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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Fucking insanity. coordinated spraying in public.. what a tragedy. Hoping the authorities get a handle on it before it gets any worse.
I live in the 11th arrondissement, 5 minutes from where one of the shootings happened :(

Most subway stations around here are closed right now. Sirens keep going off in the streets

Needless to say I'm staying in and cancelling all my plans for tonight.

It's awful I have no words :(

stay safe, I was in Paris during the Charlie attacks
This is awful. How do you even "counter" this kind of terrorism.

You really can't, a city the size of Paris is full of the types of 'soft targets' that terrorists adore to hit. All of the best solutions are long-term. You try to minimize the population of disaffected people that become prime targets for terrorist recruitment, you create community outreach to establish a trusted network between otherwise marginalized neighborhoods and law enforcement. And, tragically, you endure the effects of terrorism that spawns abroad and seduces local extremists into action until your long-term efforts bear enough fruit.

That periscope is breaking my goddamn heart. There's only the sounds of fear, pain and sirens in the background.

Boss Mog

My thoughts go to the victims and their families. Really sad.

Call me a pessimist but I think it's only gonna keep getting worse from here on out for France (and the rest of Europe).


Neo Member
This is awful. Stay safe anyone in Paris. :(

Also, remember this when news is breaking:


It's probably best to take the number of shooters with a grain of salt for now. There are always conflated numbers reported at these kinds of incidents.


I live in the 11th arrondissement, 5 minutes from where one of the shootings happened :(

Most subway stations around here are closed right now. Sirens keep going off in the streets

Needless to say I'm staying in and cancelling all my plans for tonight.

It's awful I have no words :(

Stay safe, mate.
I live in the 11th arrondissement, 5 minutes from where one of the shootings happened :(

Most subway stations around here are closed right now. Sirens keep going off in the streets

Needless to say I'm staying in and cancelling all my plans for tonight.

It's awful I have no words :(

Omg I'm so sorry. Please stay safe.


Damn. Stay safe Paris GAF, and RIP to those dead. Terrorists are the god damn scum of the earth, and I hope they get caught before they kill anyone else.
I live in the 11th arrondissement, 5 minutes from where one of the shootings happened :(

Most subway stations around here are closed right now. Sirens keep going off in the streets

Needless to say I'm staying in and cancelling all my plans for tonight.

It's awful I have no words :(

Stay safe.
It's probably best to take the number of shooters with a grain of salt for now. There are always conflated numbers reported at these kinds of incidents.

With the rapid development of three separate situations developing concurrently, I think it's safe to say that the people involved are around 4+
There is no way in hell those people should be allowed to leave the stadium until the shooters are captured or dead.

It'll add so much confusion and hysteria.


Well, I'm French living in France (but not in Paris).

I heards the bombing at the Stade de France were grenades and not suicides attack, and it was "outside" the Stadium. The President who was inside the Stadium have been evacuated.

I also heard about shootings around the Bataclan, but not ostage situation, not sure about that.

Funky Papa

My friend is safe and sound, he left the city along her gf just as it happened. It looks like their hotel was really close to one of the shootings. Phew.
They didn't hit this many locations, did they? And this looks like it's going to get worse before it gets better...

Different type of attack, but the London bombings were pretty devastating in terms of scale and this is a large scale attack/plan from the looks of it.

I think the comparison is fair.
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