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Play Nintendo - Announcing Nintendo @ E3 2014


After rewatching the Skyward Sword reveal I think maybe audience reactions aren't a reliable or important thing to base your E3 presence on. And I think maybe people are regarding the audience so highly because Nintendo's E3 last year felt like such a flop.

I was harsh on Nintendo's showing last year because they just did a regular Direct - if it wasn't for Iwata's mini-tour at the end of the video and a few mentions (playable on the showfloor) you wouldn't have known it was at e3. They also used uStream and only uStream, resulting in the worst performing stream I think I've ever watched. It was, in retrospect, a really poor showing for them.

In contrast, this time we have a Nintendo "Digital Event" - if we assume that isn't just a rename with no differences, it shows Nintendo recognized the Direct didn't feel very special. And if they're messing with the format, it might be more exciting for people to watch at home. If the announcement video is any indication, it might have more of a sense of humor than the Directs too. That might just be Mega64 though.

What I think is cooler is the Treehouse Live @ E3 videos and Smash Bros. tournament. I think if the interviews and demos are interesting (and of course the Smash Bros tournament will be exciting), people will be keeping an eye on Nintendo for the whole conference, not just for an hour. I mean, if they announced a new Zelda in the initial stream, showed a live demo later that day, and had a couple interviews over the next couple days? The would stay relevant in the fast moving E3 news blur.

I'm gonna stop thinking about this now, because I'm getting hyped way too early.


I don't think Nintendo ever hyped E3 this much before "This is the one you've been waiting for." Something big must be coming.

I'm hyped! I really need a new Nintendo game to look forward to this year other than the ones we already know about.


Neo Member
I'm so ambivalent about this.
I loved the video but hearing they're basically doing the exact same thing as last year, which also included a Smash Bros. showoff and a digital conference.

I hope this is not something they do whenever they don't have anything "really big" to show, cuz SM3DW was just more of 3D land. MK8 was just MK, and Smash was just Smash..

I really hope the new Zelda isn't some top-down-view nostalgia-appeal game. If it is, I wonder if I will ever buy that Wii U, and that's too sad.

I will not take the hype train this time. I already have a wii U and I do not want to be disappointed again.

3DWORLD was launched because they could not afford to undertake a true Mario 3D as Galaxy or Sunshine. This is the same case for Pikmin 3 and Zelda WW HD. We can add DKTF in this affirmation. DKTF is very good but looks like a wii game in HD.

The matter is the hardware of the Wii U system which is really much powerful than the Wii one. I am afraid of another Zelda in "top view". I do not think they will be able to create a big Zelda as TP this time.
How to deal with a bad CPU and a strong GPU?


And this is why Wii U is in the state it is in. Nintendo is completely ignoring the media and letting them run wild with FUD and bash articles. The Wii U was dead before it was released with the two straight years of constant hate and doubt from the media.

Nintendo didn't help themselves by completely ignoring third party game relations. But sure, it's the media's fault.


I will not take the hype train this time. I already have a wii U and I do not want to be disappointed again.

3DWORLD was launched because they could not afford to undertake a true Mario 3D as Galaxy or Sunshine. This is the same case for Pikmin 3 and Zelda WW HD. We can add DKTF in this affirmation. DKTF is very good but looks like a wii game in HD.

The matter is the hardware of the Wii U system which is really much powerful than the Wii one. I am afraid of another Zelda in "top view". I do not think they will be able to create a big Zelda as TP this time.
How to deal with a bad CPU and a strong GPU?

Maybe you missed the disaster that was Miyamoto live demoing Skyward Sword on stage? I doubt the new zelda game will go back to "traditional" controls and the only other solution is to 100% bullshit it like Microsoft does with Kinect games... which is a bad idea.

Haven't there been indication that they may move away from the motion controls? One thing is certain and that is there's at least some people out there with a Wii U that don't have a Wiimote and nunchuck, so building a flagship title exclusively for motion controls would be quite a gamble.


Now this Nintendo I like and this can really work in their favor if done right. Everyone will be concentrating on what the other two are doing, meanwhile megatons could be being dropped from the underdog on the side that will make everyone turn their head. It's kind of looking like that is what they have planned.


I will not take the hype train this time. I already have a wii U and I do not want to be disappointed again.

3DWORLD was launched because they could not afford to undertake a true Mario 3D as Galaxy or Sunshine. This is the same case for Pikmin 3 and Zelda WW HD. We can add DKTF in this affirmation. DKTF is very good but looks like a wii game in HD.

The matter is the hardware of the Wii U system which is really much powerful than the Wii one. I am afraid of another Zelda in "top view". I do not think they will be able to create a big Zelda as TP this time.
How to deal with a bad CPU and a strong GPU?

Wait, you're saying Wii could handle a world as big as twilight princess, but Wii u cannot? Are you an idiot?


Kills Photobucket
After rewatching the Skyward Sword reveal I think maybe audience reactions aren't a reliable or important thing to base your E3 presence on. And I think maybe people are regarding the audience so highly because Nintendo's E3 last year felt like such a flop.

I was harsh on Nintendo's showing last year because they just did a regular Direct - if it wasn't for Iwata's mini-tour at the end of the video and a few mentions (playable on the showfloor) you wouldn't have known it was at e3. They also used uStream and only uStream, resulting in the worst performing stream I think I've ever watched. It was, in retrospect, a really poor showing for them.

In contrast, this time we have a Nintendo "Digital Event" - if we assume that isn't just a rename with no differences, it shows Nintendo recognized the Direct didn't feel very special. And if they're messing with the format, it might be more exciting for people to watch at home. If the announcement video is any indication, it might have more of a sense of humor than the Directs too. That might just be Mega64 though.

What I think is cooler is the Treehouse Live @ E3 videos and Smash Bros. tournament. I think if the interviews and demos are interesting (and of course the Smash Bros tournament will be exciting), people will be keeping an eye on Nintendo for the whole conference, not just for an hour. I mean, if they announced a new Zelda in the initial stream, showed a live demo later that day, and had a couple interviews over the next couple days? The would stay relevant in the fast moving E3 news blur.

I'm gonna stop thinking about this now, because I'm getting hyped way too early.

I think the biggest problem last year was the press retaliating because they didn't get their ego stroked by having an invite to a press conference. Unless you are one of the few hundred or so who get invites there's no difference between a Direct and a Press conference. Nintendo really needs to have something for the press because they will take it out on them if they don't.


Return of the Mack



Maturity, bitches.
The only live conference worth anything is when they are like the infamous Konami one.

You know who should start doing Direct style videos for E3? Sony. They really do need someone to edit all the dead time they have. 2 hour shows with one hour of content. They can deliver the good but they can so so boring to watch.


Nintendo doesn't get it. E3 is the pre conference shows. Having booths at E3 is pointless without a pre conference show. Might as well not attend E3 at all since they will generate absolutely little awareness from the event now.

You need journalists on your side and the way to do that is having a kick as press conference.

E3 is a trade show

99% of the companies there have no pre-E3 press conference


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Now this Nintendo I like and this can really work in their favor if done right. Everyone will be concentrating on what the other two are doing, meanwhile megatons could be being dropped from the underdog on the side that will make everyone turn their head. It's kind of looking like that is what they have planned.

I agree.

Davey Cakes

People want a live conference because they want Nintendo to pander to the press like the other companies do.

Of course, inviting press to closed door events seems pretty good to me...

Anyway, the Digital Event sounds like a Super Direct so hopefully it sort of bridges the format between live conference and regular Direct.


Ignoring = not counteracting what the media says nd does in articles and online videos.

No company has the time to go around correcting every little mistake that the media does. If anything, the problem solves itself and makes the media look stupid in the process when show floor impressions and videos come out.


Can't they embed youtube/twitch/ustream live streams onto their sites or do they just choose not to? I remember several of those sites have done live reaction videos where they just talk over the stream live for some events on their own players, so doing it for a direct isn't out of the question.
No, because their players get them ad revenue while embedding someone else's player in to an already designed E3 layout is a great way to fuck it up. In a period of heavy traffic there's literally very little positives for them, especially when they could easily schedule in a live demo for a game and actually make ad revenue from their video player and have everything look and work perfectly. Nintendo is giving IGN, GT, and GS reasons to not give them coverage for their E3 stream unless they give them the ability to stream it from their own players.


As expected most sites leading with "Nintendo skipping E3" "Nintendo forgoing E3 press conference"...

..as opposed to "Nintendo anounces E3 Digital Event, Smash Bros Invitational, show floor live stream"

Literally the only reason to do a conference is to stop certain gamers/media sites from spreading FUD.It's such bullshit.

I'm inclined to agree. The only people that really benefit from a live presser are the press.

Anyway; That E3 hype is here guys. Its happening. Soon.


Neo Member

According to me, 3D world was a remake of 3D Land. Same styles, same concepts and same gameplay. If you do not consider the HD they are very very connected.
It was pretty good actually and I like to play with it. But I guess wii U hardware could do much better.


I will not take the hype train this time. I already have a wii U and I do not want to be disappointed again.

3DWORLD was launched because they could not afford to undertake a true Mario 3D as Galaxy or Sunshine. This is the same case for Pikmin 3 and Zelda WW HD. We can add DKTF in this affirmation. DKTF is very good but looks like a wii game in HD.

The matter is the hardware of the Wii U system which is really much powerful than the Wii one. I am afraid of another Zelda in "top view". I do not think they will be able to create a big Zelda as TP this time.
How to deal with a bad CPU and a strong GPU?

I am done. This is ridiculous now.


I'm so ambivalent about this.
I loved the video but hearing they're basically doing the exact same thing as last year, which also included a Smash Bros. showoff and a digital conference.

I hope this is not something they do whenever they don't have anything "really big" to show, cuz SM3DW was just more of 3D land. MK8 was just MK, and Smash was just Smash..

I really hope the new Zelda isn't some top-down-view nostalgia-appeal game. If it is, I wonder if I will ever buy that Wii U, and that's too sad.

Where did this misguided view of "No live conference = nothing to show" come from? Smash and Mario Kart are two of their largest guns. They showed the 3DS XL in a direct a couple of weeks after their E3 Live Press Conference that everyone hated. If they didn't have a live press conference for those announcements, then they certainly don't share the view of digital events being for smaller announcements. It looks like Nintendo prefers this method of announcing their content at the moment regardless of how big the announcement is.


The only live conference worth anything is when they are like the infamous Konami one.

You know who should start doing Direct style videos for E3? Sony. They really do need someone to edit all the dead time they have. 2 hour shows with one hour of content. They can deliver the good but they can so so boring to watch.

They take about half an hour getting everyone in their seats too. Always late, like clockwork.


And this is why Wii U is in the state it is in. Nintendo is completely ignoring the media and letting them run wild with FUD and bash articles. The Wii U was dead before it was released with the two straight years of constant hate and doubt from the media.

Hold on. So its Nintendo's fault that the gaming press in general is corrupt as sin and some would rather produce click bait articles and spread FUD than report the unique and (one would assume to a gaming website) interesting things that they just announced?


E3 conference or not, this is the second year in a row Nintendo has playable demo('s) of games available in the US.

Everyone else in the world: :(


Maturity, bitches.
3DWORLD was launched because they could not afford to undertake a true Mario 3D as Galaxy or Sunshine.

Oh boy here we go! Seriously, what makes Glaxy a "truer" 3D Mario than 3D World? There is no law that says what a 3D Mario must be like.


Can you imagine if at this E3, the Zelda they show off is like the tech demo. They announce a 2.5D Metroid for 3DS, Metroid Prime 4 for Wii U. X turns into Xenoblade II. I think I'd die.


Hold on. So its Nintendo's fault that the gaming press in general is corrupt as sin and some would rather produce click bait articles and spread FUD than report the unique and (one would assume to a gaming website) interesting things that they just announced?

It's always Nintendo's fault...


I'm lukewarm on the subject a live conference vs recording - I'd slightly prefer a conference, but it could be good as long as they have better streams this time.

However, the Smash Invitational and Best Buy demo are BRILLIANT. I'm more than a little hyped for getting game demos throughout E3, too.

Let's see who can put together the most accurate list of who the 16 participants will be.


Neo Member
Wait, you're saying Wii could handle a world as big as twilight princess, but Wii u cannot? Are you an idiot?
TP was a SD game with big scales and Nintendo has never made this kind of title on HD hardware.3D world which is very similar with 3D Land has some framerate problems. I don't know how Nintendo will deal with big AAA games in HD. The first one will be MK8 and it seems to be very beautiful but a big Zelda asks more technical skills.
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