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PlayStation Network Thread | June 2015


Though, even if someone actually wanted to localize this how would they even do it? The game's split in 3 separate versions based on the idols units so they should put everything into a single game or release all three, they seem both pretty unlikely.
so I'm the only one who will buy that love live game if it materializes outside japan?
Tales of hearts + Hyperdimensiom should be fine for 20$? Or everyone will crush me again and recommend Mind Zero over one of them.
EDIT: Fuck, VC2 and Eliminage might get a price drop. I don't have a working ps3 T_T
so I'm the only one who will buy that love live game if it materializes outside japan?
Tales of hearts + Hyperdimensiom should be fine for 20$? Or everyone will crush me again and recommend Mind Zero over one of them.
EDIT: Fuck, VC2 and Eliminage might get a price drop. I don't have a working ps3 T_T

I think tohr and neptunia would be a fine combo. I'm considering Omega Quintet, pretty sure someone here (Sir TapTap?) said it was worth checking out.

I think Tom already said it, but it sounds like if you want IA/VT you'll need to import.


so I'm the only one who will buy that love live game if it materializes outside japan?
Tales of hearts + Hyperdimensiom should be fine for 20$? Or everyone will crush me again and recommend Mind Zero over one of them.
EDIT: Fuck, VC2 and Eliminage might get a price drop. I don't have a working ps3 T_T

Save the $6 by not buying rebirth. :)
I think tohr and neptunia would be a fine combo.I think Tom already said it, but it sounds like if you want IA/VT you'll need to import.[/url]
Yeah, the import costs would price me out of the game unfortunately. Now I'm hoping either of the game shops here import that, still pricey but not like when I do it myself.
don't worry i'm on your team
Our tastes are starting to line up. Not that I hate it either.
For both? That's a steal.
It really looks like a good combo for now.
Save the $6 by not buying rebirth. :)
I'm contemplating extremely hard for VC2 to replace it.


I own every (localized) mainline Tales game since Symphonia now

Everyone buy Tales of Hearts R btw
I got it for like ~$20 something in a previous sale and was definitely worth it, $14 is a steal


I would say to go for HDN.

Debating whether to get Fate or not. I did end up buying Mind=Zero. Can't wait to not play it!

I own every (localized) mainline Tales game since Symphonia now

Everyone buy Tales of Hearts R btw
I got it for like ~$20 something in a previous sale and was definitely worth it, $14 is a steal

Oh, Xillia 2?! Hmm...

And ToHR is def worth it. I paid $30 for it and enjoyed it. I rarely finish games and was able to complete it.

Li Kao

Mmh, does Rebirth have technical problems on Vita ? I mean is it on the same level of the shit show that was Atelier Rorona ?
I have the Steam version but if this version isn't bad I could see myself going the handheld route.
Everyone who has a spare 3.75$ should buy Elminage Original. Its a dungeon crawling game with no animu fanservice (if this is wrong, i'm sorry). Its listed at the ps3 section but I think you can download it directly from the vita (if this is wrong, i'm sorry).

Also the PC Engine games are on sale too.


Ended up getting Tales of Heart R, VC 2 and the Sonic Unleashed DLC that I didn't own (three bucks for them aren't that bad :)).

Might get something else (as I still have 8 bucks on my account, so maybe some of those Turbo-Graphix 16 games, Toe Jam and Earl 2 or something else). Any suggestions would be nice :).

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Its what happens when theres a small amount of jrpgs on a system so you settle for the mediocre ones.

Mediocre is far too kind for Mind Zero.

Demon Gaze is mediocre. Tales of Hearts R is the definition of mediocre. Mind Zero (and Conception 2) are so far below mediocre they make those two look best in breed.


Can i get some feedback for Tales of Hearts R from anyone but Man God please?

Also, Sonic Rivals? I don't generally like platformers but i loved rayman origins. Odds I'll like Sonic Rivals?


Can i get some feedback for Tales of Hearts R from anyone but Man God please?

Also, Sonic Rivals? I don't generally like platformers but i loved rayman origins. Odds I'll like Sonic Rivals?

Didn't start Tales of Heart R yet, but from what I saw of it online, it is a fun looking action-RPG with a really cool looking combat system :D. The visuals look nice on the Vita judging from online footage and the story while generic, is more than enough to push you through the game. Highly recommend that at the Flash Sale price :)

Sonic Rivals is interesting as it SHOULD be a great game; classic 2D Sonic platforming just mixed with some racing into the mix. The result? A very 'meh' series that has so-so level designs and some fun but shallow races. For five bucks though, you could do a lot worse honestly. If you like the Sonic series, it doesn't hurt trying the only sony-handheld Sonic series :).


Can i get some feedback for Tales of Hearts R from anyone but Man God please?

Also, Sonic Rivals? I don't generally like platformers but i loved rayman origins. Odds I'll like Sonic Rivals?
I really enjoyed the combat, best thing about it. It's quite deep and you'll still be getting better at it ten hours in, as new abilities unlock. Even better, everything works on the bosses, so skills learned in regular combat serve you well against them. Even the characters grew on me despite being largely annoying and simplistic cliches at first, theres quite a lot of optional chatter to read that's funny in places.

Some bits seem cheap- the same port layout is used for all of the ports. However, it's got some longevity with the colloseum and post-game. Graphics are serviceable but the story pretty generic, with it's magic teenagers/save the world/precursor civilisation/ancient weapons themes that have been done a thousand times over in computer games of various stripes. It's also very easy, but you can up the difficulty.

All in all, I found it enjoyable commute fodder. Not the best JRPG ever made, but the awesome combat makes up for the tired, predictable theme.
How's Rainbow Moon? It's one of the weekly deals for $5 and the screenshots look nice. Hidden indie gem or not?

One word. Grindy. Two words. Very Grindy.

played that thanks to ps+ but hated it for its grindy gameplay. You might need other opinions though since I'm soured for this game thanks to it being too grindy to me.


How's Rainbow Moon? It's one of the weekly deals for $5 and the screenshots look nice. Hidden indie gem or not?

One word. Grindy. Two words. Very Grindy.

played that thanks to ps+ but hated it for its grindy gameplay. You might need other opinions though since I'm soured for this game thanks to it being too grindy to me.

It's not quite as grindy as cardinal makes it out to be if you don't need to 'max' characters (and you don't). it's still a bit grindy at times.

Basically, every time you level your hp and mp go up, but for STR/INT/etc your 'max cap' goes up. In order to actually make your str/int go up, you need to spend pearls. You will not have enough pearls to bring everything up to max cap... and trying to do so will indeed make the game an absolute grindfest. Thankfully, if you just max the necessary stats (str/speed for fighter, etc) you'll be fine... ignore int, ignore the bonuses to hp/mp, etc.

Story wise, it's a weird cross of western/jrpg with terrible quests (go find my comic collection and I'll join you!) but if you ignore that, it's fine.

Combat is cool. Sort of disgaea style combat, where you move your characters in a battle arena and your spells/skills have various hit ranges/zones/cones. So for example, you might have an attack that hits 3 enemies that are 3 squares away, but only if the block ahead of you is empty. skills level up the more you use them. You gain some cool skills and i found myself using a lot of different ones, which is nice.

dungeons are pretty well designed. there are 'fixed' enemy positions that you need to beat to proceed, and all random battles are easily skippable (there's a prompt asking you if you want to fight or not).

there is a ton of dlc, but none of it is necessary. however, there are a few nice pieces of dlc. one issue that annoyed me is that only the character that kills an enemy gets a 'pearl' (they all get experience if i remember correctly), and i hated micromanaging who killed what. for a couple bucks i got the dlc that lets me ignore that for all time for the characters i use, as well as some nice trinkets. that dlc also removed any last hint of grind.

overall... it's got a lot going for it. it's biggest issue is the plot/writing imo. combat was solid. i can see where cardinal could say it was grindy, because i thought that too at first, but in the end it seemed like i could easily get by without upping my stats to the cap.

i enjoyed it. i'm actually not finished yet, plan on going back. post-game could be grindy since i know there are some seriously high level optional enemies, but post game is sort of supposed to be like that since people are playing it just to play it and want extremely hard fights.

Grindy might be fine for me if the game has some redeeming qualities. How's the world/lore like? And do you get to explore dungeons or is it the usual menu-based mission select from other SRPGs?

Ah, thanks autoduelist!

No problem -- to answer one other bit... no menu based missions. there's a full overworld to explore, dungeons to find, towns to find, etc. it's sort of a crossbreed of jrpg and srpg. a very nice crossbreed at that. like cardinal, i'm not a big fan of the way they implemented leveling, but while i wasn't happy with it, i 'got used to it'. That said, like i mentioned i did buy a couple pieces of dlc so i could completely ignore micromanaging who kills what. that dlc was pretty cheap on sale and i didn't mind spending it... it didn't feel as obnoxious as, say, Valhalla Knights 3 dlc where they effectively make several trophies 'buyable' with dlc [or spend a thousand hours grinding!].


One word. Grindy. Two words. Very Grindy.

played that thanks to ps+ but hated it for its grindy gameplay. You might need other opinions though since I'm soured for this game thanks to it being too grindy to me.

Grindy might be fine for me if the game has some redeeming qualities. How's the world/lore like? And do you get to explore dungeons or is it the usual menu-based mission select from other SRPGs?

Rainbow Moon impressions

Ah, thanks autoduelist!
Can i get some feedback for Tales of Hearts R from anyone but Man God please?

I reviewed it for TVL, and as someone who hasn't played the Tales of games before but likes RPGs I found it to be competent but kind of boring. It's a middle of the road game, and tbh I haven't touched it since I finished it and reviewed it - so take that as you will.


Put an hour into Tales of Hearts R and its good so far :).

The visuals are solid; nothing that amazing but they look very colorful and clean. And with the game being native res (I think so?) and running at a very smooth frame rate, the visuals work great for the game :D. Music wise, the game is good too, with the battle theme being cool.

Combat system here is great though; it feels a bit like Smash Bros. to me; you have the Up button the D-Pad to jump, the X button for basic attacks, O button for special attacks and you Square for blocking/dodging attacks. While it isn't exactly like Smash Bros., its close enough to it for me to really enjoy the combat system :). Once I fully grasp its mechanics, that should be the highlight of the game for me.

The leveling systems are also very interesting, as you have a lot of customization to play around with; you gain points when you level up (10+ points per level) and those points can be applied to one of five parts of your Spira (Heart). Each part covers a different thing and even you don't fully level a part, you still get something from each point you apply to it, leading to a lot of options for leveling up. You even get special gear if you do it well; I fully leveled to two parts, and they connected, leading to me gaining a very powerful sword for Kor (the main character) to use in combat.

The story is....generic, abet with some charm and personality thrown into the mix. Plot of 'main character fucks something up and goes on a quest to do things right' with a dash of 'parental figure dying at the beginning' and even the 'love interest' being shoved into the game not even 20 minutes in.

But that isn't a bad thing; with those 'core' things in place after the first half-hour, you can see the translator's efforts to make the game have character come though. Each character has there own little quarks and you do get a sense of growth. Even only an hour in, I'm starting to see that, so I'm interested to see what happens next :).

Overall, really glad I got this; great summer RPG to play through alongside VC2 (and I never played those types of games before....should be fun :)).


The second one gave my goosebumps when it played for the first time with the cutscenes. My god:

Let's watch it again!

Nice avatar change man :). Glad you are enjoying the collections Names :D!

They are great games, so hope you enjoy them. If you got far enough to answer this, what is your favorite Disney world so far?

From the original KH's, it would be a tie between Halloween Town (Nightmare Before Christmas) or Deep Jungle (Tarzan).

Edit: Looked over everything I got from the Flash sale and man, I got a lot for 30 bucks XD!
-Tales of Hearts R
-Sonic Unleashed DLC (Three of the Adventure Packs)
-Sonic Rivals
-Sonic the Fighters
-TurboGraphics X16 Games (Bonk, Treasure Island, ect)

That's a lot of games to play through and with my already large backlog....I have a lot to play for the summer now :).
Nice avatar change man :). Glad you are enjoying the collections Names :D!

They are great games, so hope you enjoy them. If you got far enough to answer this, what is your favorite Disney world so far?

From the original KH's, it would be a tie between Halloween Town (Nightmare Before Christmas) or Deep Jungle (Tarzan).

That's a lot of games to play through and with my already large backlog....I have a lot to play for the summer now :).
I'm still not too far in, I'm at Deep Jungle now. I am using a spoiler free FAQ to help me out with some of the stuff, there's been many times that I just don''t know what to do or where to go.

of only a remake has the whole game in that kind of graphics <3
But then that would mean Sora wouldn't have a fish mouth during cutscenes anymore!

TOP OF THE PAGE: Buy and play both Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5.
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