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Polygon: Xbox Scorpio will be a ~6 TFLOP system (v PS4K's 4.14), unveil soon, Fall 17

I did some reading, and the 6 teraflops here isn't the same as a GTX980 Ti's 6 teraflops. Expect something in the ballpark of the GTX 970. Maybe a bit faster.



I don't know how right that poster is, but I think what they are saying is. The neq Xbox launching next fall will essentially be a new console. You'll be able to play your Xbox One games on it, but anything developed for it won't have that backwards compatibility to share games like NEO and PS4.

Sorry if that doesn't make sense.


Damn, this is almost 1080-level irresponsible amounts of performance.

Yeah yeah not at all but I wanted to use that meme once as well :|


If Emily Rogers is to be believed then yeah, NX is around XBOne levels which is on the Low end of the spectrum.

Different architecture on both the CPU and GPU, so until we have a tear down we don't know jack shit on the NX, and even Emily has no idea what the actual performance is as was later elaborated.
So teraflops is the new 8 vs 16-bit? The 90s are back =D

Where have you been? The ~0.5TF difference between the base XB1 and PS4 was being played up before either launch and have been the constant ammo of warriors.

We're talking about a much larger gap here, but teraflops have been the pointed pieces of empassioned defense for quite some time now.


Can you imagine Panos on stage talking about this like the Surface events. Amazing.

I was actually rewatching the SurfaceBook reveal earlier, they definitely need someone like him with real passion and love to sell this thing. Natural performer.
If true, Sony fucked up then, right?

Maybe this is the start of bi-annual hardware iterations for both of these companies.
Sony releases new hardware 2016, 2018, 2020, ect..
While Microsoft releases new hardware in 2017, 2019, 2021, ect...

So they'll essentially take turns having the more powerful hardware.
Our sources also confirm that this will be the smallest Xbox ever made.

OK, now I'm interested. Could see myself grabbing one of those for $250 at some point to have for LANs and the like if it's dramatically smaller.

Surprised the XB2 is aiming for Fall 2017; that's quite a bit further out than I had figured it would release.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
I did some reading, and the 6 teraflops here isn't the same as a GTX980 Ti's 6 teraflops. Expect something in the ballpark of the GTX 970. Maybe a bit faster.

Quote your references because I don't believe you.

Xbox One has done wonder with it's 1.3TF. I can't imagine how good looking a game would be with a console powered 6TF powering it.


It literally makes no sense. It's like they are panicking up there in Redmond. Why not just stay quiet and talk about the Xbox 1-2 next year?

Only reason to do it is to show they are serious about Xbox, unveil some grand plan and take some wind out the sails of Sony with the Neo.

I can't see them showing off everything though, like here is the box etc. Just keep people interested, on the fence.


Wow! A 6TF console launching in Fall 2017! I guess there's absolutely no need for me to buy any other console until then.

No, that's not how it actually works.


Sounds like a bs leak to keep people from buying a neo.

1) there is not going to be a new graphics Tech in 2017 to be 50% more powerful than neo and fit within console price points

2) announcing this far in advance would just kill whatever momentum Xbox has.


Gold Member
Will I still be able to play every game on my current Xbox One, or will they force me into buying a new console?


I can't wait to see those same titles running in Xbox one, if they will run at all.
If this gets announce at E3, R.I.P. Xbox one 2013 - 2016

If shitty down ports end up being the case, then they will lose me. But from the sound of how much more powerful it is, the whole idea might just be to phase out the Xbox One when this releases.


Different architecture on both the CPu and CPU, so until we have a tear down we don't know jack shit on the NX, and even Emily has no idea what the actual performance is as was later elaborated.

Ah, I must've missed it in that thread then when it was brought up.
At best I'll guess its around ps4 levels then.


If true, Sony fucked up then, right?

If the rumors are true I have a hard time imagining this thing cost less than 499. And we all know what happens to 499 items. So for now, no, Sony is neither fucked nor did they win anything.

OT: If this is really what Microsoft had planned - the Xbox One being the ultimate console with new iterations every now and then that mock up generational step ups - it'll end up being the most sold console ever, like, in 30 years, the Xbox One might be at X00 million =D.
I just can't wrap my head around the release date of this thing.

Sony are going to launch the NEO this Fall or early 2017.

That gives the NEO anywhere from 8-12 months on the market completely unchallenged.

MS are ceding way too much market-share to the NEO before launching their own iterative console.

Damn right.


If true, Sony fucked up then, right?

No. It's clear both companies have different priorities and routes. But if MS is giving NEO a year headstart on the market because they were taken by surprise all that does it increase the PS4 mindshare.

It's still the PS4 ecosystem so no matter what PS4 is going to outsell Xbox. It just seems like MS wants to treat this like a new console gen of sorts to kinda reboot everything.
Maybe it's me...but I don't trust Polygons reporting of said news. I'll wait until Microsoft has the last word. Some of this seems hugely exaggerated without actual consideration of price but i guess, that's why it's a rumor and not a confirmation.
To really hurt Neo they need to announce this before Sony anounces Neo and hype the hell out of its performance to make the early curent gen adopter question if they actually wnt to upgrade to Neo instead of waiting a bit and getting a more powerful console. Basically create a Dreamcast/PS2 situation.


I think many in this thread are not realizing how far away this is actually. Fall 2017 is almost a year and half away. We are not even in summer 2016. If this came out this fall id be excited. Fall 2017... IDK ask me in a year.

(assuming the rumor is true)
Quote your references because I don't believe you.

Xbox One has done wonder with it's 1.3TF. I can't imagine how good looking a game would be with a console powered 6TF powering it.

That depend on what devs targeting .
A 1080p game would look amazing but going for native 4K will eat up all that power .


Gold Member
Where have you been? The ~0.5TF difference between the base XB1 and PS4 was being played up before either launch and have been the constant ammo of warriors.

We're talking about a much larger gap here, but teraflops have been the pointed pieces of empassioned defense for quite some time now.

Isn't the gap roughly the same % wise if this is 6TF and not 5TF? Both around 45%?


Ah, I must've missed it in that thread then when it was brought up.
At best I'll guess its around ps4 levels then.

Nate followed up with her after the fact of that last thread. It buried in that thread somewhere, but either way no way in hell the NX is anywhere near these monsters coming to market.


I wonder how devs will handle a market with NX/PS4/PS4Neo/XBOXOne/Xbox Scorpio/PC all at the same time. I don't think most will be pleased.


GAF's Bob Woodward
If true, Sony fucked up then, right?


Sony doesn't have to march on Microsoft's beat.

If we're moving to an iterative model and these rumours on timings etc. are true - then we have two platform holders that may well end up 'tick-tocking' each other. Neither will be too far from either a performance advantage or a cost advantage.

From this year to next Sony will be on one side of this coin, MS the other, from the end of next year into 2018 the coin will flip. But that's not the end of the story. Depending on how tightly these two want to iterate, the following year or year and a half, Sony might revise again and the cost/performance coin flips once more. And so on, ad infinitum, if this model actually gains traction.

In other words, they could end spoiling each other's performance parties endlessly going forward. Which IMO is a much more interesting situation than if they were both synced perfectly, releasing basically the exact same boxes at the exact same time. Neither is doing a bad job or fucking up - their tech position is simply a function of their schedule, and I don't see why once has to march on the same schedule as the other.


The current performance target for Microsoft’s Scorpio is approximately 6 teraflops.
see this right here tells me someone making up numbers.

That said, if MS actually comes up with a 5.2TF machine at $499 compared to Sony's 4.6TF machine at $399, in 2017, who will pick which side?

What say you GAF?



I don't know how right that poster is, but I think what they are saying is. The neq Xbox launching next fall will essentially be a new console. You'll be able to play your Xbox One games on it, but anything developed for it won't have that backwards compatibility to share games like NEO and PS4.

Sorry if that doesn't make sense.

What I'm trying to say is when the console comes out it's not going to have Xbox One branding. It's going to be called something else.

Like when the generation started you had games for 360, PS3, PS4 and Xbox One.

When the new Xbox comes out it's going to be:
Xbox One, New Xbox, PS4/Neo.

It's going to be it's own sku.

Not an insider this is just what I think the plan is.
To really hurt Neo they need to announce this before Sony anounces Neo and hype the hell out of its performance to make the early curent gen adopter question if they actually wnt to upgrade to Neo instead of waiting a bit and getting a more powerful console. Basically create a Dreamcast/PS2 situation.

Sure, like:

'Don't buy that PS4 Neo next month. We got somethin fo yo ass. Please be excited. Please. For Holiday 2017.'


Maybe it's me...but I don't trust Polygons reporting of said news. I'll wait until Microsoft has the last word. Some of this seems hugely exaggerated without actual consideration of price but i guess, that's why it's a rumor and not a confirmation.

Assuming that you don't trust Geiss percieved Warrior status?
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