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Play Nintendo - Announcing Nintendo @ E3 2014


I think it is silly to think they have to have a press conference. They do need to do a lot more than a direct though.

So an interactive website. Streaming video with some pre-recorded bits, and get exposure through social media so some kind I twitter and fb tie ins too.


All I care about is the new Zelda(please be darker like Twilight Princess), X and hopefully Metroid.

This E3 will be the deciding factor if I buy a Wii U or not.


Well, since they confirmed it would have NEW games... I'm not sure what else we'll "probably" see. Hopefully a new IP.

Oh yeah, the investor meeting from January mentioned that their NFC-powered game is scheduled for an announcement at E3, right? That's probably going to be one of their big cornerstones.


QoL confirmed to be robot replacements. Because how isn't your quality of life better if a robot will just do all your work for you?

I hope that they have Smash at my local Best Buy this year though, I don't think I'll be able to go an hour away to get to the Best Buy they had the E3 stuff last year. Although if I go I'll definitely go early in hopes of getting something cool for free again like last year.


My reaction:

"Thousands of fans in the audience and countless more watching a live stream online" Please Nintendo, reveal the new Zelda right there. Can be EPIC.


Nintendo doesn't get it. E3 is the pre conference shows. Having booths at E3 is pointless without a pre conference show. Might as well not attend E3 at all since they will generate absolutely little awareness from the event now.

You need journalists on your side and the way to do that is having a kick as press conference.

Nintendo just shot themselves in the foot.


The least they could have done is put up the E3 demos on the eShop. No one wants to go into Best Buy to playtest some stuff, and I'm betting a lot of people would buy a Wii U just to demo Smash Bros and (potentially) Zelda U.


On their Twitter and E3 Website.
We'll see I guess.

I'm not getting to hyped though. I'm keeping my expectations in check.

Smash Bros., Hyrule Warriors, Bayo 2, X, NFC game and Zelda Wii U. Everything else is a nice bonus.

Some new 3DS games are bound to be revealed. They haven't announced anything as of yet for Q4 2014.


Hopefully it's a better experience than last years Best Buy thing. I went to the one in Knoxville and when I arrived the manager of the store said there were internet problems and Nintendo had to cancel the event at that location. Drove 3 hours for nothing. :|


The least they could have done is put up the E3 demos on the eShop. No one wants to go into Best Buy to playtest some stuff, and I'm betting a lot of people would buy a Wii U just to demo Smash Bros and (potentially) Zelda U.

They do it this way so people who don't own the system stumble into a best but, try the game, and walk out with a brand new Wii u and Mario kart.
"Thousands of fans in the audience and countless more watching a live stream online" Please Nintendo, reveal the new Zelda right there. Can be EPIC.

That's exactly what will happen. They have the nokia theatre packed with enthusiastic fans rather than hundreds of journos with laptops. They will show it there and they will record it.


As it's been mentioned several times already, Nintendo streams to Youtube and Twitch now.
I'm well aware of that. The fact that YouTube and Twitch also have it on their sites doesn't change the point of my post at all. As long as the usual E3 streaming places like IGN, GS, and GT don't have the ability to stream from their players (and probably aren't even putting the Nintendo E3 event on their player's schedules), the people who are going to see the Nintendo press event are going to be the people who actively seek it out. The more casual gamers and gamers not currently interested in (or don't know about) the Wii U probably won't even know it's happening, nor will they want to as there will probably be live game demos during the same time on the page they're currently on. By secluding themselves off they lose out on a lot of people, and basically only appeal to the people currently interested in what Nintendo has.


So we'll probably see:

New 3DS revision

Anything else what we'll probably see?

I'm guessing this is our E3 thread this year then, before we start hopping around again.

We already got confirmed:

-Zelda U Reveal (EAD2)
-Zelda Hyrule Warriors (Techmo)
-Smash Bros. U/3DS (Namco/Sakauri)
-X (Monolith)
-Bayonetta 2 (Platinum)
-Yarn Yoshi (hopefully the'll reveal some new info) (Good Feel)
-Bravley Default 2

To announce (probable):

--Pokemon 3DS title related stuff (Game Freak)
-Animal Crossing U (EAD 1) - Plaza finishes end of this year
-Metroid 3DS? (hints from Sakomoto currently signing stuff off)
-Pokemon Fighters/Wii U/ whatever that preview was last autumn/fall )
-EAD 4 has an unknown title after Pikmin 3 (already had delays to release)
-Miyamoto's fabled' New IP' (I have doubts on this appearing )
-Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem (Intelligent Systems)
- Grezzo (Majoras Mask 3D)
-Monster Games?


-EAD1 - Mario Kart 8 just finished
-EAD 5 just completed Wii Fit U, probably too early
-EAD Tokyo New Mario Game/IP (Way too early)
-SDP 1: They finished Tamdocahi Life last year and Game and Wario (Nin US will work on translation)
-Camelot : Just finished Mario Golf 3DS
-HAL (Just finished Kirby Tripe Deluxe)
-Retro (Just finished DK TP) - But do they have another smaller team?
-Alpha Dream - Finished Dream Team last year
-Next level games - Finished Luigi Mansion 2 last year

Probably not n(different market /little overlapping/not the right target audience at E3)

-Nintendo's Integrated R&D - Quality of Life Related Materials

There's more teams but I think they're the main ones


Neo Member
I do not remember if Nintendo has really announced the new Zelda on Wii U.

And if they did, maybe we will have a "little" one as "Four Swords".

Remember last year we were waiting for a new big 3D Mario as galaxy and we were disappointed because they have only shown the remake of Mario 3D Land.

I can't wait because my Wii U is so hungry. I appreciate a lot DKTF and I will enjoy MK8 but I want much more from Nintendo.

X will be released probably in 2015 in western countries as Smash Bros U. Bayonnetta and Zelda Musou only cannot do the job for christmas 2014.


5pm on a Tuesday in the UK. That could work. I'll get my popcorn ready by then and get my butt groove embedded in my seat.


That's exactly what will happen. They have the nokia theatre packed with enthusiastic fans rather than hundreds of journos with laptops. They will show it there and they will record it.

Kinda depends on how they scheduled the tournament around other pressers. Has anyone else announced their dates/times? Press isn't going to go to a smash bros tournament if say, EA or Ubisoft is having their press conference at the same time.


As expected most sites leading with "Nintendo skipping E3" "Nintendo forgoing E3 press conference"...

..as opposed to "Nintendo anounces E3 Digital Event, Smash Bros Invitational, show floor live stream"

Literally the only reason to do a conference is to stop certain gamers/media sites from spreading FUD.It's such bullshit.


Can someone tell me if this countdown timer is correct:


Yep that's right

I do not remember if Nintendo has really announced the new Zelda on Wii U.

And if they did, maybe we will have a "little" one as "Four Swords".

Remember last year we were waiting for a new big 3D Mario as galaxy and we were disappointed because they have only shown the remake of Mario 3D Land.

I can't wait because my Wii U is so hungry. I appreciate a lot DKTF and I will enjoy MK8 but I want much more from Nintendo.

X will be released probably in 2015 in western countries as Smash Bros U. Bayonnetta and Zelda Musou only cannot do the job for christmas 2014.

1. Zelda Wii U is not announced, but it'll be big
2. Super Mario 3D World was NOT a remake of 3D Land
3. X is 2014 and Hyrule Warriors & Bayonetta are both pegged for the summer.


I'm so ambivalent about this.
I loved the video but hearing they're basically doing the exact same thing as last year, which also included a Smash Bros. showoff and a digital conference.

I hope this is not something they do whenever they don't have anything "really big" to show, cuz SM3DW was just more of 3D land. MK8 was just MK, and Smash was just Smash..

I really hope the new Zelda isn't some top-down-view nostalgia-appeal game. If it is, I wonder if I will ever buy that Wii U, and that's too sad.
I do not remember if Nintendo has really announced the new Zelda on Wii U.

And if they did, maybe we will have a "little" one as "Four Swords".

Remember last year we were waiting for a new big 3D Mario as galaxy and we were disappointed because they have only shown the remake of Mario 3D Land.
Zelda U hasn't been announced yet but we do know it will be at E3 and it is supposed to be the biggest Zelda game ever and it is playing with the formula a lot apparently.

Also Mario 3D World is not a 3D Land remake.
As expected most sites leading with "Nintendo skipping E3" "Nintendo forgoing E3 press conference"...

..as opposed to "Nintendo anounces E3 Digital Event, Smash Bros Invitiational, show floor live stream"

Literally the only reason to do a conference is to stop certain gamers/media sites from spreading FUD.It's such bullshit.

I stopped reading games media. Is this for real? They never disappoint.


I do not remember if Nintendo has really announced the new Zelda on Wii U.

And if they did, maybe we will have a "little" one as "Four Swords".

Remember last year we were waiting for a new big 3D Mario as galaxy and we were disappointed because they have only shown the remake of Mario 3D Land.

I can't wait because my Wii U is so hungry. I appreciate a lot DKTF and I will enjoy MK8 but I want much more from Nintendo.

X will be released probably in 2015 in western countries as Smash Bros U. Bayonnetta and Zelda Musou only cannot do the job for christmas 2014.



I'm so ambivalent about this.
I loved the video but hearing they're basically doing the exact same thing as last year, which also included a Smash Bros. showoff and a digital conference.

I hope this is not something they do whenever they don't have anything "really big" to show, cuz SM3DW was just more of 3D land. MK8 was just MK, and Smash was just Smash..

I really hope the new Zelda isn't some top-down-view nostalgia-appeal game. If it is, I wonder if I will ever buy that Wii U, and that's too sad.

What the hell is this?

SO DK was just DK? I just dont get it. Did you just wake up?
As expected most sites leading with "Nintendo skipping E3" "Nintendo forgoing E3 press conference"...

..as opposed to "Nintendo anounces E3 Digital Event, Smash Bros Invitiational, show floor live stream"

Literally the only reason to do a conference is to stop certain gamers/media sites from spreading FUD.It's such bullshit.

And this is why Wii U is in the state it is in. Nintendo is completely ignoring the media and letting them run wild with FUD and bash articles. The Wii U was dead before it was released with the two straight years of constant hate and doubt from the media.


I'm well aware of that. The fact that YouTube and Twitch also have it on their sites doesn't change the point of my post at all. As long as the usual E3 streaming places like IGN, GS, and GT don't have the ability to stream from their players (and probably aren't even putting the Nintendo E3 event on their player's schedules), the people who are going to see the Nintendo press event are going to be the people who actively seek it out. The more casual gamers and gamers not currently interested in (or don't know about) the Wii U probably won't even know it's happening, nor will they want to as there will probably be live game demos during the same time on the page they're currently on. By secluding themselves off they lose out on a lot of people, and basically only appeal to the people currently interested in what Nintendo has.

Can't they embed youtube/twitch/ustream live streams onto their sites or do they just choose not to? I remember several of those sites have done live reaction videos where they just talk over the stream live for some events on their own players, so doing it for a direct isn't out of the question.


Ahah, I guess TriForce Johnson was right all along!

What do you think of what you’ve seen of the new Super Smash Bros., so far?

So far so good. Little Mac, Sonic, Mega Man. All that is left is to announce Pac-Man and we’re golden. This is going to be the game that Nintendo smacks back the industry with and also reclaim their position in competitive gaming. People forget that Nintendo was one of the pioneers of eSports. Nintendo World Championships… don’t be surprised if you see a comeback in 2015. Hint, Hint!

And people still doubt that he has inside info...



And this is why Wii U is in the state it is in. Nintendo is completely ignoring the media and letting them run wild with FUD and bash articles. The Wii U was dead before it was released with the two straight years of constant hate and doubt from the media.

Ignoring = inviting them to closed demo events at E3?


El Capitan Todd
"This is the one you have been waiting for" will probably be some thread title

Zelda Wii U |OT| This is the one you have been waiting for

isn't that perfect?
Imagine an "Amazon" release date announcement. E3, June 10th 2014: Zelda reveal trailer. Ending with "Available only on Wii U...NOW"



The only reason a live conference matters is for showmanship. The major shortcoming of the direct format is that they're usually not as interesting to watch or as filled with electric energy as a visually brilliant stage and a theater packed full of people. It helps generate buzz just through shear spectacle.

That said, there are certainly ways they can compensate through their announcement video if they jazz it up a little. I don't think it's that big of a deal, personally, especially if they don't have new hardware to show off.


All I care about is the new Zelda(please be darker like Twilight Princess), X and hopefully Metroid.

This E3 will be the deciding factor if I buy a Wii U or not.

So you won't buy a Wii U because they won't show games that are already announced...I guess it...makes sense?


Who expected nintendo VR at this E3? Nobody. Changes nothing. VR is a neat tech hype, but it wont change the fact that a new Zelda, maybe a new metroid, X, Bayonneta 2, etc will blow off our mind.

I disagree, this would clearly be the perfect time to finally announce Nintendo ON
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