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Play Nintendo - Announcing Nintendo @ E3 2014

It was actually super unexpected when he melted the girl with laser eyes. I was up early this morning watching it on my phone before I went to work... I laughed. I am not a morning person. So that's impressive.



Lol I hope the direct has great gif material


I took a class on Persuasion for my BA in Psychology and the press conference argument seems to be mostly a resistance to change/appeal to tradition bias. "This is the way it has always been done and therefor it is the correct way to do things." The problem with this line of thinking is that you never explore other possibilities and may never find out that the traditional way of doing things isn't as effective as other ways of doing the same thing. It's possible that the way you are doing things is the best way, but "because that's the way we've always done it" isn't a good reason and can blind people from better alternatives to the point that they will staunchly refuse to acknowledge a better or equally as good way.

True. Also, it's worth remembering that E3 conferences have changed very little since pre-mainstream internet. Now Nintendo is taking advantage of the ability to reach anybody, and what's more, they're going even further, moving the user participation factor outside of the event. It really is forward thinking. Meanwhile, MS and Sony will stand onstage for a crowd while generously jamming superlatives into their own corporate summaries, just like they've always done, and Nintendo used to.

The way I see it, Nintendo saw little reason to placate the media after the deluge of recent bad press, so they've basically said "ok, we'll do it without you", and they're killing two birds with one stone by saving money and bringing the E3 experience to homes and stores. And now the press is putting out an unsurprising negative response. Given that they'd probably have done the same for a 3rd year running anyway ("Zelda U looks amazing, but doesn't really vindicate Wii U/Starfox U looks amazing, but doesn't really justify the existence of the console/Metroid Prime 4 could be one of the best games ever made, but Wii U still needs more 3rd party support"), it makes sense for Nintendo to adopt this new strategy.

"I can't possibly get excited about something on my own, I need herd mentality to do it for me."

Pretty much.

You've heard the people in this thread, Nintendo. And what they want is less game content, more bluster and performances by Usher.



Unconfirmed Member
The Reggie moment with him saying "forget about it, I'm just going home" was brilliant.

To think in a month (and a bit), a new Zelda...
Right, now when we have the exact time there can be a countdown:



sörine;109939216 said:
I saw that, I meant more from SPD1 and Retro specifically which you put in the never section. A new Metroid will be coming from there.

I think we could see another EAD5 co-production sneak in too since that's all they seem to be doing now (Star Fox with Q-Games, Steel Diver with Vitei, Wii Fit with Ganbarion). Not sure what, I'd love Star Fox or F-Zero but probably not.

There's also the possibility of more 3rd party pickups, especially on 3DS. You mentioned Bravely Second but I think Layton Vs AA, Fantasy Life, Puzzle & Dragons Z, DQVII and some others probably have a shot.

I don't agree with Retro at all, unless they have a significant second team. It's too early coming off after TF.

SPD1 worked on Tomadachi Life (although released last year in Japan), so it might be a bit early to announce, but it is enough time to give a tease.

I also doubt the EAD5 development, but given their past development its possible. Those two franchises are gone (well Starfox has at least a better chance).

Weren't they meant to be showing off a new NFC game? I think that's one of things that Iwata said at the last briefing.

Yes , I'd forgotten about that. I think they'll try and integrate into the above existing franchises , or the fabled new 'Miyamoto' IP. Iwata quoted demos, so multiple games will showcase it. Maybe they'll be digital only offering i.e. smaller games and intergrate some into the larger franchises e.g. more Pokemon NFC.


I'm already seeing "Nintendo are skipping E3 again!" posts on other, dedicated gaming forums. Subsequent posters fully believe it too


You can't really blame them considering that many big gaming websites have essentially led with that headline for today's announcements. The media go with that falsehood and people buy into it.


Titles we know are in the works that could show up at E3:

- Super Smash Bros. (WiiU/3DS)
- The Legend of Zelda (WiiU)
- Sonic Boom (3DS/WiiU)
- Hyrule Warriors (WiiU)
- Monolith Soft's X (WiiU)
- Bayonetta 2 (WiiU)
- Fatal Frame (WiiU)
- Yarn Yoshi (WiiU)
- SMT x Fire Emblem (WiiU) *
- Pokken Fighters (WiiU?)
- Pikachu detective title (3DS) **

* Might be on hold due to Atlus shenanigans?
** The one with the horrifying Pikachu facial tech

Titles that seem like safe possibilities?

- Nintendo Land 2 (WiiU)
- Wii Sports U (WiiU)
- Paper Mario (WiiU)
- Animal Crossing (WiiU)
- Kirby platformer (WiiU)
- Mario Party (WiiU)
- Mario & Sonic at the World Cup (WiiU/3DS)
- Majora's Mask 3D (3DS)

What else?

considering how extremely badly nintendo land did versus its expectations, i doubt we'll ever see another. kirby, animal crossing, mario party, and majora's mask all seem likely, and mario and sonic and paper mario might be possible. we will probably see some qol stuff too.


I prefer Nintendo Directs to the live events. They are able to cram more info into less time and for me sitting at home, it's a higher quality presentation. But even if you prefer the old format, I don't see how it matters enough to be legitmately disappointed. You're getting the same info either way.

E3 is not just about the info, it's about the experience. Like live concerts. You can hear the same song on your music player but seeing the person, and the show adds something special.

Nintendo Directs are utter and completely grating. Iwata should not be doing them as he is a terrible presenter.

Titles we know are in the works that could show up at E3:

- Super Smash Bros. (WiiU/3DS)
- The Legend of Zelda (WiiU)
- Sonic Boom (3DS/WiiU)
- Hyrule Warriors (WiiU)
- Monolith Soft's X (WiiU)
- Bayonetta 2 (WiiU)
- Fatal Frame (WiiU)
- Yarn Yoshi (WiiU)
- SMT x Fire Emblem (WiiU) *
- Pokken Fighters (WiiU?)
- Pikachu detective title (3DS) **

* Might be on hold due to Atlus shenanigans?
** The one with the horrifying Pikachu facial tech

Titles that seem like safe possibilities?

- Nintendo Land 2 (WiiU)
- Wii Sports U (WiiU)
- Paper Mario (WiiU)
- Animal Crossing (WiiU)
- Kirby platformer (WiiU)
- Mario Party (WiiU)
- Mario & Sonic at the World Cup (WiiU/3DS)
- Majora's Mask 3D (3DS)

What else?

This list highlights how little I care about Nintendo's games any more. I am interested to see Zelda, and I'd like to see a Wii U Animal Crossing because the game sounds interesting but I don't play handhelds. That's it.
E3 is not just about the info, it's about the experience. Like live concerts. You can hear the same song on your music player but seeing the person, and the show adds something special.

Nintendo Directs are utter and completely grating. Iwata should not be doing them as he is a terrible presenter.

I disagree but I guess I have a bias for a CEO who actually knows what he's talking about as he's been there, done that.

Maybe it's just me but I get much more excited when Iwata is presenting over Reggie.



Plus, I think Iwata does a commendable job speaking English even if it's far form perfect.


E3 is not just about the info, it's about the experience. Like live concerts. You can hear the same song on your music player but seeing the person, and the show adds something special.

Nintendo Directs are utter and completely grating. Iwata should not be doing them as he is a terrible presenter.
Most of the people who watch the conferences aren't there in person


Neo Member
E3 is not just about the info, it's about the experience. Like live concerts. You can hear the same song on your music player but seeing the person, and the show adds something special.

Nintendo Directs are utter and completely grating. Iwata should not be doing them as he is a terrible presenter.

This list highlights how little I care about Nintendo's games any more. I am interested to see Zelda, and I'd like to see a Wii U Animal Crossing because the game sounds interesting but I don't play handhelds. That's it.

Is your avatar sarcastic?
Whoa whoa whoa, since when did Nintendo embrace the Smash competitive/tournament community? I thought they were trying to shut them all down or something?
If at this E3, they have NintendoLand 2 and nothing else, your hunch was valid.

I don't think they are going to have 5 new first party IPs but to think they'll just have Zelda and everything else shown what we already know of...I don't buy.

They'll have a few surprises...their impact to be determined.

I guess it's your right to say they are slowly weening out the Wii U but until there is any evidence of that(and there has been none so far from the people that actually make that call), it doesn't mean much.

People could think Nintendo is the dumbest company of all time but they call their own shots, "popular" opinion on messageboards doesn't.

Where did I say they would show Nintendo Land 2 lol ?...

I personally think all they have (new software wise for WiiU) is the new Zelda and that's why they are not bothering with a press conference. Sure there will be new Smash character reveals and new footage of Bayo 2 and X aswell but we have seen these games several times now including at last years E3.

Do you honestly expect Nintendo to plough a ton of money into new exclusive WiiU games when every single WiiU game outside of the two Mario games has barely sold 1 million copies ?.

WiiU is a complete failure and will struggle to hit 15 million sales. Nintendo will show off what they have left in development for it at E3 and then start to take attention away from it with QoL later in 2014, the new handheld in 2015 and the next console in 2016.
I think this whole deal sounds pretty great. Nintendo hasn't had a good E3 conference since 2010, and while the stream quaility last year was awful, I thought the content was pretty solid.

The tournament and Treehouse stuff is great, too.

Oh yeah, and please have a Best Buy event near me.


Titles that seem like safe possibilities?

- Nintendo Land 2 (WiiU)
- Wii Sports U (WiiU)
- Paper Mario (WiiU)
- Animal Crossing (WiiU)
- Kirby platformer (WiiU)
- Mario Party (WiiU)
- Mario & Sonic at the World Cup (WiiU/3DS)
- Majora's Mask 3D (3DS)

What else?

I doubt that we'll see a new Mario Party on Wii U, if ever. Wii Party is it's spiritual successor, no? A Mario & Sonic World Cup game would be cool, though. Just get Next Level Games to develop it, and we're golden.

I hope we'll see Pokken Fighters and SMT x Fire Emblem this year, though either might be a long shot.
E3 is not just about the info, it's about the experience. Like live concerts. You can hear the same song on your music player but seeing the person, and the show adds something special.

Nintendo Directs are utter and completely grating. Iwata should not be doing them as he is a terrible presenter.

Why? it's not like he wouldn't have part-presented at an E3 conference if they had one.

Rösti;109998781 said:
Right, now when we have the exact time there can be a countdown:


To think in


a new Zelda...


Where did I say they would show Nintendo Land 2 lol ?...

I personally think all they have (new software wise for WiiU) is the new Zelda and that's why they are not bothering with a press conference. Sure there will be new Smash character reveals and new footage of Bayo 2 and X aswell but we have seen these games several times now including at last years E3.

Do you honestly expect Nintendo to plough a ton of money into new exclusive WiiU games when every single WiiU game outside of the two Mario games has barely sold 1 million copies ?.

WiiU is a complete failure and will struggle to hit 15 million sales. Nintendo will show off what they have in development for it at E3 and then start to take attention away from it with QoL later in 2014, the new handheld in 2015 and the next console in 2016.

Not only do I expect them too, they must do it. Abandoning the Wii U would probably be the worst thing they can do. They do not want to betray there fans who have already bought the Wii U if they want them to buy the next console.
Where did I say they would show Nintendo Land 2 lol ?...

You didn't nor did I say you did, it was a figurative example using that title because everyone brings up the "one more thing NintendoLand fireworks" as being abysmal.

As far as the games are concerned, Miyamoto is said to be working on a new IP, EAD Tokyo are working on another Mario, Retro is working on something new, etc...

None of these are guaranteed to be at the show but even with Zelda and more of every game they have already showed, there'll be enough games for everyone.

They're not ditching the Wii U.

If they were, Zelda would be a no-show like some think it will be.
You didn't nor did I say you did, it was a figurative example using that title because everyone brings up the "one more thing NintendoLand fireworks" as being abysmal.

As far as the games are concerned, Miyamoto is said to be working on a new IP, EAD Tokyo are working on another Mario, Retro is working on something new, etc...

None of these are guaranteed to be at the show but even with Zelda and more of every game they have already showed, there'll be enough games for everyone.

They're not ditching the Wii U.

If they were, Zelda would be a no-show like some think it will be.

Fair enough. If Nintendo has a big budget Metroid, a new 3D Mario and a new Miyamoto IP all for WiiU on top of Zelda U and the other games we have already seen then I don't think there's a chance they would not have a big press conference to showcase all of those titles. That line up is just as strong as anything Sony or MS will show.

I think Retro's project and the next 3D Mario will be launch titles for their next console, they will not want another drought without big name titles like with 3DS and WiiU. A new Mario and Metroid at launch combined with a port of Zelda U would give the next console an extremely strong start.

I personally hope you are right but I just can't see it.


Unconfirmed Member
Thank you.But we do know that this year, they will have even more/bigger booths, compared to last year?
Nintendo will have three booths this year: 4822, OFMR 5244 and OFMR 5644

OFMR 5644 is new for this year. It's a smaller meeting room, but adds to Nintendo's overall floor space.
Fair enough. If Nintendo has a big budget Metroid, a new 3D Mario and a new Miyamoto IP all for WiiU on top of Zelda U and the other games we have already seen then I don't think there's a chance they would not have a big press conference to showcase all of those titles. That line up is just as strong as anything Sony or MS will show.

I think Retro's project and the next 3D Mario will be launch titles for their next console, they will not want another drought without big name titles like with 3DS and WiiU. A new Mario and Metroid at launch combined with a port of Zelda U would give the next console an extremely strong start.

I personally hope you are right but I just can't see it.

Yeah, well if those games are moved to the next console, they should all be launch titles as that won't be for years.

Even if they had a stageshow, I don't think EAD Tokyo's game nor Retro's game would be shown because it's too early for Nintendo's standards.

I do think there will be one noteable surprise as in a first party game out of the blue or a third party exclusive that pisses off some people.

I have no idea what will be at this show from Nintendo.

Next Level also should be working on something.

Maybe we will finally get to see Yarn Yoshi and that crazy Fire Emblem/Shin Tenwhatever crossover game.

The show could underwhelm though, especially if your standards are looking for a handful of never-before-seen exclusives.

I no longer care or think about the sales or future of the Wii U though because as long as games come out for it, it's all good.

When there are signs of nothing being made for the system anymore, I'll be upset.


I took a class on Persuasion for my BA in Psychology and the press conference argument seems to be mostly a resistance to change/appeal to tradition bias. "This is the way it has always been done and therefor it is the correct way to do things." The problem with this line of thinking is that you never explore other possibilities and may never find out that the traditional way of doing things isn't as effective as other ways of doing the same thing. It's possible that the way you are doing things is the best way, but "because that's the way we've always done it" isn't a good reason and can blind people from better alternatives to the point that they will staunchly refuse to acknowledge a better or equally as good way.

The press obviously has a bias in this affair because they have a lot more to gain from being middlemen presenting information that Nintendo could more effectively present directly to their current and potential customers. All of those headlines are good clickbait and set their readers up to believe that Nintendo's current E3 strategies are bad without ever giving them a chance. They're preying on peoples' resistance to change by reporting Nintendo's plans with negative headlines. Nintendo should work with the press but they shouldn't be beholden to them like this.

It's a shame people are already writing it off before it's even happened while others probably won't bother watching just because it's something non-tradiontal.
I took a class on Persuasion for my BA in Psychology and the press conference argument seems to be mostly a resistance to change/appeal to tradition bias. "This is the way it has always been done and therefor it is the correct way to do things." The problem with this line of thinking is that you never explore other possibilities and may never find out that the traditional way of doing things isn't as effective as other ways of doing the same thing. It's possible that the way you are doing things is the best way, but "because that's the way we've always done it" isn't a good reason and can blind people from better alternatives to the point that they will staunchly refuse to acknowledge a better or equally as good way.

The press obviously has a bias in this affair because they have a lot more to gain from being middlemen presenting information that Nintendo could more effectively present directly to their current and potential customers. All of those headlines are good clickbait and set their readers up to believe that Nintendo's current E3 strategies are bad without ever giving them a chance. They're preying on peoples' resistance to change by reporting Nintendo's plans with negative headlines. Nintendo should work with the press but they shouldn't be beholden to them like this.

True. Also, it's worth remembering that E3 conferences have changed very little since pre-mainstream internet. Now Nintendo is taking advantage of the ability to reach anybody, and what's more, they're going even further, moving the user participation factor outside of the event. It really is forward thinking. Meanwhile, MS and Sony will stand onstage for a crowd while generously jamming superlatives into their own corporate summaries, just like they've always done, and Nintendo used to.

The way I see it, Nintendo saw little reason to placate the media after the deluge of recent bad press, so they've basically said "ok, we'll do it without you", and they're killing two birds with one stone by saving money and bringing the E3 experience to homes and stores. And now the press is putting out an unsurprising negative response. Given that they'd probably have done the same for a 3rd year running anyway ("Zelda U looks amazing, but doesn't really vindicate Wii U/Starfox U looks amazing, but doesn't really justify the existence of the console/Metroid Prime 4 could be one of the best games ever made, but Wii U still needs more 3rd party support"), it makes sense for Nintendo to adopt this new strategy.

Pretty much.


Well said and quite reasonable if able to drop the fanboy and fangirl glasses for a bit. Don't let the media tell you how to think - the political systems are already terribly broken because of this.


I don't know what his deal was.

I mentioned this earlier in the thread, but last year during E3 Keighly invited the Mega64 crew and talked with them about the announcements. The Mega64 guys were really excited for Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Mario 3D World, X and Smash Bros. Keighly repeatedly tried to change the subject (Hey guys how about Xbox One? PS4?) but the Mega64 guys just ignored him and couldn't stop talking about Nintendo games. It was a really, really sad thing to see.

The funniest/sad part is that Spike TV's designated time to talk about Nintendo.

Edit: They had a similar time designated for MS/Sony, and Keighly wanted to talk about their respective companies at those times.


The funniest/sad part is that Spike TV's designated time to talk about Nintendo.

Edit: They had a similar time designated for MS/Sony, and Keighly wanted to talk about their respective companies at those times.

He's still pissed off that Reggie shouted at him that one time.
The funniest/sad part is that Spike TV's designated time to talk about Nintendo.

Edit: They had a similar time designated for MS/Sony, and Keighly wanted to talk about their respective companies at those times.

Best part about that whole "Nintendo block" was Sakurai catching Geoff with his pants down hyping up a MASSIVE NINTENDO EXCLUSIVE REVEAL NEW METROID OH MY GOD when it was Wii Fit Trainer, lol.
I ask the same for the Next Level Games Wii U project and that's has been since October 2012 since we've heard anything

Nintendo has had cancelled projects before but if these were unannounced how would we ever know? I thought Next Level Games would have moved to something else by now.


Is it likely they'll talk about QOL at this E3? Have they said anything about where/when they'd talk more about it?

I wouldn't count on it. They said they would talk about it later this year, but that was about it.
It seems like more of a thing they'd talk about in an investor conference.
I wouldn't count on it. They said they would talk about it later this year, but that was about it.
It seems like more of a thing they'd talk about in an investor conference.
If they want a mass-market success they need mass-market media coverage. E3 could help with it.
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