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PlayStation Network Thread | June 2015


I'm still not too far in, I'm at Deep Jungle now. I am using a spoiler free FAQ to help me out with some of the stuff, there's been many times that I just don''t know what to do or where to go.

But then that would mean Sora wouldn't have a fish mouth during cutscenes anymore!

TOP OF THE PAGE: Buy and play both Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5.

That area and Wonderland in particular are the most annoying in terms of platforming; the bad camera really rears its ugly head here :(. But, latter worlds get better due to a lesser-focus on the platforming elements (they are still in latter parts of the game, just not as frequent).

And I already own KH2.5 XD! Going to get 1.5 at some point in the future but I am happy with just the 2.5 collection for now.
That area and Wonderland in particular are the most annoying in terms of platforming; the bad camera really rears its ugly head here :(. But, latter worlds get better due to a lesser-focus on the platforming elements (they are still in latter parts of the game, just not as frequent).

And I already own KH2.5 XD! Going to get 1.5 at some point in the future but I am happy with just the 2.5 collection for now.

3 words: I. HATE. HYPPOS. And goddamn those swinging ivys too.

Now all I need is KH3D and I'm set, and since it'll still be a while until I even finish these 2 (technically 4 + 2 movies), it'll be a good while. A whole Summer I bet.


3 words: I. HATE. HYPPOS. And goddamn those swinging ivys too.

Now all I need is KH3D and I'm set, and since it'll still be a while until I even finish these 2 (technically 4 + 2 movies), it'll be a good while. A whole Summer I bet.

Since you own the New 3DS XL, it would be even better for you to get the game, considering how that was one of the few games that used the Circle Pad Pro (meaning camera controls and general controls mirroring the console games).

Not to mention that the game is a looker on the 3DS; the Fantasa and Tron Legacy worlds in particular look fantastic :D.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The camera largely gets better as you go along in KH1. Traverse Town, Wonderland, Deep Jungle, and one optional area are the worst offenders while most of the rest of the game is fine, usually by being smaller or less platformy.
Since you own the New 3DS XL, it would be even better for you to get the game, considering how that was one of the few games that used the Circle Pad Pro (meaning camera controls and general controls mirroring the console games).

Not to mention that the game is a looker on the 3DS; the Fantasa and Tron Legacy worlds in particular look fantastic :D.
Yup this ^ So glad I got the N3DS ahaha! I have a Circle Pad Pro but I just can't use the thing, it's waaay too big.

The camera largely gets better as you go along in KH1. Traverse Town, Wonderland, Deep Jungle, and one optional area are the worst offenders while most of the rest of the game is fine, usually by being smaller or less platformy.
Someone told me that they pretty much keep a save file aside right before Agrabah for whenever they feel like replaying the game, just to skip all of these technical hiccups. The game gets progressively better, like getting Cure or being able to warp to locations without having to do the Gummi minigame over and over, etc. Game design has come a long way let me tell you right now. Going back to the "good old days" of gaming by playing classics is becoming increasingly difficult for me because of how things worked back then.


getting lost is a good thing, names. there's too much handholding in games these days.
I fear for KH3 :(
There's a whole vibe of adventure and exploration made stronger by getting lost, don't know what to do in KH.

can someone explain to me what's up with PS4 port beggars?
you want Soul Sacrifice PS4
you want Gravity Rush PS4
instead of saying "easy solution... get a PS4" Why not just get a Vita?
I really wish GAF wouldn't make such a big deal about "port begging". It's totally understandable to want a game on the platform you already own instead of on another. It's not like VitaGAF doesn't do that just as often.

The Vita library in general doesn't appeal to a good number of people and there aren't many games coming out for it anymore. Not hard to understand.
Also games coming out on as many platforms as possible is a good thing. Screw exclusives.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I love getting lost, I dislike having a camera so bad that you can't even figure out which direction you are going even by standing still for a bit and using whatever adjustment options it has. That's definitely KH1 in the bad zones, especially the PS2 version. PS3 version is a bit better, but not enough. It stinks that this happens in the early zones before you get all of the later movement abilities that would negate a lot of the frustration with the camera.


getting lost is a good thing, names. there's too much handholding in games these days.
I fear for KH3 :(
There's a whole vibe of adventure and exploration made stronger by getting lost, don't know what to do in KH.

can someone explain to me what's up with PS4 port beggars?
you want Soul Sacrifice PS4
you want Gravity Rush PS4
instead of saying "easy solution... get a PS4" Why not just get a Vita?

Some people don't like portables, just as some prefer them. It's mostly a personal thing.

I really wish GAF wouldn't make such a big deal about "port begging". It's totally understandable to want a game on the platform you already own instead of on another. It's not like VitaGAF doesn't do that just as often.

The Vita library in general doesn't appeal to a good number of people and there aren't many games coming out for it anymore. Not hard to understand.
Also games coming out on as many platforms as possible is a good thing. Screw exclusives.

Port begging derails threads, that's the main issue.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Hilariously enough you can make a substantive thread that's basically about port begging and that's just fine, because you're not shitting up a thread.

No one cares in an announcement thread that you won't buy x on console y because you love console z. That's not what the thread is about.


I really wish GAF wouldn't make such a big deal about "port begging". It's totally understandable to want a game on the platform you already own instead of on another. It's not like VitaGAF doesn't do that just as often.

The Vita library in general doesn't appeal to a good number of people and there aren't many games coming out for it anymore. Not hard to understand.
Also games coming out on as many platforms as possible is a good thing. Screw exclusives.

I agree with you but the issue here is this.
you want to play it on a platform you own - sure! that's perfectly legit.
but you don't go Vita is shit, Vita is dead, give me all its games.

thats just being plain obnoxious.

I don't make a big deal out of PC gamers port begs. because they don't go around parading at the expense of another platform.

I love getting lost, I dislike having a camera so bad that you can't even figure out which direction you are going even by standing still for a bit and using whatever adjustment options it has. That's definitely KH1 in the bad zones, especially the PS2 version. PS3 version is a bit better, but not enough. It stinks that this happens in the early zones before you get all of the later movement abilities that would negate a lot of the frustration with the camera.

I wish more games could provide us with that sense of getting lost. seldom see that these days.

Some people don't like portables, just as some prefer them. It's mostly a personal thing.

Port begging derails threads, that's the main issue.

yes it's a personal preference. but like I replied Yian, there's a way to do it without being obnoxious.

Hilariously enough you can make a substantive thread that's basically about port begging and that's just fine, because you're not shitting up a thread.

No one cares in an announcement thread that you won't buy x on console y because you love console z. That's not what the thread is about.


And that's why it's not allowed in announcement threads for example. But it's not something that's inherently forbidden or bad. Talking about or requesting ports is absolutely allowed on GAF.

I'm not saying it's bad or forbidden. I'm referring to a specific group of users


is Dungeon Hunter Alliance any good?
I remember a reddit link/thread saying that it's actually pretty decent - would love to hear your opinions

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
is Dungeon Hunter Alliance any good?
I remember a reddit link/thread saying that it's actually pretty decent - would love to hear your opinions

I played through it on PS3 with a friend and had a good time. It's not terribly long, but I think the Vita version might have added some more content? Maybe?


is Dungeon Hunter Alliance any good?
I remember a reddit link/thread saying that it's actually pretty decent - would love to hear your opinions
It looks terrible, but it itsn't the worst dungeon crawler ever made.

The central loot mechanics feel balanced and scratch that itch, making it worth looking at treasure rather than it being 99% trash. Combat is a bit repetitive but your skill point choices when levelling up can make it more interesting.

The hub town is just awful though- a bland, dull area with a few NPCs just standing around to interact with. Still, you won't spend long there, just a few minutes to hand in quests, sell the trash and move on. I paid a tenner for it on Vita a year ago and got my money's worth out of it, maybe 15-18 hours or so. Any longer and it would have outstayed it's welcome.


Just a heads up that this game is releasing next on the Vita


Good reviews on Steam, but from what I recall it was a very straight forward game but should still be entertaining if you're into horror games.


can someone explain to me what's up with PS4 port beggars?
you want Soul Sacrifice PS4
you want Gravity Rush PS4
instead of saying "easy solution... get a PS4" Why not just get a Vita?

It's really simple.

Majority of people don't want to play on a small screen, don't want to play games that struggle performance wise. For Soul Sacrifice I'm sure there are some who would want to play couch coop, and good luck finding a second person with a Vita.
As for the Vita it's the most obvious platform to want exclusives from, why? Because it has the least amount of interesting exclusives out of any console ever in my and many peoples opinion, plus there is a history of games coming over to the PS4.
So instead of having to buy hardware for 3-4 exclusives people would of course rather play better versions of those games on the PS4.

It happens to every platform though, you'll find Steam port beggars in every PS4 exclusive announcement thread as well as every Japanese game announcement lately, fuck they are in this thread lol!

So yeah it's annoying but we'll have to live with it.


It's really simple.

Majority of people don't want to play on a small screen, don't want to play games that struggle performance wise. For Soul Sacrifice I'm sure there are some who would want to play couch coop, and good luck finding a second person with a Vita.
As for the Vita it's the most obvious platform to want exclusives from, why? Because it has the least amount of interesting exclusives out of any console ever in my and many peoples opinion, plus there is a history of games coming over to the PS4.
So instead of having to buy hardware for 3-4 exclusives people would of course rather play better versions of those games on the PS4.

It happens to every platform though, you'll find Steam port beggars in every PS4 exclusive announcement thread as well as every Japanese game announcement lately, fuck they are in this thread lol!

So yeah it's annoying but we'll have to live with it.

portbegging is understandable. it's how people do it that determines whether they are obnoxious or not.

you don't shit on a platform only to say you wants its games thereafter.


portbegging is understandable. it's how people do it that determines whether they are obnoxious or not.

you don't shit on a platform only to say you wants its games thereafter.

Well I think you're expecting too much reason from a internet message board.

I'd argue it's possible to call Vita's library bad but still want those 3 exclusives that are good.
Wii U is like that for me, imo it's library is absolutely shitty, one dimensional not covering many genres, with simplistic games, lacking any 3rd party support etc. but I'd still want to play a 2D Mario game probably mostly due to nostalgic reasons.

With how sensationalist internet is, it's pretty accurate to call Vita "dead" at this point for what it means.
It's exactly like how people say that PS4 has no games or PS4 has nothing this holiday.
It's a stupid mental shortcut that people interpret in many ways but that's present internet for ya.


The Amiga Brotherhood
portbegging is understandable. it's how people do it that determines whether they are obnoxious or not.

you don't shit on a platform only to say you wants its games thereafter.

This, everyone say that sony should kill vita, vita has no games, vita has no exclusives, it has only multis and ports, it has only indies and perverted games etc but then people wants gravity rush, tearaway, toukiden, Digimon and many many more.. so much hypocrisy.

Other than that usually the port begging of vita games is not punished.

So yeah port begging of vita games is not even comparable to other port begging.


I agree port begging is really annoying and it's sad that it's getting out of hand lately.
But not entirely innocent myself, I've said that I want Gravity Rush 2 on PS4, not sure if that's port begging as the system for it was never announced but anyhow.
Want to play Soul Sacrifice on big screen? Buy Playstation TV.


I agree port begging is really annoying and it's sad that it's getting out of hand lately.
But not entirely innocent myself, I've said that I want Gravity Rush 2 on PS4, not sure if that's port begging as the system for it was never announced but anyhow.
Want to play Soul Sacrifice on big screen? Buy Playstation TV.

It's less port begging than saying you'd want it for Vita, I'd say the chances of New Gravity Rush Project ending up on the PS4 vs Vita are like 9:1 after all Sony executives comments.

It's not port begging overall though since we don't know what will it have to be ported from as of now :-D


It's less port begging than saying you'd want it for Vita, I'd say the chances of New Gravity Rush Project ending up on the PS4 vs Vita are like 9:1 after all Sony executives comments.

It's not port begging overall though since we don't know what will it have to be ported from as of now :-D

Heh, you're right about that. If they're already burying it I find the chances slim that they're going to release something exclusively for it.
Good thing that the 3rd party support for Vita is still strong as ever.


Just don't portbeg so you don't derail or shit up the thread with silly arguments about why your platform of choice should have every game, problem solved. GameFAQs is open to everyone.
It's really simple.

Majority of people don't want to play on a small screen, don't want to play games that struggle performance wise. For Soul Sacrifice I'm sure there are some who would want to play couch coop, and good luck finding a second person with a Vita.
As for the Vita it's the most obvious platform to want exclusives from, why? Because it has the least amount of interesting exclusives out of any console ever in my and many peoples opinion, plus there is a history of games coming over to the PS4.
So instead of having to buy hardware for 3-4 exclusives people would of course rather play better versions of those games on the PS4.

It happens to every platform though, you'll find Steam port beggars in every PS4 exclusive announcement thread as well as every Japanese game announcement lately, fuck they are in this thread lol!

So yeah it's annoying but we'll have to live with it.

I don't understand your reasoning, so because you don't like portable games you want them ported to the PS4?

PS4 fans have been pretty bad about this, it's like they can stand their little brother, the Vita, it's very existence bothers them for whatever reason. You guys are nothing like the Wii U and 3DS fans. The Wii U was strapped for games early in its release and is selling like crap/it's a total failure but you don't see 3DS fans yelling off the top of their lungs for Nintendo to kill of the Wii U.
You also don't see Wii U fans demanding Nintendo to port 3DS games over to the Wii U because they hate portables etc etc.

Quite honestly the argument that you and others have shared on GAF is dumb imo. And have been getting away with sitting on the platform because quite honestly the Vita bombed,(on its way to surpassing the GameCube's lifetime sales btw)

Let the Vita have its game or two, the PS4 will have it's AAA games and the PS4's future lineup is looking great. So please stop shitting on people that paid money for a handheld that expected some level of support from Sony.


Have any Vita games taken advantage of the 30% freed RAM since 3.50? Or have any been patched for it?
Apparently Rise of Mana was one the project salvaged by that update. Maybe Agito+ if it'll ever release too. And I guess basically every other game that still hasn't released yet.
As for patches, there's no point in rehauling a game to take advantage of that unless it's a game constantly changing like Minecraft.


I don't understand your reasoning, so because you don't like portable games you want them ported to the PS4?

PS4 fans have been pretty bad about this, it's like they can stand their little brother, the Vita, it's very existence bothers them for whatever reason. You guys are nothing like the Wii U and 3DS fans. The Wii U was strapped for games early in its release and is selling like crap/it's a total failure but you don't see 3DS fans yelling off the top of their lungs for Nintendo to kill of the Wii U.
You also don't see Wii U fans demanding Nintendo to port 3DS games over to the Wii U because they hate portables etc etc.

Quite honestly the argument that you and others have shared on GAF is dumb imo. And have been getting away with sitting on the platform because quite honestly the Vita bombed,(on its way to surpassing the GameCube's lifetime sales btw)

Let the Vita have its game or two, the PS4 will have it's AAA games and the PS4's future lineup is looking great. So please stop shitting on people that paid money for a handheld that expected some level of support from Sony.

I don't think it is worth losing words over "I don't want a Vita but all of it's games" people. It is just the same old bullshit all the time.


I don't think it is worth losing words over "I don't want a Vita but all of it's games" people. It is just the same old bullshit all the time.
BTW everyone should buy "oh deer !" On psm is awesome . is like hotline Miami mixed with outrun. It's great and the price is a steal . it's only 0.49 cents . so everyone BUY it now so we get maybe a vita native version with more content.
Didn't knew the music was from the guy who made the soundtrack of street of rage 2 and 3.


The Amiga Brotherhood
It's less port begging than saying you'd want it for Vita, I'd say the chances of New Gravity Rush Project ending up on the PS4 vs Vita are like 9:1 after all Sony executives comments.

It's not port begging overall though since we don't know what will it have to be ported from as of now :-D

That's how ps4 owners try to justify their port begging, since for them vita is dead, doesn't sell well, isn't worth etc not only they feel the right to port beg, but they think that it's sony and everyone else duty to do everything on ps4 and leave vita.


Regarding the whole "We want Vita gamez on PS4 because we don't want that dead system!".....I just stopped caring about that group :l.

I mean, the Vita all but lost first party support, so anything big from Sony (Gravity Rush 2, Soul Sacrifice Sequel, Freedom Wars sequel, ect) is likely to come on PS4 regardless on how much we love Vita :(. So, I accepted that now, instead of blindly holding out on more Sony-produced Vita software. Will commend them for making some damn good games for the system though :) (Tearaway, Killzone, Gravity Rush, Uncharted, Freedom Wars and more are great games :')).

What used to bother me is people saying 'Why should they support a dead platform?" as the Vita is far from dead (indies are still coming, localizations are still coming, and 3rd Party Production ports (Resident Evil Revelations 2) are still coming), but hey, who doesn't like to kick the wonded dog every once and a while :D! .....Pricks do :l, but that's my stance on the matter.

Just glad we have our community here and people on Gaf do love the Vita (people got really happy with the PSN Flash Sale, as the thread I made had a lot of positive comments about future games :D).


Idont care about what anybody thinks about vita as long as that Doesnt affect the environment of the device. Pessimism without argument or simple vta bashing are things that affect developers into not making games for Vita . I'm talking about indie developers. Realistically Vita will stand thanks to the highest attach rate of any console at the moment. Not only me or my friends but lots of Vita users have lots of games and are still buying more games. Even when it's highest with a low user base . seems that is profits to companies like atlus or nisa or arc system works etc. Indies seems to enjoy good health on Vita. So as long as games still coming I don't care the same people complaining again and again about the same until they finally end up buying the device.
Regarding the catalogue of the console unless you only count games with an arbitrary filter the device has most of the genres with lots of games in each of them. Enough to have me occupy with my backlog for years and years. And if I think of what's coming. I think great games are waiting to arrive in my Vita. Some of them I cannot wait anymore like:

Mighty n9
Skullgirls 2nd encore
Night cry
Resident evil revelations 2
Final fantasy world ( or whatever the name is)
Tokyo Xanadu.
Just to mention a few.

So a message for those complaining about the Vita and blah blah. Buy it. Then buy lots of games. Then enjoy yourself playing them.


I don't understand your reasoning, so because you don't like portable games you want them ported to the PS4?

PS4 fans have been pretty bad about this, it's like they can stand their little brother, the Vita, it's very existence bothers them for whatever reason. You guys are nothing like the Wii U and 3DS fans. The Wii U was strapped for games early in its release and is selling like crap/it's a total failure but you don't see 3DS fans yelling off the top of their lungs for Nintendo to kill of the Wii U.
You also don't see Wii U fans demanding Nintendo to port 3DS games over to the Wii U because they hate portables etc etc.

Quite honestly the argument that you and others have shared on GAF is dumb imo. And have been getting away with sitting on the platform because quite honestly the Vita bombed,(on its way to surpassing the GameCube's lifetime sales btw)

Let the Vita have its game or two, the PS4 will have it's AAA games and the PS4's future lineup is looking great. So please stop shitting on people that paid money for a handheld that expected some level of support from Sony.

I never said I don't like portable games, I don't like playing on portables - small screen, worse controller than Dualshock 4. Majority of "AAA" handheld games translate well to home consoles since they go away from the "bite-sized" philosophy. I personally only want Uncharted and Resistance from Vita's library cause I'm a fan of those series but I know I'm not getting them so I'll get a Vita when it's 99€ (already have a PSTV) as for the usual suspects I just want them on the PS4 so the console has more appealing games in the region where it struggles the most - in Japan, I don't play Japanese games.

Same can be said for Vita owners, especially judging by this thread. People bitch about Sony not giving a shit about the Vita all the time, funnily enough from my experience PS4 is not highly regarded here.

It's obvious why Vita/PS4 fans don't get along like 3DS/WiiU fans. The fanbase of the latter is the same, they are Nintendo fans, I'd say you'd be hard pressed to find a WiiU owner without a 3DS. As for the the former, the fanbases are very different.
All that is left of the Vita install base are Japanese fans and maybe some "indie" games fans because that's all that Vita has been getting lately, rest of the owners have their Vita's unused for over a year at this point.
PS4 install base is so big now that they have fans of all the genres and game types, but as Japanese games are a niche, there are more people that don't like them, so we don't get along cause we have nothing in common.

We were "fighting" over Sony's resources since we don't share common goals, but the only ones left arguing are you Vita fans since we are getting everything so that's not important anymore.

That's at least my view on the situation.

As for the 3rd paragraph I don't get what you mean, so please clarify if you can. But I think you read something that you don't know much about.
Vita is only closing in on Gamecube numbers in Japan, we didn't get Vita's LTD numbers in years so rest is speculation but I can assure you Vita won't outsell Gamecube Worldwide and I can bet on that.

For the last thing I don't know how we got from wishing for a few games to shitting on Vita owners. You got what you paid for. Now you can be like the rest of this thread spewing conspiracy theories how SCEA is intetionally sabotaging the Vita or properly analyse current gaming landscape, state of 3rd party software development cost, Sony's Financial state and come to a conclusion that while mistakes were made, Sony gave Vita a fair chance in 2012-3 it didn't pan out and not much could have been done after the ship has sailed without pouring a ton of money (vide PS3's turnaround just harder).


That's how ps4 owners try to justify their port begging, since for them vita is dead, doesn't sell well, isn't worth etc not only they feel the right to port beg, but they think that it's sony and everyone else duty to do everything on ps4 and leave vita.

It's also common business sense though, the market has spoke. Resources are finite and there is an opportunity cost for everything, Sony doesn't earn billions every quarter to burn something down for a very niche fanservice project.


It's been the same argument for 3 years. But the Vita still here. Same prediction of doom since the beginning. But the console is every year offering better titles. Idk. My catalogue. Of 250+ keeps growing but people say the same lie again and again. Vita is dead. It's more like an awesome and cool zombie. But not dead.
It's also common business sense though, the market has spoke. Resources are finite and there is an opportunity cost for everything, Sony doesn't earn billions every quarter to burn something down for a very niche fanservice project.

Judging by some of the sales on games both on Vita and PS4, I'd say 'very niche fanservice project' would describe games on either system depending on the genre.
You also seem to think the reason the PS4 deosn't sell in Japan is because of the library. That's premature at best.


I agree port begging is really annoying and it's sad that it's getting out of hand lately.
But not entirely innocent myself, I've said that I want Gravity Rush 2 on PS4, not sure if that's port begging as the system for it was never announced but anyhow.
Want to play Soul Sacrifice on big screen? Buy Playstation TV.

It wasn't officially announced, but the teaser had the same graphics as the first game, and the Ask PlayStation twitter said it was a Vita game last december. https://twitter.com/AskPlayStation/status/547450146825699331


It's less port begging than saying you'd want it for Vita, I'd say the chances of New Gravity Rush Project ending up on the PS4 vs Vita are like 9:1 after all Sony executives comments.

It's not port begging overall though since we don't know what will it have to be ported from as of now :-D
So it was announced on a Vita section on a tgs. The first and only existing game is on Vita at the moment. So yeah makes sense wanting this game on Vita is portbegging right? Nope. Will it come to ps4 as well . probably. Is portbegging asking a game that is exclusive to a device on a platform where the game was never released before? Yes.


It's been the same argument for 3 years. But the Vita still here. Same prediction of doom since the beginning. But the console is every year offering better titles. Idk. My catalogue. Of 250+ keeps growing but people say the same lie again and again. Vita is dead. It's more like an awesome and cool zombie. But not dead.

This year is looking very hot for the zombie too:
Tokyo Xanadu, Ray Gigant & Makai Shin Trillion, all games I'm very much looking forward to. These might not be released in English this year but I have high hopes they'll see the light of the day next year here too.


Judging by some of the sales on games both on Vita and PS4, I'd say 'very niche fanservice project' would describe games on either system depending on the genre.
You also seem to think the reason the PS4 deosn't sell in Japan is because of the library. That's premature at best.

More games won't hurt PS4's sales in Japan though. And a Remaster is not a big expense.

For Vita it's more or less sure if it's not a Japanese game though, right? When was the last time a Sony game charted in NPD or PAL charts? Damn I don't remember overall a Vita title in top 10 of either charts tbh.

Games that are intetionally small scale with definitely smaller sales target are often multiplatform like Counterspy or Helldivers.
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