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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale |OT| Use Supers to Smash your Bros!

Ploid 3.0

Also, double sided throw with combo potential afterwards. Relatively easy super confirms if you can get projectiles out. Easy AP limit combos off of most of her openers and fast AP gain in general.

Oh man do I hate that double sided throw. One good thing for the opponent is that if it wiffs she is punishable after, but when she does it I usually try to jump away which gives me little time to punish with anything good enough to make the person think twice about using it. Though the person I play usually only use it when he'll be safe, to set something up during a combo (I think), or when he lands next to me when I'm expecting his super fast horizontal kick (so I'm blocking) and jacks me up with a 1 meter combo or something like that.

Since it's double sided it will not wiff because he picked the wrong side to throw. So we can both end up rolling and he can just hit it after without having to guess. And like the old Raiden, after a throw she can do level 1 or 2 setup. It don't stagger, but you can't really do anything about it if you get caught.


Whats the deal with 1v1 ranked anyway? There is no way that would be good. EvilCole, Raiden and Kratos are super good. Maximum unbalance mess. Also they'd have to create 1v1 titles i guess.

People would rather have 1v1 ranked and unranked in anyway because it's something people really want to be able to do. A few of the characters are OP, but overall skill is still pretty important.


If a character can combo from one of his throws, is there any reason to use any of the other throws?

Like, in a typical 2D fighter, you'll have a forward throw and a back throw to help you stay out of the corner. And in Smash, you typically have the down throw for dealing more damage, and the other throws for kills depending on which side of the screen you're closest to.

But in this game, all three throws make the opponent drop the same amount of meter. So if you have the chance to throw, there's really no reason not to use the one that sets up for a combo.


If a character can combo from one of his throws, is there any reason to use any of the other throws?

Like, in a typical 2D fighter, you'll have a forward throw and a back throw to help you stay out of the corner. And in Smash, you typically have the down throw for dealing more damage, and the other throws for kills depending on which side of the screen you're closest to.

But in this game, all three throws make the opponent drop the same amount of meter. So if you have the chance to throw, there's really no reason not to use the one that sets up for a combo.

Ejection vs combo ability idk, there are reasons.


If a character can combo from one of his throws, is there any reason to use any of the other throws?

Like, in a typical 2D fighter, you'll have a forward throw and a back throw to help you stay out of the corner. And in Smash, you typically have the down throw for dealing more damage, and the other throws for kills depending on which side of the screen you're closest to.

But in this game, all three throws make the opponent drop the same amount of meter. So if you have the chance to throw, there's really no reason not to use the one that sets up for a combo.

It's usually just setup, some throws have different setups. For instance, Kat's down throw can be a combo setup or level 1 setup, her up throw can be a level 2 confirm. Not all characters throws are that useful though, it varies.


Played 3 FFA's in a row where a Sly used nothing but electric roll, invisibility, and Level 1, and won the match with 6+ kills each time.

I think I am finally done with Ranked matches.


So many good suggestions for tweaks and we all know the major characters with issues. Puzzling that not much was done to fix things. Hopefully they still have a chance :/


Games will be played with two teams of two players. The game mode will be five-life Stock mode, and for the purpose of this tournament all items and stage hazards will be turned off. The bracket is double elimination, so even if you're knocked out of the first round, you'll have a chance to win the consolation championships. Games will be played in a Best of 3 format, and photo proof of a team's victory (scoreboard) must be sent to the judge before said victory becomes official. Doctoring or editing of photos is strictly illegal, and will be punishable by disqualification. The time and date of your match must be agreed upon with your teammate and your opponent beforehand so that the judge is aware of when the match will take place. The championship winners shall be awarded with a cool thing, and the runners-up shall be awarded a pat on the back and a slightly less-cool thing.

One last thing: Rage quitting shall result in immediate disqualification.



Mink 'n' Stein (TheMink and JStein)

Camjo Ball Z (Camjo-Z and friend)

Da Vikings (Napalm_Frank and Drencrom)

Batmen (Troubled Bat and friend)

TMNPSASB (cool_trainer and teh_awesomeness)

BaHeathmut (Bahamut_24 and IntelliHeath)

Lurking Beasts (Beastm0de and friend)

Boogie Knights (Vysetron and friend)



This happened to me yesterday, except it was against a scrub Dante:

"What the fuck, stop blocking!"

*gets him in a combo*

"Son of a bitch, are you hacking?"

He didn't even send me a rage message. :(
Fan-service fighting games foster scrubs generally-speaking anyway. A lot of players refuse to take them seriously, as in competitively.


Epic Dante Level 2 confirm:

Forward square -> forward square (first hit) -> up-back triangle ->forward circle -> forward square (air) -> Level 2.


Ploid 3.0

How do you make Good Cole's up ice throw track people? I saw it do that before but I don't know why it changed directions and followed.

Edit: Nevermind, found it. This should be interesting. So normal sparks put some kind of tracker on the character then that slow moving up ball starts rushing towards whatever you hit. This gives a use to the tickle sparks.

Ok I never noticed that when you are locked into absorb motion (after 5 or so hits of tickle sparks) you start gaining AP, maybe 15 from the absorb and you are not stealing ap.



Ha I like this.

I stopped watching when he said Kratos' Level 3 fireballs can't be dodged easily. Does he know that you can jump and dodge at the same time?

He introduces it in the second video when he gets to the drake section but it would have been best if it were in there from the first one. If I made the video I would highlight specific characters moves that are good for dodging others characters supers but I guess that would more go under advanced dodging.


Been playing a lot of Kat...perfect for 2v2....but I am having real trouble in free for all because I use long combo strings normally ....any ideas?

Ploid 3.0

Been playing a lot of Kat...perfect for 2v2....but I am having real trouble in free for all because I use long combo strings normally ....any ideas?

You have to get used to shortening the combos for ffa. Kat gets stronger and stronger moving from ffa > 2v2 > 1v1. Get a good short combo that won't set you and the opponent up for a super target.


Neo Member
Been playing a lot of Kat...perfect for 2v2....but I am having real trouble in free for all because I use long combo strings normally ....any ideas?
A quick combo I use a lot is s, s, s, t, t. That's it. square X3, triangle pause triangle. It does 80 AP. Any move you land with kat on a grounded opponent that does 20 damage will lead to a burst.
dS? quick combo to burst.
Grind square? quick combo to burst.
Land a dT from the air? reset with dC then follow up with the combo.

Its really fast and painfully easy. Yeah she has tons of elaborate combos that lead to higher bursts but I have a good amount of success building AP using that one.


Neo Member
Yo GAF. I'm no longer working for SuperBot by end of today (2 hours). Just wanted to say thanks for all the support the past 9 months, especially the people who have continually vouched and stuck up for us since the beginning. Really hope everyone continues to enjoy the game for yonks to come.


Thanks for all your work, Clock! At least you'll have some more Mahvel time now?

Also, Scrafty, my partner and I are ready to go throughout Sunday (2/17).


Yo GAF. I'm no longer working for SuperBot by end of today (2 hours). Just wanted to say thanks for all the support the past 9 months, especially the people who have continually vouched and stuck up for us since the beginning. Really hope everyone continues to enjoy the game for yonks to come.


Thanks Clock...you guys over at Superbot were damn good guys


After playing DmC, I feel like they could've done some better stuff with Dante's triangle moves. Like down could've been Fireworks with the shotgun (on the ground anyway, gotta keep that rainstorm in the air) and side could've been Kablooey (do it once to launch a dart, do it again to blow it up, like Snakes C4 in Brawl). Would've been a lot better than the relatively useless guns.

Still, I think it's pretty cool how well they captured the character. Pretty much all of his attacks are directly ripped from his game.


Yo GAF. I'm no longer working for SuperBot by end of today (2 hours). Just wanted to say thanks for all the support the past 9 months, especially the people who have continually vouched and stuck up for us since the beginning. Really hope everyone continues to enjoy the game for yonks to come.


You're a grea guy, Clock. The best of luck to you.


I hate how the default mode for ranked is FFA. You can't do anything in that environment.

Hey, this asshole's going for level 3. Maybe I'll try to throw him so he doesn't get it and instantly win because he has a broken level 3 that automatically gives him ten kills and is impossible to dodge.

NOPE, let's just have some dickhead wander in and start beating up both of us in the middle of my throw animation.

Hey, I successfully outmaneuvered my opponent and I'm about to land a sup- NOPE, a projectile just randomly flew from across the stage and interrupted me.

Also gonna say the ranking system is completely broken. I finally win a match, and I get... 9 points. Oh boy.


After playing DmC, I feel like they could've done some better stuff with Dante's triangle moves. Like down could've been Fireworks with the shotgun (on the ground anyway, gotta keep that rainstorm in the air) and side could've been Kablooey (do it once to launch a dart, do it again to blow it up, like Snakes C4 in Brawl). Would've been a lot better than the relatively useless guns.

Still, I think it's pretty cool how well they captured the character. Pretty much all of his attacks are directly ripped from his game.

The only one that i wouldnt mind being changed is down triangle. Because i never use it in any combos.

Because Dantes guns have a very unique usage, one obviously being that the triangle strings to his circle, so ejection moves on the triangle would limit his combo options.

But more importantly using the triangles efficiently adds a hefty chunk of ap to your over all combo. The reason for that is Dantes triangle moves dont burst your opponent, nor do they contribute to burst limit. Its almost as if the triangle moves arent even there. Its THE reason Dante can hit 200 AP combos. The more guns you have in the combo, the higher your ap gain will be. Neutral triangle ads 10 ap per round, when the opponent is crumpled on the ground after the square square sqaure (youve got 20 ap thus far in the combo) you can pop off neutral triangle reasonably about two and a half times giving you aroung 14-16 ap from your guns. If you are hyper precise you can get the full 20 from your guns. My most used combos grant me 30 ap from my guns, bringing my normal 140 combo up to 170 ap.

Up triangle is incredibly important for the empty bold cancel, and various close to ground combos.
Side triangle closes distance to your opponent, especially useful for air combos.
Down triangle is the only i pretty much never use. Ill probably find a use for it eventually.
Also gonna say the ranking system is completely broken. I finally win a match, and I get... 9 points. Oh boy.

9 points is pretty good, i wish i got 9 points for every win, but for me it's more often 3-5 points per win. Why do you consider the system broken? The further apart you and your opponents are in ranks, the more points you can win/lose, as explained here:


Not that slowly ranking up by winning 3 points per match, only to lose up to 15 points in one really bad match against lower ranked people isn't frustrating, but the system makes sense to me.


Not that slowly ranking up by winning 3 points per match, only to lose up to 15 points in one really bad match against lower ranked people isn't frustrating, but the system makes sense to me.

The points system is flat out awful, and why ranked matches are a joke these days. In 2v2 (let's not even talk about FFA because we all know that's not skill based) you win 2 points if you're 50 BP above your opponents but lose 10 BP if they beat you. This means that if you have a high belt and win 5 matches in a row, all of your hard work can be undone by two low belt scrubs using Kratos and Evil Cole.

Considering there are a clear top 4-5 characters that everybody agrees are overpowered, this just makes more and more people start using those same characters so they stand a chance at getting black belt. I don't even play it anymore because even though my partner and I were ranked in the top 20 last season in 2v2, we can't even dream of getting near that level again thanks to all the people using broken characters to win. I can't compete with Emmett Graves or Sir Daniel when guys like Sly Cooper and Nathan Drake have ridiculously safe moves, crazy good supers, and cheap mechanics like the almighty barrel and Sly's counter.

This is the main reason why I hope they release another balancing patch, and why I don't understand why people want ranked 1v1 - these characters currently dominate ranked 2v2, they would dominate ranked 1v1, and the only place you can escape them is unranked where people are more likely to play characters they like rather than strong ones since they're not afraid of losing belt points.


Well, fuck it. I'm done playing this game online again. Now I remember why I stopped in the first place. Shit is just plain frustrating.

Let's play the same five overpowered characters over and over again.

Let's get hit by attacks that we clearly dodged, when our attacks that clearly hit get dodged.

Let's constantly get hit out of our dodge roll and air dodges when everyone else is somehow able to perfectly time theirs despite the lag.

Let's get caught up in a million hit combo and juggled around between all the other players, then when we try to do anything resembling a combo, get blindsided after the second hit.

I'm sure sure when they release the next batch of DLC characters, I'll try playing online again, and I'll probably get annoyed with the exact same things all over again.

It frustrates me so much, because this game is so very, very close to being amazing. Like a patch away. But then when I actually play it, I just remember all the issues it has.

Some balance patches, the option to play 1v1 with randoms online, and maybe a health mode. Then it would be fantastic.

Oh, and on the super system, I've realized another way it's annoying: it heavily favors the fast characters over the heavier characters. In a typical fighter, they might give the heavies more health to offset the natural advantage quicker characters tend to have. In Smash, heavy characters don't go as far when you hit them, so they're harder to kill.

But in this game, they have no such advantage. A hit is a kill. All that matters in staying alive is your ability to zip around the screen and dodge supers. So on top of having the natural advantages of being quicker - harder to hit, easier to get hits in, more potential for combos - they also get the advantage of being harder to kill, making them just better characters in every way that matters. On top of other issues, this is a major reason characters like Sly, Raiden, and Kat are so good, while characters like Big Daddy and Sir Dan are so awful.

The only one that i wouldnt mind being changed is down triangle. Because i never use it in any combos.

Because Dantes guns have a very unique usage, one obviously being that the triangle strings to his circle, so ejection moves on the triangle would limit his combo options.

The handguns would still be there. You'd just have more options.

Down triangle on the ground is literally useless. It does a whopping 3 damage. Fireworks with the shotgun would basically be the same thing, firing on each side of him, but it would do more damage and knock dudes away. Not great for combos, you're right, but it would actually be useful, unlike the current move.

Kablooey on side triangle would still offer combo options, just different combo options from the handguns, much like it does in DmC. Throw a Kablooey shot in the middle of a combo, continue the combo, knock the opponent away, then blow it up to get one last hit in.


The points system is flat out awful, and why ranked matches are a joke these days. In 2v2 (let's not even talk about FFA because we all know that's not skill based) you win 2 points if you're 50 BP above your opponents but lose 10 BP if they beat you. This means that if you have a high belt and win 5 matches in a row, all of your hard work can be undone by two low belt scrubs using Kratos and Evil Cole.

Considering there are a clear top 4-5 characters that everybody agrees are overpowered, this just makes more and more people start using those same characters so they stand a chance at getting black belt. I don't even play it anymore because even though my partner and I were ranked in the top 20 last season in 2v2, we can't even dream of getting near that level again thanks to all the people using broken characters to win. I can't compete with Emmett Graves or Sir Daniel when guys like Sly Cooper and Nathan Drake have ridiculously safe moves, crazy good supers, and cheap mechanics like the almighty barrel and Sly's counter.

This is the main reason why I hope they release another balancing patch, and why I don't understand why people want ranked 1v1 - these characters currently dominate ranked 2v2, they would dominate ranked 1v1, and the only place you can escape them is unranked where people are more likely to play characters they like rather than strong ones since they're not afraid of losing belt points.

This is exactly the reason why I don't play ranked. The one step forward two steps back approach to belt leveling is so frustrating I honestly just can't stand it. Early on in the game, this was made worse by having 3 decent matches, only to have your 4th and 5th match be complete and total lag fests where your progression is unraveled because the game is acting up.

Don't even get me started on the giga punch.


Giga punch should have a longer charge, but even then it'd probably be overused.

Giga punch should just not set Evil Cole up for a Level 1 in any way. Give it a longer charge up time and have it send opponents flying for a slightly bigger AP amount than what it gives now. His other supers are fine, it's just the obnoxious hit confirm for Level 1 that makes Evil Cole cheap.
Can't believe they haven't fixed the Lost Connection To Host... this happens 80% of the time when playing stock games, which I prefer... but it's so frustrating god.


Can't believe they haven't fixed the Lost Connection To Host... this happens 80% of the time when playing stock games, which I prefer... but it's so frustrating god.

just make so the "exit" option completely closes the game, so you have to reload everything and reaccept the EULA.


Well, fuck it. I'm done playing this game online again. Now I remember why I stopped in the first place. Shit is just plain frustrating.

Let's play the same five overpowered characters over and over again.

Let's get hit by attacks that we clearly dodged, when our attacks that clearly hit get dodged.

Let's constantly get hit out of our dodge roll and air dodges when everyone else is somehow able to perfectly time theirs despite the lag.

Let's get caught up in a million hit combo and juggled around between all the other players, then when we try to do anything resembling a combo, get blindsided after the second hit.

I'm sure sure when they release the next batch of DLC characters, I'll try playing online again, and I'll probably get annoyed with the exact same things all over again.

It frustrates me so much, because this game is so very, very close to being amazing. Like a patch away. But then when I actually play it, I just remember all the issues it has.

Some balance patches, the option to play 1v1 with randoms online, and maybe a health mode. Then it would be fantastic.

Oh, and on the super system, I've realized another way it's annoying: it heavily favors the fast characters over the heavier characters. In a typical fighter, they might give the heavies more health to offset the natural advantage quicker characters tend to have. In Smash, heavy characters don't go as far when you hit them, so they're harder to kill.

But in this game, they have no such advantage. A hit is a kill. All that matters in staying alive is your ability to zip around the screen and dodge supers. So on top of having the natural advantages of being quicker - harder to hit, easier to get hits in, more potential for combos - they also get the advantage of being harder to kill, making them just better characters in every way that matters. On top of other issues, this is a major reason characters like Sly, Raiden, and Kat are so good, while characters like Big Daddy and Sir Dan are so awful.

The handguns would still be there. You'd just have more options.

Down triangle on the ground is literally useless. It does a whopping 3 damage. Fireworks with the shotgun would basically be the same thing, firing on each side of him, but it would do more damage and knock dudes away. Not great for combos, you're right, but it would actually be useful, unlike the current move.

Kablooey on side triangle would still offer combo options, just different combo options from the handguns, much like it does in DmC. Throw a Kablooey shot in the middle of a combo, continue the combo, knock the opponent away, then blow it up to get one last hit in.

Sorry to hear that bud, and yea it can be really shitty.

One major problem I have with the game is how all the characters weren't made to play on curved surfaces. And this is an issue as certain moves will cancel out or halt completely as a result. Toro's level 1, Kat's level 1, Sweet Tooths level 1, and even Cole's level 1 and 2. These are just a few examples. The bridge on Dreamscape and this little hill on the LocoRoco map are perfect examples. Cole's level 2 will halt completely because of a little bump, but will continue on if he does it from a verticle platform? Wtf? I cannot count how many times I've been robbed cause of the extremely poor stage design. It has like no thought to it, a lot of them feel like pre-alpha maps that got slapped with skins.

And yes of course, the OP'd characters. I still do not know why E. Cole's punch has super armor. Why they gave characters like Sly that break the mechanics of the game. Why Drake has an answer to every situation. Why Kratos is barely punishable. Why spamming like a bitch is actually promoted for success. Why a majority of the moves always have to hit you across the map. Why they promoted combos when they're almost useless in free for all and will probably get you killed, or wouldn't have as much success as spamming.

The thing about Smash and its combos, is that you could bail at almost anytime, so you don't get kill for beating someones ass. Plus they weren't uber noob friendly, the game is all over the place. And it really feels like they didn't even consider balance.

The more I play, the more flaws I see. It's fun, but I just can't invest in it at this state. To be honest, I regret buying it at $60. And that's saying a lot.


Neo Member
Giga punch should just not set Evil Cole up for a Level 1 in any way. Give it a longer charge up time and have it send opponents flying for a slightly bigger AP amount than what it gives now. His other supers are fine, it's just the obnoxious hit confirm for Level 1 that makes Evil Cole cheap.
Giga punch can be blocked and stuffed with a grab. It has to be charged. Its not that bad.

The points system is flat out awful, and why ranked matches are a joke these days. In 2v2 (let's not even talk about FFA because we all know that's not skill based) you win 2 points if you're 50 BP above your opponents but lose 10 BP if they beat you. This means that if you have a high belt and win 5 matches in a row, all of your hard work can be undone by two low belt scrubs using Kratos and Evil Cole.

I think the range of belt points should be increased. Within 1 belt should be 3 points. Otherwise the system is fine.


Giga punch can be blocked and stuffed with a grab. It has to be charged. Its not that bad.

It has to charge, yeah. Too bad that means absolutely nothing since it takes roughly 1 second to get maximum charge AND he can press left or right to roll away from anyone coming near while keeping what charge he's already gotten.

And blocking? For starters, if you're blocking when he comes up to you with it then he can just grab you/use Level 1. If you think you can block it AS he uses it then you are sadly mistaken, as it's extremely fast, and when testing it out against CPU's they were only able to block/dodge it at the moment I pressed Circle or the exact frame I hit them at, both of which require some split second timing. And thirdly, the slight amount of lag online that makes Drake's barrel hit things it shouldn't also makes Evil Cole's giga punch cheaper than it needs to be by hitting you when you're seemingly blocking/rolling.

There is a reason Evil Cole is one of the most used characters online. If it wasn't that bad, people wouldn't play him.


Incredibly Naive
Well, fuck it. I'm done playing this game online again. Now I remember why I stopped in the first place. Shit is just plain frustrating.

Let's play the same five overpowered characters over and over again.

Let's get hit by attacks that we clearly dodged, when our attacks that clearly hit get dodged.

Let's constantly get hit out of our dodge roll and air dodges when everyone else is somehow able to perfectly time theirs despite the lag.

Let's get caught up in a million hit combo and juggled around between all the other players, then when we try to do anything resembling a combo, get blindsided after the second hit.

I'm sure sure when they release the next batch of DLC characters, I'll try playing online again, and I'll probably get annoyed with the exact same things all over again.

It frustrates me so much, because this game is so very, very close to being amazing. Like a patch away. But then when I actually play it, I just remember all the issues it has.

Some balance patches, the option to play 1v1 with randoms online, and maybe a health mode. Then it would be fantastic.

Oh, and on the super system, I've realized another way it's annoying: it heavily favors the fast characters over the heavier characters. In a typical fighter, they might give the heavies more health to offset the natural advantage quicker characters tend to have. In Smash, heavy characters don't go as far when you hit them, so they're harder to kill.

But in this game, they have no such advantage. A hit is a kill. All that matters in staying alive is your ability to zip around the screen and dodge supers. So on top of having the natural advantages of being quicker - harder to hit, easier to get hits in, more potential for combos - they also get the advantage of being harder to kill, making them just better characters in every way that matters. On top of other issues, this is a major reason characters like Sly, Raiden, and Kat are so good, while characters like Big Daddy and Sir Dan are so awful.

The handguns would still be there. You'd just have more options.

Down triangle on the ground is literally useless. It does a whopping 3 damage. Fireworks with the shotgun would basically be the same thing, firing on each side of him, but it would do more damage and knock dudes away. Not great for combos, you're right, but it would actually be useful, unlike the current move.

Kablooey on side triangle would still offer combo options, just different combo options from the handguns, much like it does in DmC. Throw a Kablooey shot in the middle of a combo, continue the combo, knock the opponent away, then blow it up to get one last hit in.

Agree with everything said;. I think it's funny they so agressively came out and nerfed the hell out of sackboy, and yet when they "nerfed" drake, kratos, and raiden, they barely even made a scratch on what is wrong with these guys. But besides the severe issues with balancing which is IMO the biggest issue with the game, the lag, the bizarre issues where you are either dodge rolling or blocking and you still get hit by whatever attack, which most of the time leads to a big ass combo into a confirm since most everyone uses the same characters.



So I managed to hit a Kratos with a Ice Missile item online, then got him with my level 1 (as Cole).

So the poor dude sails across the screen, only to get caught by an Evil Cole's level 1. Of course, Evil Cole tosses him right back towards me.

It was hilarious.


Just play unranked and you'll get a lot more representation.

This is the main reason why I hope they release another balancing patch, and why I don't understand why people want ranked 1v1 - these characters currently dominate ranked 2v2, they would dominate ranked 1v1, and the only place you can escape them is unranked where people are more likely to play characters they like rather than strong ones since they're not afraid of losing belt points.

The things that make the OP characters even more OP is having more than one target to generate AP in the chaos, especially when they're much safer from interrupts. The game would be more skill based in 1v1 than it currently is in 2v2 and FFA, and it would also more clearly highlight how a character is too safe or not open to punishment in a more controlled environment, how how a character is too weak against certain types of opponents.

And the game is still skill based in all the modes, even FFA. It's just not nearly as skill based as it could be because of some advantages the top 5 have. You're still skilled to be in the top 20 with Drake, you're just also a terrible human being.


The things that make the OP characters even more OP is having more than one target to generate AP in the chaos, especially when they're much safer from interrupts. The game would be more skill based in 1v1 than it currently is in 2v2 and FFA, and it would also more clearly highlight how a character is too safe or not open to punishment in a more controlled environment, how how a character is too weak against certain types of opponents.

I think everyone already knows how and why certain characters are too safe/too weak, we don't need ranked 1v1 to figure that out.

And of course it is skill based. If you're mashing buttons as Drake and have no idea what you are doing you'll lose even though you're an OP character. But 1v1 would still not make things more about skill, just more about the characters.

For example, if you are playing Fat Princess and I am playing Big Daddy, then regardless of skill I will likely lose due to Fat Princess having an easy Level 1 hit confirm and Big Daddy having to get to Level 3 for a guaranteed hit. His Level 1 is a joke, and his Level 2 can kill FP, but he will have to do a lot more work than Fat Princess to get that kill. So while skill is involved, with two equal players it will always come down to who has the better character, and that's what I think people asking for ranked 1v1 don't seem to understand (or care about.)

Now, if SSM made a patch that put all of the characters on equal playing ground? Then yeah, I would love to see 1v1 added. But I don't care about them spending time on that when they haven't done balancing first.


Agree with everything said;. I think it's funny they so agressively came out and nerfed the hell out of sackboy, and yet when they "nerfed" drake, kratos, and raiden, they barely even made a scratch on what is wrong with these guys. But besides the severe issues with balancing which is IMO the biggest issue with the game, the lag, the bizarre issues where you are either dodge rolling or blocking and you still get hit by whatever attack, which most of the time leads to a big ass combo into a confirm since most everyone uses the same characters.

That strikes me as really odd too. Sackboy was making a lot of noise and got nerfed to hell, but when it came time for Raiden, Kratos, etc. they basically got a slap on the wrist compared to Sackboy. Then there's Sly and E. Cole who are up there in the annoyance department.

I think 1v1 would be better though, as you don't have multiple OP characters running around, hitting you in the middle of combos and getting massive AP from some dude in the corner or something. It still wouldn't be the most balanced thing ever but I'd find it more manageable.
The points system is flat out awful, and why ranked matches are a joke these days. In 2v2 (let's not even talk about FFA because we all know that's not skill based) you win 2 points if you're 50 BP above your opponents but lose 10 BP if they beat you. This means that if you have a high belt and win 5 matches in a row, all of your hard work can be undone by two low belt scrubs using Kratos and Evil Cole.

I don't play fighting games normally, how do the big boys like SFIV, VF, Tekken, UMvC handle ranking?
So I wanted to play last night and my TV was in use, so I booted up the Vita version for the first time in awhile. Is online just flat out not working on the Vita version now? I couldn't find a single match. Or does it just take patience?


Incredibly Naive
That strikes me as really odd too. Sackboy was making a lot of noise and got nerfed to hell, but when it came time for Raiden, Kratos, etc. they basically got a slap on the wrist compared to Sackboy. Then there's Sly and E. Cole who are up there in the annoyance department.

I think 1v1 would be better though, as you don't have multiple OP characters running around, hitting you in the middle of combos and getting massive AP from some dude in the corner or something. It still wouldn't be the most balanced thing ever but I'd find it more manageable.

Nah no way. These OP characters still have ridiculous hit confirms... that's one of the main reasons they're op in the first place. Raiden is arguably the best 1v1 in the game.


Incredibly Naive
So I wanted to play last night and my TV was in use, so I booted up the Vita version for the first time in awhile. Is online just flat out not working on the Vita version now? I couldn't find a single match. Or does it just take patience?

Sorry for the DP, but just back out and go back in, for some reason you can get caught up waiting unless you cancel the matchmaking and go back in.


Yo GAF. I'm no longer working for SuperBot by end of today (2 hours). Just wanted to say thanks for all the support the past 9 months, especially the people who have continually vouched and stuck up for us since the beginning. Really hope everyone continues to enjoy the game for yonks to come.


You're a true bro clock, good luck in your future endeavours!
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