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Play Nintendo - Announcing Nintendo @ E3 2014


Sigh....why must this company always do things different just for the sake of being different?

That's assuming they are doing it to be different. You think these decisions are made lightly? They probably had a bunch of cost analysis and market research that led them to this decision.
You guys are totally right. I bet Obama would've been fine to not come to the televised debates, he could've just lobbed arguments via Youtube and would've been fine.


It's not even that the arguments AGAINST the press are incorrect. A lot of you are right, they do get in the way of info sometimes.

The problem is it's irrelevant as they're still the way most people get their news at this point in time and to actively piss them off is the height of stupidity (assuming one even believes the conspiracies).

It doesn't matter if it's fair or right, it just is.
So we done got that far into the hell hole... Nintendo=Obama
Really excited for this. It was so unexpected, but hopefully this six weeks zips past like this year has done already; something to look forward to.

Great to see Reggie having a laugh and fueling the hype machine by making a personal appearance. I would say I miss the regular press conference format, but then again, I have found no problems with the video stream approach (when it works). Hopefully Nintendo stream it via YouTube since I missed out the whole Mega Man reveal part of last year's conference and had it spoiled elsewhere which was a shame.

I will say I miss watching the larger scale conferences and hearing crowd reactions and the like, but Nintendo isn't going anywhere. Their franchises and characters are timeless and as long as video games are around Nintendo will still be there somewhere. They could host a conference if they wanted to, I'm sure but doing it digitally they know they'll still cause ripples and get the coverage they require. The hype is still there, it's just a shame it has to be done through a computer screen and that people don't have the option of experiencing it in person also.


Sure, but have you ever seen Nintendo actually hyping their E3 presence before? Aside from announcing when it will take place.

Yep, they always did, like everyone else. But never with such a wording. Exciting, great, yadda yadda, yeah been there, done that. But "this is the one" is quite rare.


Does any individual own enough to actually do anything? If so, then change would have been enacted when everyone wanted them to go mobile. Iwata isn't even close to being in danger. And it's conspiracy to think that Nintendo not having a live conference indicates he is.

So goals being moved. Yeah it doesnt work like that, you dont need 1 holder only. hell you dont even really need a majority. Just think of the effect of everyone throwing their stock back on the market and the price... But AGMs are for share holders to talk and vote.

Also agree that anything to do with E3 isnt anything to do with his job security - or even if it was investors wouldnt really care. Just tired of this board stacking, brera-celebrity crap.


Treehouse doing it? If so Nintendo has won E3. I know the haters will disagree but they already won E3 and yall are gonna have to admit it.

Or maybe they're just providing some kind of on the floor coverage and we'll still get another Iwata video ;-) In either case I've been entertained by Nintendo's latest Youtube videos so that bodes well for the entertainment factor at least.


Yep, they always did, like everyone else. But never with such a wording. Exciting, great, yadda yadda, yeah been there, done that. But "this is the one" is quite rare.

Tbh, I think the fact that they did an announcement video weeks in advance is what's unique.


Sure, but have you ever seen Nintendo actually hyping their E3 presence before? Aside from announcing when it will take place.

The last time I remember Nintendo doing something even close to hyping an event (wouldn't even call it hyping to be honest) was before last year's January Direct when Iwata tweeted

"This time, the plan is a bit different from a regular Direct, in that I'll be talking about what kind of Wii U titles and services Nintendo is developing."

and we all know how that Direct turned out :)

That doesn't come close to saying something like "this is the one you've been waiting for". Hope they can deliver.


That was last year not 2012

No I think they had them 2012 too. 3DS was definitely there, I remember people were up in arms about no Fire Emblem Awakening localization being announced only for it to be confirmed after the presentation via interview with a guy from Kotaku.

I think also there was the developer roundtable?


Neo Member
Your entire argument falls apart in the first few words. Iwata isn't at risk of being ousted. Not even close. There is basically no way, except (literally) violent revolution within Nintendo that Iwata is in danger of losing anything.
That isn't how things work in Nintendo. The board are all friends of his. He won't step down until he decides to.

I certainly doubt violence would be the only means of ousting him. The more pressure Nintendo comes under, the better Iwata is to not have a potential competitor to pass the torch to, simple as that. I doubt he can predict how his hold over Nintendo will fare with the certainty you can, hence he's motivated to continue consolidating his position.

Anyway, speculation aside, I really hope Nintendo brings out the big guns this E3, otherwise the "irrelevance" discourse, right or not, will become even more prevalent.
That was last year not 2012

No that was 2012, The Nintendo Direct aired on Monday I believe with Iwata demonstrating a few features of the Wii U like Miiverse and Wii U Chat and the Wednesday had a presentation of 3DS games including Paper Mario Sticker Star, Castlevania Mirror of Fate and Luigi's mansion: Dark Moon
No I think they had them 2012 too. 3DS was definitely there, I remember people were up in arms about no Fire Emblem Awakening localization being announced only for it to be confirmed after the presentation via interview with a guy from Kotaku.

I think also there was the developer roundtable?
Ok im confused now.. I think we are getting 12 and '13 mixed up or something.

No that was 2012, The Nintendo Direct aired on Monday I believe with Iwata demonstrating a few features of the Wii U like Miiverse and Wii U Chat and the Wednesday had a presentation of 3DS games including Paper Mario Sticker Star, Castlevania Mirror of Fate and Luigi's mansion: Dark Moon
Ohh ok.. Well yea that deserved 4 streams although I cant recall them saying that so specfically. 2012 was a lot of info especially before E3.


Membero Americo
It was a given but...

Thousands of fans in the audience and countless more watching a live stream online will see new Super Smash Bros. characters clash with existing favorites in action for the first time.

This is hinting at character reveals, and more than one.


Sigh....why must this company always do things different just for the sake of being different?

Because we're now at the point where dedicating the event strictly to games as opposed to mimicking some shitty Super Bowl half-time show is no longer the conventional thing to do?
Is there anyone that prefers a pre recorded stream vs a live press conference?

Is there anyone who will get upset if Nintendo cancels the Nintendo E3 pre recorded stream in favor of a live press conference?


Sigh....why must this company always do things different just for the sake of being different?

It seems they feel they have to reinvent the wheel every time they make something new rather than just improving on what works.

There's a reason the wheel still exists. It works. Nintendo is the equivalent of trying to make the wheel a different shape rather than developing things to enhance the design.


Is there anyone that prefers a pre recorded stream vs a live press conference?

Is there anyone who will get upset if Nintendo cancels the Nintendo E3 pre recorded stream in favor of a live press conference?

I'll take this Mega64 or Tomodachi Life style conference over the last few years that we've gotten of E3 conferences from any company.
Seriously, the live conferences from everyone have been painful to watch.
Girl Wood and 10 minute dance segments. Games not working. Football players pretending they've ever picked up a controller. Sony "winning" by keeping the status quo.

I would take this for their conference any day of the week.

It seems they feel they have to reinvent the wheel every time they make something new rather than just improving on what works.

There's a reason the wheel still exists. It works. Nintendo is the equivalent of trying to make the wheel a different shape rather than developing things to enhance the design.

It's funny you say that in regards to E3 conferences, which have been reinvented over and over again.
They weren't always big spectacles. They were small events that the public NEVER saw. Then they became huge, awkward commercials. Then they became little hotel room conferences. Now they're one upmanship shows.
Where the hell is this conversation going?

I imagine this hype train as being led on one end by a series of locomotives keeping the train at 50-60 miles per hour, with a few engines at the back trying to go full throttle in the opposite direction, but suffering wheel slippage and failing to get any traction as a result.
Is there anyone that prefers a pre recorded stream vs a live press conference?

Is there anyone who will get upset if Nintendo cancels the Nintendo E3 pre recorded stream in favor of a live press conference?

Each side has their own benefits

I mean, I would prefer not getting something like the Zelda Skyward Sword demo, all of those bad transitions for developers to come in, bragging about market positions (one part of E3 2004 I didnt like), occasional awkward silences, etc.

Live reaction is awesome, but really, the only thing bad is all the yellow press headlines that will be going out now

See pros and cons of both sides


Fils-a-Mech looks like the Bollywood hit, Endhiran:

I'll take this Mega64 or Tomodachi Life style conference over the last few years that we've gotten of E3 conferences from any company.
Seriously, the live conferences from everyone have been painful to watch.
Girl Wood and 10 minute dance segments. Games not working. Football players pretending they've ever picked up a controller. Sony "winning" by keeping the status quo.

I would take this for their conference any day of the week.

It's funny you say that in regards to E3 conferences, which have been reinvented over and over again.
They weren't always big spectacles. They were small events that the public NEVER saw. Then they became huge, awkward commercials. Then they became little hotel room conferences. Now they're one upmanship shows.

I really really hope that's the direction Nintendo goes with the Digital Event.

If it's just Iwata awkwardly standing in front of a white background I'll be extremely dissapointed.


Is there anyone that prefers a pre recorded stream vs a live press conference?

Is there anyone who will get upset if Nintendo cancels the Nintendo E3 pre recorded stream in favor of a live press conference?

Depends. If they can have a stable stream unlike last year, I have no complaints.

I will miss live reactions tho.


I really really hope that's the direction Nintendo goes with the Digital Event.

If it's just Iwata awkwardly standing in front of a white background I'll be extremely dissapointed.

Nah, I'm going to bet that Nintendo uses a bunch of youtube stars to promote this. Not in any game announcements, but short viral videos that promote each game they announce.


It was a given but...

This is hinting at character reveals, and more than one.
Well new characters are Mega Man, Little Mac, and etc. while existing characters are veterans lol. And it will be the first time we see them in an actual match. And I do know that there was that Mega Man vs Mario match last year, but the game has changed a lot I'm guessing.


You guys are totally right. I bet Obama would've been fine to not come to the televised debates, he could've just lobbed arguments via Youtube and would've been fine.

I can't believe this is a serious analogy.

I thought the Obama Sonic fanfic was the weirdest Obama-related gaming thing I'd ever see.
Put me in the "recording > live event" category.

Nintendo views E3 conferences as investor-centric, while seeing Directs as demographic-centric. The result is loads of fluff and content aimed at "everyone" in conferences, not to mention slower pacing to make time for audience reactions (which I personally find boring, even grating, a lot of the time), while Directs are comparatively fast-firing and/or meat-and-potatoes game information, often with clearly defined broadcast titles so you can learn about game(s) you most want to see if they have several Directs going up or Directs focusing on only one game or system.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
You'll have to find me that quote because I don't remember that at all.
Maybe I'm remembering things incorrectly. I recall them saying that they were doing multiple streams, but I suppose I can't actually remember them doing this "because they had so much content". We probably just assumed that they were going to have tons of stuff because of how confident they seemed about that E3.

Oh, and the 4th "stream" was actually the developers roundtable, which usually has some cool info, although it is not taped. My bad.


Except this isn't a debate or a war; it's a consumer electronics expo.

You completely missed my point, both of you. I can't tell if it was intentional or not. I hope it was.

The reason the debates have any relevance is they're televised to a huge amount of people by all the networks. It reaches the biggest number of people.

If the debates were instead streamed and / or only reached each persons most ardent supporters via separate Democratic and Republican streams, it wouldn't be nearly as effective.

I can't believe this is a serious analogy.

I thought the Obama Sonic fanfic was the weirdest Obama-related gaming thing I'd ever see.

Has nothing really to do with Obama himself, it's about how the debates reach people.
It was a given but...

This is hinting at character reveals, and more than one.

I'm not doubting character reveals, but that is just alluding to the fact that players have never played with new characters (such as Rosalina) before, and that at this event, they would be able to do so while fighting against returning characters as well.

You're looking for details where they aren't.


You completely missed my point, both of you. I can't tell if it was intentional or not. I hope it was.

The reason the debates have any relevance is they're televised to a huge amount of people by all the networks. It reaches the biggest number of people.

If the debates were instead streamed and / or only reached each persons most ardent supporters via separate Democratic and Republican streams, it wouldn't be nearly as effective.

Except that E3 conferences are mostly only streamed anyway... So your point still makes no sense.
It will be streamed on all the major streaming sites, and the trailers and information will be on every site directly after.


Except that E3 conferences are mostly only streamed anyway... So your point still makes no sense.

By many sites to everyone.

Whereas Nintendo Directs are not by every site, to everyone. Wasn't television involved last year?

And they won't have the traffic the main streams will.
You completely missed my point, both of you. I can't tell if it was intentional or not. I hope it was.

The reason the debates have any relevance is they're televised to a huge amount of people by all the networks. It reaches the biggest number of people.

If the debates were instead streamed and / or only reached each persons most ardent supporters via separate Democratic and Republican streams, it wouldn't be nearly as effective.

Has nothing really to do with Obama himself, it's about how the debates reach people.

E3 doesn't get televised on major television channels, and major streaming sites that stream the press conferences live will also be hosting Nintendo's show. So I'm not exactly sure that analogy works here.


By many sites to everyone.

Whereas Nintendo Directs are not by every site, to everyone. Wasn't television involved last year?

And they won't have the traffic the main streams will.

Typically most sites just end up using somebody else's stream anyhow regardless of presentation so still not sure what the difference is here.


E3 doesn't get televised on major television channels, and major streaming sites that stream the press conferences live will also be hosting Nintendo's show. So I'm not exactly sure that analogy works here.

Well there is Spike but I'm not sure if they announced 2014 coverage


You completely missed my point, both of you. I can't tell if it was intentional or not. I hope it was.

The reason the debates have any relevance is they're televised to a huge amount of people by all the networks. It reaches the biggest number of people.

If the debates were instead streamed and / or only reached each persons most ardent supporters via separate Democratic and Republican streams, it wouldn't be nearly as effective.

Has nothing really to do with Obama himself, it's about how the debates reach people.

And how many networks are going to live stream and televise MS' and Sony's press conferences.

I would be surprised if that number is higher than zero.
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