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PlayStation Network Thread | June 2015


This year is looking very hot for the zombie too:
Tokyo Xanadu, Ray Gigant & Makai Shin Trillion, all games I'm very much looking forward to. These might not be released in English this year but I have high hopes they'll see the light of the day next year here too.
ZomBVita zombie is attacking every year. I'm pretty sure niche games don't sell 500k or so. There are niche games on Vita? Yes and on ps4 ? Yes. So unless people is completely blind about the fact evry month we get new games announced. They should know a little more about the Vita catalogue . I mean I'm pretty sure that if people get info before complaining or just simply search a little on the thread of upcoming Vita games they should realize there is a lot more than " niche " coming to Vita this and next year.


First off... can anyone here shed some light on fate/extra, specifically, it's combat system and whether it's worth adding to my backlog? It's been on my wishlist for ages, but $7 doesn't seem cheap enough... since if i waited, i could just get it for $10 if i reaaaally needed to play it. Also, is that the game in risk of being delisted? That is, is there any reason i might want to get it now while i can?

can someone explain to me what's up with PS4 port beggars?
you want Soul Sacrifice PS4
you want Gravity Rush PS4
instead of saying "easy solution... get a PS4" Why not just get a Vita?

Some people don't want a Vita, but they want all Uncharted games, or all Killzone games, etc. I probably would have been one of those people, because I hated all my handhelds except Vita (gameboys, psps, 3dsxl). But something about the vita just worked for me -- and i only bought it because of ps+ / black friday deal that got me uncharted, wipeout, fftactics, etc. And... now i love it. But if I didn't have one? I'd be sad i couldn't play Uncharted, just like I want to play Etrian(s) but have no interest in paying for another 3ds/2ds.

I really wish GAF wouldn't make such a big deal about "port begging". It's totally understandable to want a game on the platform you already own instead of on another. It's not like VitaGAF doesn't do that just as often.

As others have said, it derails threads, but more importantly.... of course we want good games on our already owned consoles. It really adds very little to any conversation. I want etrian on vita... but why bother wasting my breath saying that about every game i want? It turns into console war fuel as someone is sure to respond 'well buy a 3ds' then i have to say i did, and i hated it, and boom, thread explodes. [or whatever, I would never actually get into it on a thread like that].

is Dungeon Hunter Alliance any good?
I remember a reddit link/thread saying that it's actually pretty decent - would love to hear your opinions

It's a budget Diablo. Like Asphalt, it's very enjoyable if you're okay with the feel of budget. Asphalt is a great, fun game... if you can look past it's issues. Just like DHA. I own it on other devices (ps3 and ios i think) and will rebuy it for vita since I'll actually finish it on vita.

I'd argue it's possible to call Vita's library bad but still want those 3 exclusives that are good.

Anyone calling the vita's library 'bad' has no clue as to the breadth and depth of the vita's library, or a very limited taste in games. I mean, I can call the 3ds's library terrible because all i care about are two franchises (fire emblem, maybe, and etrian) but that isn't an actual attack on 3ds because it's more my lack of knowledge about other srpgs/drpgs i might want to try as well as my complete lack of interest in any nintendo first party efforts / platforming.

All that is left of the Vita install base are Japanese fans and maybe some "indie" games fans because that's all that Vita has been getting lately, rest of the owners have their Vita's unused for over a year at this point.

indie games aren't a 'genre'. Indie games exist in pretty much every genre, and i think people would be hard pressed to not find a ton of indie games they loved if they gave them a chance. even better, most of the indies that go to vita are 'top shelf' indies that already saw great sales and critical reception on steam. i mean, hotline miami, txk, binding of isaac, frozen synapse, and literally dozens of others could fill most gamers time for a year, minimum. if they expanded their horizons and played the aaa games that do exist, the ps1/psp library best of, and some localizations, they'd have the handheld of forever, like i do.

Honestly, most gamers would be perfectly happy with a vita and just its indie library if they actually gave it a chance. the localizations and other gets are nice too, obviously, for those that like jrpgs/srpgs/drpgs/vns/etc.


ZomBVita zombie is attacking every year. I'm pretty sure niche games don't sell 500k or so. There are niche games on Vita? Yes and on ps4 ? Yes. So unless people is completely blind about the fact evry month we get new games announced. They should know a little more about the Vita catalogue . I mean I'm pretty sure that if people get info before complaining or just simply search a little on the thread of upcoming Vita games they should realize there is a lot more than " niche " coming to Vita this and next year.

Heh I'm surprised to that thread. Scrolled through all the games. Fun fact, found like 8 that I'd buy, 3 or so I'd buy on the PS4, 2 are vapourware that are not coming out :-/ (Fady should really tidy up that list) please understand that while Vita is getting games, a lot of people are not interested in many of them. Stop trying to proove it has an amazing library and huge potential going forward, I feel confident in saying that in many peoples opinion it doesn't.


The majority of the games today are indie games. If you count only AAA platform releases( in every platform on the market) you'll get a library of 7 games per year with luck Big games are expensive that's why the majority of the games today in the industry are indie games even when indie games don't sell like the big games .

Edit: I'm not trying to prove anything more than the statement that Vita is dead is and always be a lie until the console is really dead. Do not appeal to you? Good. Buy another console but please don't talk without knowledge or information just assuming things and subjectively doing arbitrary comments regarding how not appealing is the console. It is appealing for us . the users. The ones with the console playing its games and mostly having fun even at expenses of posters like you.


indie games aren't a 'genre'. Indie games exist in pretty much every genre, and i think people would be hard pressed to not find a ton of indie games they loved if they gave them a chance. even better, most of the indies that go to vita are 'top shelf' indies that already saw great sales and critical reception on steam. i mean, hotline miami, txk, binding of isaac, frozen synapse, and literally dozens of others could fill most gamers time for a year, minimum. if they expanded their horizons and played the aaa games that do exist, the ps1/psp library best of, and some localizations, they'd have the handheld of forever, like i do.

Honestly, most gamers would be perfectly happy with a vita and just its indie library if they actually gave it a chance. the localizations and other gets are nice too, obviously, for those that like jrpgs/srpgs/drpgs/vns/etc.

That's why I put it in quotation marks, I don't like generalising all those games like that, it's not a genre but many indie games share a lot of common traces that's why a lot of people group them as such, it's easy and a lot of have an idea of what you're talking about when you say indie games.

Possibly yes, I think the problem is that majority of those indie games are available on platforms that people already have, platforms that also have a vast library not available on Vita. And apparently few people value portability enough to buy a console for it.
Heh I'm surprised to that thread. Scrolled through all the games. Fun fact, found like 8 that I'd buy, 3 or so I'd buy on the PS4, 2 are vapourware that are not coming out :-/ (Fady should really tidy up that list) please understand that while Vita is getting games, a lot of people are not interested in many of them. Stop trying to proove it has an amazing library and huge potential going forward, I feel confident in saying that in many peoples opinion it doesn't.

I feel just as confident in the fact that many vita games won't sell on the PS4 as you are confident that the vita library doesn't appeal to the masses. What now?

You don't have stats, you just have a vague opinion of what should or shouldn't be on the system you would prefer to play on, which has little to no bearing on the actual success of that system.

You say that you want those games on the PS4 (even though the market has shown that many multiplat vita games still sell better on the vita than the PS4 such as Toukiden or GE) due to new games 'not hurting' while simultaneously arguing that devs shouldn't invest in to a less successful platform.

So that's where we are. You're contradicting yourself and structuring your points in such a fallacious, self-affirming manner that I'm not going to bother beyond this post. Perfect example of what wil was citing as being a pain in the ass to deal with.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Umm, there is a great deal of stats on the fact that the Vita doesn't have games that appeal to the masses. It has, what, 2 or 3 global million sellers? Zero multi million selling games? It's a healthy enough platform for niche games.

Would any of the games popular on Vita actually do better on the PS4? I honestly don't think so, but we don't have any data to prove otherwise. Hell the only good tests are Gravity Rush and maybe P4G.
Ok so for awhile I've had a problem of stuff not downloading on my Vita because I was downloading too much. At first it was like 10 things downloading when I had the error, which is probably the official limit, but after awhile around 5 things I got the error...then 4...then 3...

And now I can not download anything and it says its because I got too many downloads/installs waiting for me. In the notification center there is nothing. I completely cleared it, but it doesn't matter. I can not download anything because it says I have too many downloads going but there is nothing downloading, nohing installing.

What thefuck am I even supposed to do here? Help??

N° 2048



Ok so for awhile I've had a problem of stuff not downloading on my Vita because I was downloading too much. At first it was like 10 things downloading when I had the error, which is probably the official limit, but after awhile around 5 things I got the error...then 4...then 3...

And now I can not download anything and it says its because I got too many downloads/installs waiting for me. In the notification center there is nothing. I completely cleared it, but it doesn't matter. I can not download anything because it says I have too many downloads going but there is nothing downloading, nohing installing.

What thefuck am I even supposed to do here? Help??
Delete everything you were downloading and that has an error then rebuild the Vita data base

Li Kao

The dead console is more alive in Japan than the PS4 (let's say equally). Boy, that must hurt some people so much. I will enjoy my vita and my PS4, beggars gonna beg.


The majority of the games today are indie games. If you count only AAA platform releases( in every platform on the market) you'll get a library of 7 games per year with luck Big games are expensive that's why the majority of the games today in the industry are indie games even when indie games don't sell like the big games .

Edit: I'm not trying to prove anything more than the statement that Vita is dead is and always be a lie until the console is really dead. Do not appeal to you? Good. Buy another console but please don't talk without knowledge or information just assuming things and subjectively doing arbitrary comments regarding how not appealing is the console. It is appealing for us . the users. The ones with the console playing its games and mostly having fun even at expenses of posters like you.

Dude I already said that like two pages ago, people generalise, yes it's bad but discussion on the internet rarely is literal. When people say Vita is dead they don't mean it's literally dead, when they say PS4 has no games they don't mean it literally has 0 games, deal with it, you have no other choice.

Numbers are backing my comments though, an appealing console is not selling ~ 12 million (and I'm probably generous here) units after over 3 years on the market and ~ 3,5 million last fiscal year coupled with the PSP. These are numbers of a struggling console. It appeals to you, others in this thread, reddit Vita and BlueMaxima's YouTube channel. In the grand scheme of things though it's an unappealing console.


Dude I already said that like two pages ago, people generalise, yes it's bad but discussion on the internet rarely is literal. When people say Vita is dead they don't mean it's literally dead, when they say PS4 has no games they don't mean it literally has 0 games, deal with it, you have no other choice.

Numbers are backing my comments though, an appealing console is not selling ~ 12 million (and I'm probably generous here) units after over 3 years on the market and ~ 3,5 million last fiscal year coupled with the PSP. These are numbers of a struggling console. It appeals to you, others in this thread, reddit Vita and BlueMaxima's YouTube channel. In the grand scheme of things though it's an unappealing console.
You keep thinking that with random numbers you got searching badly on Google while I keep playing oh deer! A game probably don't count as a game because its indie. Right?
Delete everything you were downloading and that has an error then rebuild the Vita data base
But I'm not downloading anything. Thats the point. Before, I just waited until my downloads were completed before downloading anything else, even at the end I could only download one thing at a time but could still do that. But right now, theres is nothing downloading because I can't download anything.

Are you suggesting to just delete my games already downloaded? I can't do that. I have no way to backup saves. I dunno if rebuilding database deletes games/save files but I can't afford to delete them since I don't want to lose my saves.


That's what I was talking about when I said it derails threads. Subjective rationalizations on why every game should be on your platform of choice (ignoring any kind of common sense and/or understanding of a particular franchise's budget/audience/market/expectations while doing so), as I said, you're welcome.


But I'm not downloading anything. Thats the point. Before, I just waited until my downloads were completed before downloading anything else, even at the end I could only download one thing at a time but could still do that. But right now, theres is nothing downloading because I can't download anything.

Are you suggesting to just delete my games already downloaded? I can't do that. I have no way to backup saves. I dunno if rebuilding database deletes games/save files but I can't afford to delete them since I don't want to lose my saves.
Did you try the recovery options? I meant you clear the list of downloads and everything that was downloading just delete it. Then try rebuilding the data base. https://support.us.playstation.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3735/~/ps-vita-safe-mode


Okay, back on lighter notes, what did you guys get from the flash sale :)?

I got Tales of Hearts R, VC2, Sonic the Fighters, Sonic Rivals, Sonic Unleashed DLC and a few of the TruboGraphix games.

And for 30 bucks? That is a steal I think :).
How good is The Swapper port on Vita ?

I can't speak for comparing it to other versions of the games but...

I actually just started playing this game on the Vita this week and finished it a couple of days ago. Really enjoyed the puzzles and never felt like the game controls kept me from solving the puzzles. The story will feel very fractured at first but really comes together towards the end. And if you are trophy hunter, be diligent. There are like five trophies but you can go through the entire game to completion and not get one.


Neo Member
The theme section is absolute junk. Very incompetence of Sony to not have some quality control on their ps store anymore.

No wonder how these game get past the QA easily. They dont even bother.


Oreshika is on sale in EU (€8), worth it? I know there's a trial version, but I downloaded it, never took the time to play it and deleted it.

I didn't like it much because of the lack of maps and the time system, but it's a quality game if you can overlook or actually enjoy those aspects.


Okay, back on lighter notes, what did you guys get from the flash sale :)?

I got Tales of Hearts R, VC2, Sonic the Fighters, Sonic Rivals, Sonic Unleashed DLC and a few of the TruboGraphix games.

And for 30 bucks? That is a steal I think :).

I got Tales of Hearts R and Neptunia. Autoduelist sold me on Rainbow Moon but I'm taking my Vita with me on a road trip so I'll download it when I return.

So far I'm really enjoying Tales. The localization is very good and the combat system is a lot of fun. Haven't played Neptunia yet as a result.

Still have a few bucks in my PSN wallet so I might get Jet Grind Radio as well. I had it on PS+ but I haven't re-subbed and don't plan to anytime soon.

I wish I was back in college so I could have time for all these games! Nice "problem" to have though. :)


Numbers are backing my comments though, an appealing console is not selling ~ 12 million (and I'm probably generous here) units after over 3 years on the market and ~ 3,5 million last fiscal year coupled with the PSP. These are numbers of a struggling console. It appeals to you, others in this thread, reddit Vita and BlueMaxima's YouTube channel. In the grand scheme of things though it's an unappealing console.

Numbers can't back you up here.

The issue isn't reality, the issue is perception. People always say "vita is dead", or "vita has no games" or "vita has only niche games" or "vita has only ports" or "indies" or whatever.

Many people don't actually look into the vita's library themselves, because the echo chamber of people bad mouthing it is too loud. Why look into a dead system? Or, why care if Steam has a lot of the indies if the people don't game on their PC anyway, and even people that do game on PC might like portable Binding of Isaac/etc? So yes, the system doesn't sell well, but that's likely based more on perception of what the library is, not actual knowledge.

But people that adopt the vita realize it's got an amazing library and that it's actually a great device.

Yes, the device doesn't sell well. But I'd argue people claiming the library is bad or only contains (x) simply don't know how deep it's library is, or 'exclude' games for arbitrary reasons that are meaningless. Again, it doesn't matter if a game is a port... nobody cares that you can play the latest CoD on any system - it's not a bad thing that a game is on multiple systems, and in the case of the vita's indies, it actually means we generally get the 'best of' steam indie games.


I got Tales of Hearts R and Neptunia. Autoduelist sold me on Rainbow Moon but I'm taking my Vita with me on a road trip so I'll download it when I return.

So far I'm really enjoying Tales. The localization is very good and the combat system is a lot of fun. Haven't played Neptunia yet as a result.

Still have a few bucks in my PSN wallet so I might get Jet Grind Radio as well. I had it on PS+ but I haven't re-subbed and don't plan to anytime soon.

I wish I was back in college so I could have time for all these games! Nice "problem" to have though. :)

I recommend picking up Jet Grind Radio; while the control takes a while to get used to, it looks fantastic on the Vita's screen and its such a great fit for the platform :).

Glad you are enjoying Tales :D; put 2+ hours in to the game and I really enjoy what I played of it so far.

Neptunia is tricky, as it has a un-even difficulty curve, where one boss is very easy while the next boss is stupidly hard. Level grinding (being at least 4+ levels over where you are currently at) and buying the cheap DLC do wonders in elevating that.

The Vita is a great college system; so many games to play and the suspend/resume feature really makes any game playable on the go.


It's great. You can't see as much detail in the art on the Vita screen, but the game runs and plays perfectly.

Very solid port. Great game.

I can't speak for comparing it to other versions of the games but...

I actually just started playing this game on the Vita this week and finished it a couple of days ago. Really enjoyed the puzzles and never felt like the game controls kept me from solving the puzzles. The story will feel very fractured at first but really comes together towards the end. And if you are trophy hunter, be diligent. There are like five trophies but you can go through the entire game to completion and not get one.

Thank you guys :)

One of my friends wanted to give me a steam key for the game but I told him that I already had it on Vita through PS+. And I prefer to have it on the go so I'll just tell him to keep his key and I'll download it asap and start playing it tonight on my Vita. And no I don't care about trophies so that's not an issue.

Love my Vita !
Just finished watching the Fate Stay Night UBW anime. I absolutely love the Fate series and its lore. Every time it makes me mad that we never got that second Fate game for the PSP... AKSYS!


PSTV seemingly out-of-stock now in few places heres with no date for restock. I guess the rumours of it being discontinued are true at least for Europe?
A shame, as it's one of my favourite purchases in long time and I got few friends to buy it too and they love it.


PSTV seemingly out-of-stock now in few places heres with no date for restock. I guess the rumours of it being discontinued are true at least for Europe?
A shame, as it's one of my favourite purchases in long time and I got few friends to buy it too and they love it.

I'm actually thinking of selling my PSTV and my PlayStation 3DTV :/
hmm but posts like this keeps making me reconsider :/
Okay, back on lighter notes, what did you guys get from the flash sale :)?

I got Tales of Hearts R, VC2, Sonic the Fighters, Sonic Rivals, Sonic Unleashed DLC and a few of the TruboGraphix games.

And for 30 bucks? That is a steal I think :).

Ignoring whatever is happening in that other discussion... I picked up VC2. I have SUCH a deep backlog between all of my consoles that it SHOULD be impossible to justify purchases that aren't on my "Must Have" and "When it's dirt cheap" lists simultaneously. I'm tempted by Jet Set Radio and the Sega Collection... But I'm not ready to pull the trigger. :-(


The Amiga Brotherhood
It's also common business sense though, the market has spoke. Resources are finite and there is an opportunity cost for everything, Sony doesn't earn billions every quarter to burn something down for a very niche fanservice project.

Oh man... Sony gonna sony and we know that very well(just think at how much business sense made the vita absence already at e3 2012) but that doesn't mean that begging for gravity rush on ps4 is not begging, and about third parties:

Is common sense that people that want everything on their console know what makes more sense for developers and publishers?

Is common sense considering the indie and anime hating ps4 audience the same as the indie and anime loving vita audience?

is common sense to think that a good ps4 game has the same cost and production value as a good vita game?

Is common sense to think that after dozen and dozen of localizations vita developers still completely ignore western market?

Is common sense to think that console sales are the only thing that counts when vita is still alive and kicking?

People begging for third party developers to shift from vita to ps4 should understand that third party developers don't care about console sales, they only care about how much they can do with their games, it doesn't matter how big the installed base is if the audience isn't there, required production costs and value are too high for them and so on.
PSTV seemingly out-of-stock now in few places heres with no date for restock. I guess the rumours of it being discontinued are true at least for Europe?
A shame, as it's one of my favourite purchases in long time and I got few friends to buy it too and they love it.

I can buy a PSTV really cheap but why should I?

I only have one TV and a PS3 and a PS4 connected to that TV. If I travel to my home village I have a Vita which can play the same games and I really would not connect a PSTV to my mothers TV to play old games on it instead of on my Vita.

Why is it so good for you? How do you use it?

That said, if it had support for Netflix I would have bought it but right now I dont see the point. Unless it gets hacked and you can use it as a emulator device. But then I can just buy a raspberry pi 2 with much cheaper memory cards and netflix capability.
I went to GE Fes (GE Festival) 2015. First time going into such events.

I've never seen sooooo many Vita outdoors in my life. And they came in all kind of colors.

Came late (30 minutes). And holy god, while I appreciate the fact that it's not as messy as events back in my country, THEY FUCKING NEED TO OPEN MORE COUNTERS. It took about four hours to buy stuff (it was one really long line). Nine counters is not enough. Should have been 15 or 20.

What's disappointing was that some stuff I wanted was sold out after that really really long time standing in line. Well, I got enough for GE souvenir for some friends back home.

I don't think they've aired this on the stream (at least it's not on websites), but they showed the attendees the OP of the GE anime. It looked better than the PVs.

Anyways, it was so impromptu since I only knew about it the night before (saw the statue of Julius vs Vajra in Akiba then saw on twitter that GE Fes 2015 was tomorrow). I wish I had someone with me (and that I brought my Vita).

P.S. Fenrir Cup was done on Vita (at least they were holding Vita's) and I guess Rage Burst does indeed add a lot of excitement to spectators.

Edit: If it wasn't for the fact that I'd have to fall on another line, I'd probably have done that picture thing. They only allow people to use Nana's Boost Hammer, though. I wanted Daiba Cannon's gun instead.


I can buy a PSTV really cheap but why should I?

I only have one TV and a PS3 and a PS4 connected to that TV. If I travel to my home village I have a Vita which can play the same games and I really would not connect a PSTV to my mothers TV to play old games on it instead of on my Vita.

Why is it so good for you? How do you use it?

That said, if it had support for Netflix I would have bought it but right now I dont see the point. Unless it gets hacked and you can use it as a emulator device. But then I can just buy a raspberry pi 2 with much cheaper memory cards and netflix capability.
the main selling point of the pstv was playing vita games on your TV and it didn't even fully do that, it was a complete failure
I went to GE Fes (GE Festival) 2015. First time going into such events.

Too bad events like that does happen in our country. Would really buy some GE merchs and do that photo thingy. I might be able to buy so many alisa goods one would be creeped lol.

I do hope the anime stream would be available here or i'll wait for the blurays to drop.


I can buy a PSTV really cheap but why should I?

I only have one TV and a PS3 and a PS4 connected to that TV. If I travel to my home village I have a Vita which can play the same games and I really would not connect a PSTV to my mothers TV to play old games on it instead of on my Vita.

Why is it so good for you? How do you use it?

That said, if it had support for Netflix I would have bought it but right now I dont see the point. Unless it gets hacked and you can use it as a emulator device. But then I can just buy a raspberry pi 2 with much cheaper memory cards and netflix capability.

I have Vita too but handhelds cause strain on my neck and hands so I really prefer playing on big screen which is the main reason I love it, thanks to Vitas already great game library. Also it was cheap as hell (29 euros).
My friends don't have the Vita so they get to play those games with little money, I'm not sure if there is much use for it if you don't plan on playing any games on big screen and already have Vita.
Not sure if Vita homebrew is actually compatible with PSTV, I kind of remember reading that on other thread but you might want to make sure.

the main selling point of the pstv was playing vita games on your TV and it didn't even fully do that, it was a complete failure

Sure there is few great games you're going to miss with it compared to Vita like Gravity Rush but other than that I don't see how it was a complete failure. I do agree that it was a complete failure from business standpoint if that's what you meant, people hardly know it exist but it's still great piece of hardware.


So what are the chances that Injustice Vita goes on sale? Any Batman related events coming up? I missed it last year for 5$ due to me being on a holiday and it was not listed in this years batman sale.
I went to GE Fes (GE Festival) 2015. First time going into such events.

I've never seen sooooo many Vita outdoors in my life. And they came in all kind of colors.

Came late (30 minutes). And holy god, while I appreciate the fact that it's not as messy as events back in my country, THEY FUCKING NEED TO OPEN MORE COUNTERS. It took about four hours to buy stuff (it was one really long line). Nine counters is not enough. Should have been 15 or 20.

What's disappointing was that some stuff I wanted was sold out after that really really long time standing in line. Well, I got enough for GE souvenir for some friends back home.

I don't think they've aired this on the stream (at least it's not on websites), but they showed the attendees the OP of the GE anime. It looked better than the PVs.

Anyways, it was so impromptu since I only knew about it the night before (saw the statue of Julius vs Vajra in Akiba then saw on twitter that GE Fes 2015 was tomorrow). I wish I had someone with me (and that I brought my Vita).

P.S. Fenrir Cup was done on Vita (at least they were holding Vita's) and I guess Rage Burst does indeed add a lot of excitement to spectators.

Edit: If it wasn't for the fact that I'd have to fall on another line, I'd probably have done that picture thing. They only allow people to use Nana's Boost Hammer, though. I wanted Daiba Cannon's gun instead.

So jelly D':

Glad you had fun, I can't wait to see what Ufotable does with God Eater. I kinda feel bad for their animators, with Fate being as laborious as it was, having to do 2 shows in 2 seasons is going to murder those guys. Looking forward to Anime Expo now, the last chance we can get news of Rage Burst for the west. If there's nothing, then for sure it won't come.
You can usually see me complaining about english dubs in the games that I play. And yet I find playing Neptunia Rebirth more satisfying than in japanese. Maybe because I'm starting understand they're talking and the subs are abit off.
Really hoping for Bandai Namco to announce GE in the upcoming A-X, else I'll buy the floating GE2 copy in the local market.
Too bad events like that does happen in our country. Would really buy some GE merchs and do that photo thingy. I might be able to buy so many alisa goods one would be creeped lol.

I do hope the anime stream would be available here or i'll wait for the blurays to drop.

Some merchandise were primarily aimed for two parts - the TV anime and the GE2, so there were plenty of Alisa. :p The pendants were Blood-member based, though.

I realized late that there were actually no goods for non-main characters (where's my Cannon and Erina T__T).

So jelly D':

Glad you had fun, I can't wait to see what Ufotable does with God Eater. I kinda feel bad for their animators, with Fate being as laborious as it was, having to do 2 shows in 2 seasons is going to murder those guys. Looking forward to Anime Expo now, the last chance we can get news of Rage Burst for the west. If there's nothing, then for sure it won't come.

They're definitely having trouble with it. They were supposed to do advanced screenings of episode 1 earlier in the event but had to cancel it a few days ago.

I still hope it's good.

A bit non-related, but I was still surprised by the high turn-out of female attenders (they mentioned before that one of their events had lots of female attenders). I think Julius is the top bishie character for most (at least based on their reactions), LOL.

I'm only gay for Rindou, but that pants-less julius looks fun to use. XD


I tried it and it worked, so thank you very much! :)

Really strange glitch, but atleast I know how to fix it in the future so thanks!

RIP in piece game ordering tho.
Great! I'm very pleased to help a fellow vitagaffer. Now just enjoy your Vita.

Edit: its been a while but here are my totp recommendations.

Buy "oh deer!" . it's an awesome psm little game. Hotline Miami meets outrun. Music from the author of the street of rage 2 and 3 soundtrack. It's only 0,49 cents and its gonna be there only for a few days till psm shuts down for good. Buy also the binding of Isaac, txk, demon gaze and tron bon . do it now! Oh and the sega Genesis collection .
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