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Persona 5 Premium Event teases “seven new announcements”


A PS2onPS4 case could happen, but I don't think it'd be happening soon at the moment. Persona 3 Portable/FES combination and 4 Golden remaster on PS4 is pretty much a pipe dream though.

And yeah. While there might be small things still coming and going from here on out, Persona 5 will be used for mainstream products. So Persona 5 arena instead of Persona 4 arena. Persona 5 Dancing instead of Persona 3/4 Dancing (If they do one again). Morgana instead of Teddie on Twitter. MAYBE something like Persona Q would be done again. It seems like Persona 5's using 20xx for it's date though which would make things interesting from a crossover perspective though.


Has no PEINS
Yeah, I've been thinking about that when I've been saying it, but I think the important element here is time. It's been an 8-year waiting period, and I think the underlying sentiment of "let's move on" has not only permeated through segments of the fanbase, but the development team as well.

Well, that and the fact that it would be P3's fourth release and P4's third release. Square is a good comparison, but they're also a much larger company. It'd be one thing if Sega or some other company was handling that kind of development, but Atlus themselves?

Heh, well you're right, this has been coming up in basically every Persona topic (for years), and it's going to continue being brought up for a long while now. Maybe it'll eventually happen, though I can see the two distinct teams at P Studio moving on instead and leaving the idea further behind as time goes on.
And see, the bolded part is where we differ, and it's absolutely based on how long we've been invested in the series. I'm a latecomer who's always had an eye on the series but has only played P4G (and only within the last couple of years) whereas you've presumably been around for a long time and have lived with the previous releases throughout their entire cycles -- so I can see why you'd feel a desire to move on. But for someone like me who's relatively new to the series and would love to play P3? I'm just itching for one of those definitive releases... I think the number of people discussing remakes in these threads suggests I'm not alone...

Good talk, but I feel bad for hijacking the thread this much :p


And see, the bolded part is where we differ, and it's absolutely based on how long we've been invested in the series. I'm a latecomer who's always had an eye on the series but has only played P4G (and only within the last couple of years) whereas you've presumably been around for a long time and have lived with the previous releases throughout their entire cycles -- so I can see why you'd feel a desire to move on. But for someone like me who's relatively new to the series and would love to play P3? I'm just itching for one of those definitive releases... I think the number of people discussing remakes in these threads suggests I'm not alone...

Good talk, but I feel bad for hijacking the thread this much :p

There's not going to be a definitive Persona 3 edition especially. That would require more work than they'd want to in getting all the cutscenes, animation, and other stuff to get it going. Even Persona 4 golden pretty much has no chance if it hasn't been done by now, and that wouldn't take the work Persona 3 definitive would take.
Goemon was an actual thief, though. And while you're right that Atlus has seemingly been really lax with their criteria, I just don't see a character with a history of actively opposing thieves making the cut.

If he were to join the thieves, his Persona could change as a result of his change of heart.


OP need to change date?

event start at 18th July
2016/07/18(月) xx:30 (xx= your time zone)

Broadcast time:
1&#26085;&#30446;&#65288;18&#26085;&#65289;&#12288;21&#65306;30&#65374;24&#65306;00 <1st day
2&#26085;&#30446;&#65288;19&#26085;&#65289;&#12288;08&#65306;00&#65374;21&#65306;30 <2nd day
OP need to change date?

event start at 18th July
2016/07/18(&#26376;) xx:30 (xx= your time zone)

Broadcast time:
1&#26085;&#30446;&#65288;18&#26085;&#65289;&#12288;21&#65306;30&#65374;24&#65306;00 <1st day
2&#26085;&#30446;&#65288;19&#26085;&#65289;&#12288;08&#65306;00&#65374;21&#65306;30 <2nd day

The actual event is the 19th when the OP says, the live-stream starts the day before, probably for some sort of countdown.





Haru's persona is cool, but I'm disappointed that it looks kinda similar to Carmen.

edit: what the name of the element attack that Haru's persona used? it looked cool visually.

"Saio", most likely meant to be translated as "Psyo" or "Psio" (you get the idea).
Haru's persona is cool, but I'm disappointed that it looks kinda similar to Carmen.

edit: what the name of the element attack that Haru's persona used? it looked cool visually.
O cool I'm not the only one there I was confused for a minute. They look a bit too similar for my tastes

Guess Who

"Saio", most likely meant to be translated as "Psyo" or "Psio" (you get the idea).

Huh - I assumed the purple target circle was Gravity, just like Nuclear returned from Persona 1.

(PS. it's "Psyo", and it was in Devil Summoner as a "Psionic" skill.)


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
They will reveal the whole game before it comes out, won't they?
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