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Pokemon Ultra Moon and Ultra Sun for Nintendo 3DS


There's a major release coming out every month for the Switch from now till holiday, the System has much better marketing and communication than its predecessor, Its sold out all over the world. And you saying they've learned nothing?

You don't sell 2.7 million in less than a month by not learning from your mistakes, Nintendo has to be doing something right.
Nintendo fans idea of what constitutes a major release is dramatically lower than anyone else. I would assume you'd call Arms a major release? Let's see how that does.

What exactly do you think Nintendo has learned out of interest?


I wonder what this means for VGC Tournaments as in there is definitely no Switch version.

Well with 3DS it's fine now so we're good

You mean what Pokémon bank is for?

No, I mean proper battle and trade connectivity, not Bank

If that was the case. why not just do cross platform multiplayer? Capcom is doing it with MonHun and that's a way more complicated online system than Pokemon is.

Like, I understand GF comes late to systems, and that's fine, but not splitting the userbase seems like a 'problem' with solutions.

Because that seems to be online only.

When a new platform is released, as a motivation to push more sales, you need to release games for it and let the past behind.

Given the "install base" logic, every Nintendo game should be released on 3DS.

I think it's time for Pokemon to move on to the next platform. I would have liked to see it happening now...

But we will see. If Eurogamer is right, we may se a port later; but I don't know anymore.

The problem is, Nintendo is having problems with keeping with the demand for the Switch, to the point that they're competing with Apple for parts.

I'm thinking that TPC/Gamefreak decided to hold off on putting a Pokémon game on the Switch until is at the point where they put the game out and sell an optimal amount of units.

That's my guess anyway.
Wow, I really don't understand Nintendo. Sure, they probably wouldn't made as much money with Pokemon Stars due to the install base of the Switch, but honestly: they already got tons of money out of the 3DS version of Sun and Moon, so they should have regarded Pokemon Stars as an investment to push the Switch and attract new people to their system.

Game Freak is not Nintendo though.
That would still be an unprecedented move.

The main difference here is that unlike every single previous Nintendo handheld the Switch has no backwards compatibility. Pokemon's tradition of taking its sweet time moving up to the next generation made sense when the new hardware could play the new release anyway, but when your new platform has no BC and you're in a world where most major releases during a generational transition are cross-gen people are going to be a little harder on the decision to continue to release main-line games of major franchises as last-gen exclusives.


If it's like B2/W2. you'll get the world of SM with some bonus items, some minor tweaks here and there and a whole new story. B2W2 also were partly designed so that people could buy the sequel to their version and get a good amount of the exclusive stuff they missed from the other version of the first game.
This seems more like a third version rather than a sequel. So I very much doubt the story will be entirely new.


the piano man
I don't get it.

Nintendo clearly states "we will continue supporting 3DS through 2017 and beyond"

Nintendo clearly states "we will treat Switch as a successor to WiiU not the 3DS"

but people prefer to trust leakers or to ignore what they say.

why? Neogaf, why do you set yourselves up for disappointment so hard?


Eh, can't really get worked up either way, though the "new Pokémon that weren't in the original" is...vague. Do thy mean straight up new Pokémon/Megas? Older Pokémon that weren't in Sun/Moon? New forms like the ones we see for Solgaleo/Lunala?


Nintendo fans idea of what constitutes a major release is dramatically lower than anyone else. I would assume you'd call Arms a major release? Let's see how that does.

What exactly do you think Nintendo has learned out of interest?

Quoting this just in case ARMs pulls a Splatoon and blows everyone's expectations out of the water

Also, yes, I'd consider it a major release seen as how they've advertised it pretty heavily from that first January conference. I'm not personally interested in it enough to buy, but it is certainly a major release. Not a tentpole title like Zelda, Mario, or Pokemon, however. Those are in leagues of their own.

Where did they say that?

It wasn't said anywhere, but now that it's mentioned, they had better not split the base like they did with OR/AS and X/Y's new Megas. If you can't use the new forms from Ultra in Standard S/M that will be utterly ridiculous.


Install base of 65+ million vs an install base of ~3 million.

Game Freak makes prudent business decisions.

Maybe next year once Switch has a larger install base.

What a bunch of clowns dude, 65 mil? If they had just launched it on the Wii and DS think of the gangbusters they would have made. What a poor business decision smh.
I think people are a bit justified in being a bit negative about this game. From how they put it, it sounds like what Platinum or Emerald was except instead of a 2 year difference it's a year, and now the games are completely 3D which means the amount of different and new content can't be nearly as much as past "3rd" versions. And despite the fact that the 3DS install base is so large, the people who have Switches and plan to get one are looking forward to a mainline Pokemon game regardless. Honestly just a missed opportunity for no Switch version.
I don't get it.

Nintendo clearly states "we will continue supporting 3DS through 2017 and beyond"

Nintendo clearly states "we will treat Switch as a successor to WiiU not the 3DS"

but people prefer to trust leakers or to ignore what they say.

why? Neogaf, why do you set yourselves up for disappointment so hard?

So people can say "nintendo is dumb hurr". The trend showed that the 3rd version is kept within the system of whatever generation was release at. People getting mad now are just people that couldn't keep their expectations at bay and rode a baseless hype by EG and now fling shit at GF & Nintendo.


The main difference here is that unlike every single previous Nintendo handheld the Switch has no backwards compatibility. Pokemon's tradition of taking its sweet time moving up to the next generation made sense when the new hardware could play the new release anyway, but when your new platform has no BC and you're in a world where most major releases during a generational transition are cross-gen people are going to be a little harder on the decision to continue to release main-line games of major franchises as last-gen exclusives.

This is true, and it does make the whole thing feel a bit weird to me. I've always played these late releases on the new hardware (which I always get day one) through backwards compatibility, and yeah, while I'm by no means getting rid of my 3DS I've started to view it as one of my "retro" consoles due to the Switch so I've moved on a bit.

I fully prepared myself for a 3DS exclusive release so it's not that big of a deal to me really, but this current situation does feel a little different from stuff like Black and White 2.


Nintendo fans idea of what constitutes a major release is dramatically lower than anyone else. I would assume you'd call Arms a major release? Let's see how that does.

What exactly do you think Nintendo has learned out of interest?

Why wouldn't one consider ARMS to be a major release? They're certainly treating it as such.
I'm really curious to see what all they changed with the "Ultra" versions of each game. We saw some details in the trailer and their Facebook post mentions an "alternate" story. Do we think we'll get more details during the Treehouse livestream at E3?


Nintendo fans idea of what constitutes a major release is dramatically lower than anyone else. I would assume you'd call Arms a major release? Let's see how that does.

What exactly do you think Nintendo has learned out of interest?

Port or not, Nintendo is marketing Pokken Tournament DX as a major release. ARMS is already getting positive buzz, and there's Mario Odyssey, Fire Emblem Warriors, and Xenoblade 2. All within the first year of the Switch. This isn't like the Wii U, which launched with rehashed Wii concepts followed by 6 month droughts of nothing. There's plenty of games to play.

As for what Nintendo learned from the Wii U, well you can check out the dedicated thread on that someone linked to earlier, since there's no point in repeating myself and derailing this thread even further.


Did people really expect the first "real" Pokemon game on the Switch to be a port?

Why would you even want that really...it just be held back by the 3DS anyway.

This is a bummer for sure but long term it will be better for the first Pokemon game on switch to be a whole new gen and with all the bells and whistles that come from it.

i hope people learn from this and stop taking rumors at face value. Peeps have been blown out by "leaks" far too much and yet every time its the same song and dance of too high expectations and buttmad.
This is what you all get for being so deep down the Stars rumor hole you forgot what the word rumor meant and took it as FACT that Stars was a thing. I mean, seriously, seeing merchandise that just happened to have stars on it as a sign that a new Stars game was coming? Do you realize how nutty that was for someone looking in from the outside?

I'm curious to know more about what these new games actually added. Unlike for some apparently just because the Switch is out doesn't mean my 3DS is an unplayable POS so if the changes are interesting enough to warrant a second buy bring it on I say.


What's the difference between this and the original?

I already own Moon, is this worth it for someone like me?
you know that there is about 300/802 pokemon in sun and moon, expect at least half of the ones missing in these new titles!

SM lacked 6 mon trainers alot for example, so I could see them ramping up the difficulty a bit more!

I'm very happy it's for the 3ds, no rush to pay more for pokemon online then there already is due to bank.

That said, how early was the cross platform mystery dungeon titles releasing, wasnt the blue version for gba and the red for ds?


I bounced of Pokemon Moon HARD. I don't think I got past the main island. I can't see myself coming back for another go. Maybe next gen
on the Switch.


Did people really expect the first "real" Pokemon game on the Switch to be a port?

Why would you even want that really...it just be held back by the 3DS anyway.

Why do people keep bringing this up? Clearly people don't care as much as you think they would, they just wanted a Pokemon game for the Switch, and it'd still look better than past entries regardless. 8th gen or a game built from the ground up for the Switch could come later.

I never got the impression that Pokemon fans were that pressed over how the games look. Like obviously yea, people want a console entry and such, but I highly doubt people would prefer waiting for 8th gen as opposed to just getting a game for it now.


A friend of mine confirmed that that 4chan post was a real post made, so it's not photoshopped in any way

guess i'm back on the hype train


On the press release and the official website it states

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon have been powered up with new additions to the story and features from Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon.

Don't get too excited. These are not sequels, they are basically a Pokemon Emerald style game, but this time there are two of them because money.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I don't get it.

Nintendo clearly states "we will continue supporting 3DS through 2017 and beyond"

Nintendo clearly states "we will treat Switch as a successor to WiiU not the 3DS"

but people prefer to trust leakers or to ignore what they say.

why? Neogaf, why do you set yourselves up for disappointment so hard?

this is "oh please, the switch survived the fall because of air resistance, throw the switch in vacuum" neogaf


On the press release and the Japanese website it states

Don't get too excited. These are not sequels, they are basically a Pokemon Emerald style game, but this time there are two of them because money.
LOL there goes any possible interest I could have had in these games.

Don't count on a Battle Frontier either.


On the press release and the official website it states

Don't get too excited. These are not sequels, they are basically a Pokemon Emerald style game, but this time there are two of them because money.

Hmmm. I'll buy it but that's super duper lame. Those new features better be Emerald tier for me to spend any time with the game. Otherwise I'll play through the campaign go 'yeah alola is still neat' and be done.


Hmmm. I'll buy it but that's super duper lame. Those new features better be Emerald tier for me to spend any time with the game. Otherwise I'll play through the campaign go 'yeah alola is still neat' and be done.
Expect this.

On the press release and the official website it states

Don't get too excited. These are not sequels, they are basically a Pokemon Emerald style game, but this time there are two of them because money.

I mean I'm not particularly concerned about the feature set. I've yet to be let down by a third version pokemon game and they're some of my favorite RPGs ever. Platinum and Emerald are excellent.
On the press release and the official website it states

Don't get too excited. These are not sequels, they are basically a Pokemon Emerald style game, but this time there are two of them because money.

Therein lies my problem with these games. If they were proper sequels or the fabled Diamond/Pearl remakes, I wouldn't mind them being on 3DS. It'd suck, but at least it'd feel different.

It's just lazy as fuck, and the fact that it's coming out a year after the originals just burns even more.
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