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PlayStation Network Thread (Vita/PS4/PS3) | March 2015


I wish all towns were menu based in pretty much every jrpg ever. Running around looking for people to talk to every dang chapter (in case they have something new to say) and robbing the crates in their bedrooms has always been one of my least favorite things in every game ever. So much wasted time running around. Direct menu to every point of interest, please and thank you.

Hmm well i dont think i would go that far. I still enjoy the towns in P4G but use the square button alot to save time, id prefer that solution to just menus.

But I still think that p3p isnt an abomination like some are saying. Its got a comprimised menu based town but I still felt like the other improvements outweighed this and it is my preferred way of playing mainly due to it being much more convenient than the ps3.


Hmm well i dont think i would go that far. I still enjoy the towns in P4G but use the square button alot to save time, id prefer that solution to just menus.

But I still think that p3p isnt an abomination like some are saying. Its got a comprimised menu based town but I still felt like the other improvements outweighed this and it is my preferred way of playing mainly due to it being much more convenient than the ps3.

I just wish there was a better indication of who was worth talking to in P4G. Like, give me a sign above someone's head to show that while they don't have a quest now they may in the future. And for the love of god please put an icon above the heads of the people to talk to to unlock some of the dungeons
looking at you Void Quest and Basement Lair


Re: P3FES vs. P3P

P3P is portable, P3FES isn't.

For me this was an easy choice. I had absolutely no interest in playing a non-portable version when a portable version exists.
Pretty much what my friend said and is going with. Once he gets a vita his plans on getting p3p solely because of this.

Also thanks for the feedback everyone i appreciate it :)

I don't know why I still have my PS3. Two years ago, I decided to go all portable (3DS + Vita), so I sold all my PS3 games. All of them. I bought Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi limited edition last year because I have them all, but I already got the platinum trophy. I probably don't get rid of it because I wouldn't get all that much money and it was a gift.
I'm pretty sure you could get some sort mileage out of it if you tried.
Despite how much i love my vita i'm getting a lot of mileage out of mine as i only gotten within the past couple of years so i have a ton to catch up on. Though i'm making steady progress due to these amazing psn sales
Man fuck this level in Noire is tough,
the one in which both Blanc and Vio turn into Zombies
, even on Easy. I was so close to finishing with only a few characters left, when outta nowhere they pull a move that wipes my entire party. What... The level itself is long too so it took quite a while to get to them, only to have that happen /:


Quick travel is almost always nice. i don't necessarily agree with your second sentence though -- some game elements are boring/bland/bad. I wasn't saying 'remove it all', i was saying i wish more/all games did so. And I do. i don't need to hide behind that... it's silly to mince words when it's perfectly true that i wish I never had to search another villager's house for chests, ever.

That's exactly what I mean by by saying removing everything isn't always the solution. It's the laziest solution. Some game elements are bad/boring because people didn't try to make it interesting. They could try to make it much more interesting to interact with people, and no chest in town like GUST's games, or choose the cheaper way by making it a menu only. I would prefer they go out of their way to do some creative works than just dump it all when it becomes a bother.

The only times menu based town is acceptable for me is when it's a DRPG.

Flame Over - Vita

Flame Over is described as a rouge-like fighter fighter game but as a fan of rouge-like games it misses the mark. The upgrade process requires found unlocks and cash to upgrade to things that matter very little. Also a rouge-like has a sense of progression and Flame Over really has none. A rouge-like should have a sense of wanting to see what is next but Flame Over just offers you fire followed by more fire. The game is tedious and often clear areas seem to spontaneously go back on fire resulting in a lot of frustration. The only thing rouge-like is the randomly generated maps, which depending on placement of people rescuing, will determine the difficulty. This game is hard and tedious without any sense of reward. I do not like this game.


Maybe the game just isn't for you. To say that things like upgrading how fast you can refill your water supply or extend the time that you can revive people is no sense of reward to me sounds strange.

When it comes to how the fire spreads in the game different materials spread fire in different ways.
i.e cloth is shooting a fireball that creates a trail of fire while plants are shooting a fireball that explodes when it hits a wall or object. Wooden objects shoots three smaller fireballs.

When you start to understand this you can start to predict how the fire will spread, but also which type of fire to prioritize when you enter a new room.

Edit: focus on turning of the electricity first and use the water as an assault rifle and extinguisher as a shotgun. Keep a close look at your heat meter so you don't lose hearts in the beginning (back away from the fire for a second)

The developers have put up two let's play videos on their channel, so if you are interested in giving the game a second chance you should give them a look.

I have played the game for almost 10 hours and I still suck at it, but I do enjoy playing it.
Maybe the game just isn't for you. To say that things like upgrading how fast you can refill your water supply or extend the time that you can revive people is no sense of reward to me sounds strange.

When it comes to how the fire spreads in the game different materials spread fire in different ways.
i.e cloth is shooting a fireball that creates a trail of fire while plants are shooting a fireball that explodes when it hits a wall or object. Wooden objects shoots three smaller fireballs.

When you start to understand this you can start to predict how the fire will spread, but also which type of fire to prioritize when you enter a new room.

The developers have put up two let's play videos on their channel, so if you are interested in giving the game a second chance you should give them a look.

I have played the game for almost 10 hours and I still suck at it, but I do enjoy playing it.

Yeah I see that there is a patch. I'll give it another try and watch some videos. I feel like have to figure out why so many people are raving over it. I usually love these type of games but it just wasn't fun for me. Rogue Legacy was my GOTY last year.
Yeah I see that there is a patch. I'll give it another try and watch some videos. I feel like have to figure out why so many people are raving over it. I usually love these type of games but it just wasn't fun for me. Rogue Legacy was my GOTY last year.

Not all people are the same. I never got why binding of Isaac became popular ;)


Binding of isaac rebirth still needs a freaking brightness control option in game. I can't even see the boss right now lol.


And here I never even considered playing Saints Row The Third. So you say you loved that one?

I think it's funnier, with better missions.
SRIV Tried so hard to be funny it ended up being the opposite.

There are a few great missions in it, bit overall it's a worse game than The Third.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Still playing Valhalla Knights 3.

Future me is looking back at current me and shaking his freakin' head.

So I found out the locations of enemy groups that drop class-change cards.
After getting to the spot, I put on some Genesis and start camping spawns...

2 1/2 hours later.


One card that unlocks one class on one character (out of 7).

Fuck it. I'm done....forever.
This shit is unforgivable. From now on any single-player game I play that pulls this shit is getting insta-failed. It's absolutely ridiculous.

I have a really short memory but i don't remember having big problems with class cards, in fact i had some unused class cards, the easy way to get some is to conquer hostesses love, each girl gives you a card IIRC and joins the party.
Reading some guide or the board in Gamefaqs helps a lot.

I don't blame you for leaving it though, the game is incredibly grindy and has lots of faults(the biggest for me is the enemy and environment variety), but despite that i had lots of fun with it lol.


Now that Alchemist is (finally) supporting vita, how about give a release date of the Saki: Zenkoku-hen game that was leaked sometime ago? I need a good mahjong game on the vita!




Vita owners don't expect the game to have AAA graphic.

You can report reviews like that but the helpful ratings usually sort 'em to the bottom anyway. Not much you can do, they can't reasonably hire people to read all reviews before they're posted.

There is this one guy found his review is useful, though.


Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is going to attract lots of clueless buyers who will get it because it has Final Fantasy in the title. That's the power of the brand in the West.


Unfortunately that's what I think too. I'm glad that in our community, although we might not be happy with the decision, we aren't throwing baby fits over something as petty as this.

People throw baby fits over everything, can't do much to stop it, not at scale anyway. But it's important to actually skim over reviews for stuff like this when you see a low score on Amazon, never know when it's actually about something like this and not the product itself.

Also, if this game looks worse than his Atari, I want that guy's atari

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is going to attract lots of clueless buyers who will get it because it has Final Fantasy in the title. That's the power of the brand in the West.

Is it still though? didn't Lighting sell fairly poorly? The brand's certainly majorly tarnished to my eyes. That said I did buy Type Zero for an Amano Steelbook and a demo of a game I hope doesn't suck. If it sucks I think I'm done, baring some magical turnaround...here's hoping FF15is the magical turnaround though.


People through baby fits over everything, can't do much to stop it, not at scale anyway. But it's important to actually skim over reviews for stuff like this when you see a low score on Amazon, never know when it's actually about something like this and not the product itself.

Also, if this game looks worse than his Atari, I want that guy's atari

Is it still though? didn't Lighting sell fairly poorly? The brand's certainly majorly tarnished to my eyes. That said I did buy Type Zero for an Amano Steelbook and a demo of a game I hope doesn't suck. If it sucks I think I'm done, baring some magical turnaround...here's hoping FF15is the magical turnaround though.

Final Fantasy 14 was well recieved, I think it sold more than 500K?
Don't dismiss it just because it is an MMO.


Unfortunately that's what I think too. I'm glad that in our community, although we might not be happy with the decision, we aren't throwing baby fits over something as petty as this.

I probably would be pretty salty too, if Type-0 was a game I really wanted to play. Portable-to-Console titles really don't work that well, Peace Walker HD already suffered from it and by the looks of it, Type-0 in its later phases will also alienate many people. The smaller game segments, required grind to get all characters up to speed and repeated playthroughs work well when on the go, or loo, but as an evening couch-spectacle it fails. I would have taken a look if it remained portable, as a console title it has very low appeal to me.

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is going to attract lots of clueless buyers who will get it because it has Final Fantasy in the title. That's the power of the brand in the West.

While still true, I think the XIII trilogy did enough brand damage that this sort of thing will happen way less than a generation ago. The demo on the other hand is the real driving power behind Type-0 and in hindsight a pretty great marketing move.
I probably would be pretty salty too, if Type-0 was a game I really wanted to play. Portable-to-Console titles really don't work that well, Peace Walker HD already suffered from it and by the looks of it, Type-0 in its later phases will also alienate many people. The smaller game segments, required grind to get all characters up to speed and repeated playthroughs work well when on the go, or loo, but as an evening couch-spectacle it fails. I would have taken a look if it remained portable, as a console title it has very low appeal to me.
But I don't know if you read the guy's post, he didn't even give any constructive comments, even if negative. He just threw nonsense together, such as saying that the game looks worse than an Atari game? Then to make things even better he rates it 0/6. If this isn't major salty trolling, I don't know what is :p A person is entitled to shit on the game, as long as they write something that makes sense. For all we know, this person might not even have played the game, I mean it just came out...

Anyway, I picked my copy up. Wonder when I'll get to play the base Type-0 game, I'm pretty sure the demo is gonna last me until next Tuesday, when Bloodborne drops.


But I don't know if you read the guy's post, [...]

I read it and didn't mean to defend him. That came off wrong. :D

I just think it is reasonable to be salty, or just disappointed, with the way Type-0 was handled over the last 4 years and ultimately ended up as an accessoire to a demo on a platform it was never intended for at a conceptual level.

Of course, going on a baseless trolling spree because of that is pretty silly.


Just bought the new Disgaea 5 PS4 theme from JPN Store:

It has custom music, icons and sfx, pretty nice overall.

Oh nice. I guess I can wait for it to come to the US. Glad it's a proper one. There were some on PS3 that were just wallpapers

Final Fantasy 14 was well recieved, I think it sold more than 500K?
Don't dismiss it just because it is an MMO.

I most certainly will. I strongly disagree with the MMOs' inclusion as numbered final fantasies. I don't discount them as "good games" but I have no interest in them and they are no more related to mainline FF than any other sidegame.


Bah, what disappointment. For some reason I got confused and thought Jamestown+ was coming to both PS4 and Vita, and was gonna pick it up. Been looking for a good bullet hell on the vita for a while. But alas, it is PS4 only, so I will probably pass since I primarily wanted to play this during breaks at the hospital between classes (so no remote play possible even).

I most certainly will. I strongly disagree with the MMOs' inclusion as numbered final fantasies. I don't discount them as "good games" but I have no interest in them and they are no more related to mainline FF than any other sidegame.

Eh, Final Fantasy II has as much to do with Final Fantasy XIII as it does to Crash Bandicoot
(they all have crystals)
. The numbering of FF games already meant nothing whatsoever, so it doesn't bother me that they number the MMO's with the "main games". It only minorly messes with my OCD that I can't say "I have beaten every numbered FF title".


Just picked up my Firefly Diary limited edition, although I'm still only on the second character grinding for lily ranks on Noire.


Eh, Final Fantasy II has as much to do with Final Fantasy XIII as it does to Crash Bandicoot
(they all have crystals)
. The numbering of FF games already meant nothing whatsoever, so it doesn't bother me that they number the MMO's with the "main games". It only minorly messes with my OCD that I can't say "I have beaten every numbered FF title".

Final Fantasy is a series of original, single player games with epic storylines. Any MMO is a blatant spinoff. Final Fantasy Tactics has more claim to being FF8 than FF11 has to being FF11.
I have accidentally found this question in the UE4 forum:

The user clearly asks if the UE4 supports Vita, the answer is yes, but to me it seems that the answer is only about PS4 and XB1 :/ maybe i misunderstand...

Is this about that new GalGun game that was announced? I definitely find it odd that they picked Unreal Engine for a game they're planning to release on Vita.


Final Fantasy is a series of original, single player games with epic storylines. Any MMO is a blatant spinoff. Final Fantasy Tactics has more claim to being FF8 than FF11 has to being FF11.

I could say FFXIV has better storyline than a lot of FF mainlines, and a lot of throw back to classic numbered titles.

Honestly I'd recommend people to play FFXIV and forget that FFXIII exists.


This one's pretty amazing.

Hah how far down did you have to scroll to find a review that wasn't 1 star with "0/6" at the end! I think there should be an automated system that flags your account to be looked into if 99% of your reviews are 1 star items you have no Amazon purchase history for.

Bringing back totp: Pre-order Bloodborne digitally. Get in on that sweet pre-loading and play at midnight without leaving your house. Then double dip on a physical copy or whatever for collection.
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