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Pachter Predicts: Xbox One outsold PS4 in September (dance, you puppets)

T-minus 1 hour till Pachter is wrong and we get pages full of awful "lol pachter" shit posts before any real sales discussion begins. Looking forward to it!
That double breasted suit... Lovely
This is going to be great lol

As someone relatively new to GAF (Been lurking for about an year) was there an NPD report with that much expectation to see the reactions on it?

I think GTAIV not doing anything to reverse the Wii's momentum had some of the biggest meltdowns I've seen in an NPD thread.


This is going to be great lol

As someone relatively new to GAF (Been lurking for about an year) was there an NPD report with that much expectation to see the reactions on it?


Because people expected Microsoft to win because of Titanfall.

Yep, March is the only other month this year i can remember with this kind of anticipation. Did Pachter made a prediction that month too?


This is going to be great lol

As someone relatively new to GAF (Been lurking for about an year) was there an NPD report with that much expectation to see the reactions on it?

mama robotnik gifs used to make every NPD thread an event.

Not sure if it was actually his but the PS3 pole vault gif was some of the funniest shit as juvenile as it was.


If nothing else, something about Pachter being wrong highlights that the Xbox One can't even win the U.S. when it gives away multiple games for free. That's the real "boom" here.

Analysts are wrong all the time, it's not really a big deal.


Ridiculous patcher has Gaf holding its breaths, come on lol this guy set this all up for attention. Bet He is lurking here reading this.

No he doesn't.

Its very simple: We, Gaf, not only like the tast of crow, we like to see people eat it as well.

Gaf = microcosm of general intelligence


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
T-minus 1 hour till Pachter is wrong and we get pages full of awful "lol pachter" shit posts before any real sales discussion begins. Looking forward to it!

You might want to read the thread title, bro.


An inside look at the NPD party Evilore is hosting right now in his swanky mansion.


cant take credit for that picture, someone else here made it :)


Unconfirmed Member
I kind of hope this is true. I honestly think Xbox deserves the most sales as of now because of all the effort they are putting into the UI. Also, it would be nice for Sony to start feeling some pressure and start adding stuff to the PS4 OS.

You think a console deserves the most sales because it updates its UI more than its competitor?


This all feels like some attempt to make NPD results seem relevant again. Pachter doesn't care if he's wrong again, I'm sure.
In the digital age, NPD results are hardly relevant at all.
People should stop paying NPD's exorbitant subscription rate to get data they can pretty much guess on their own.


You think a console deserves the most sales because it updates its UI more than its competitor?

"Deserving" sales is a ridiculous concept by itself.

In the digital age, NPD results are hardly relevant at all.
People should stop paying NPD's exorbitant subscription rate to get data they can pretty much guess on their own.

I would assume that they get more detailed info with an NPD subscription than just the overall sales for North America for the month.


Not sure if I should make this a new thread, as I don't know if it's been posted yet, but email from sony:

Thanks to the support from fans and the overwhelming popularity of the limited-edition Destiny PS4 bundle, PlayStation 4 won the month of September, nearly tripling August sales.

PlayStation led the month for next generation software, including selling the most copies of Madden NFL 15, NHL 15, and FIFA 15, making PS4 the best place to play sports games.


Errr... Wow... Geoff Keighley @geoffkeighley
Per PlayStation: PlayStation 4 won the month of September, nearly tripling August sales.
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