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Perfect Dark’s Game Director leaves The Initiative

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Microsoft seemed to struggle to properly manage when they had less than 10 studios before the acquisitions started. So it's not unexpected that there are issues now that they have like over 30. Game development isn't easy and needs alot of work put into it. Rare Seems to have issues too. They revealed that everwild game years ago and years later they still don't even know what the game is actually going to be? It seems like they lack leadership and direction. Didn't they also bring someone back to sort out halo infinite after that really bad gameplay reveal?
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Whatever man. Lets hope you are right about E3 I am not optimistic and something tells me you will have excuses for why it isn't ready for even some gameplay reveal then either.

I really don’t care about any of that. This is bound to be one of the best E3s for Microsoft ever. We’ll see gameplay for Starfield, Fable, Hellblade 2, Avowed and much more. Plus a ton of announcements.

I expect to see Perfect Dark gameplay since it’s been playable for a while, but If it’s not there, that’d be fine.

PM the mods if you have access to MS internal timelines that indicate Initiative is behind schedule.


I really don’t care about any of that. This is bound to be one of the best E3s for Microsoft ever. We’ll see gameplay for Starfield, Fable, Hellblade 2, Avowed and much more. Plus a ton of announcements.

I expect to see Perfect Dark gameplay since it’s been playable for a while, but If it’s not there, that’d be fine.

PM the mods if you have access to MS internal timelines that indicate Initiative is behind schedule.

Ah...I'm getting a sense now of why you have been getting so emotional over my posts.

Best of luck to MS I hope it is a good one as I plan to purchase multiple of these games eventually and is about time they show and not tell.
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So, wouldn’t the logical thing to do be for him to stay on the studio he helped build and start working on their next game and not leave the company like most leads?
If he considered his work complete and didn't wanna focus on the next title then more power to him?


Game was a playable years ago according to Spencer himself so I'm not concerned, if there was reports of many people leaving or culture issues then that would be different but that isn't the case.
The game will be first person just like the original, interviews with the development staff show they have a firm understanding of why Perfect Dark is an all time classic, its a tough balance bringing it to a modern audience but they seem to grasp it.
I'm sure we'll see something this year gameplay wise.
Is it first person? From what I gathered it is 3rd person and is supposed to play like Control. I could be wrong though.


Neo Member
The Initiative was always overhyped. They have done literally nothing and Microsoft has never proven it can create elite studios from the ground up.

Why they also chose to do a perfect dark sequel of all things is beyond me.

I am going to sound like a fanboy warmonger or whatever but honestly Bethesda, Ninja Theory, Coalition, 343 (and multiple obvious others) asides multiple of Microsoft's new studios are really productive game devs in name only and Microsoft should maybe consolidate a few so they can actually produce good games as opposed to just wanting a bottom line "number" of game studios under their wing to talk about.

Examples of such:

- Undead Labs
- Compulsion
- InXile
- Initiative etc.

Sony used to be very brutal to such studios and would shut down stuff like Zipper, multiple Japanese, and Liverpool. Honestly I think it is good to get rid fo the fluff.
Turn 10 Studios and The Coalition are those examples. So... and maybe let's see PD in action first?


When key figures like the director are leaving before even the first gameplay trailer is released and you need to ask external developers like CD (fresh off the Avengers' bomba) to help it's clear there are issues.
And there have been multiple reports of Everwild being in dev hell as well.
Making games is not easy, especially under current circumstances.
We'll see what's happening with these games when they're finally showcased.



Sega Orphan

This studio was announced with lots of big words and promises. But something Microsoft doesn't seem to have learned is that shouting high from the rooftops will only bite themselves. This has proven to be the case once again with this generation.
You know, screaming from the roofs how your console will destroy the competition from launch....

But now this "Initiative" studio was never supposed to be a "world class" studio creating a game...but just a????......creative studio/support studio or whatever you people now want to call it. And like someone else said already...this studio was overhyped from the start.
Who was screaming their console would destroy the opposition from launch? Give me quotes from anyone at MS who said that.
And don't come back with the whole "waited for the full the full RDNA 2 stack" to claim that. Both Sony and MS promote their consoles strong point. Cerny went on about Cache Scrubbers, SSD and Primitive Shaders, and normal people didn't take that as Sony claiming they are going to wipe the floor with MS.
So please, I look forward to your quotes.

Who the fuck said The Initiative wasn't meant to be a world class studio? It's a new studio built from the ground up. Wingnut fanboys complaining that MS bought existing studios and they should have built them from the ground up, also the same wing nuts trying to put MS down for doing what they said they should do.
No one has seen anything of the game. No one leaving has been saying the studio is fucked. Where were you when the Creative Director of Naughty Dog quit? Bitching on GAF about how this is the end of ND? Of course you didn't.

To jump on this with the horse shit you did was pure fanboying.



Who was screaming their console would destroy the opposition from launch? Give me quotes from anyone at MS who said that.
And don't come back with the whole "waited for the full the full RDNA 2 stack" to claim that. Both Sony and MS promote their consoles strong point. Cerny went on about Cache Scrubbers, SSD and Primitive Shaders, and normal people didn't take that as Sony claiming they are going to wipe the floor with MS.
So please, I look forward to your quotes.

Who the fuck said The Initiative wasn't meant to be a world class studio? It's a new studio built from the ground up. Wingnut fanboys complaining that MS bought existing studios and they should have built them from the ground up, also the same wing nuts trying to put MS down for doing what they said they should do.
No one has seen anything of the game. No one leaving has been saying the studio is fucked. Where were you when the Creative Director of Naughty Dog quit? Bitching on GAF about how this is the end of ND? Of course you didn't.

To jump on this with the horse shit you did was pure fanboying.

It's every Xbox thread, constant downplaying. It's become a very obvious trend form certain posters, not even thinly disguised concern trolling.


Fun fact, it still fits what i said back then. Infinite isn’t doing wonders. The singleplayer was fun for what it was, but also really bad at the same time. Fun in gameplay but repetitive, and the world was a complete borfest. The MP was only fun because the gameplay was ok, but other then that, it’s also not much you get.

You guys had hoped a lot more because Phil told you to hype the shit out of it.
That is the most bullshit neogaf comment that I have heard.
I guess you are the type that eats battlefield type of games, and calls it great game.

Your hatred for halo is over the roof man.


Asking for even some gameplay after 4 years is disingenuous? Ok
It is, considering this is a new studio, that is still in the work of hiring people. We dont know how much they have done. They are still early to the game. The game is slated towards 2024, so there is still some time to go. I will suggest you wait for 2023 to get more info.
If we get some info, it will just be engine trailer, like hell blade 2 during the fire chant.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
People were racing to the store for perfect dark n64 and not expecting perfect dark Xbox 360 to flop now they’re trying to make a shooter complex really it’s about gathering information, interacting with npcs and shooting through levels.

Perfect Dark Spy GIF by Rare Ltd


advanced basic bitch
People were racing to the store for perfect dark n64 and not expecting perfect dark Xbox 360 to flop now they’re trying to make a shooter complex really it’s about gathering information, interacting with npcs and shooting through levels.

Perfect Dark Spy GIF by Rare Ltd
And aliens! I hope they keep the aliens. Did zero keep that? I can't remember. I put that turd out of my mind.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Matt booty is head of XGS, Phil does go and visit devs but its not his main duties,
When Phil was head of XGS, do not look at him look at his boss.

When Phil is the boss, do not look at him look at the head of XGS.
The only issues they have had is 343, so the logic just does not support what you are saying.
Its funny people dont use gears, flight sim, Psychonauts and forza as a gage for XGS management sucess, they only use negative things.


When Phil was head of XGS, do not look at him look at his boss.

When Phil is the boss, do not look at him look at the head of XGS.
Phil is the boss right now. Without his orders, Matt booty can't do anything. Same as how Phil couldn't do anything, when Don Mattrick was the boss.

The head boss is the one that green lights the projects, funding, while head of studios is the middle man between the boss and the studios.

Same as how Phil can't fund xbox, without satya approval.

I wish people would learn this.


Remember that Hogwarts legacy guy who was a lead producer who got fired and then later we found out his job wasnt that big at all?

Was this guy the game director as meaning in charge of all gameplay functions or was he just in charge of one aspect of gameplay and oversold his resume?
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RSI Employee of the Year

Who was screaming their console would destroy the opposition from launch? Give me quotes from anyone at MS who said that.
And don't come back with the whole "waited for the full the full RDNA 2 stack" to claim that. Both Sony and MS promote their consoles strong point. Cerny went on about Cache Scrubbers, SSD and Primitive Shaders, and normal people didn't take that as Sony claiming they are going to wipe the floor with MS.
So please, I look forward to your quotes.

Who the fuck said The Initiative wasn't meant to be a world class studio? It's a new studio built from the ground up. Wingnut fanboys complaining that MS bought existing studios and they should have built them from the ground up, also the same wing nuts trying to put MS down for doing what they said they should do.
No one has seen anything of the game. No one leaving has been saying the studio is fucked. Where were you when the Creative Director of Naughty Dog quit? Bitching on GAF about how this is the end of ND? Of course you didn't.

To jump on this with the horse shit you did was pure fanboying.

You xbox fanboy love to close you're eyes and ears when those things happened, and then ask "show the facts" lol. Short term memory this community has is unbelievable.

Cerny went on about Cache Scrubbers, SSD and Primitive Shaders, and normal people didn't take that as Sony claiming they are going to wipe the floor with MS.

Because Sony doesn't need to attract attention from their community by constantly spreading and showing muscle when it comes to hardware. And yes the "Full RDNA2" is one of the many examples because some of you guys had hoped that during launch, it would already be over, and that there would be a huge difference in multiplatform games.

Neither happened, now backpaddling.

That is the most bullshit neogaf comment that I have heard.
I guess you are the type that eats battlefield type of games, and calls it great game.

Your hatred for halo is over the roof man.

I bet a lot of the fanboys here didn't even finish Infinite completely.
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Holy moly!

Wonder if as creators they seek sales numbers, like a gold or platinum record signifies. Gamepass making them feeling like they are producing fly by night fodder?
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The Initiative was always overhyped. They have done literally nothing and Microsoft has never proven it can create elite studios from the ground up.

Why they also chose to do a perfect dark sequel of all things is beyond me.

I am going to sound like a fanboy warmonger or whatever but honestly Bethesda, Ninja Theory, Coalition, 343 (and multiple obvious others) asides multiple of Microsoft's new studios are really productive game devs in name only and Microsoft should maybe consolidate a few so they can actually produce good games as opposed to just wanting a bottom line "number" of game studios under their wing to talk about.

Examples of such:

- Undead Labs
- Compulsion
- InXile
- Initiative etc.

Sony used to be very brutal to such studios and would shut down stuff like Zipper, multiple Japanese, and Liverpool. Honestly I think it is good to get rid fo the fluff.
InXile fluff. That certainly is a take


have no faith in this studio, it's no different than the coalition. i want the initiative to be top studio not Crystal Dynamics 2.0
Avengers was terrible, but I really enjoyed the Tomb Raider games. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt here. I think Avengers turned out so poorly because of SE and them wanting to make it into a GAAS. I still believe this will be a top notch game!


Holy moly!

Wonder if as creators they seek sales numbers, like a gold or platinum record signifies. Gamepass making them feeling like they are producing fly by night fodder?
Creators want to present their products in best possible way. Sales usually holds their vision back (to save money on resources).
Gamepass like type produces Disney+ like content (marvel series on disney+).

Companies won't be constrained with the pressure of hitting sales. It will be passionate projects.

We will see more in 4 years from now. So far, only fh5 meets that criteria.


Holy moly!

Wonder if as creators they seek sales numbers, like a gold or platinum record signifies. Gamepass making them feeling like they are producing fly by night fodder?

There’s this thing called review scores and player count/MAUs that devs use as key metric.


Nobody says Perfect Dark is going to be a piece of shit.
Now “Neogaf game of the year” is a thing? Same as those payed scores this game got? I bet if the media needed to do another review right now, the scores would be completely different.

That's fine for you of course, but you apparently need to say something to give the overall a positive tone, after how MS officially presented the game. Imo this game never deserved those scores ever. But hey…maybe this is Xbox quality standard.
I’ll never get tired of people not accepting that some people enjoyed Halo and that it’s just a fun shooter to play with a ton of movement and mechanical depth.

Weird how there was never a question about previous GAF GOTYs.


Lol judging MS ability to harbour talent based on one dev... And even then rare have done well under ms, theres nothing like sea of theives which has plenty of fans.

And gears has been consistent under the coalition both scoring 85 on opencritic. So you're full of poop.
343 studios doing fine?


I really don’t care about any of that. This is bound to be one of the best E3s for Microsoft ever. We’ll see gameplay for Starfield, Fable, Hellblade 2, Avowed and much more. Plus a ton of announcements.

I expect to see Perfect Dark gameplay since it’s been playable for a while, but If it’s not there, that’d be fine.

PM the mods if you have access to MS internal timelines that indicate Initiative is behind schedule.

At some point Microsoft has to deliver. Having a solid E3 presentation does not translate to success. It's just something for hard-core fans to talk about.

They didn't invest $100 billion to have good presentations, they have to make great games.


At some point Microsoft has to deliver. Having a solid E3 presentation does not translate to success. It's just something for hard-core fans to talk about.

They didn't invest $100 billion to have good presentations, they have to make great games.
They will. Since Psychonauts 2 delivered that. I expect future games to reach those levels.

The problem is the hands off approach. Some studios will abuse that model, to make the work easier for them.

Rare doesn't want to do any of their IPs, and MS cant order them to make one, because of the hands off approach. And you get 343i still doing whatever the fuck they want to do.
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