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Phil Spencer: You can share your Xbox One games with any 10 people

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Is the PS3 game sharing an official feature? If I call Sony tech support and said I just bought Last of Us and wanted to know how I could share it with my two friends would they tell me how? It always seemed to me to be kind of a workaround that people were not using as was intended. I remember people sharing Rock Band songs a lot when it was popular.


First link I found: http://gamerant.com/ps4-internet-connection-drm/

"Yoshida doesn’t say that gamesr might want to keep the PS4 connected to the Internet because of DRM, though; he is referring to the console’s new background downloading capabilities. Using a dedicated processor, the PS4 will be able to download games, update software, or stream to the PS Vita. The processor will also keep active while the console is in low power mode, downloading updates while the PS4 is actually “asleep.”"

Ahh, okay. Most people don't mind that about the XB1 though. What they mind is that Kinect is also in low power mode and can't be disconnected. EDIT: oh it's about being connected to the internet, my bad! You can turn off the PS4's connectivity though, unlike the XB1.

Each PSN account has two activations. You can share your log in details with one friend and they can download all your DLC, PSN games, themes, etc but I'm pretty sure you can't do it with retail games.

It's clearly not the same unless he meant you can lend your game discs, but I can't imagine someone taking every single game they own and lending them a friend as would be the case with this system if the info is accurate.

He was talking about low power mode in PS4 being the same as XB1's low power mode, so I asked him about it. EDIT: nevermind, he was actually talking about PS4 being connected as the same as XB1. lol


I am thinking when looking at this picture that we wouldn't need their family plan if we could just play on pc :


So I agree with this guy on Reddit :

Are you telling me that games that are said to be exlusive to any one console is actually available for PC? This would be very good news and simultaneously make me very mad because they don't release it for PC.

Source : http://fr.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1gbzsg/xboxone_so_good_its_a_pc/

Why is it so complicated ?


Is the PS3 game sharing an official feature? If I call Sony tech support and said I just bought Last of Us and wanted to know how I could share it with my two friends would they tell me how? It always seemed to me to be kind of a workaround that people were not using as was intended. I remember people sharing Rock Band songs a lot when it was popular.

It wasn't developed as such, but Tretton said people should take advantage of it back near launch.


Questions to ask Major Nelson:

1.)How do licenses work in relation to family-share per game purchase? I.E. a device license and a roaming license? Or a device license, a roaming license and a shared license?

2.)What are the prerequisites necessary to put someone into a family share?
a.) After they enter into a family share. Are they locked into it? Can they leave a family share? Does this prohibit them from entering another share for a certain period of time?
b.) Can family members be in different supported countries?​

3.)Is this scenario possible with family share:

Six people are in a family share. Inside of the share exists six games. Let's say Ryse, Forza, DR3, CoD:Ghosts, AC4 and Quantum break. ALL of these games were purchased by Person 1. Can the following example happen with the family share:

Person 1: Plays CoD:Ghosts
Person 2: Plays CoD:Ghosts with Person 1
Person 3: Plays Forza
Person 4: Plays DR3
Person 5: Plays Quantum Break
Person 6: Plays Ryse

4.) If 10 people are in a family share, is there only a *master* account that can place games into the share? Or can all 10 people buy games separately and place them into the share?

5.) Regarding "the cloud". Ostensibly, this is not a new feature. Moreover, PR on this seems to be ambiguous at best. My questions regarding the cloud are the following:

Is there different classifications of "cloud" use that developers have? Such as batch-processing, persistence/continuity?
b.) Are these "cloud" resources divided by publisher or by game?
i.) Whichever way they are divided, is it determined by how many games a pub has released or how popular a game is?​
ii.) Can you specify what type of granularity the division is? We've seen numbers like 300,000 servers, but what does it mean per game?​
c.) Are these cloud resources free-of-charge to the publisher?
i.) If it is, is this funded by Gold subscriptions?​

6.) Is there any incentive program for devs/pubs to port 360 xbla games to Xbox one like Minecraft: one edition?

7.) Regarding the authorization checks that happen, can you clarify based on my example:

(i.e. A person playing a game has reached the 24 hour limit and his internet has been down the entire time. He has had no way to do an authentication check. What happens?)
a.) Is he presented with a dialog screen telling him that he needs to connect to the internet to continue playing? Does it save his game automatically?
b.) Does it forcefully stop the game and kick him back to the dashboard?
c.) During any of this time, does he receive any warnings or alerts that his system hasn't authenticated in the past n number of hours?​

8.) Can all games be shared ? Can a publisher oppose to the possibility to share one of his games ?

9.) Is there a limit on the number of games you can share at a given time ? If so, what are the rules to modify my "shared list" ?
a.)If friend A is playing one of my shared games, can friend B play one of his shared games (not mine) ?​

10.) Is there a limit on the amount of time/games you can spend in "sharing mode" ?

11.) Does playing a shared game support common features like achievements, saves, etc?

12.) Is DLC sharable or does my friend need to buy his own DLC ?

13.) When a friend wants to play one of my shared game, do I have to be on my console and validate it, or can he do it while my console is in low power mode (or completely offline) and I'm sleeping ?

14.) Can I kick out friend A who is playing my shared game to let friend B play instead ? (not remove him from my family, just have him free the spot)



Who is considered a "family member", how do you identify them and what are the requirements?

How are games shared, how are they obtained and are they limited in any way?

Can the owner of a game and a family member play that same game at the same time?
Is the PS3 game sharing an official feature? If I call Sony tech support and said I just bought Last of Us and wanted to know how I could share it with my two friends would they tell me how? It always seemed to me to be kind of a workaround that people were not using as was intended. I remember people sharing Rock Band songs a lot when it was popular.

Sony absolutely mentioned gaming sharing with 5 people when the PS3 came out. devs and pubs complained and so they lowered it to 2 people, but I am not sure if all games are supported. On 360 MS has said since day 1 that games are tied to the console that downloads them and also the profile that downloads them. If I download Black Ops II on my wifes 360 first and then my own we can both play it at the same time, even mp.



You'd think if this thing was going to be free, they'd be shouting it from the rooftops right freaking now.

Just waiting for the other shoe to drop...



Who is considered a "family member", how do you identify them and what are the requirements?

How are games shared, how are they obtained and are they limited in any way?

Can the owner of a game and a family member play that same game at the same time?

Hey Justin,

Some of your questions have already be answered by official xbox execs, but I'll include them for absolute confirmation.



You'd think if this thing was going to be free, they'd be shouting it from the rooftops right freaking now.

Just waiting for the other shoe to drop...

Its safe to assume that any service aside from watching TV, DVDs and playing single play games (do they even exist next gen?!?) will require at least Gold to work.


Hey Justin,

Some of your questions have already be answered by official xbox execs, but I'll include them for absolute confirmation.

Phil said he "thought" that 2 could play the same game but he then said the interviewer should reference what the wire site said which inst really clear on this issue.

Also it would be nice to get some of the stuff written up in non-lawyer speak, even if the info has shown up in other places.
Fuck it, I'll do it. Give me your questions guys and I'll keep this updated.

*list of questions*

Clarify the region locking stuff.
Does it means that in the region that has support the service is the best but if you have access to internet you can make an account for one of supported countries.

And the most important on region lock what about the games.
They make quiet a hassle about a digital only platform but having region locked games makes that whole vision useless. So would it be possible to take my xbone to a other country connect it with the internet in the hotel and just play the games i buy in that country for example im from europe i go to us get some games go back to europe can i still play?


You can bet you'll need Gold.

Well that's a given for any Internet functionality. But my guess is that it'd be behind an additional pay wall. Microsoft isn't stupid enough to give something like this away for free. They know we would rig the system, so they'd have to be monetizing it. Otherwise, there's no way they'd have publishers on board.

If it only required a Gold account, wouldn't they be telling us that?


Are you deliberately trying to derail? First the mountain dew picture and now this.

He should know that intentional thread derailing can get him a ban, and Juniors don't come back. :s

I wonder when Larry's blog is going to hit, it could be a legitimate megaton on Gaf.


Well that's a given for any Internet functionality. But my guess is that it'd be behind an additional pay wall. Microsoft isn't stupid enough to give something like this away for free. They know we would rig the system, so they'd have to be monetizing it. Otherwise, there's no way they'd have publishers on board.

If it only required a Gold account, wouldn't they be telling us that?

They will... Major Nelson is preparing a article on it right now.


Well that's a given for any Internet functionality. But my guess is that it'd be behind an additional pay wall. Microsoft isn't stupid enough to give something like this away for free. They know we would rig the system, so they'd have to be monetizing it. Otherwise, there's no way they'd have publishers on board.

If it only required a Gold account, wouldn't they be telling us that?

they make their money from people buying the system plus gold. Read the thread and see people saying they are "back on board"


Well that's a given for any Internet functionality. But my guess is that it'd be behind an additional pay wall. Microsoft isn't stupid enough to give something like this away for free. They know we would rig the system, so they'd have to be monetizing it. Otherwise, there's no way they'd have publishers on board.

If it only required a Gold account, wouldn't they be telling us that?

I would read the entire thread. Every single person in this thread is assuming it's behind gold live.

I'm also under the impression that every single XB1 is going to be XBLGold anyway. I'm betting that's the drm cboat was talking about. I think gold will be mandatory. Gotta pay for all those dedicated servers and what not. And give a slice of sharing to the pubs


Phil said he "thought" that 2 could play the same game but he then said the interviewer should reference what the wire site said which inst really clear on this issue.

Also it would be nice to get some of the stuff written up in non-lawyer speak, even if the info has shown up in other places.

it's true, but my example scenario explicitly asks the question anyway. I added your other questions


I wouldn't get my hopes up, he's promised to deliver info in the past but failed to do so.

I guess he just sucks at rounding up the answers.

I imagine most of the Xbox staff is either locked in Ballmer's dungeon Theon Greyjoy style or holed up in some Redmond dive bar. Rough week for them.


Fuck it, I'll do it. Give me your questions guys and I'll keep this updated.

I have many questions, but most are details :
- Can all games be shared ? Can a publisher oppose to the possibility to share one of his games ?
- Is there a limit on the number of games you can share at a given time ? If so, what are the rules to modify my "shared list" ?
- If friend A is playing one of my shared games, can friend B play one of his shared games (not mine) ?
- Is there a limit on the amount of time/games you can spend in "sharing mode" ?
- Does playing a shared game support common features like achievements, saves,...
- If I share a game, can I also share the DLC I bought for it, or does my friend need to buy his own DLC ?
- When a friend wants to play one of my shared game, do I have to be on my console and validate it, or can he do it while my console is in low power mode (or completely offline) and I'm sleeping ?
- Can I kick out friend A who is playing a shared game to let friend B play instead ? (not remove him from my family, just have him free the spot)


I wouldn't get my hopes up, he's promised to deliver info in the past but failed to do so.

I guess he just sucks at rounding up the answers.

You would think this thing wouldnt require a separate blog post to explain but Im going to give him the benefit of a doubt here. It really sounds like a decent option to take some of the DRM sting away.


new information?

link: http://pastebin.com/uCmdh9jB

not worth a new thread because this information is from an anonymous source

highlights of the post:

>The thing is we suck at telling the story. The whole point of the DRM switch from disc based to cloud based is to kill disc swapping, scratched discs, bringing discs to friends house, trade-ins for shit value with nothign going back to developers, and high game costs. If you want games cheaper then 59.99, you have to limit used games somehow. Steam's model requires a limited used game model.

>Publishers have enourmous power. Microsoft is trying to balance between consumer delight, and publisher wishes. If we cave to far in either direction you have a non-starting product. WiiU goes too far to consumer, you have no 3rd party support to shake a stick at. PS4 is status-quo. XB1 is trying to push some things, at the expense of others. We have a vision, we'll see if it works in the coming years

>Honestly, if you care about anything other then pure games AT ALL. Xbox 1 > PS4. If all you do is play games, and nothing else, PS4.


I have many questions, but most are details :
- Can all games be shared ? Can a publisher oppose to the possibility to share one of his games ?
- Is there a limit on the number of games you can share at a given time ? If so, what are the rules to modify my "shared list" ?
- If friend A is playing one of my shared games, can friend B play one of his shared games (not mine) ?
- Is there a limit on the amount of time/games you can spend in "sharing mode" ?
- Does playing a shared game support common features like achievements, saves,...
- If I share a game, can I also share the DLC I bought for it, or does my friend need to buy his own DLC ?
- When a friend wants to play one of my shared game, do I have to be on my console and validate it, or can he do it while my console is in low power mode (or completely offline) and I'm sleeping ?
- Can I kick out friend A who is playing a shared game to let friend B play instead ? (not remove him from my family, just have him free the spot)

Excellent questions. Added.

I'll try and tidy up the questions into specific categories later.
He's probably running in the same circles at MS hq that this thread is.

I imagine most of the Xbox staff is either locked in Ballmer's dungeon Theon Greyjoy style or holed up in some Redmond dive bar. Rough week for them.


You would think this thing wouldnt require a separate blog post to explain but Im going to give him the benefit of a doubt here. It really sounds like a decent option to take some of the DRM sting away.

I've been burnt by his lies in the past, not trusting anything he says until he actually puts up a blog post with actual useful information in it.


As an anonymous pastebin, that has no credibility. The points it makes basically advocate anti-used games measures in the name of convenience, which doesn't help MS's image in the least.

No, the point it makes is that MS wants to create a more flexible digital store because they believe there's a lot of money to be made.

See the forest for the trees.


As an anonymous pastebin, that has no credibility. The points it makes basically advocate anti-used games measures in the name of convenience, which doesn't help MS's image in the least.

it also lays out a long term strategy for steam-like pricing and that used games are why new prices are so high as Pubs assume lost sales into prices.

which all makes sense


of course i know. But if it's like Surface Pro then you should worry about it.
You can delete the backup on there

I am thinking when looking at this picture that we wouldn't need their family plan if we could just play on pc :


So I agree with this guy on Reddit :

Source : [rl]http://fr.redditcom/r/gaming/comments/1gbzsg/xboxone_so_good_its_a_pc/[/url]

Why is it so complicated ?

You cannot be this dumb... You simply can't.


it also lays out a long term strategy for steam-like pricing and that used games are why new prices are so high as Pubs assume lost sales into prices.

which all makes sense

"Steam-like pricing" exists because Steam is competing against other methods of content delivery on an open platform. Xbox One is not an open platform, so they have no reason to charge less.

And if this family sharing stuff is true, that's definitely not going to help recoup lost sales because people won't need to buy as many games if they can just play a friend's for free. Which is why there has to be some major catches.
have all that compute done in the cloud allowing more CPU cycles for gameplay. That will really expand what developers can do. Anything that doesn't need per frame calculation and can handle 100ms delays can be shifted to the cloud. That's huge.
Brought this up with my uber-intelligent programmer friend for a huge corporation and he confirmed. Forza is the perfect example. Why waste local CPU cycles on car AI when the servers can do it. You've now freed up those cycles for more substantial gains in other areas.

I'm not going to say the PasteBin article is legit or not, but there is a lot of information in there that makes sense.


Excellent work, Phawx

You're not seeing the benefits of this.

The benefit of not being allowed to sell my disc on eBay? Or the benefit of an "all-digital" future when you're buying a console with a 500GB, non-replaceable hard drive? I can't wait to have stacks of "Xbox One Approved!" external hard drives cluttering up my living room.


The benefit of not being allowed to sell my disc on eBay? Or the benefit of an "all-digital" future when you're buying a console with a 500GB, non-replaceable hard drive? I can't wait to have stacks of "Xbox One Approved!" external hard drives cluttering up my living room.

The topic is lending games.


I would read the entire thread. Every single person in this thread is assuming it's behind gold live.

I'm also under the impression that every single XB1 is going to be XBLGold anyway. I'm betting that's the drm cboat was talking about. I think gold will be mandatory. Gotta pay for all those dedicated servers and what not. And give a slice of sharing to the pubs
There is absolutely no point to be on silver on the Xbox one. Sounds shitty I know, but why do that to yourself unless you are just logging into someone else's console via multiplayer?

Edit: posters are just complaining to complain now. I highly doubt everyone sells/buy their games on craigslist and eBay when its still relevant in stores. Used or not.

Seriously, just stop spewing that shit.
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