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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Discussion Thread 2 (read OP first)

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just youtube some melee vids. Characters like Marth and fox have combo-able abilities at the right percentage. Its not like traditional combos in a versus game but they are still combos.

Oh yes i know, i thought you meant something that compared to PSAS which i was not familiar with lol. Not saying its bad or anything though.


*walks in*

Big Daddy is one of the reasons I am getting this game. I would not be doing so otherwise.

*walks out*

Big Daddy is awesome. It's not even about the character being "Playstation history" or not, it's just a cool character. Wish that they used Rapture for a stage or stage invasion though.


UGG I just want there to be a freaking discussion without everyone getting all bothered by the fact that there's a discussion going on.

If you don't like it then either wait until there is something you do want to discuss, or post about what you really do want to discuss. How freaking hard is that? Seriously.

Also if you are going to post about how shit this topic apparently is, then you might as well call out the posters/posts that you think are shit. Coming in and saying "people are being stupid." without saying who or why doesn't add anything to the conversation and if you don't think its a conversation worth having then ignore it and go it will eventually go away.

But ok I'll shoot. What is the appropriate thing to talk about now?

Potaaato, why are you so defensive anyway? :/

I didn't point anyone because pretty much everyone in here is having these kind of discussions. And I just feel like at this point there is nothing good that could come out of these arguments, really. I say just wait for the game to come out, or more is revealed, or else, idk, speculate of new modes or something. Getting stuck on these comparisons with smash, or the impact of characters that never were/character tiers is so lame, as it just won't change a thing, its all settled. Is that that hard to see?

And, since you mentioned, I did stop visiting this thread, if you compare the first discussion thread to this one. Its sad, because those were fun times to be here. :|

Oh well...


Big Daddy is awesome. It's not even about the character being "Playstation history" or not, it's just a cool character. Wish that they used Rapture for a stage or stage invasion though.

Exactly. I'm a huge Bioshock fan, and I love the character. So it's baffling to see people complain about him (I guess I understand it but I don't feel the same way).

Besides, Ken Levine and the Bioshock franchise have been getting more and more buddy-buddy with Sony over the years, so it makes enough sense.


Exactly. I'm a huge Bioshock fan, and I love the character. So it's baffling to see people complain about him (I guess I understand it but I don't feel the same way).

Besides, Ken Levine and the Bioshock franchise have been getting more and more buddy-buddy with Sony over the years, so it makes enough sense.
I don't mind him being in. I just find it...odd is all.


PSY・S;42665763 said:
Paul Gale
Don't believe his lies.
(Today, 03:46 AM)


Never trust a man who posts shirtless pictures of himself doing pushups on the Internet.

This is just good life advice.
Never trust a man who posts shirtless pictures of himself doing pushups on the Internet.

This is just good life advice.

So much truth here. I feel like this is information that should be put in a "internet competency" course they could teach in elementary schools nowadays to replace things like D.A.R.E.
Do I admit the 3rd part picks could have been better? Of course they could have. I would have loved to have Crash, Snake, Cloud, Kiryu, etc. But that doesn't mean the current 3rd party picks are terrible either and are actually, outside of Big Daddy and Heihachi (I would have prefered Kazuya :v), were all on my list of 3rd party characters I wanted in the game.

I guess we can just agree to disagree then. To explain (hopefully a bit better) why I don't like the third party characters they picked - I just think they're blatant, obvious cash ins and it's a shame. Raiden is cool and all but he's not Snake, Snake/Big Boss have helped build the Playstation as a platform but the fact that we're getting him over either of those two is saddening as well.

Heihachi I'm actually ok with more or less, although I was hoping they'd avoid any characters from other fighting games because I'd rather them adapt a whole new fighting style for a character. I feel like Heihachi is just some brawler and isn't really a unique combatant compared to others we've seen, now if we got someone like Tomba.. Big Daddy was just... meh. It's like hey! Here's a Big Daddy! I'm pretty sure no one thinks of Bioshock when they think of what represents Playstation. They think of Crash, Spyro, Snake, and Cloud.

It's a lot when they're not iconic Sony system characters.

This is what I've been saying. They should have just saved third parties for DLC, or a sequel, for when they can throw more money at characters that really matter, or at least the versions of them that really matter. They could've added four more wholly owned Sony characters that would have provided some more fanservice, and then could say "Hey guys, third party stuff will come as DLC". I think that would've gone over way better than the current shit storm we're in.
When a dude who's worked Sony's PR for years outright states on twitter that all the full character line-up is announced, it's a bit hard to 'believe'.

Don't worry. Official PSASBR forums offer tons on _proof_ that the PR guy is in fact a fake, doesn't know anything about the game and is a secret mole hired by Nintendo.


Playstation All-Stars is probably nowhere near intricate as a competitive fighter. Frame data for the most part will be not important in this game as other fighters.

Frame data is a crucial part of every action game. Weapons in first-person shooters have reload time. Frames are measured by 60ths of a second; this is an indication of time. Devil May Cry 3 involves just-frame blocking and jump-cancelling. Examples of studying frame data exist across all games; though, no one makes as big a deal over studying frame data than fighting game players.

Frame data will play a role in PSASBR the same as in Street Fighter. Will I be able to stuff pokes with throws? Will I be able to pressure with XY move on block safely and repeatedly? Frame data tells me this.

Same goes with damage numbers (Because there is no damage).

Imagine damage calculation in reverse: the remaining percent of meter needed to reach one level of Super is your opponent's health. If you have 50% meter, they have 50% life.

Frame data for the most part will be not important in this game as other fighters... So I would have to assume designing characters would be easier to some extent for this game.

I can only say this is an inaccurate assumption. Again, frame data will dictate how characters can specifically pressure and escape the pressure of other characters.

I mean watching the dante trailer I can recognize majority of the abilities from dante from mvc3.

I will say one thing about the MvC3 Dante reveal trailer: it does a great job showcasing Dante's attacks' properties. We see Killer Bee initiate a ground bounce into Revolver. We see how moves cancel stylishly into one another, like Reverb Shock into Fireworks. We see that Hammer is invincible (avoids Taskmaster's arrows). The PSASBR trailers do a terrible job demonstrating each attack's specific properties. Other than range and direction (basically, an attack's hitbox), we only see how moves combo. How moves combo into one another is less important than which moves serve as combo starters. Knowing with what attack to approach and poke plays a bigger role than showing one easily blocked horizontal attack cancelling into Super. I must note also that I have yet to see any character's throw other than Sly's Down throw (reminds me of SSBM Fox's down throw). It was said this game has legit okizeme due to how blocking and dodging interact with attacks and throws, but all that is shown are combos and Level 3 Supers.

Knowing individuals such as Maj and Ed Ma are working on this game assure me PSASBR is to a degree strategic; I doubt the point of this game is to "do moves and see the Supers." Sony's marketing strategy is strictly for Playstation fans, however (as opposed to competitive fighting game players). The game is being designed for both groups but only marketed to one. That's where the stress regarding the roster stems. I've said before that I could care less about Sly Cooper games and Infamous games, but Sly and both Coles seem very interesting as characters in this fighting game. Energy is better spent hoping the game is fun (which most of you who have played the beta for months say it is, which confounds me as to why your feathers are ruffled). At the EVO panel, I believe Omar said they would love to continue adding characters well after launch provided they had permission. Relax about characters. Perhaps their appearance irks you, but their playstyle may suit you.


This thread is becoming insufferable? Really? Because people are unhappy about the treatment the game has gotten? Ridiculous. It's even worse when there's people saying "stop talking about things I don't want to talk about, even if they're relevant to the thread."

To the bolded: So why are you interested in this game? You're in the beta. You've played it, you've mastered Radec. You seem to enjoy the game from reading your posts. With all of that positivity, I'd think the roster wouldn't be as big of a deal to you.

I'm interested in the game because it's always been a pipe dream of mine to have a mascot brawler with the characters I cared most about, most of them being PlayStation characters. Like I said, I'm probably just dissapointed that my expecations weren't met, but my expectations eventually went down to "just give me one RPG character and I'll be satisfied". The fact that even that wasn't fulfilled does a lot to tell me that I wasn't part of the target audience for the game. The only reason I play as Radec now isn't because I give any form of shits about Killzone, it's because I like his playstyle. If I could transplant his moveset to any other character, I would.

For Superbot's first All Stars game, they're bringing us 20 characters from 19 franchises across PlayStation's history. By comparison, Super Smash Bros Melee had 25 characters. 6 of those characters were from Mario Bros Universe. 4 were from Zelda, 4 were from Pokemon, 2 were from Star Fox, 2 were from Fire Emblem, and the remaining 7 were from various other IPs like F-Zero, Donkey Kong, and Earthbound. Out of 25 characters, only 12 Nintendo IPs were represented by character roster. 12 is hardly even a fraction of the IPs Nintendo has brought to us in a near 30 year old history.

It's hard to argue Nintendo vs Sony IPs solely because they both have different philosophies. Sony does many IPs with many characters, while Nintendo has one Mega franchise with a billion IPs and games. Just by putting in the main Mario cast they're representing what, 30 different games and spin-offs? This is partially why the Evil Cole inclusion bugs me most of all, because it'd been shown before that we were only getting one rep from every franchise, while suddenly inFamous gets more priority than the rest. Great for inFamous fans, but what about everyone else?

PlayStation with a 17 year old history, has at least packed in 19 unique IPs in their game. Much like Nintendo, that's hardly a fraction of their history, but also like Nintendo, they at least included the top characters from the most important/popular franchises in their game. If Smash didn't have Mario in it, people would have been pissed. If All Stars didn't have Kratos, Sackboy, Nathan Drake, or the Platformer Trio in it, people would have been pissed.

And like I said, I'm not impressed that they included the bare minumum representation that people expected from the first party IPs. I know I'm being somewhat harsh in this respect given what I just said above (that Sony fans expect many more IPs in the game than Nintendo ones do), but the roster, as it currently is, is boring to me. Let's make a crossover brawler that encompasses all of PlayStation's history, except for the history that wouldn't be able to boost sales.

I just have to ask you, though, what do you have against the rest of the roster in PBR? I'm the farthest thing from a Mario fan these days (despite growing up on the franchise as a boy), but I could at least find some joy in playing as the other characters in Smash, even the ones that I wasn't terribly familiar with (like Roy, and Marth). I just find it hard to believe that out of the 20 character roster, you don't find anyone else but Radec appealing. I'm not saying it's not possible, or that it's not true, just that it's really hard to believe.

I've never played Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank, Ape Escape (outside the hideous PS3 game), Fat Princess or Twisted Metal. Sir Daniel and Parappa are the only characters that appeal to me, but I don't care for Parappa's style. It's cool that Big Daddy is playable, but he is still very much a "why the hell is he here" along with Dino, who is probably the single most reviled character redesign in recent history. Heihachi is the only third party I'm actually ok with, since despite the new games being multiplatform, Heihachi IS an icon of the older days.

I can't even decide on which character I want to play as as my main, because so many of them look so damn good (my personal top choices for ones I'm going to play first are: Kratos, both Coles, Ratchet, Jak, Nariko, Spike, Raiden, Toro, and Dante: the rest look awesome, but they will be played after I've had my fun with the ones I listed).

For crossover fighters, characters come first to me. Even if they end up being garbage tier, I will try to make the characters I actually want to play as work. As mentioned above, the only reason I've opted to use Radec is because he's the only character who's playstyle I truly like in a beta roster I don't particularly care for.

Also, what is the reason why you like crossover fighters? I like the very few crossover fighters that grab me (MvC and Smash, mostly), because they star some of my favorite characters, and I can use them to beat the crap out of some of my other favorite characters. I'm not terribly familiar with the Capcom side of MvC (ironic, I know), but I still enjoy playing as those characters, and going up against Spider-Man and Captain America, for example.

You answered the question yourself. Part of the reason why I'm frustrated with Nintendo as a whole nowadays is because, as someone who isn't particularly interested in their main franchises as I was before, they love taking their god damn time in putting out games that don't have Mario in the title. Melee introduced me to Fire Emblem, which became my favorite of all their IPs, and Brawl had my second favorite FE character in Ike. Mv3/UMvC3 has a huge majority of the Capcom characters I love (I did backflips when Vergil, Phoenix Wright, Nemesis and Firebrand were leaked), along with a nice chunk of likeable Marvel characters that aren't part of the bare minimum people expected.

I don't see how PBR is falling short of the crossover fighter standard of expectations. It has a bunch of characters from various franchises across the PS1, PS2, and PS3, and they are fighting each other.

For a game touted as a celebration of PlayStation's history, it's doing a really poor job at that. I'm happy that you think the current roster representation is enough, but where are the RPG characters? The IPs that never saw the day past the PS1? The team ICO characters? The heavily requested Kat? Why is Nariko in the game when there's other single-game IPs they could have used to not make the roster seem as current-gen focused? Why is Fat Princess in the game when Journey is the fastest selling PSN game? Hell, I used to look at FP as an indicator that we'd be getting even more characters like her, that were very much PlayStation even if they weren't part of their biggest franchises. It's not so much that All-Stars doesn't have a number of different reps, it's that they're nearly all "safe" or "expected".

I don't care when MvC, Smash, or whatever debuted, but their first entries weren't exactly bursting at the seems with characters. A fighter has to start somewhere, then build on it from there. PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale is a fine debut to this new series. I'm sure PBR2 will expand on it even farther, if it even gets to have a sequel, judging by how many people in this thread are bailing on the first one because of a few roster omissions.

And you're comparing games/series that debuted in 1998/1999 with one that's debuting in 2012. And even way back then, Smash Bros still managed to include characters like Captain Falcon and Ness (along with whatever pokemon they had as items), while MvC had War Machine, Gambit, Jin (from a series that had never come out in the US!), Captain Commando and Strider Hiryu (along with the 22 different assist-only characters). So yes, those series, even in their debut, did a much better job of encompassing everything about their parent companies than All-Stars is doing.

To tie the point above with this one, if Superbot is indeed catering to the lesser known IPs via fanservice like Smash's trophies, the "partners" we still don't know anything about it, or whatever, why do we, a month and a half from release, not know a single damn detail about them outside of the occasional teasing screenshot? This is info that every other crossover fighter (or traditional fighter, for that matter) puts out well before their release date, even more so stuff like modes, stages and the like. I'll say it again, it's ridiculous that we know more about the game via leaks than we do via the developers showing us these things. Without even getting into the PR rumor, that's all on Superbot.

Hell, MvC 3 cut some of my favorite characters from MvC2, but I didn't bail on it. I just accepted that those dudes weren't in MvC 3, and still got it and enjoyed it.

Just like I'm accepting that my favorite Sony characters aren't going to be in this game, and putting my money elsewhere. I love the fact that the game exists (believe me, I do), but it's disappointing to me that this is the end result when even my lowered expectations for the game weren't met after the beta leak. In addition, I don't like being lied to when I was told the beta leak wasn't representative of the final roster. Except, y'know, it totally was.

I don't want you go to taking this personally Fig, but I understand why you're satisfied with the game as it is. I'm trying to have you understand why me, like many others aren't quite as happy.


The only sliver of hope is the launch lineup refers to unlocked characters and there are characters locked in the game that you can access by beating story mode and what not. Cmon Sony, don't be stupid and release the game with out characters like Crash, Snake or Crash.


The only sliver of hope is the launch lineup refers to unlocked characters and there are characters locked in the game that you can access by beating story mode and what not. Cmon Sony, don't be stupid and release the game with out characters like Crash, Snake or Crash.
They've already said that there will be no unlockable characters


Frame data is a crucial part of every action game. Weapons in first-person shooters have reload time. Frames are measured by 60ths of a second; this is an indication of time. Devil May Cry 3 involves just-frame blocking and jump-cancelling. Examples of studying frame data exist across all games; though, no one makes as big a deal over studying frame data than fighting game players.

Frame data will play a role in PSASBR the same as in Street Fighter. Will I be able to stuff pokes with throws? Will I be able to pressure with XY move on block safely and repeatedly? Frame data tells me this.

Imagine damage calculation in reverse: the remaining percent of meter needed to reach one level of Super is your opponent's health. If you have 50% meter, they have 50% life.

I can only say this is an inaccurate assumption. Again, frame data will dictate how characters can specifically pressure and escape the pressure of other characters.

I will say one thing about the MvC3 Dante reveal trailer: it does a great job showcasing Dante's attacks' properties. We see Killer Bee initiate a ground bounce into Revolver. We see how moves cancel stylishly into one another, like Reverb Shock into Fireworks. We see that Hammer is invincible (avoids Taskmaster's arrows). The PSASBR trailers do a terrible job demonstrating each attack's specific properties. Other than range and direction (basically, an attack's hitbox), we only see how moves combo. How moves combo into one another is less important than which moves serve as combo starters. Knowing with what attack to approach and poke plays a bigger role than showing one easily blocked horizontal attack cancelling into Super. I must note also that I have yet to see any character's throw other than Sly's Down throw (reminds me of SSBM Fox's down throw). It was said this game has legit okizeme due to how blocking and dodging interact with attacks and throws, but all that is shown are combos and Level 3 Supers.

Knowing individuals such as Maj and Ed Ma are working on this game assure me PSASBR is to a degree strategic; I doubt the point of this game is to "do moves and see the Supers." Sony's marketing strategy is strictly for Playstation fans, however (as opposed to competitive fighting game players). The game is being designed for both groups but only marketed to one. That's where the stress regarding the roster stems. I've said before that I could care less about Sly Cooper games and Infamous games, but Sly and both Coles seem very interesting as characters in this fighting game. Energy is better spent hoping the game is fun (which most of you who have played the beta for months say it is, which confounds me as to why your feathers are ruffled). At the EVO panel, I believe Omar said they would love to continue adding characters well after launch provided they had permission. Relax about characters. Perhaps their appearance irks you, but their playstyle may suit you.

Boom. Well said.

Especially the part about thinking about health in reverse. Its critical to know how much ap each hit/combo will give you.


They've already said that there will be no unlockable characters

This is why I was so upset when Sid broke the news, because that means we get a measly 20 characters, 4 of which are very questionable. Not a single RPG rep, and coming from a big RPG fan that has played and loved the bulk of RPGs that have only appeared on Sony's platforms.. it's highly disappointing. Sony owns several RPG franchises! Why didn't Superbot use ONE?


The only sliver of hope is the launch lineup refers to unlocked characters and there are characters locked in the game that you can access by beating story mode and what not. Cmon Sony, don't be stupid and release the game with out characters like Crash, Snake or Crash.

No unlockable characters. If they had Snake or Crash they would show them for marketing purposes.


Oh yeah, MK9. That's the exception though, not the rule, wouldn't you say?

Players love BlazBlue's story, and player support is more important than media support. I loved Tekken's endings because they made me question, "What else is there to know about this character? Their life? Their struggle?" I'm really excited for PSASBRs story mode. SuperBot is not leaving it as an afterthought, unlike other developers whose fault created this stigma of "fighting games have shallow stories."

Better less childish & diverse cast of characters
You are actually able to perform combos.
Encourages agressive play with more strategy involved.
Guns Muhfucka CLAK CLAK CLAK
Awesome stage morphs & mashes
Deeper gameplay [Ed note.Which is like viewier moviewatch.]

Combos? Really?

...can i see them? A vid maybe?

Not even recent. I can provide a largess of SSBM footage if anyone is interested. Nothing's childish about space animals.

Edit: Fox combo vid
Captain Falcon combo vid
Marth combo vid

I'll now stop talking about Melee. I promise.


The strangest part of the argument going on right now is that everyone essentially agrees that the roster could be better. Its just that one half seem to be fine that the game is getting made at all given the current roster and the other half would be prefer if the game didn't exist unless the 3rd parties that would need to be involved were all on board with included their respective characters.

Its one of those odd situations were people are agreeing that there is a problem but have different ways of dealing with it lol.

Mr. Fix

Players love BlazBlue's story, and player support is more important than media support. I loved Tekken's endings because they made me question, "What else is there to know about this character? Their life? Their struggle?" I'm really excited for PSASBRs story mode. SuperBot is not leaving it as an afterthought, unlike other developers whose fault created this stigma of "fighting games have shallow stories."

I think Capcom left me feeling salty about the story mode, but you're right. Those seem to be done as an afterthought to focus on the gameplay itself. To date, it still feels like this game's story will end up like SF4's.
The strangest part of the argument going on right now is that everyone essentially agrees that the roster could be better. Its just that one half seem to be fine that the game is getting made at all given the current roster and the other half would be prefer if the game didn't exist unless the 3rd parties that would need to be involved were all on board with included their respective characters.

Its one of those odd situations were people are agreeing that there is a problem but have different ways of dealing with it lol.

It really is kind of strange, and yet relieving that we all generally agree about the roster being lacking. One thing that makes you scratch your head is what they were doing for at least ... two years? Shouldn't they have gotten the bulk of the roster and such done before hand, instead it seems like the majority of their work has been done now. I understand this is a completely new IP and a new cross over fighter at that, mechanics and stuff had to be set in stone first but ... it seems like the roster really was like one of the last things they thought about.


Players love BlazBlue's story, and player support is more important than media support. I loved Tekken's endings because they made me question, "What else is there to know about this character? Their life? Their struggle?" I'm really excited for PSASBRs story mode. SuperBot is not leaving it as an afterthought, unlike other developers whose fault created this stigma of "fighting games have shallow stories."

Not even recent. I can provide a largess of SSBM footage if anyone is interested. Nothing's childish about space animals.

Edit: Fox combo vid
Captain Falcon combo vid
Marth combo vid

I'll now stop talking about Melee. I promise.

Yeah those are pretty cool.

Although i will say its not really a combo always, but really just a bunch of resets. Not that thats not perfectly viable, but still.


Players love BlazBlue's story, and player support is more important than media support. I loved Tekken's endings because they made me question, "What else is there to know about this character? Their life? Their struggle?" I'm really excited for PSASBRs story mode. SuperBot is not leaving it as an afterthought, unlike other developers whose fault created this stigma of "fighting games have shallow stories."

It's entirely subjective, but I fucking adore BlazBlue's story. When I first got the game after trying it out at a friend's place, I had a somewhat vague idea about which characters appealed to me visually, but after having played CT's story, I grew to love some characters and entirely dislike others, to the point where I generally refuse to play as them. And well, you can avatar quote me on what my favorite character is.

That's part of why it's a bit upsetting that we haven't gotten more details about this game's story. More so when Brawl before it had posts like this, teasing entire cutscenes and scenarios, months before release.

Yeah those are pretty cool.

Although i will say its not really a combo always, but really just a bunch of resets. Not that thats not perfectly viable, but still.

I'll agree that there are resets in the middle of some of them, but a lot of those are legit "opponent couldn't do anything in between attacks" combos. Melee has them more so than Brawl because in Brawl, even sneezing at someone's general direction pushes them too far to follow it up with much,
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