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Pokken Tournament for Wii U (Spring 2016 WW) Announced at Pokemon World Championships

LOL. Good thing Nintendo is the publisher, waiting at least 6 months for Atlus games in EU after NA is torture. I appreciate NISA for picking up publishing of Atlus games in EU, but they could be a little faster.

Hopefully we don't have to wait too long for Genei Ibun Roku #FE too long for the west, at least early 2016 would be nice.


the schedule next year is looking like:

March?: Genei Ibun Roku #FE
May: Pokkén Tournament
June: Mario & Sonic at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games
November: Legend of Zelda Wii U
/ NX

Then throw in Project Treasure and the usual Lego, Skylanders, Infinity and Just Dance titles and you've got a picture of what 2016 will look like for the Wii U.

[edit] and Yooka-Laylee

Holyyy shit this list is absolutely depressing! and watch at least 3 of them being delayed...The only games I care from there is Zelda U and Yokaa-Laylee. Oh and let's not forget about Mighty No.9 as well... NX can't come soon enough tbh.


Hopefully we don't have to wait too long for Genei Ibun Roku #FE too long for the west, at least early 2016 would be nice.

I think it will depends on how they approach localization of the songs. It's really not an easy task to do. Direct translations rarely works, and they also can't distance themselves from the meaning of the songs.


Still want Scizor/Greninja (I'll prolly main Pikachu if they aren't in lol).
Happy to get confirmation for the Wii U though.
If you look at the roster there is a lack of feminine looking Pokémon other than Gardevoir.

So Libre Pikachu was brought in to bump the numbers up.
I don't think they really care about gender ratios...

If they did, they would have brought in an actual feminine Pokémon and not a Pikachu with a different tip on its tail in a wrestling costume.


People openly discussed it, yes. "No you see TPC did an end run around Nintendo and went with Namco to do an arcade release, then it's coming to XB1!!!!oneone!!!" Without thinking how stupid that was.

I think people keep forgetting that Nintendo owns a stake in the TPC.


on one hand, Lucha-chu, i like her and she's fit for this, on the other hand, hawlucha got robbed and there is two chus now.

I guess i understand, if you make a pokemon fighting game you have to have pikachu in it and not putting lucha-chu would be passing on a perfect oportunity. But GF/TPC would never allow lucha-chu to be the main/only representation of pikachu in the game, there is no way they wouldn't allow this to happen without heihachu repping regular pikachu, so i guess sacrifices had to be made to have lucha-chu.


Found some good vids

The continuous camera changes look annoying to me :p

I understand that there needs to be some kind of indication each time the battle changes from 3d to 2d or vice versa, but i don't like the end result. When a move triggers the change, there's a not so short pause + too much particle effects.

If only that was the only time where the camera changed...

- each time you call an assit, the camera centers on him/her for a second. If you asked me, that's something that i would try to avoid.
- throws look like modern naruto games ;_; i.e. the camera changes so that you can look to a cool looking cutscene!!
- when you mega evolve, the camera centers on you for a couple of seconds again (bonus points for extra particle effects!!)
- finally, as expected, "supers" are unnecessary long cutscenes.

tl;dr too cinematic, the camera breaks inmersion. There's still room from improvement.


I think people keep forgetting that Nintendo owns a stake in the TPC.

Nintendo owns a stake in Creatures, and The Pokemon Company. Creatures own a stake in The Pokemon Company as well. Game Freak, I believe is an independent company.

Still, Nintendo likely owns the majority of the Pokemon IP, and holds the publishing rights in perpetuity.


Nintendo owns a stake in Creatures, and The Pokemon Company. Creatures own a stake in The Pokemon Company as well. Game Freak, I believe is an independent company.

Still, Nintendo likely owns the majority of the Pokemon IP, and holds the publishing rights in perpetuity.

Slightly incorrect. Nintendo owns a stake separately. Creatures and GF own the rest.

It's confusing. I know lol.


Anyone who says Pikachu is better than Raichu is obviously on the Pokemon Company's payroll to be able to spew such garbage without wondering when their life went wrong. #FuckPikachu


Unconfirmed Member
This looks absolutely amazing. I've been waiting for something like this since I first played Pokemon Blue 15 years ago.

Perhaps I should start thinking seriously about getting a Wii U in the not so distant future. The only problem (aside from money, of course) would be finding the time to play all these games.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Wait wat

This thread is scary, I don't know if people are joking or not about multiplat pokémon.

Edit: I know wich game is this (SMT X FE) i just want to know about the date. If so early that would be awesome!

It's totally my own guess, I don't know anything for sure. I just know that it comes out in Japan near the end of this year, and I don't see a good window in the Wii U's schedule to launch it besides September, and I don't think they'll wait that long. Plus, at E3 it looked like Treehouse already had started translating it, so I think that bodes well for a release closer to the Japanese launch.

Holyyy shit this list is absolutely depressing! and watch at least 3 of them being delayed...The only games I care from there is Zelda U and Yokaa-Laylee. Oh and let's not forget about Mighty No.9 as well... NX can't come soon enough tbh.

I thought that was coming this year. Was it delayed? I haven't been paying a ton of attention to MN9.


It's totally my own guess, I don't know anything for sure. I just know that it comes out in Japan near the end of this year, and I don't see a good window in the Wii U's schedule to launch it besides September, and I don't think they'll wait that long. Plus, at E3 it looked like Treehouse already had started translating it, so I think that bodes well for a release closer to the Japanese launch.

Oh, ok. I'm really hyped for this game so I freak out everytime I read any information about it. Thanks =)


This looks like naruto games. Hype = dead

lol don't be silly. I don't want to start a conversation about all the things that make the recent naruto games abysmal fighting games, but i'm sure that this game will avoid falling into many of those mistakes. However, it's clear that is going to fall in some of them.

L Thammy

I don't think they really care about gender ratios...

If they did, they would have brought in an actual feminine Pokémon and not a Pikachu with a different tip on its tail in a wrestling costume.

I imagine that they just picked the female Pikachu to differentiate it more. For the most part, if they wanted female characters, they really just have to say that they're female. The male and female Pokemon look too similar to tell. Aside from Machamp, I don't think any of them look distinctly masculine, either.


Pikachu Libre is the kind of clone I can get behind.

Hopefully there's a few more fighters to beef up the roster if the game's going for 60 bucks.
(thanks to the Smash Amiibo I expect Greninja and Mewtwo to make an appearance atleast)
Lol, you have a small-sized luchador Pokemon, but you put Pikachu in a luchador costume instead............... I hope Hawlucha makes it anyways.


I imagine that they just picked the female Pikachu to differentiate it more. For the most part, if they wanted female characters, they really just have to say that they're female. The male and female Pokemon look too similar to tell. Aside from Machamp, I don't think any of them look distinctly masculine, either.

Luchachu is actually Cosplay Pikachu who is a specific female Pikachu.




I don't care that much about Pokémon but even I am slightly interested. Could be Wii U's deepest fighting game.
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