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Ono implies Capcom won't greenlight a AAA game sequel without over 2 million sales


I kinda doubt that. With the feedback from the previous games fans and the worst sales in the series from DmC the picture is rather clear. Its possible that Capcom could come to this conclusion but I don't think its likely.

It really bottles down to how in touch their executives are.

Im sure internally Capcom is well aware that fan outcry over DmC hampered its sales. I dont think there has been a game which its fanbase has screamed "we don't want this" so vemenently.

But looking purely at the numbers, the series simply declined in sales. It doesnt help that none of the big action games last year sold well.

I think DMC is on the edge. Its really something that has to be fought for and im unsure there is anyone willing to fight for it.


A current-gen Dragon's Dogma sequel, including a PC release, with co-op implementation would've been fantastic (and possibly would've sold more in the west) but oh well. :/

Phil S.

Capcom is like seeing an old friend you were really close to now an alcoholic with no job, no prospects, and no chance of a good life. :(


I don't think Capcom comprehends the TES sized franchise they could groom Dragon's Dogma into, because they already made a game that's better in just about every way other than sheer scope.

What a FUCKING shame if DD2 never happens.


Why are people so surprised about this? If by AAA game they mean huge budget games like Dragon's Dogma or RE6 I can see why they don't want to spend that kind of money on titles that simply won't sell enough to be profitable. They are a company after all, they exist to earn money, not to waste it.

That doesn't mean we can't have smaller budget titles (like RE: Revelations 2).


Anyone over the age of 25 remember when videogames didn't need to succumb to the sales pressure of selling millions of units to deem a game succesful? Development costs are astronomical and indie titles have more game design ingenuity than these multimillion dollar sellers. I'm fixing to yell at some clouds over this.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
So what title does that leave them with besides Street Fighter,Resident Evil and Monster Hunter?

That's a shame too I was looking forward to another Dragon's Dogma game after playing Dark Arisen


Anyone over the age of 25 remember when videogames didn't need to succumb to the sales pressure of selling millions of units to deem a game succesful? Development costs are astronomical and indie titles have more game design ingenuity than these multimillion dollar sellers. I'm fixing to yell at some clouds over this.

Yeah, this is pretty frustrating. Before we used to have a healthy stream of budget and mid-range games, and devs could take a lot more risks (which ultimately meant we got a nice variety of games) and still stick around for years.

But hearing stuff like this just makes me shake my head. RIP Dragon's Dogma.


2 million for a AAA game?
Yes, makes totally sense. No problem here.

But THIS is shocking!
DMC only did 1.6 million worldwide?
On PS3 and Xbox 360 combined??

It's the worst-selling title in the franchise. They could have easily gotten 2 million or more with it, but Tameem actively trolled the fanbase enough to turn them off. Anecdotally, I know I would have purchased the game anyway out of interest before Tameem's antics, but after the various things which he said I refused to buy it out of spite.

They made a Devil May Cry game, the lead developer actively told Devil May Cry fans they were dumb and he was making a superior game, and Capcom got surprised when nobody bought the Devil May Cry they were releasing.

It's no surprise at all.
Anyone over the age of 25 remember when videogames didn't need to succumb to the sales pressure of selling millions of units to deem a game succesful? Development costs are astronomical and indie titles have more game design ingenuity than these multimillion dollar sellers. I'm fixing to yell at some clouds over this.
I remember the times such as Megaman 2 where developers were passionate about making a good game rather than fixation of how many copies it can sell.
Good times...


this is so freaking depressing, capcom obviously still has talented developers, and one of the richest number of IPS of any japanese companies, too bad higher ups in this company just think about how much money a game can get, which is understandable, but damnit they need some freaking courage and risk taking if they wanna go anywhere, RE, MH, etc arent gonna last them forever


I don't think Capcom comprehends the TES sized franchise they could groom Dragon's Dogma into, because they already made a game that's better in just about every way other than sheer scope.

What a FUCKING shame if DD2 never happens.
Both games focus in different aspects (1st person,exploring,book reading,lore vs 3rd person/good fighting/companions/multiplayer aspects), but with proper PR management the potential is certainly there.

At this point, I'm not even asking for a sequel - they won't invest on that in the wake of Deep down. Porting to PS4,X1 and PC sounds like an obvious call though.
yay AA and Sengoku Basara still safe

I'm glad Sengoku Basara and Ace Attorney aren't considered AAA.
I'm curious, are there any solid numbers for the BASARA series? We get a new title of some kind every year, that I eagerly look forward to, so it must perform well enough. However, the games themselves never stuck me as top sellers. I get the feeling that the bulk of the francise's profitability likely comes from all the licensed stuff for it.


I'll pay $100 for an Itsuno-made DMC5 with no f2p or any other kinds of bullshit elements, Capcom. $100! I'd even buy copies for friends I know would be interested.

Anyway. The sad part is most Capcom franchises don't need to be AAA and could easily survive in the DL space. Only RE, DMC, Onimusha, Dino Crisis, Okami, SF, MvC, Dragon's Dogma, Dead Rising and Lost Planet feel like AAA franchises, and most of those could easily have non-AAA spinoffs.

If Capcom wants to play it safe they should develop RE5/6, DMC4, DmC, USF4, UMvC3 (if they had the rights), Dragon's Dogma remasters for current gen (and UMvC3 and DD for PC). Easy money, and it would work as a measure to gauge consumer interest in those franchises. Someone tell I'm wrong or Capcom is just crazy incompetent.

Edit: RE6 and DmC remasters are probably in development already. I mean if REmake is worth a remaster, then they'd be crazy not to consider one for RE5/6 at least.
That's the thing... Nothing is guaranteed to succeed, but Capcom is not going to be able to compete with guys like Activision, EA, and Ubisoft who have 10 year plans for their new AAA franchises. Nor can Capcom rely on the luck of the draw that mobile is.

That is the thing! Those three you listed also have no guarentees THEIR plans will come to fruition (the Titan dropping/Actiblizz stock dropping). There ARE no guarentees. That mentality didn't even make the Mendoza line last generation, and this is a completely different generation. Hell, what they are doing with this mobile building mess may work (I've stated before their angles of milking dead/dying/underutilized IP assuredly will pay off better than a real sequel in those).

It is the antithesis of Dogma that Namco shook off, and it just so happened to work for them.


They sound like a company scared that a single failure could sink them.

They might be right to feel that way.

To be honest, Capcom put themselves in that financial situation to begin with, with all of these crap games that they brought out last gen, IMO (Remember Me, DmC, 3D Bionic Commando, Dark Void, the Lost Planet series, etc), as well as having ridiculous expectations of Resident Evil 6 selling as big as CoD after over budgeting on the game &/or the advertising.
I think if Dragon's Dogma 2 would happen is if Sony came in and helped and of course if they did that it would be exclusive to PS4. Ono is working on a second PS4 exclusive title but I don't think he worked on the original Dragon's Dogma.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
How much did Onimusha Dawn of Dreams sell ?
Anyone over the age of 25 remember when videogames didn't need to succumb to the sales pressure of selling millions of units to deem a game succesful? Development costs are astronomical and indie titles have more game design ingenuity than these multimillion dollar sellers. I'm fixing to yell at some clouds over this.

Hold me.

Hold me closer @ bold.
Anyone over the age of 25 remember when videogames didn't need to succumb to the sales pressure of selling millions of units to deem a game succesful? Development costs are astronomical and indie titles have more game design ingenuity than these multimillion dollar sellers. I'm fixing to yell at some clouds over this.

Is it the overall recessed global economy?


Anyone over the age of 25 remember when videogames didn't need to succumb to the sales pressure of selling millions of units to deem a game succesful? Development costs are astronomical and indie titles have more game design ingenuity than these multimillion dollar sellers. I'm fixing to yell at some clouds over this.

It doesn't matter when you were born, quality is better than "ingenuity" (that is, "difference"). "Indie" is a nonsensical marketing term that can be argued to include mobile F2P games and brain dead clones on its ever shifting and vague qualifiers. TRUE GAMERS OF OLD should pay less attention to brands and be less fixated on novelty and instead focus more to what is considered good game design, even if the formula is tried and tested. If you have a good head on your shoulders, it's pretty easy to realize interesting things are happening all along the budget spectrum; it's also easy to not feel resentment over games you imagine could be made.


breaking down barriers in gratuitous nudity
Capcom really have become Konami. Now they're just down to a couple big franchises of dubious quality and a bunch of blatant cash-grab crap.


This is tragic. Honestly the only game that comes to mind that I can think of that would make me buy a PS4 or an XBox One in a *heartbeat* would be Dragon's Dogma 2 or a HD re-release of the first one.
didn't microsoft help pay for the development of dead rising 3, or pay capcom for it to be exclusive , i know it hasn't hit over 2 million sales but microsoft might pay again for a sequel, or sony this time

i hope so because dead rising 3 was fantastic day 1, loved it and the franchise can't be over

capcom please :(


i'm sure they'll release dragon's dogma 2, even if it sold in shit numbers. It's not like darkstalkers where noone gives a shit...

Shenmue sunk an entire system and we still got a sequel. Believe


Loved Dragon's Dogma, wish we'd get a sequel.

To me it ws the sleeper hit of the year, wish more people bought it.


Loved Dragon's Dogma, wish we'd get a sequel.

To me it ws the sleeper hit of the year, wish more people bought it.

It's my baseless opinion that a good number of Capcom's new IP's last gen were great but didn't sell the COD numbers those old heads at the top were hoping for.

The Share holders and/or execs don't seem to realize that many IP's in Capcom's catalog weren't great because they sold well but were great because they had gameplay that made them great. The games that were allowed to continue had fan bases that only grew over time and across sequels. This made the company beloved and the IP's comparable to Nintendo's in terms of nostalgia. That's a valuable thing and not easily accomplished.

Honestly, if Nintendo's willing to fund a new DMC, Dragon's Dogma, Power Stone, and Onimusha my Wii U would see a lot of love. Sales would probably increase too. I think fans would even be grateful, unless they continuously port beg for something that won't happen.


Anyone over the age of 25 remember when videogames didn't need to succumb to the sales pressure of selling millions of units to deem a game successful? Development costs are astronomical and indie titles have more game design ingenuity than these multimillion dollar sellers. I'm fixing to yell at some clouds over this.

Yeah, this is pretty frustrating. Before we used to have a healthy stream of budget and mid-range games, and devs could take a lot more risks (which ultimately meant we got a nice variety of games) and still stick around for years.

But hearing stuff like this just makes me shake my head. RIP Dragon's Dogma.

I remember the times such as Megaman 2 where developers were passionate about making a good game rather than fixation of how many copies it can sell.
Good times...

Exactly. And it's just sad. The Wii/PS3/Xbox 360 era has definitely messed up a lot of companies (especially Japanese companies) by going with the "follow the CoD money" route, & has certainly forgotten how they made it this far in the business. Good games, with a lot of heart, passion, & soul. Where has that gone?

A game doesn't have to be a AAA title in order to be great, nor does a game have to have obscene amounts of money in development &/or on advertising the games, in which they need to sell a crazy amount of copies just to even break even or to turn a profit. That's the main reason we're hearing a lot of studios, etc. closing their doors right now, & why companies like Capcom are struggling financially.

If companies like Capcom wants to get back on top, then they should start listening to their fans, & make great games that people want & love. And control the budgeting on development & advertising.
To be fair to Capcom, I'm sure most publishers have these kind of broad minimum sales expectations in place. It is sad though that a lot of great brands might wither and die because Capcom management and marketing is so frigging poor.

So who do I have to blow to make Dragon's Dogma 2 a reality?


A game doesn't have to be a AAA title in order to be great, nor does a game have to have obscene amounts of money in development &/or on advertising the games, in which they need to sell a crazy amount of copies just to even break even or to turn a profit.

You can blame both studios and customers for that.

A lot of people have been brainwashed by the marketing bullshit to think that if the game isn't AAA and doesn't have great marketing campaign then it is definitively bad and not worth buying. Just look at people who automatically strike off any indie game or mid-budget game as simply not worthy wasting time on. I'm sure a lot of those people would be mind-blown if they learn about budgets of many old games that are widely prised and consider classic nowadays.

To be fair to Capcom, I'm sure most publishers have these kind of broad minimum sales expectations in place. It is sad though that a lot of great brands might wither and die because Capcom management and marketing is so frigging poor.

That's why I hope that Revelations 2 turns out OK and sales well. Capcom (the video game industry in general) needs more of that kind of mid-budget titles with a small team behind them, instead of just indie and AAA(A) titles.


Exactly. And it's just sad. The Wii/PS3/Xbox 360 era has definitely messed up a lot of companies (especially Japanese companies) by going with the "follow the CoD money" route, & has certainly forgotten how they made it this far in the business. Good games, with a lot of heart, passion, & soul. Where has that gone?

A game doesn't have to be a AAA title in order to be great, nor does a game have to have obscene amounts of money in development &/or on advertising the games, in which they need to sell a crazy amount of copies just to even break even or to turn a profit. That's the main reason we're hearing a lot of studios, etc. closing their doors right now, & why companies like Capcom are struggling financially.

If companies like Capcom wants to get back on top, then they should start listening to their fans, & make great games that people want & love. And control the budgeting on development & advertising.

The reason so many followed the AAA route is because if you want to compete at retail, mid budget was not cutting it.

You have less advertising and stores give you less shelf space - which reduces sales even further. It's not only Japanese publishers that faced tough times. All Western publishers that focused on mid-range retail games went bankrupt, THQ being the last.

It's slowly coming back but most western mid-sized games are now sold digitally or licensed properties.

Japanese developpers were somewhat "spared" by the fact that the market went handhelds and so they gladly went with it. Their home market also didn't like the western AAA offerings that much.


You can blame both studios and customers for that.

A lot of people have been brainwashed by the marketing bullshit to think that if the game isn't AAA and doesn't have great marketing campaign then it is definitively bad and not worth buying. Just look at people who automatically strike off any indie game or mid-budget game as simply not worthy wasting time on. I'm sure a lot of those people would be mind-blown if they learn about budgets of many old games that are widely prised and consider classic nowadays.


It's a very different market now than say DMC 4 launches. There are some exceptions here and there but your average consumer when deciding to buy a $60 game would go for AAA instead of mid-tier. Dragon Dogma sold extremely well in Japan and with how's things are looking for PS4 in that region, I can understand why Capcom is reluctant to mention a sequel now.

Game Guru

That is the thing! Those three you listed also have no guarentees THEIR plans will come to fruition (the Titan dropping/Actiblizz stock dropping). There ARE no guarentees. That mentality didn't even make the Mendoza line last generation, and this is a completely different generation. Hell, what they are doing with this mobile building mess may work (I've stated before their angles of milking dead/dying/underutilized IP assuredly will pay off better than a real sequel in those).

It is the antithesis of Dogma that Namco shook off, and it just so happened to work for them.

To be fair, I do think certain companies do have the right idea in going mobile, Sega for instance... Yes, they aren't really pleasing fans of Sega in general, but their expansion into PC and Mobile with bought IPs seem to be working out for them. Sega's not going to bring any more Yakuza games to the West or make new Shenmue games because the costs to do so can't be justified and Sega gave them a fair shot.
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