a more diverse and realized medium has an obligation to deride the game for its obvious and lazy objectification of women.

No, we not. Specially when is not exactly lazy. If that was the case you will found more divisive comments like the Neptunia threads.

Is laziest just condemn it superficially for the sake of "better tomorrow".

The game can't be diversifying anything if the type of content shown in this game is more common than the opposite.

To me is uncommon that a fanservice driven beat'em up trying to have a story with heavy (if cliche and archetyped) characterization.
To be honest, games like Senran Kagura don't bother me as much as a lot of other representations of women in games. I guess it's mostly because things like Senran Kagura are pretty honest about what they are; it's super-softcore pornography and it's not pretending to be anything else. I'm annoyed far more by super serious games with shitty female characters, or unnecessary sexualization/objectification of women in games that are otherwise completely straight-faced and well-rounded. Cortana's portrayal in Halo 4, for example, or the nearly-infinite amount of games that treat female characters like occasional eye-candy, or games with pointless boob armor/sexy outfits in an otherwise serious and relatively realistic combat situation.

Senran Kagura is on the same level as things like Cho Aniki or Rumble Roses or that Dramatical Murder Mystery VN that Tumblr's losing its shit over. Titillation is the selling point. Stupid? Sure. But it does exactly what it says on the tin. It's one of the few times I think the "well, it's aiming for a certain demographic" argument isn't completely eyeroll worthy. It's porn, basically. My only real complaint is that not many audiences are catered to in the mainstream of sex.


I think the author of the article misses the point.

It's not that games like this shouldn't exist, it's that we need more games from varied perspectives. There are going to always be outlier experiences in any medium -- things for a niche crowd. This is one of those things. So, instead of focusing on getting rid of games that are only going to be played by a few thousand (let's be honest, the vast majority of gamers will never have heard of this game), the writer should focus on bringing attention to games that are full of diversity or showing a more realistic presentation of women and deserve recognition and/or better sales.

But, as has been mentioned, negative articles about ridding the world of certain games engenders far more clicks.

In my opinion, the author is as guilty of not growing the industry far more than this game, because they have a platform available and used their resources to give publicity to the exact game they were chastising, thereby guaranteeing more sales. Makes no sense.
There's always so much speculation by the media about why more women don't play games. But have any of these sites taken the time to just go and ask women that don't play games why they don't and what may make them want to? I remember years ago Kojima mentioned that KojiPro gathered a group of women that didn't play games and asked them if they'd play something like MGS. And they said no, largely because they didn't like that Snake looked old, and that's what led to them making Raiden. Something as an attempt to get more women into the series.

The same goes for game development. Lots of speculation about why there are so few women in game development or why there aren't many taking courses in college. But I can't think of any articles that are actually looking into why those numbers aren't higher.


That doesn't answer my question though. How do you explain, say, pornography? Or is that going away too?

So to be clear, this is you saying that pornography as a whole is analogous to Senran Kagura, not the opposition. Porn, which for the sake of argument only has one purpose. It's a nonsenical parallel to draw

No, they don't. What else is there to say?

The part where you're really just apathetic to changing the audience make-up of gaming as a whole and are ignoring that the commercial nature of gaming is the biggest contributor to the products and consumers we have today.

A large percent of games released do not cater to the exact same market as Senran Kagura Burst. You could use your progression streak powers to wipe it out and the market wouldn't change a bit, certainly not in the United States.

Yes, and? He also said that Senran kagura is one of many franchises of its kind.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
By that I meant that history (especially recent history) has a progressive streak so this is less of a debate that we're having and more of a bump on the one-way road to the inevitable conclusion
"Progressivism" has tended to favor the removal of limits on what is considered acceptable in fiction.

So if you think the progressive tide of society will open up the types of entertainment that is possible, yes, I agree and hope so. But if you think progressivism is going to eliminate and discourage certain forms of entertainment, I don't see society moving in that direction at all.

We are moving away from a one size fits all narrow definition of "decency" that pleases a mainstream audience, and into a fragmented plethora of unrestrained entertainment options that please many different fragmented niches.
To be honest, games like Senran Kagura don't bother me as much as a lot of other representations of women in games. I guess it's mostly because things like Senran Kagura are pretty honest about what they are; it's super-softcore pornography and it's not pretending to be anything else. I'm annoyed far more by super serious games with shitty female characters, or unnecessary sexualization/objectification of women in games that are otherwise completely straight-faced and well-rounded. Cortana's portrayal in Halo 4, for example, or the nearly-infinite amount of games that treat female characters like occasional eye-candy, or games with pointless boob armor/sexy outfits in an otherwise serious and relatively realistic combat situation.

Senran Kagura is on the same level as things like Cho Aniki or Rumble Roses or that Dramatical Murder Mystery VN that Tumblr's losing its shit over. Titillation is the selling point. Stupid? Sure. But it does exactly what it says on the tin. It's one of the few times I think the "well, it's aiming for a certain demographic" argument isn't completely eyeroll worthy. It's porn, basically. My only real complaint is that not many audiences are catered to in the mainstream of sex.

Agreed. This is pretty much my stance on the issue. It knows exactly what it is and isn't aiming for anything higher. Whereas there a creators who say they are aiming for a better or more realistic caliber with what they're creating, yet don't actually reach what they're shooting for.
MLP and Senran Kagura are not the same and this should be obvious. Explain to me how sexually charged MLP is. I don't even think that Senran Kagura's "unintended demographic" is anywhere near close to that of MLP's "unintended demographic" by way of zeitgeist influence and numbers, so that superficial similarity doesn't exist.

Well, he did not draw the comparasion with sexual imagery, didn't even mentioned. ;p

I don't understand what sort of argument this is, it has the right to exist because it already exists. Sure we can create some sort of legal and moral void that allows any type of game to exist, but it's not in the interest of expanding the audience.

Oh boy. Legal and moral void in art and speech... unfortunate point of view.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
There's always so much speculation by the media about why more women don't play games. But have any of these sites taken the time to just go and ask women that don't play games why they don't and what may make them want to? I remember years ago Kojima mentioned that KojiPro gathered a group of women that didn't play games and asked them if they'd play something like MGS. And they said no, largely because they didn't like that Snake looked old, and that's what led to them making Raiden. Something as an attempt to get more women into the series.

The same goes for game development. Lots of speculation about why there are so few women in game development or why there aren't many taking courses in college. But I can't think of any articles that are actually looking into why those numbers aren't higher.
Anecdote time. My recent game programming class was mostly female. And these ~20 year old women grew up with games and don't really remember a time when it was an medium for mainly boys. Nintendo's "Blue Ocean" gaming strategy did start a full decade ago. But they also like a lot of the shooty stuff etc. Ironically one female classmate had a love affair with Dragon's Crown...

I think a more female friendly industry is right around that corner. The social criticism helps, but when these women enter the industry, far more is going to change than was ever done by blogging.


So to be clear, this is you saying that pornography as a whole is analogous to Senran Kagura, not the opposition. Porn, which for the sake of argument only has one purpose. It's a nonsenical parallel to draw.

It's only the purest example. Film, books, etc. The Senran Kagura's of those mediums still exist and, to an extent, flourish.

The part where you're really just apathetic to changing the audience make-up of gaming as a whole and are ignoring that the commercial nature of gaming is the biggest contributor to the products and consumers we have today.

This isn't a proper reply to what I said. Someone is not obligated (morally) to think there is only one way to a more diverse market and that way is to trample over games that are deemed (by some other power) "harmful". Moreover, they are not even obligated to dislike these games. It is only apathetic towards one narrow point of view - the absolutist's.

Yes, and? He also said that Senran kagura is one of many franchises of its kind.

Another case where you're reply seems off-base. Senran Kagura's exact market does not reflect the majority of the market. "Its kind" are not "a large percentage of the games released".


Well, he did not draw the comparasion with sexual imagery, didn't even mentioned. ;p

okay sure, but to make my point more clear I think that there isn't much that Senran Kagura and MLP have in common and there isnt a strong point to make by comparing them.

Oh boy. Legal and moral void in art and speech... unfortunate point of view.

What were you getting at when you said something has the right to exist? We already deal with a complex legal web that says what games can exist and what doesn't, and money is built into what games are mass distributed/influence culture. As for morality, yes, we have hate speech, questions of tastelessness in the media or by politicians, etc. What I'm saying isn't revolutionary.
Wanting more diversity and keeping Senran Kagura's visual style intact are not mutally exclusive things.

If anyone believes that doing so will effect some kind of great change or count it as some kind of victory I'd consider to be pretty short-sighted. The same kind of short-sighted decision making that leads people like the author into thinking that lashing out against niche stuff not many people know about will change how the big time AAAAA publishers will make their games.

Doesn't make any sense but that should be expected when you consider where the impetus comes from in this case.

Like I said before, best way to effect change is to give developers something to consider and think about. Ultimately it's their choice in the end as to what they create. But I imagine when developers are brainstorming what's going to be in their next game, they are probably receptive to well thought out posts that don't descend into insults and hyperbole.


This whole prude attitude towards sex in the video game industry is ridiculous, and this article will probably bump up Senran Kagura Burst a few thousand in sales.

I'll tell you whats damaging the industry: paid game reviews, microtransactions, shitty clickbait articles, big publishers, and people who don't like something in a game and expect it to be removed because they don't like it. You are not a special snowflake. If you interpret vampires = rape, then that's because of your own weird fetishes.

okay sure, but to make my point more clear I think that there isn't much that Senran Kagura and MLP have in common and there isnt a strong point to make by comparing them.

Well, he didn't even mentioned so much about Senran Kagura but the posibility of peripheral demographic but how in ultimate stance, is still created to cater certain market and how we shouln't forget that.

What were you getting at when you said something has the right to exist? We already deal with a complex legal web that says what games can exist and what doesn't, and money is built into what games are mass distributed/influence culture. As for morality, yes, we have hate speech, questions of tastelessness in the media or by politicians, etc. What I'm saying isn't revolutionary.

That you should just not say "i'm not talking about censorship but about the common good this game should not be tolerated or even in the market" as it was not about censorship. Trust me, still beats the alternative (as 'censorship' was also justificated as "Protecting in a spiritual way" the people) Implying that you want
A large percent of games released do not cater to the exact same market as Senran Kagura Burst. You could use your progressive streak powers to wipe it out and the market wouldn't change a bit, certainly not in the United States.

There are far, far more masturbatory moe games than there are games with believably written female characters.


Nothing will save the games industry like a guy complaining on the internet about a game he's never played. We really need more of that.


At the rate we're going my posts will grow so large that they will consume this board whole.

That doesn't answer my question though. How do you explain, say, pornography? Or is that going away too?
Pornography is another industry where the mainstream is incredibly sexist and largely only appealing to one sex. There's a lot of work to be done in pornography and it's changing, albeit very slowly.

As an aside, that you think to compare the level of sexual objectification in videogames to that of pornography is pretty telling in itself.

[uote]No, they don't. What else is there to say?[/quote]That they do because such games represent a step backwards.
A large percent of games released do not cater to the exact same market as Senran Kagura Burst. You could use your progressive streak powers to wipe it out and the market wouldn't change a bit, certainly not in the United States.
Yeah, but I am not talking about the market of Senran Kagura Burst; I'm talking about the market for sexually objectified women in videogames.

You don't think a game with sexy women for a male audience should ever exist at all?

Good luck with that.

You don't need to kill Heavy Metal magazine to write Ghost World.
Of course I think that such a thing should exist. I also think that we should recognize that we live in a world where many (if not most) games sexually objectify women and that that's probably not a good thing, particularly if diversity is at all an objective.

There actually aren't a lot of games (that get localized, anyway) that that cater to the specific market that Senran Kagura does. Even in Japan these games are niche and don't sell amazingly well. There's a ton of Japanese games that cater specifically to women, the problem is that many of them don't get localized. Aksys has been localizing some of them (the Hakuoki series, and Sweet Fuse, which I bought and enjoyed), but unfortunately most publishers likely don't see them as profitable in the west. I'm all for there being more choices available to a wider range of people, as I myself enjoy most genres. I just don't want niche games like this to go away like the author of this article does.
Why can't we have this game without the giant boobs? Why are these two things inseparable? I say this as a person who likes giant boobs.
No, but we should point out how ridiculous they are and should encourage developers to make a wider variety of games for more people than just nerdy boys.
Which there are. It's fine to not like the games (I don't like them, myself). It's fine to think they're dumb. It's NOT fine to suggest the genre go away forever.

The path to variety is in supporting a wide range of experiences, NOT by removing them because you don't like thing other people like.

To the above: there are beat 'em up games that don't feature giant boobs. Play them. Let people who want games with giant boobs play this game. To pose your question back at you: why can't we enjoy this game with giant boobs? I say this as someone with no interest in the game, but a healthy interest in boobs.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
There are far, far more masturbatory moe games than there are games with believably written female characters.
I dont even think that's so. Over the last year the mainstream of gaming has been titles like TLoU, Bioshock, Beyond, even Tomb Raider which, for all it's sordid history and pre-release hoopla over "protecting her", takes great strides to be a fair portrayal of a modern woman.

Sexualized moe stuff is a tiny, tiny niche compared to what most big mainstream games are. It's not 1997 anymore. The main of the industry is trying to be as politically correct in female portrayal as possible.
Of course I think that such a thing should exist. I also think that we should recognize that we live in a world where many (if not most) games sexually objectify women and that that's probably not a good thing, particularly if diversity is at all an objective.

And many of us don't disagree with you about that. But we don't feel that this game is specially repugnant (or even questionable) given its context in the market and its actual craft.

Why can't we have this game without the giant boobs? Why are these two things inseparable? I say this as a person who likes giant boobs.

I like video games, Says the guy that likes video games.


Why can't we have this game without the giant boobs? Why are these two things inseparable? I say this as a person who likes giant boobs.

Why do we need to get rid of them? I say this as someone who actually prefers smaller boobs in general. There's no reason for this game not to exist as it is, just because some people don't care for it. Sure there's fanservice, but the stripping mechanics are actually part of the gameplay and the game has a decent story with plenty of content.


There are far, far more masturbatory moe games than there are games with believably written female characters.

First off, you can make "believably written female characters" as incredibly rare as you want to. More so, when you specifically say "believably written". Not all games are attempting to be realistic in their portrayal of people, let alone may include women as major characters (games depicting realistic war where only men fight, games depicting sport leagues where only men play, etc.), let alone humans (or cartoon humans that act human) at all. Next what is considered "believable" can vary greatly both in what is to be accepted as (and to what extent something is) believable and what it actually means (certainly I see enough room here where it is not "far, far" less than the niche "moe" market mainly based in one nation). It also just assume males characters are usually believable, which depending on how strict you are isn't the case. Finally, believability is not synonymous with whatever you want "unharmful" to mean.

Second, "masturbatory moe games" do not make up most of the videogame market. This is my initial point.


What I find crazy about all this is that a lot of the people trumpeting for the ban of games of this ilk only really bring up the fact that the girls are "impossibly" proportioned and that being an insult to gamers everywhere. They rarely bring up points about narrative points that shows a hurtful message to women, only that the breasts are too big given their breast size. I tend to not take these opinions seriously as there a lot of games out there such a rape sims and other games where women are depicted negatively yet the Western journo scene has looked at these games and Dragon's Crown as these big offenders and the only real point that stick out is the fact that some of the girls in those games have big tits. Women have big tits, people like tits. If the girls in this game were all flat chested, this article doesn't get written.
I dont even think that's so. Over the last year the mainstream of gaming has been titles like TLoU, Bioshock, Beyond, even Tomb Raider which, for all it's sordid history and pre-release hoopla over "protecting her", takes great strides to be a fair portrayal of a modern woman.

Sexualized moe stuff is a tiny, tiny niche compared to what most big mainstream games are. It's not 1997 anymore. The main of the industry is trying to be as politically correct as possible.

If you're just looking at the number of titles published, I'm willing to bet I can find more than 4 moe games published in the last couple years. Hell, isn't this like the third Senran Kagura game alone? If you're looking at sales, then yes TLOU, Bioshock, Beyond, and Tomb Raider for sure sold more than the moe market. But what happens if we widen our search from "creepy otaku that get turned on by 12 year old girls with giant racks" to "slightly more normal teenage boys that get turned on by oversexualized women of a more appropriate age?" I bet the sales of games with oversexualized women dwarfs the sales of the four games you mentioned.

Burst if old.

Personally, artists can do whatever they want.

That said, that cover is stupid. I can't even imagine what the game is about, but I'm sure it's stupid too.
What I find crazy about all this is that a lot of the people trumpeting for the ban of games of this ilk only really bring up the fact that the girls are "impossibly" proportioned and that being an insult to gamers everywhere. They rarely bring up points about narrative points that shows a hurtful message to women, only that the breasts are too big given their breast size. I tend to not take these opinions seriously as there a lot of games out there such a rape sims and other games where women are depicted negatively yet the Western journo scene has looked at these games and Dragon's Crown as these big offenders and the only real point that stick out is the fact that some of the girls in those games have big tits. Women have big tits, people like tits. If the girls in this game were all flat chested, this article doesn't get written.

Because the game actually gives them some personality beyond boobs and tries to create no superficial conflict... and the people that are complaining about that mostly didn't play the game.
I don't really see the point in calling for the removal of mammaries in this case. Diversity will advance as a result of trends/games over time/years, not with one specific game that's actually already been released for some time now.

Gaming is naturally more diverse than it was 10 or 20 years ago and that trend is going to continue. That's why I see the call for Senran Kagura in particular as pointless. Feels like Dragon's Crown all over again.
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