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Performance Analysis: Assassin's Creed Unity (Digital Foundry)


Even unoptimized games run better on PS4, so what sort of excuse can be applied here?
Incompetence by Ubisoft but i'm still trying to understand how a developer north of 10 000 employees manage to not deliver the best AAA experience of the generation but the worst seen so far.
With all that manpower, surely you should be able to deliver absolute blockbusters.


Did you get fucked? Cuz I didn't.

Only people getting fucked are people who don't have the patience to learn about something before buying. And I feel absolutely no desire to stand up for these people.

No, I didn't. But I was anticipating the release of this game. And now that it's out everything relating to it has been either unethical or disappointing.

I agree that the smart attitude is always to wait and watch how the actual product turns out but does this mean that we have effectively moved past having reasonable expectation of the product actually functioning as promised?

No it doesnt. The user changing the time of day manually is not a day/night cycle.
A day/night cycle is when the time of day changes as the player free roams the world and Unity doesnt do this.
Nearly every last gen open world game did this, GTA 4/5, Red Dead Redemption, Dragons Dogma, Farcry, Saints Row 1/2, Assassins Creed. Mind boggling that Ubi didnt implement it in Unity. Hell, Assassins Creed:Black Flag on current gen had it.


It's fucking video games so we can bend over? Some standards, being intentionally oblivious just because ... video games!

That's not what he said at all.

Absolutely, I just described the best case scenario here. The worst being "deal with it, we got your dollars anyway dumbass". Maybe that's also the most plausible...

It won't be easy but I'd like to think it's possible to improve the performance. Hopefully they'll release a big patch because the game needs it.

If ubisoft tells people to piss off, hopefully we'll see the repercussions with the sales of this and possibly the next AC game.


Junior Member
Really shame about this game, with so massive developers group. Almost 1000 and what is the point?

Could have make 4 or 5 games with that size. I think Ubisoft got stuck with MS and EA's mindset, like to have number of massive studios on same one or few projects.
Ironically, everyone wishes the two versions had parity now.


Maybe on certain games UBI really did bank to early that the consoles were going to be a good chunk more powerful?

It's painfully apparent they overestimated the hardware of those consoles. Sacrifices in scope will have to be made if they want to pimp out the graphics.


Your lack of compassion for people who end up getting burnt is strange. Have you never bought something thats been mis-sold or broken? Maybe you expected better, or bought something based on an advert and you didn't have enough time to check the reviews. Maybe a busy parent might fall into this category.

Some people are too busy working around the clock for not a lot of money to research what they were sold is as advertised. I have fucking sympathy for them and so should you.
If somebody is about to spend $60 and 20+ hours playing Assassin's Creed Unity, they have 10 minutes to do a quick check to see if its worth buying or not.

Busy parents? Parents buy shitty games for their kids. That happens. But parents are not listening to PR comments made on the internet that people here lose their shit over. Parents are generally not doing anything except either buying what their kid asked for specifically, or going by recommendations from the store clerk or whatever. Kids probably don't concern themselves too much over framerates and parity and whatnot, either. The issues people are getting angry about here seem to be very 'core audience' related.

I'm far from a compassionless person. I have a lot of sympathy and compassion to give for people. But this isn't one of those times.


That's basically where I'm at with Ubisoft right now. They have been so disgusting for so long now that I don't even want anything to do with them. I've purchased every AC game from them in the past, so I was part of the problem leading to this shit. I encouraged them by accepting their past garbage and now I'm swallowing the crap that they think we're OK with.

No friggin' more. Yes, we're just talking about videogames and it's not like saving the environment, but I can save my money for more important things. Like videogames that aren't released in half finished states with microtransactions pouring out the ass and treasure chests that won't open unless you utilize the goddamn companion app.

Like companies that don't treat us like fucking morons pretending 30fps feels more cinematic. Like companies who don't insult entire fucking groups of gamers because of their pathetic laziness. Like companies which don't fucking spout PR vomit to appease their fucking marketing partners. Like companies which don't think gamers are so fucking pathetic that they'll believe any spewing ass diarrhea coming our way so we can play their shitty, buggy, barely functional repetitious grindwheel open world titles. Like companies that don't utilize grotesque DRM until the outcry forces them to change only to replace it with more DRM trash meant to squeeze more bucks out of consumers. Like companies who don't think they can fucking buy the media's silence with their threats or try to force unseemly day 1 embargoes so that consumers don't know what the hell they're getting. Where they now bathe in endless microtransaction nickle-and-diming in every fucking game they make.


No, enough is ENOUGH Ubisoft. You're a piece of shit publisher with no value in the community. You have taken advantage of consumers you know enjoy AAA values by misleading them, forcing them to not have complete pictures of products they buy, trying to buy off silence or threaten people into complacency. You fucks don't get another dime from me EVER AGAIN.
...............................................there's always Blood Dragon......>.>


No it doesnt. The user changing the time of day manually is not a day/night cycle.
A day/night cycle is when the time of day changes as the player free roams the world and Unity doesnt do this.
Nearly every last gen open world game did this, GTA 4/5, Red Dead Redemption, Dragons Dogma, Farcry, Saints Row 1/2, Assassins Creed. Mind boggling that Ubi didnt implement it in Unity. Hell, Assassins Creed:Black Flag on current gen had it.

Yes, i know it's user generated. It's a FREE ROAM. But in campaign, time of day changes.


Regardless on the fact that its Ubi's fault it is still in sony's best interest that this game runs at least at parity, for the reason that this creates only negatives for sony.

Sony can do and maybe should nothing, but if they do nothing they will suffer slightly for it .
Has it been confirmed that MS sent engineers to help get Unity running at 25fps with glitches on Xbox One?


Although it chugs along in places I'm at least enjoying the game.

The last AC I played before this was 3 and I couldn't even be compelled to play for more than 2 hours. I thought it was that atrocious.
O.K, I can accept the higher clocked cpu on Xbox One giving it some advantage in a cpu bound game like this. But like the DF article, I find it hard to believe that slight 10% lead could explain the sometimes 8-10 fps advantage the Xone version has over the ps4 version. Also, it doesn't explain why there is (according to DF) parity in terms of everything else. I mean, surely the superior gpu in the ps4 should have led to some kind of advantage in textures or something else? Especially since Ubi are claiming they maximised both consoles. Shouldn't the extra cu units etc., count for something in that scenario?
So I picked up AC:U for PS4 as I do for multi-plats and I'm wondering if I should even open it. I still am excited to play the game but I'm wondering if I should run back to Target and exchange it for the XB1 version. I can deal with some drops but honestly neither version looks great.


Regardless on the fact that its Ubi's fault it is still in sony's best interest that this game runs at least at parity, for the reason that this creates only negatives for sony.

Sony can do and maybe should nothing, but if they do nothing they will suffer slightly for it .

Why is it in Sony's best interest? Isn't AC:Unity partnering with Microsoft for marketing?

Furthermore, it should be on Ubisoft's head if their game fails to live up to the standards they themselves set. There's absolutely no reason why we should be blaming Sony for the shit port job and inability to utilize the more powerful system. Lots of talk about being CPU limited, which would only matter if they literally ignored the next gen GPGPU features on hand. I'd rather just let this silly franchise whittle away than see it propped up by the misguided intentions of the platform holders.

In any case, this game is a complete fucking disaster with regards to performance.
Yes, i know it's user generated. It's a FREE ROAM. But in campaign, time of day changes.

You replied to someone earlier that Unity has a day/night cycle. Time of day changing when you start a mission or sleep does not constitute a day/night cycle is my point.
Damn near every open world game does that.


200Mhz clock difference is not that much and I don't buy it as making the difference.

As someone who was in the beta for PS4, it happened last week.... Xbox One beta has been ongoing since early summer.

Xbox is the lead platform and has been the priority, PS4 has suffered from a lack of development time.

Both versions could use more time, the PS4 more so.


Regardless on the fact that its Ubi's fault it is still in sony's best interest that this game runs at least at parity, for the reason that this creates only negatives for sony.

Sony can do and maybe should nothing, but if they do nothing they will suffer slightly for it .

Heheh no........It's in Ubisoft's best interest to appeal to the Playstation user-base by providing a product mostly bug free, performance competent and a game that takes advantage of the hardware properly. Since when are platforms holders required to hire engineers to program games for third-party? What's next? Subsidize development without exclusivity? Laughable. Not to mention Ubisoft's main sales platform is the Playstation family.

The only reason MS sends engineers to work on games is for PR reasons. A strategy which pursuits blurring the lines of the PS4 hardware advantage when it comes to performance in multi-plat games. They call it, a "perceptions challenge". MS is working hard to change perception - simply put.

Fail to do that, deal with the shit - 1080p vs. 900p, 720p articles on the net. The gap is bigger this gen than last gen - that's why it matters and it can be coined easily and understandable for the masses.

Install-base does the work for Sony these days. Sony will only address serious offenders on a low key level if need be. Ubisoft is not one - yet.

I hope ps4 owners will join me in never buying ass creed unity.

Joined! I will not touch AC:U, The Crew, Far Cry 4 or anything from Ubisoft apart from their interesting FrameWorks titles. No more AAA hell from them.

It's really interesting how fast these big companies can selfdestruct themselves. ACIV was a good game, Child of Light was awesome and Valiant Hearts is brilliant. Then came Autumn, then came destruction. WIthin a year the whole company went from "a bit on the shady side" to being "complete and utter evil". Even EA looks like a great company compared to Ubisoft's antics.

Bye-bye Ubisoft. I really, really hope that the casual gamers and other mainstream players will find out what Ubisoft is doing to them. And I hope that gaming media will give them all the hard time they deserve.


I'd be in the dick
Maybe on certain games UBI really did bank to early that the consoles were going to be a good chunk more powerful?
So why didn't they tone down crowd size to maintain performance when they realized they couldn't do it or delay the game to make it work? This is all on Ubi.
This whole debacle is hilarious. Ubisoft couldn't have fucked this game up any harder if they tried.

I nearly bought this game because I enjoyed Black Flag so much, so glad I didn't.


Regardless on the fact that its Ubi's fault it is still in sony's best interest that this game runs at least at parity, for the reason that this creates only negatives for sony.

Sony can do and maybe should nothing, but if they do nothing they will suffer slightly for it .

We don't know how things went behind the scenes on this matter.
What if fixing the issues required extensive mods of key parts of their engine and Ubisoft couldn't afford to do that because they wouldn't meet their deadline (which is clearly more important than quality for them) ?
It's not like Sony can force them to do things that would disrupt their production pipeline.
We don't even know if they wanted to be helped at all!
Maybe they just settled with parity in mind since the beginning, XB1 was the lead sku and got all the attention, PS4 code is probably based on some kind of unoptimized PC code intended to run at the same quality settings of the XB1 version. Eventually they run out of time, the game needed much more than a 2 weeks delay to be completed and has been released as a 20fps mess full of bugs on both.
Again this is all speculation, we don't know what happened with this game, the deals they had in place when development started and so on.
Still considering the backlash they have faced since they mentioned resolution parity one month ago....they have probably realized that they have fucked up and things didn't go well for them using this strategy.


And i´m done with Ubisoft just as with EA, atleast until i see it get better, like the next DA might sway me to break my personal boycott, ohh well now i got 2 pubs to avoid and tbh shouldn´t be that hard, was alot easier than i thought with EA and i think it will be just as easy now, plenty of other intresting games coming anyway.


If somebody is about to spend $60 and 20+ hours playing Assassin's Creed Unity, they have 10 minutes to do a quick check to see if its worth buying or not.

Busy parents? Parents buy shitty games for their kids. That happens. But parents are not listening to PR comments made on the internet that people here lose their shit over. Parents are generally not doing anything except either buying what their kid asked for specifically, or going by recommendations from the store clerk or whatever. Kids probably don't concern themselves too much over framerates and parity and whatnot, either. The issues people are getting angry about here seem to be very 'core audience' related.

I'm far from a compassionless person. I have a lot of sympathy and compassion to give for people. But this isn't one of those times.

I don't think many people expect to pay $60 for an unfinished product. That's not how it works with anything else you can also buy in a store. A lot of parents aren't listening to PR companies for other things they buy, because they simply expect them to be fully finished. That what trading standards are for. What I'm trying to prise out of you is the notion that allowing this precedent of releasing an unfinished game and not worry too much about it because 'I'm not affected' hurts everyone: not only you the customer because more of your favourite games will drop in quality, but also rids everyone else of their value for money.

Standards man, set em.


Sony needs to OC the PS4 processor like MS did with the Xbox One. If it still performs worse we got a conspiracy.

It has fuck all to do with a paltry I over clock, that's just Digital Foundry blindly speculating.

XB1 has had more development time and the PS4 less, all versions suffer from issues, PS4 is the worse of the two and it's lack of development time is a reflection of this.


Sony needs to OC the PS4 processor like MS did with the Xbox One. If it still performs worse we got a conspiracy.
The gains for doing so is probably less than 1%,
The CPU isn't the problem. They've dedicated more resources to bandwidth and the GPU which is more important.


Before he stealth edited it, his post originally said, "There is no excuse for this."

I only edited (within seconds BTW) because I wasn't there on the dev team, so I can't really make that judgment. I don't know the situation they were working in, so I can't know for sure if there are "excuses" for this.

So I changed it to "wow," because that's what I said when I saw this.
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