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Persona 5 Premium Event teases “seven new announcements”


Yusuke has that one line about an artwork being beautiful even if its a forgery which makes me think his mentor actually got him involved with forgery he had been doing than stealing Yusuke's art as his own.
I may be in the minority here, but I think these worries are really exaggerated.
In the past it happened quite often to me that I was unable to play a game until long after the release, but even without changing my daily routines I have never been spoilered.
Recent examples would be Witcher 3 (haven't played it yet, but I have no clue on what happens in the game), Danganronpa 2 (played it this year. Came out 2 years ago and I wasn't spoilered despite it being a story-heavy game). In my experience, not getting spoilered is not as hard as it sounds as long as one doesn't actively search for it. You won't find me in the Import OT of P5, I won't watch anyone streaming the game, I won't actively search for fanarts, etc..

I remember the same discussion happened when Dark Souls 3 came out earlier this year and people were worried that they might get spoilered because Japan got it early. In the end, most GAF users who got spoilered just couldn't resist watching streams.
I do remember spoilers for PQ coming out pretty fast once the game was released.
I remember seeing the secret boss & some of the date events appearing on Youtube.
For the most part I don't mind being spoiled and I pretty much gave up going in blind after all the delays & the fact that we have to wait a couple of months before we get the game.


Maybe P4G spoiled me but I'm surprised at how little voice acting there was in those videos. Characters just go "Hey!" or "What?" or some other reaction sound and then you have to read the rest as text.

It's not deal breaker or anything but I guess I was expecting more voice acting. Granted these are mini-games so maybe that's it. I would expect the main quest and social links to be voiced.

You know what that look means.



Most important thing you didn't really touch on is listening to the soundtrack on YouTube. Once the game hits in Japan, hope you are done listening to them. Got hit with some SMT4Final spoilers that way

Then again, if I held back better I wouldn't be listening to the soundtrack before release. I blame Atlus for that though

How did you get spoilered by listening to the OST? Did you read the comments under the video? I usually just hit play on a playlist and don't even bother to read any comments below videos. Spoiled by track names is a different matter though.

I do remember spoilers for PQ coming out pretty fast once the game was released.
I remember seeing the secret boss & some of the date events appearing on Youtube.
For the most part I don't mind being spoiled and I pretty much gave up going in blind after all the delays & the fact that we have to wait a couple of months before we get the game.

I actually haven't played PQ yet (I bought it though...) and I know nothing of the secret boss or any events, but then again I didn't look for any videos.
Dunno, maybe my normal routine on the internet is very safe in general which is why I usually don't run into spoilers. I am a very active user on Twitter though and I am usually very up-to-date in regards to Japanese games, so I am definitely not avoiding spoilers by hiding under a rock.



I thought they came prettty close to it with Kanji,only to back out last minute.

But that was years ago when same sex relationships were far less portrayed in gaming.

Kanji wasn't actually gay. He was just insecure with his feminine habits. I think there's cut content that pointed to a potential Yosuke romance though.

As for the possibility, it's there especially with Persona series being notably popular with women

Guess Who

Maybe P4G spoiled me but I'm surprised at how little voice acting there was in those videos. Characters just go "Hey!" or "What?" or some other reaction sound and then you have to read the rest as text.

It's not deal breaker or anything but I guess I was expecting more voice acting. Granted these are mini-games so maybe that's it. I would expect the main quest and social links to be voiced.

P4G does the same thing outside of the main story and a few social link scenes. Most dialogue is just like what you described - text with the occasional "emote" voice clip.


Kanji wasn't actually gay. He was just insecure with his feminine habits. I think there's cut content that pointed to a potential Yosuke romance though.

As for the possibility, it's there especially with Persona series being notably popular with women

Making Yosuke feel uncomfortable were the best dialogue options. Like the speed dating cafe lol


P4G does the same thing outside of the main story and a few social link scenes. Most dialogue is just like what you described - text with the occasional "emote" voice clip.

I'm probably just remembering it wrong then. I thought all of the Social Link scenes were voiced but you're probably right that only some were.


How did you get spoilered by listening to the OST? Did you read the comments under the video? I usually just hit play on a playlist and don't even bother to read any comments below videos. Spoiled by track names is a different matter though.

I actually haven't played PQ yet (I bought it though...) and I know nothing of the secret boss or any events, but then again I didn't look for any videos.
Dunno, maybe my normal routine on the internet is very safe in general which is why I usually don't run into spoilers. I am a very active user on Twitter though and I am usually very up-to-date in regards to Japanese games, so I am definitely not avoiding spoilers by hiding under a rock.

The YouTube suggestions on the right side of the page are what get ya. I hear you can turn them off somehow, so I'll have to do that, because even a random P5 PV trailer I watched months ago can trigger evil suggestions like final bosses.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
What series is that?

Mirai Nikki. Note, don't watch it. Its as bad as Akame ga kill in terms of mindless shock value with a singular gimmick that runs dry eventually.

When i first read the manga years ago, i really enjoyed it, but have since cooled on it with multiple reads


Persona 5 Dancing all Night
Persona 5 Q
Persona 5-2
Persona X Fire Emblem
Persona 6
Persona 4 HD on PC and PSR
Persona 5 on NX


Did the live stream already happen? I thought it was on the 19th. Or did I just fuck up my time zones again?


1. Persona
2. five
3. is
4. delayed
5. until
6. next
7. year

Or better yet, surprise release bump to 2016 in NA!


I can't wait for all of these things that will make avoiding spoilers for this game even more difficult.


Really surprised that Makoto has healing

This doesn't really surprise me.

Other party members have had a healing ability or two in the past. I mean, Yosuke in 4 learned a handful of healing, if memory serves (at the least, i remember Diarama, I think).
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