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Pokemon Ultra Moon and Ultra Sun for Nintendo 3DS


I am a bit confused.
Are these sequels like BW2 or are they "third versions" like Yellow/Crystal/Emerald/Platinum?
Or maybe a totally different story but still in the Alola region?

What do they mean with "new pokémon not seen in Sun/Moon"?
That's very vague, it could mean anything from pokémon absent in the Alola dex, Alola forms or even new pokémon, the latter seeming very strange for a game set in the same generation as the previous titles.

I'm not that excited to be honest, the announcement didn't feel that great.

It says "alternate" story so my guess is some kind of new plot? I don't know why they were so confusing with this. As for the Pokemon my guess is they'll remix the ingame dex with mons that weren't in S/M.

I honestly don't know what to make of this game. It felt like an after thought.



I know people are angry, but I"m okay with 3DS only. That just means I don't have to buy a switch this year.

Do we know if the games are sequels or enhanced versions yet? Trailer didn't really make it clear.

Considering SuMo, XY, and ORAS have had atrocious postgame (inb4BattleTree/DeltaEpisode/etc.isn'tatrocious), I'm not holding my breath that GF will see the light.

Revisits to regions typically have much improved postgames, so I actually have high expectations for that. We haven't had one of these since BW2.
It says "alternate" story so my guess is some kind of new plot? I don't know why they were so confusing with this. As for the Pokemon my guess is they'll remix the ingame dex with mons that weren't in S/M.

I honestly don't know what to make of this game. It felt like an after thought.

I'm going for It's an updated version of the same game, but the plot threads in particular are changed to a point similar to ORAS rather than an actual sequel.



I know people are angry, but I"m okay with 3DS only. That just means I don't have to buy a switch this year.

Do we know if the games are sequels or enhanced versions yet? Trailer didn't really make it clear.
Nobody is 100% sure. They said it has an alternate story, whatever that means.

Still hyped tho


The Z Stone the trainer activates at the end has an abnormal shape, It has 2 more diamond like structures on it's ends. The Z-ring he uses is also black and white now.


The longer GF has to work on Pokemon for Switch, the better.

This pretty much, go and look at X and Y, Diamond and Pearl or heck gen 1 as those game while fantastic, except for X and Y were really rough around the edge and it wasn't till later games in the series did Game Freak get better at the hardware.


I'm expecting more pokemon from previous gen to populate the islands to add more variety. The closest I think we'll get to actual new pokemon are new alola forms.

I think you're right. Just watched it again, and he said Pokemon that did not appear instead of new Pokemon...booo


Junior Member
The disappointment in this thread is completely justified. Everyone was expecting a Switch announcement. Most of Nintendo's internal devs are, right now, dedicating their efforts to support this machine. Sales are plumping and there's a lot of optimism and prospects for it's future. Two of the biggest IP's from Japan, Monster Hunter and Dragon Quest, were announced for Switch, so the "installed base" excuse to justify the 3DS version is just dumb and a lame attempt from GameFreaks to justify their unwillingness from generations to support Nintendo home consoles, something the last time they did was in 1997, for the Super Famicom. I think it's time for Nintendo to have better control over Pokémon Co. and Game Freaks, as they seems to have way too much autonomy for their own good.
Nintendo having more control would mean buying out both Game Freak & Creatures in order to have more autonomy over The Pokémon Company, or at least having majority shares over both companies.
I LOVE the new Ultra forms for Lunala and Solgaleo! They're so badass and edgy :O

I wasn't really happy with their normal designs, but these look SO much cooler so I'm down
You're basically detailling what I said in my message, should I thank you or something?

Someone need to tell you that you're not helping anyone with that kind of two-words message.

What I read came across differently lol.

I see you've edited that post now for clarity. good on ya/
Those are ugly armor. The ultra thing might have been the worse thing to happen to Pokemon in a while. I don't like the Ultra Beast either.

There are tons of complaint about genwunners but you can't deny that a full on remake of the original games for the Switch would make bank. Just look at the response to Pokemon Go.


First Pokemon title I'll be skipping. I am definitely NOT interested in touching my dusty ass 3DS XL. Switch or bust, Nintendo. What year is GameFreak living in?


First Pokemon title I'll be skipping. I am definitely NOT interested in touching my dusty ass 3DS XL. Switch or bust, Nintendo. What year is GameFreak living in?

Nintendo: "Its 2017, we want to sell 6 million 3DS units."

Game Freak: "But we are working on a Switch game?"

N: "How about a enhanced version for 3DS?"

GF: "Okay."
Lots of folks mad this isn't also coming to Switch (I'm not mad about it, but it does mean I won't bother playing it), but my biggest complaint is finally getting Gold/Silver on the VC, but having that ALSO stuck on 3DS.

If G/S comes to Switch, then I'm totally happy.


Junior Member
Nintendo: "Its 2017, we want to sell 6 million 3DS units."

Game Freak: "But we are working on a Switch game?"

N: "How about a enhanced version for 3DS?"

GF: "Okay."
I feel like you have the roles reversed. I'm sure it would be on Switch if Nintendo had more of a say.


Those are ugly armor. The ultra thing might have been the worse thing to happen to Pokemon in a while. I don't like the Ultra Beast either.

There are tons of complaint about genwunners but you can't deny that a full on remake of the original games for the Switch would make bank. Just look at the response to Pokemon Go.
What? The Ultra Beasts are wonderful.



So with these titles then Necrozma is obviously a UB.... right?

I'm pretty disappointed btw. Where the fuck is my switch version.

Pretty much

Cosmog etc. are Ultra Beasts too. They've just not got the Ultra Space radiation anymore

Necrozma shares the odd pattern Ultra Beasts also have. Each of their base stat value is a Prime Number.


I feel like you have the roles reversed. I'm sure it would be on Switch if Nintendo had more of a say.

Uh, its called Nintendo 3DS. Nintendo wants to sell that thing.

And, I remember we had this discussion before, I'm sure Game Freak works on a title for Switch. I'm just entertaining the very obvious thought (atleast for me) that they are simply not ready yet.
I am a bit confused.
Are these sequels like BW2 or are they "third versions" like Yellow/Crystal/Emerald/Platinum?
Or maybe a totally different story but still in the Alola region?

What do they mean with "new pokémon not seen in Sun/Moon"?
That's very vague, it could mean anything from pokémon absent in the Alola dex, Alola forms or even new pokémon, the latter seeming very strange for a game set in the same generation as the previous titles.

I'm not that excited to be honest, the announcement didn't feel that great.

It is very confusing. 30 seconds wasnt enough time.

Everything this guy said is true. Pokemon is not some special snowflake which would be super difficult to port. It seems like everyone at Nintendo is moving on and embracing the future - Switch. We've got Fire Emblem moving to it, they didn't even have anything to show in the FE direct but they still went and announced it - Fire Emblem Switch, coming 2018. We've got Dragon Quest, Monster Hunter, Xenoblade, Mario, Zelda. The list goes on - the majority of Nintendo's biggest names and franchises have all got something announced for Switch.

All except Pokemon. GF and TPC keep stubbornly refusing to join the modern world. I mean even that interview with the guy from GF where he said "if we do make a game for Switch we would need to drastically rethink the way Pokemon is played". Bollocks. Making it sound like it would be some vast, herculean undertaking. It wouldn't be. GF are lazy. Pure and simple.

You can't even use the "business sense" argument here as the best move from a business sense would have been to make it available on both systems. Don't pretend this wouldn't have been possible - Monster Hunter has managed it. They could have kept their existing fan base happy while also growing a fanbase on the Switch and showing what it can do in terms of HD graphics. Even a port would have been absolutely fine, no one was really expecting a totally new, from the ground up game, but GF couldn't even be arsed to do a port.

It is a shame that such a great IP is in the hands of such useless developers and such stubbornly old fashioned owners. Ninendo are, in many ways (but not all, as proven by the headset voice chat debacle), starting to move into modern times. They have released a superb, wonderful piece of hardware which has people excited and buying it in droves. They have a big group of talented dev teams enthusiastically working on it. Yet one of their all time biggest selling franchises, the franchise which has a Grand Theft Auto like selling power on Nintendo systems, is sadly owned and developed by a bunch of lazy, stubborn, stuck in their ways people. It really is a shame.

Do you have a business degree tho? Lol.

People understandably didn't think the game releasing for both the 3DS and Switch would "fly in the face of business logic".

Well it does.

Look at the switches release schedule, its install base and how much time it would take for gamefreak to make another version of the game.
As much as I am disappointed by this announcement I remember that my biggest grip with Sun & Moon was a huge lack of polish and content overall.

They can fix that but I dunno if the 3DS (especially the older one since I have that model), will be able to make it run smoothly.

(also I hope the handholding will be reduced but I can believe lol)
Those are ugly armor. The ultra thing might have been the worse thing to happen to Pokemon in a while. I don't like the Ultra Beast either.

There are tons of complaint about genwunners but you can't deny that a full on remake of the original games for the Switch would make bank. Just look at the response to Pokemon Go.

The ultrabeasts dont look like other pokemon from a geometric standpoint, they're really weird.

Compare something like Jellicent to the other ones.

or even metagross. Dont like their look at all

Nintendo having more control would mean buying out both Game Freak & Creatures in order to have more autonomy over The Pokémon Company, or at least having majority shares over both companies.

NIntendo funded their existence, they dont really need autonomy over them
I am really open minded about new Pokémon designs, to be honest, 7G has really some of the solidest (?) design overall, starters are especially amazing.

But Ultra-Beast are a big fucking mistake, Pheromosa is nice and that's it
Pretty much

Cosmog etc. are Ultra Beasts too. They've just not got the Ultra Space radiation anymore

Necrozma shares the odd pattern Ultra Beasts also have. Each of their base stat value is a Prime Number.

That's cool. Do you think these forms are Necrozma forms? It would be odd if they were just fusions since Kyurem already had that role.
I have read plenty of times about that story, yeah

Yet people still dont really understand the relationship ( and how much nintendo has invested in the other "owners" of the pokemon brand)

Nintendo practically has full ownership of everything pokemon related.

First Pokemon title I'll be skipping. I am definitely NOT interested in touching my dusty ass 3DS XL. Switch or bust, Nintendo. What year is GameFreak living in?

Why do people always say this type of nonsense?
I am really open minded about new Pokémon designs, to be honest, 7G has really some of the solidest (?) design overall, starters are especially amazing.

But Ultra-Beast are a big fucking mistake, Pheromosa is nice and that's it

Same here. First generation i've actively hated the designs.

They're complete deviations and look like they belong in yokai watch

I know people are angry, but I"m okay with 3DS only. That just means I don't have to buy a switch this year.

Do we know if the games are sequels or enhanced versions yet? Trailer didn't really make it clear.

Revisits to regions typically have much improved postgames, so I actually have high expectations for that. We haven't had one of these since BW2.

I don't get this sentiment. If they released something for both systems, we'd all be happy.
I don't get this sentiment. If they released something for both systems, we'd all be happy.

Nintendo's not obligated to do that. The actual process of doing that takes time. Any other way we'd be hearing people bitching about them doing announcements from late 2018 lol.

Well this was some shitty news to wake up to.

I dunno, I watched the trailer first thing and that put a massive smile on my face. Made me cry nostalgic tears.

I'm thankful that the shared delusions here on neogaf have not soured my attitude at all lol.


At first I was disappointed by this announcement, but this just makes it more likely that the Gen IV remakes are built from the ground up for Switch, which is all I really want.
Also, I can't be the only one to hope for faster combats ?

Sun feels slower than Black and overall, JRPG found some way to makes battles feel faster (Bravely Default or Persona 5 for example), would be nice to be Pokémon case.


Still a bit confused by all these super harsh reactions, I fell for the Stars meme too but it was literally just a rumor. If you hyped yourself up you have only yourself to blame.


Apologies if this already has been said, but could these games possibly be like a dlc update to the Base games? Like how Animal Crossing New Leaf was upgraded last year. I doubt it'd be free, but the admittedly low amount we've seen so far suggests more of a second quest than a sequel.
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