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(ONM) Senran Kagura Burst is damaging the industry - here's how to stop it


If I could fight a dragon in sexy clothes I would. If anything the magician is the problem here because he's clearly a massive wuss (or insecure)


This whole shitstorm with gaming journalists being babies over every little issue to do with women in video games is always amusing to see, more so because Japan could not give less of a shit. The gaming industry in general continues to show its complete and utter immaturity when it comes to everything; it's a niche game that appeals to a certain insanely small demographic, don't like it? Don't buy it! Bye bye!


The reason people are concerned about the topic is because they don't want gaming to stick to pandering to the same audience, to go down the same route, so that every game doesn't have default inclusion of this stuff.

That means challenging the games that do have this stuff, which unfortunately includes a big amount of Japans gaming output.

The fanservice / ecchi route brings in some customers and drive away many others. Fringe genres such as shmups benefit because demand has lowered to the point that most likely the absolute core demographic won't be driven away by having to shoot robot / witch girls instead of mecha mecha bosses. I don't find the need to worry about everything "going down the same route," as anything that goes that route likely would not have existed if they didn't account for boosted sales by appeal of fanservice.
Considering everything I saw about the game

sigh *i'll point you to the senran kagura burst us OT : here

Where you'll find those screenshots : showcasing gameplay , menus and story.




A simple research would have pointed enough info for you to know your subject before talking.
Thanks for being the only person who actualy answered my question.

"A google research to wikipedia and tv tropes is so hard..."

The game is less worst than I imagined, but still HIGHLY problematic from every other point.

Thanks judge, maybe next time you should inform better just to make your veredict faster.


sigh *i'll point you to the senran kagura burst us OT : here

Where you'll find those screenshots : showcasing gameplay , menus and story.

A simple research would have pointed enough info for you to know your subject before talking.

Thanks judge, maybe next time you should inform better just to make your veredict faster.

If anything, the research I did was only to make sure the problem is not with the non japan marketing but with the entire game.

My original words are still working perfectly.

The first comment on the OT is even asking for a NSFW warning =P
The ENTIRE OT is focused more on boobs than the european cover

and yes,

Such writing

Much text

If anything, more research just made me think that the story that other gaffer told me can only be known in a spin off book or something =P
This type of thread is why XSeed doesn't want a fisical release of the game. I can't talk about SK Burst but I really like Shinovi Versus for the chaotic gameplay:


I have tried playing two warrior games like One Piece Pirate Warriors 2 and Dynasty Warriors 7 but I still prefer SK:SV a lot more. I just hope XSeed still take into consideration releasing a limited fisical release of Shinovi Versus even if there is negative talk of the game like now.

Ps: are there other games that play like Shinovi Versus? I didn't like the Dynasty Warriors and gameplay wise my favorites are Mirai and Suzune.


these games are such a problem to society and the industry that rape and sexual assault numbers have been down year over year near every year since 2003

but we're all horrible peeeeople... everyone knows that the key to a healthy sexual outlook is shame and abstinance to sexual appeals. If you ignore your body everything fixes itself! I bet psycologists would totally agree sexual fantasy is incredibly dangerous and should never be engaged in.


.... :V


If anything, the research I did was only to make sure the problem is not with the non japan marketing but with the entire game.

My original words are still working perfectly.

The first comment on the OT is even asking for a NSFW warning =P
The ENTIRE OT is focused more on boobs than the european cover

and yes,

Such writing

Much text

If anything, more research just made me think that the story that other gaffer told me can only be known in a spin off book or something =P

There is way more text than that in the main missions.
Main mission texts are presented as almost pages rather than what you're seeing and posting which are of "dialogue boxes" for "scenes".
Clearly, the industry is slowly beginning to change in to Carrie's mother from the movie, um, Carrie.

I already used other images =P

But yeah, the main fanbase is totaly not objectifing women



You know who posted and created the OT? Did you read the tonge in cheek reactions? And how many are commenting about the actual boobs in the thread?


If anything, the research I did was only to make sure the problem is not with the non japan marketing but with the entire game.

If anything, more research just made me think that the story that other gaffer told me can only be known in a spin off book or something =P
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but, there are no select character missions in Burst. It's all part of the storyline of the game.

As for marketing, yeah sure it's marketed that way, but if you've actually played it, you get a pretty fun beat em up with an actual storyline to it with a very lively cast with their own personalities and personal goals to boot.


Treating a HUMAN BEING as merely an OBJECT to fullfill a man's fantasy is NOT hatred of women ?

One: A picture of a human woman is not the thing itself. Pictures aren't sentient. You're not demeaning a picture by treating at it as a picture rather than a real woman. That just means you're sane.

Two: Appreciating artistic depictions of the female form doesn't mean someone treats flesh-and-blood women as mere objects for their amusement, either. I think the average person has a slightly better grasp on reality than you (and other people who like using this argument) are willing to give them credit for.

Three: You're misusing the word "misogynist". STOP IT.


these games are such a problem to society and the industry that rape and sexual assault numbers have been down year over year near every year since 2003

but we're all horrible peeeeople... everyone knows that the key to a healthy sexual outlook is shame and abstinance to sexual appeals. If you ignore your body everything fixes itself! I bet psycologists would totally agree sexual fantasy is incredibly dangerous and should never be engaged in.


.... :V

That is not what the article is preaching. The author's points is that games like SK are damaging to (Japanese) society because of the unrealistic and distasteful portrayal of a woman's physique. Which in turn moves men away from giving attention to real women.

Read this for example. I don't think it's healthy for Japan that such games (and anime, manga, etc) are incredibly popular.

Admittedly, I also enjoy some of the content that's being put on blast, but I can recognize the damage it does.
It's funny to me to watch GAF try and justify clearly sexist imagery as "over the top" or "lighthearted." Not that I think it should be eliminated entirely, mind you, but it's much more prevalent in video games than it is in other media; so much so, that I do think it's damaging to the mediums image. I think a little self control on this front wouldn't be such a bad thing really.
That is not what the article is preaching. The author's points is that games like SK are damaging to (Japanese) society because of the unrealistic and distasteful portrayal of a woman's physique, which turns men away from giving attention to real women.

Read this for example. I don't think it's healthy for Japan that such games (and anime, manga, etc) are incredibly popular.

Admittedly, I also enjoy some of the content that's being put on blast, but I can recognize the damage it does.

Problem is that is social issue that is not limited to games or even sex (Japan's Lost Decade http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Decade_(Japan) )

It's funny to me to watch GAF try and justify clearly sexist imagery as "over the top" or "lighthearted." Not that I think it should be eliminated entirely, mind you, but it's much more prevalent in video games than it is in other media; so much so, that I do think it's damaging to the mediums image. I think a little self control on this front wouldn't be such a bad thing really.

Gaf Hivemind strikes again?


Neo Member
That is not what the article is preaching. The author's points is that games like SK are damaging to (Japanese) society because of the unrealistic and distasteful portrayal of a woman's physique. Which in turn moves men away from giving attention to real women.

Read this for example. I don't think it's healthy for Japan that such games (and anime, manga, etc) are incredibly popular.

Admittedly, I also enjoy some of the content that's being put on blast, but I can recognize the damage it does.

So having fantasies and enjoying what you like is sexist? How repulsive, probably even worse because you blame the decline of Japanese culture on video games.
Thankfully, the Thought Police is here to tell you how much of a despicable human being you are :)

Since in Senran Kagura 2 they are adding guys playable for the first time those should be character skins. I actually like more how Asuka, Yagyu and Hibari look like guys (and I'm a straight guy).

I like Cool Bro Katsuragi, I find it very fitting with the original character ;p


Neo Member
It's funny to me to watch GAF try and justify clearly sexist imagery as "over the top" or "lighthearted." Not that I think it should be eliminated entirely, mind you, but it's much more prevalent in video games than it is in other media; so much so, that I do think it's damaging to the mediums image.

Screw the mediums "image", people should just make what they want without limiting creativity.


So having fantasies and enjoying what you like is sexist? How repulsive, probably even worse because you blame the decline of Japanese culture on video games.

I never said any of it was sexist, I simply said that it's damaging to their society. Please read properly.


Neo Member
I never said any of it was sexist, I simply said that it's damaging to their society. Please read properly.

Sorry, I'm on my phone. However I have to strongly disagree, considering GTA doesn't make millions of people kill others. Video games are unrelated to thd issue at hand.


People need to go after kate upton and the likes for profiting off of objectifying themselves and thus making men think it's ok to profit off of objectifying women as well.


You know who posted and created the OT? Did you read the tonge in cheek reactions? And how many are commenting about the actual boobs in the thread?

Challenge accepted.

I ignored every comment about getting new and smaller outifits and focused more on "the actual boobs" in the thread.
This made most of the comments come from the pre-release discussion of the game, since after you don't discuss about boobs, but how embarassing is clothing damage on the subway =P

Also ignored the "flat = trap" discussion because I can live without transphobic comments

I'm Volcynika and I support happy boobs.

Thank you for those measurements.

Goddess Hibari is quite modest. Compared to the other good girls, I mean.

I'm Sub_Level and I support happy boobs.

I still can't believe this is happening.

Praise be to happy boobs.

This is what the 3DS was made for

I think this might be the game that gets people to turn on those 3D sliders

Buying this not because I think it will be an enjoyable game, but because when it was first announced I said it would never get localized and I would definitely buy it if it did. So here we are.

Also Chet OTs are da best

Is there any distinguishable features that differentiate this game from other beat em ups. The OP is a little vague on that part. This game needs something to interest me in that regard.

Yes, I know boobs are a feature.

I'm getting this. Those boobs definitely need some support if they want to stay happy.

Yes, because they talk about their ninja skills
with each other.

How's the plot?

Well...it's definitely an OP that's quite apt describing the game.

There are flat girls in this? :p

Chet OPs really are the boobiest.

Boobs, what's there to understand?

I don't understand either, but will buy this game because... the boobs.

For a game that totes quite the impressive array of young well endowed female ninjas with one outlier (sup Mirai), there isn't actually any variation to their treasure chests.

We got big, yeah I got that. There's small too, that's cool. How about one where one breast is smaller than the other? Or maybe some peeps are actually into silicon boobs and prefer that over the natural stuff and they take pleasure in knowing the fact. Like hell I'm damn sure there's somebody out there that feel their tastes were not represented properly. These people have needs, too!

I like DFC and "moderately sized boobs" so I consider that my tastes aren't well represented, then again.... who cares I'm still buying this.

As always, great work on the OT, Chet!

11/10 OT, Chet

Great OP Chet, love your drawing~

This will be my first game in the franchise! Looking forward to it.

The power of breasts!
If only this was a game of butts ;_;

Butts > Boobs

XL. It makes dem boobs bigger.

Characters section is composed only of their three measurements.
I'm dying. This is a top tier level thread, in terms of conveying the most crucial information.

Breast OT ever


As far as design is concerned, I like Katsuragi the most because her loose clothing de-emphasizes her boobs, giving her a more natural look than the others while still looking large because large isn't bad. She also wears the least amount of clothing, so there's that. Her legs and ass are also fiiiiine and you can see all that in her character illustration.

Digital only? How am I supposed to resell it when I'm done with it?

Can you free view the boob models in 3D? I thought I read something about not being able to do that.

And if this got released in the US on a NINTENDO system, what are the chances of the Vita version coming out here?


give in.

you got money, you got time, there isn't anything else worth getting anytime soon. The stars are aligned and the boobs are symmetrical. LAUNCH DAY MAN

Love all the boobs in the OP. Well done.

I would totally buy this if there was actually more boobage in this game. Like, if these girls were topless. I hate the boob phobia in modern day culture, where simply having cleavage and large breasts = boob game. Big whoop.

Happy boobs, remember?

Man oh man - with this plus AquaPazza dropping this month - it's boobs everywhere!


lols I'm not even playing the plots. messing around in the dressing room with Hibari cuz Yuka Iguchi HNNNNNNNNNNG

Season 1 aired at midnight, but due to its popularity R2 got moved to the 5PM slot. R2 needed to be softened so it could fit on the 5PM slot.

R2 was a trainwreck, but it was definitely a glorious trainwreck. There were many "so bad it's good" moments in R2 and the ending totally redeemed the show.

Stop teasing me...

Well I'm probably getting this tomorrow. I hope the sales are good enough for them to consider bringing the Vita game over.

Boobs are not why I made the decision to purchase this game.
Yes they are. #TeamLife

Downloaded this earlier and played a bit. Really liking it so far. I've only done 3 missions but the combat is really fun.

I really like the 3D in this game. Boobs coming out of the screen.

Framerate is pretty bad but it doesn't really bother me. Oh yeah and playing dress up is a lot of fun too. :p

I like how there's a convo with Mirai about her being the only one out of the two schools without bazongas.

She motorboated the crap out of me while I played as Yagyuu but when I actually use her, her damage output is horrendous.

Been eyeing this up in an entirely wholesome way recently. Then I have to remind myself that I don't have a 3DS.

This man gets it. It's worth noting that the two best characters both wear gothic outfits. And have the smallest / largest breasts of the cast.


Man some of the character
backstories are depressing. :(

I love Hibari's victory
pose. <3

huh... didn't know asuka's VA is so... talented.


Totally gonna write "BOOBS" for every question.

Yes! They said a game about female ninjas could never succeed in America. Where is your god now, doubters!?!?!

Breast Friends Forever.


It's funny to me to watch GAF try and justify clearly sexist imagery as "over the top" or "lighthearted." Not that I think it should be eliminated entirely, mind you, but it's much more prevalent in video games than it is in other media; so much so, that I do think it's damaging to the mediums image. I think a little self control on this front wouldn't be such a bad thing really.

Are you serious right now? Because you are flat out wrong.




The first sentence describes the type of game it is (blame Japan for allowing devs to call it whatever sub-genre they want). The second sentence describes how the 3D feature is used.The other two describes the gameplay in a basic way. So it's all gameplay related.

It's actually missing something known as frantic mode in the description. It's a mode that allows you to start the mission in your undergarments, but gives you a giant boost in speed and attack but the defense takes a big hit as well.


It's funny to me to watch GAF try and justify clearly sexist imagery as "over the top" or "lighthearted." Not that I think it should be eliminated entirely, mind you, but it's much more prevalent in video games than it is in other media; so much so, that I do think it's damaging to the mediums image. I think a little self control on this front wouldn't be such a bad thing really.

I'm not seeing how "sexist imagery" (it's really not btw) like Senran Kagura is so much more prevalent in video games. These type of games are so niche that they have no hope in hell of affecting gaming's image whatsoever. Also, why do we care about the medium's image? Why do developers who like putting the life and the hometown in their games supposed to care about the medium's image?

EDIT: And like another poster said, you are incredibly wrong with the bolded.


So this is a game from a developer who is obviously fond of large breasts, for an intended commercial audience who feel the same?
Challenge accepted.

I ignored every comment about getting new and smaller outifits and focused more on "the actual boobs" in the thread.
This made most of the comments come from the pre-release discussion of the game, since after you don't discuss about boobs, but how embarassing is clothing damage on the subway =P

Also ignored the "flat = trap" discussion because I can live without transphobic comments

Woah... some are shameless... other kind of not.

Well, good for you shame list. At least you could read about the chracters of the game than responding a challange that I not even issued.


It's funny to me to watch GAF try and justify clearly sexist imagery as "over the top" or "lighthearted." Not that I think it should be eliminated entirely, mind you, but it's much more prevalent in video games than it is in other media; so much so, that I do think it's damaging to the mediums image. I think a little self control on this front wouldn't be such a bad thing really.

Senran Kagura Burst is not over the top?
I agree that there's a lot of sexism in video games but I really can't understand why games like this or Dragon's Crown are the catalyst for this discussion.
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