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Play Nintendo - Announcing Nintendo @ E3 2014

Loved the video. I wonder if there were any hidden announcements in the video, as people are speculating. The whole Zelda theme pretty much tells me that the Wii U game...or whatever system its on, is going to be there. Can't wait for that particular announcement.

I really like the creativity they're displaying with their announcements -- specifically, teaming up with Mega 64 is brilliant on both sides.

Aonuma already told us that it would be there months ago. :p
Fuck. Saw the announcement this morning, I'm excited as shit. Use of Zelda, Metroid, etc music has me excited for them to maybe... announce something other than Mario? I don't know, I don't care. I just wanna see Zelda U and whatever else they have in store.
As someone who's been super critical of Nintendo's marketing strategies in the past, I will say that the "Play Nintendo" sub-heading is actually brilliant.

Simple, nostalgic, powerful. Reminds me of the good old days.


Maybe Nintendo should have called it the " Nintendo E3 Digital Press Conference"...it would be trickier to push the Nintendo skipping E3 line then. ;p


Fuck. Saw the announcement this morning, I'm excited as shit. Use of Zelda, Metroid, etc music has me excited for them to maybe... announce something other than Mario? I don't know, I don't care. I just wanna see Zelda U and whatever else they have in store.

There was Metroid music?

But yeah five punch knock-out is what Nintendo should be going towards: Mario Galaxy 3 + Zelda U + Animal Crossing U + Miyamoto's New IP + Please understand.

Mega64 and Nintendo seems like an odd pairing.

They're pretty raunchy for Nintendo =p



Yeah, I'm looking forward to the Treehouse Live thing. I'm guessing that's where the announcements will be, and the Digital Event will be more based around games we already know about and new trailers.

It's interesting because normally Treehouse is very secretive and doesn't speak publicly at all. It'll be interesting to actually see some of these people.
Fuck. Saw the announcement this morning, I'm excited as shit. Use of Zelda, Metroid, etc music has me excited for them to maybe... announce something other than Mario? I don't know, I don't care. I just wanna see Zelda U and whatever else they have in store.

No no no.

When they are first giving Reggie the glass of water, I hear him saying "No Samus for you"...

I could be wrong though.


No surprise here. They're no longer the middle man per se. Keep those tears going.

Pretty much. The press traditionally likes E3. They get to travel, be put up in a nice hotel, and feel like a VIP for a few days while the industry puts on an entertaining live song and dance for them, after which they go back to their laptops and report their findings while the gaming world hangs on their every word.

The notion of all that becoming irrelevant or even coming to an end, even if it's only Nintendo at this point, isn't something that they're going to immediately welcome.
Video was amazing. I think Nintendo has realized that it's really hard to compete with with Sony and Microsoft on the same fronts they operate on, so they've gotten more self-aware and weird. At least the NoA branch

I love it.
Hahaha, finally watched it, hilarious. Better than any canned shit at a live presser. Real Reggie basically saying 'fuck it, I am going home' was the best.

And only 165K views in less than a day for an announcement video? Guess that means no one is going to tune into the Digital Event...


So... how about that 2014 and beyond? I know in the past Nintendo has been pretty good about saying how far ahead they'll be showing ("Come on guys, they SAID it would only be a spring direct!"). What do we take from 2014 and beyond? Showing off their holiday line up and teasing Zelda, Retro-Title, and X in 2015?
I'm hoping this video replicates their plan for the conference. Make it theatrical, fun. Yes, the games being revealed are the most important part, but presentation is important as well. If they make something funny and interesting to watch like this, it will definitely get people excited or at the very least just INTERESTED in Nintendo. "Nintendo do something new" cannot be a bad headline.


Neo Member
So... how about that 2014 and beyond? I know in the past Nintendo has been pretty good about saying how far ahead they'll be showing ("Come on guys, they SAID it would only be a spring direct!"). What do we take from 2014 and beyond? Showing off their holiday line up and teasing Zelda, Retro-Title, and X in 2015?

This could be like another January '13 blowout, except better.

The video emphasised amazing nintendo debuts/new games, more than once. Plus we'll be getting more info on smash/bayo/x...so on.

So ill be pretty dissapointed if they dont deliver.


This is awesome! This is why Nintendo should never leave the gaming business. You don't see other companies doing things like this.

Amazing! Looking forward to E3!
I'm hoping this video replicates their plan for the conference. Make it theatrical, fun. Yes, the games being revealed are the most important part, but presentation is important as well. If they make something funny and interesting to watch like this, it will definitely get people excited or at the very least just INTERESTED in Nintendo. "Nintendo do something new" cannot be a bad headline.

I hope this video and the Tomodachi direct mean that Nintendo is willing to let its weird side out more often, including E3


So... how about that 2014 and beyond? I know in the past Nintendo has been pretty good about saying how far ahead they'll be showing ("Come on guys, they SAID it would only be a spring direct!"). What do we take from 2014 and beyond? Showing off their holiday line up and teasing Zelda, Retro-Title, and X in 2015?
Yup. Maybe some 3DS titles as well.

Maybe a Wii U game they haven't announced yet.


Titles we know are in the works that could show up at E3:

- Super Smash Bros. (WiiU/3DS)
- The Legend of Zelda (WiiU)
- Sonic Boom (3DS/WiiU)
- Hyrule Warriors (WiiU)
- Monolith Soft's X (WiiU)
- Bayonetta 2 (WiiU)
- Fatal Frame (WiiU)
- Yarn Yoshi (WiiU)
- SMT x Fire Emblem (WiiU) *
- Pokken Fighters (WiiU?)
- Pikachu detective title (3DS) **

* Might be on hold due to Atlus shenanigans?
** The one with the horrifying Pikachu facial tech

Titles that seem like safe possibilities?

- Nintendo Land 2 (WiiU)
- Wii Sports U (WiiU)
- Paper Mario (WiiU)
- Animal Crossing (WiiU)
- Kirby platformer (WiiU)
- Mario Party (WiiU)
- Mario & Sonic at the World Cup (WiiU/3DS)
- Majora's Mask 3D (3DS)

What else?


This is all a great idea but I can't understand why they don't do all of this PLUS a conference. Very odd, and a mistake imo.


This is all a great idea but I can't understand why they don't do all of this PLUS a conference. Very odd, and a mistake imo.

You can get up early and watch a stream, or get up early and watch the stream

Unless people really want to hear game "journalists" mark out at a game to know they should like that game too


Titles we know are in the works that could show up at E3:

- Super Smash Bros. (WiiU/3DS)
- The Legend of Zelda (WiiU)
- Hyrule Warriors (WiiU)
- Monolith Soft's X (WiiU)
- Bayonetta 2 (WiiU)
- Fatal Frame (WiiU)
- Yarn Yoshi (WiiU)
- SMT x Fire Emblem (WiiU) *
- Pokken Fighters (WiiU?)
- Pikachu detective title (3DS) **

* Might be on hold due to Atlus shenanigans?
** The one with the horrifying Pikachu facial tech

Titles that seem like safe possibilities?

- Nintendo Land 2 (WiiU)
- Wii Sports U (WiiU)
- Paper Mario (WiiU)
- Animal Crossing (WiiU)
- Kirby platformer (WiiU)
- Mario Party (WiiU)
- Mario & Sonic at the World Cup (WiiU/3DS)
- Majora's Mask 3D (3DS)

What else?

Sonic Boom? And the fabled Miyamoto IP/NFC game if those show up.


Neo Member
Titles we know are in the works that could show up at E3:

- Super Smash Bros. (WiiU/3DS)
- The Legend of Zelda (WiiU)
- Hyrule Warriors (WiiU)
- Monolith Soft's X (WiiU)
- Bayonetta 2 (WiiU)
- Fatal Frame (WiiU)
- Yarn Yoshi (WiiU)
- SMT x Fire Emblem (WiiU) *
- Pokken Fighters (WiiU?)
- Pikachu detective title (3DS) **

* Might be on hold due to Atlus shenanigans?
** The one with the horrifying Pikachu facial tech

Titles that seem like safe possibilities?

- Nintendo Land 2 (WiiU)
- Wii Sports U (WiiU)
- Paper Mario (WiiU)
- Animal Crossing (WiiU)
- Kirby platformer (WiiU)
- Mario Party (WiiU)
- Mario & Sonic at the World Cup (WiiU/3DS)
- Majora's Mask 3D (3DS)

What else?

Sonic Boom I believe is confirmed to be there, in some form.

Also, maybe Retro pulled a fast one and has been working on a metroid, along side dktf?


Titles we know are in the works that could show up at E3:

- Super Smash Bros. (WiiU/3DS)
- The Legend of Zelda (WiiU)
- Hyrule Warriors (WiiU)
- Monolith Soft's X (WiiU)
- Bayonetta 2 (WiiU)
- Fatal Frame (WiiU)
- Yarn Yoshi (WiiU)
- SMT x Fire Emblem (WiiU) *
- Pokken Fighters (WiiU?)
- Pikachu detective title (3DS) **

* Might be on hold due to Atlus shenanigans?
** The one with the horrifying Pikachu facial tech

Titles that seem like safe possibilities?

- Nintendo Land 2 (WiiU)
- Wii Sports U (WiiU)
- Paper Mario (WiiU)
- Animal Crossing (WiiU)
- Kirby platformer (WiiU)
- Mario Party (WiiU)
- Mario & Sonic at the World Cup (WiiU/3DS)
- Majora's Mask 3D (3DS)

What else?

Mario Galaxy HD

That's it and I think we'd be lucky to get even half of those games that you mentioned announced. There's going to be a lot of January 2013 Direct games at this E3, I think.
After seeing the plethora of threads and replies each and every week i just have to ask: why is everyone on nintendo's dick?

I mean hasnt a majority of GAF declared them irrelevant? Doesnt seem to be the case though.


Video was great. I honestly think Nintendo is better off just mainly marketing towards the demographic that gets a kick out of these. Trying to aim towards the kids who spend time on the new Disney Channel and what not that don't even show cartoons half the time kind of already tell you that audience is bugged out of their fucking minds.


Guys, you know what time it is? Yes, it's Reyn time!
j/k it's prediction time!

- Iwata appears holding a smash ball. Please take a look!
- Smash trailer revealing Chrom as a newcomer then havig some footage on both versions.
- Iwata explains new features on Smash, like custom moves and 3DS-WiiU conectivity.
- New out of nowhere trailer showing Pacman, at the end Iwata says that we already have our initial roster, available at tournament and best buys! And final release date for 3DS version
- Mario Sports title for WiiU. NFC features included
- Iwata holding a Yoshi plushie rerevealing Yoshi's WiiU game with new name and a different artstyle and gameplay from what we previously saw.
- Iwata announces Zelda Majoras Mask 3D for the 3DS (duh!)
- Sonic Boom trailer with gameplay and release date
- Iwata goes to Reggie.
- Reggie announces some 3DS localizations coming this year (Dragon Quest VII, Fantasy Life Link)
- Reggie goes to Miyamoto
- Miyamoto reveals his new game with trailer and a brief explanation by himself
- Iwata appears and new Bayonetta 2 trailer runs with final release date for August.
- Animal Crossing U trailer, Fall 2014, NFC features involved
- New X trailer with release date for Winter 2014 (lol)
- Fire Emblem Awakening sequel announced for 3DS
- First Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei trailer with gameplay
- Hyrule Warriors trailer with final name, gameplay and release date (September 2014)
- Pokken trailer! 2015!
- Speaking of Pokemon, new wi-fi event for X/Y announced about new legendary Pokemon. Worldwide
- Pikachu dtective game reveal for 3DS. 2014
- Iwata teases new ways of entertaiment combined with a healthy lifestyle. QOL platform gets revealed with features explained and software announced
- Zelda trailer
- Please understand


I went back and added Sonic Boom.

That's it and I think we'd be lucky to get even half of those games that you mentioned announced. There's going to be a lot of January 2013 Direct games at this E3, I think.
I think SSB4, Zelda, Hyrule Warriors, Sonic Boom, X, Bayo 2, Yarn Yoshi and Fatal Frame are all likely. SMT x FE is questionable due to Atlus. Pokken Fighters and the Pikachu 3DS game will probably be revealed by The Pokémon Company on their own terms at their own venue.
Titles we know are in the works that could show up at E3:

- Super Smash Bros. (WiiU/3DS)
- The Legend of Zelda (WiiU)
- Hyrule Warriors (WiiU)
- Monolith Soft's X (WiiU)
- Bayonetta 2 (WiiU)
- Fatal Frame (WiiU)
- Yarn Yoshi (WiiU)
- SMT x Fire Emblem (WiiU) *
- Pokken Fighters (WiiU?)
- Pikachu detective title (3DS) **

* Might be on hold due to Atlus shenanigans?
** The one with the horrifying Pikachu facial tech

Titles that seem like safe possibilities?

- Nintendo Land 2 (WiiU)
- Wii Sports U (WiiU)
- Paper Mario (WiiU)
- Animal Crossing (WiiU)
- Kirby platformer (WiiU)
- Mario Party (WiiU)
- Mario & Sonic at the World Cup (WiiU/3DS)
- Majora's Mask 3D (3DS)

What else?
Aside from Pikachu, has there been anything Nintendo related for the World cup?
Kirby seems iffy since they only would have really started 3 months ago so that's early stages.
I think either a Warioware or Rhythm Heaven seems likely.
that S.T.E.A.M. game seems very likely.
Next Level Games is almost certain to bring something
I think that 3DS Fossil Fighters game seems likely for aa Fall release


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Well I certainly didn't expect all these digital videos. I thought it was all really well done.

I've been at like ten plus of these e3 events and I think Nintendo is doing the right thing for them. They have decreasingly been getting less share of voice coming out of these conferences so they are bypassing the traditional template and speaking directly to their audience. I said it was smart last year and it's handled even better this year. They are finally embracing content marketing as a strategy with all their Yt integrations the last year and the next step was live streaming and it looks like they are trying it this year.

The best buy integration is super expensive so it must have paid dividends for them last year that they are reupping this year.

As I said previously their booth space was awesome last year so I'm not worried about their show prescense. This is just an attempt for them to better control the conversation directly since media has been so harsh on the
The past two years
Awesome to hear.


What an awesome way to announce their presentation, love it.

This and Tomodachi's trailer are both recent nice shots from Ninty, hope they'll keep things goofy like that.
There was Metroid music?

Well, when the Mega64 guy "warps" inside Reggie, the portal kind of resembles the portals from Metroid Prime Echoes (maybe the background was even taken from the game?), and the HUD also reminds me of Prime's interface. It's a bit of a stretch, but...


Well, when the Mega64 guy "warps" inside Reggie, the portal kind of resembles the portals from Metroid Prime Echoes (maybe the background was even taken from the game?), and the HUD also reminds me of Prime's interface. It's a bit of a stretch, but...

I hope there's a behind the scenes video from Mega64.


Prediction time *

Nintendo Digital Event starts...

- ... and it stars a different guy hosting the show. Everybody is confused, but Iwata and Reggie make cameo's
- The host of the show is excited to tell us everything about Nintendo's newest announcements
- He starts of with 3DS and is off to a strong start;
- It's Metroid Dre3DS, a 2D adventure coming to our 3DS's in 2014
- Next up, a few localization tidbits: You-kai Watch, Dragon Quest VII and The Great Ace Attorney will make it to the west.
- Other games are announced via a trailer
- The second 3DS title from Nintendo will be Fossil Fighters.
- And finally, Fire Emblem Awakening gets a sequel

- Wii U portion starts.
- First up Smash Bros. Wii U, a new character trailer + a handful of details. Because Nintendo's is marketing the game heavily, you'll get more videos after the show.
- Bayonetta 2 final release date: september
- Hyrule Warriors final release date + trailer
- Yarn Yoshi finally shows itself
- First new Wii U reveal: Nintendo's NFC game will be very, very weird but charming.
- Second Wii U reveal: >insert super secret game joke<
- Final Reveal: The Legend of Zelda for Wii U... which sports a Wind Waker look. Shit will be wrecked.

* = means stuff that won't happen

Contain yo hype


Maybe Nintendo should have called it the " Nintendo E3 Digital Press Conference"...it would be trickier to push the Nintendo skipping E3 line then. ;p

I'm already seeing "Nintendo are skipping E3 again!" posts on other, dedicated gaming forums. Subsequent posters fully believe it too

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