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Predict: 2016 in Gaming


Let's get the big one out of the way first: Knack will be released on PS+.

Zelda circle will strike again. Everyone hates the new one while start to appreciate Skyward sword.

VR is off to a slow start. High prices and first gen issues will keep mainstream interest low.

The Last Guardian will be delayed to 2017.

Nintendo's performance in the mobile market will disappoint shareholders.


  • No mans sky will literally be the next "The Order". It will sell a lot but be considered a bad game.
  • 2 more assassin creed games come out
  • the last guardian will NOT come out
  • Titanfall 2 is meh
  • Someone will try and port a moba to a console and it just wont work
  • Horizon will be delayed until 2017
  • All VR stuff will be overpriced and have gimmicky games,
  • Sunset Overdrive Sequel


I guess some more on my end, since I don't feel like editing my first post:

-Horizon won't make 2016. It'll be delayed to 2017. Also when it releases in 2017 its reception will be lukewarm.
-Mass Effect: Andromeda will be disappointing, though some people will still like it more than ME3.
-Uncharted 4 will meet expectations and be the biggest GotY contender.
-Pokemon 20th anniversary will be kind of a bust. Pokken won't be all that well received within the Tekken community and it'll be one of those games that gets lost in the shuffle of other fighting games. Pokemon Z will be a great game at its core but Game Freak will fuck up something about the postgame. Everything else is mostly forgettable, like VC releases of the original games. Nintendo will still treat it as one of the biggest parts of the year.
-the Last Guardian will have a November release date announced but then get delayed to early next year, sort of similar to Uncharted.
-Valve won't publish any new releases or announce anything that isn't related to Steam.
-Sony has by far the weakest E3 of the year. Nintendo has a huge NX blowout, Microsoft basically tries to one-up what Sony did last year and basically showcases the next three years of major X1 first-party titles as well as a revival of a beloved franchise. Sony's conference will have lots of good and memorable trailers but few actual announcements.
-Final Fantasy XV won't get released, but FF7 Remake Episode 1 will. Reception will be fairly negative, people will like the core game but the game won't have enough content. Comparisons will be drawn to Ground Zeroes even though the two won't really be comparable. FF15 will manage to get people excited again though.
-Dragon Quest XI will be amazing but its US release will be botched. It'll go unadvertised and get lost in the shuffle of the Holiday releases.


- Uncharted 4 is critically aclaimed and delivers a proper ending to the series.
- Doom comes out and is a surprising commercial success. Someone wips up a Quake Arena mod on it using Snapmap and along with the new Unreal Tournament, it becomes an instant classic (one can dream huh?).
- Gears of War 4 silently releases on the PC.
- Destiny 2 gets launched and is what the first one should have been. Nobody buys it due to distrust following the whole buying Destiny and then buying TTK thing.
- The PS4 continues to have amazing sales.
- The Xbox One sells well but MS loses faith and says the Xbox ThreeSixty is in development.

Aaaaand done for now.
Horizon getting pushed to 2017 met with positive reception, but not genre defining.

PSVR is launched with the Playroom robots mini-game pack bundled with. Will be cheaper than most people anticipate. Will be a moderate success and continue to build momentum. Will be the most successful VR effort early on based on price point. Official Minecraft VR will be inevitable, and sell on all platforms.

NX will crater, but Nintendo's mobile efforts will be successful. The release window will be poor timing.

Uncharted 4 will sell gangbusters, and will be Sony's most heavily advertised title to date. Will hit massive critical acclaim.

Sony will not make an Elite controller.

Both Microsoft and Sony will bring a cheaper, digital only console to the market.


Nintendo launches NX handheld in late 2016 and with that marks the beginning of next gen, the home console will come out sometime in the following year. In terms of functionality I expect the logical successor to 3DS; clamshell design, two screens and yes to stereoscopic 3D.

As for launch games? I have no idea. Nintendo is weird nowadays. I wouldn't be surprised if the handheld gets a straight Splatoon port and then at E3 2017 they announce Splatoon 2. 3D Mario is a safe bet for the holidays, just like in 2011. Maybe Pikmin 4 and Pokémon Z as launch window games.

They will tease NX console and Retro's game, full reveal / launch in 2017.

Zelda Wii U will be the first Nintendo game since 2007 that has a real chance at running away with GOTY. In typical Nintendo fashion the game will be open world, except not really.

The Witness delivers. It has a quiet launch but gains momentum as the reviews come in and word of mouth spreads.
-NX revealed in May, released in Nov
-Crash reveal at E3 2016 (I sense a Spiderman/disney like deal between Sony and Activision)
-PSVR out in Nov at $299 and a $399 bundle (reactions Will be mixed)

2016 Game of the Year nominees will be
-Uncharted 4 (overall winner)
-No man's sky
-Dishonored 2
-Persona 5
-The Last Guardian


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
The NX will be unveiled before E3, in the first half of 2016.

Nintendo's E3 will once again avoid a live conference, and people will call it lacking compared to Sony's / Microsoft's. (Nintendo's proved time and time again they don't see E3 as "Gamer's Christmas" and couldn't care less about "winning" it.)

The Nintendo World Championships will return.

Those people that want the NX to be "gimmick-free" with traditional controls will be disappointed. As will those that want the NX to be a powerhouse.

The NX won't be backwards compatible.

Zelda will turn out to be a Wii U exclusive. It won't get a NX port.

Metroid Fed Force will turn out to be a good game, but internet reaction will be mixed. It will sell poorly due to the bad first impression. (Some people will try to make it seem worse than it actually is because it isn't a traditional Metroid - just like Other M.)

The Witness, No Man's Sky, Ratchet and Clank, Last Guardian (if it releases), Starfox, Project Guard and Project Giant Robot will all underwhelm and won't live up to the hype.

VR will be niche and the press will be filled with multiple horror stories of people tripping over, eye damage, being unaware of their surroundings... This will stop any chance of it becoming mainstream.

As for me, by the end of the year, I hope to own at least one new console. (PS4 / NX.)
1. Zelda and Mass Effect end up with most GOTY
2. XCOM 2 does surprisingly well after console limitations were removed
3. Mafia gets delayed til late 2016 or 2017
4. No Man's Sky will look great but there will be nothing to do in it
5. NX will launch and Nintendo will have an actual Conference to announce it (plz nintendo)
6. NX priced at 399 while other systems drop to 299
7. New Justice League game announced sometime around Batguy v Superbro release (would be neat to see a teaser in the movie, like a case or something like that somewhere)
8. Ubisoft launches even more sequels that have nothing to do with the previous games
9. Dishonored 2 will be pretty good, but that's about it.
10. Sony shows off the tiniest glimpse of what Kojima plans on working on in a short cinematic trailer to end E3. (It's Crash Bandicoot)


  1. Destiny and some Halo game will be announced for PC..
  2. No Man's Sky won't live up to hype, but it won't be terrible either. It will be a neat procedural exploration concept, that isn't a huge hit.
  3. XCOM2 will be a bigger success, a better game for not being multi-platform, and mod support will give it legs in both support and sales. Later console versions will get announced before the year ends.
  4. Divinity: Original Sin 2 will be delayed to 2017.
  5. Torment: Tides of Numenera won't live up to expectations for Planescape Torment fans.
  6. Rise of the Tomb Raider will sell better on PC and PS4.
  7. Quantum Break will actually be good, just maybe not great.
  8. Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak will be a surprise hit of 2016.
  9. Dishonored 2 and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided will be better than the previous entries, and sell better...unless Dishonored hits in October or November.
  10. Many of the best indie games in 2016 will be games coming out of early access, and the amount of quality games from early access will increase.
  11. Shadow Warrior 2 will be one of the best co-op titles in 2016.
  12. Fallout 4 reception will improve after official mod tools come out.
  13. Uncharted 4 will review well, but like Fallout 4 disappoint compared to the previous entries, along with not selling new consoles.
  14. Dark Souls 3 will enjoy greater sales than Bloodborne.
  15. 2016 will be the year where Unreal games become common again.
  16. Lawbreakers will get a release target announced, a alpha or beta will get released, and it will have buzz similar to Overwatch. It will also have more creative mechanics and game modes than Overwatch.
  17. Overwatch will be the most successful and highly rated multiplayer shooter of 2016.
  18. Doom will review decently, renew interest in the series, and sell well.



  • Nintendo NX is announced prior to E3, big E3 blow-out, releasing late Q3/Q4. It'll be comparable in tech to PS4, feature a unified account system/online/storefront. Won't blow anyone's minds besides Nintendo diehards, and won't be a massive sales success due to people already being invested in PS4/Xbox One. Its portable capabilities will be the most popular/successful aspect.
  • Launch titles for NX include 3D Mario, Zelda Wii U port, besides more Nintendo Land and Amiibo stuff.
  • Retro's new game is shown, is not Donkey Kong, and not a launch title.
  • NX port for Smash 4, includes Wolf, Ice Climbers, Inklings, and Banjo & Kazooie.
  • Eternal Darkness 2 will be announced some time during the year.

  • Come E3, Microsoft will try to emulate SCE's E3 2015 success by announcing at least one megaton title, likely Banjo 3 or Battletoads 2 or both, but will have very little to show.
  • Scalebound is decent, but considered a disappointment by many, with the game gaining a following as the time goes on. Won't be a massive seller, won't make 2m within the first 2 months.
  • Quantum Break will enjoy a solid reception, will be a big seller (will sell at least 2m in its first two weeks).
  • Gears 4 will be well received by fans, it'll sell really well, but its overall reception will show that the series is way past its prime.
  • Ninja Gaiden 4 announced at E3, is Xbox One exclusive, moneyhatted by Microsoft. Releasing Q2 2017.

  • Sony will make good on their Crash tease at PSX by announcing a new Crash Bandicoot at E3. However Naughty Dog is not the only developer.
  • A SCEJ AAA JRPG will be announced in the second half of the year, either at TGS or PSX. Will not be The Legend of Dragoon 2, but a new IP.
  • God of War 4 will be announced at E3.
  • Uncharted 4 will be a big success and a GOTY contender for most, but will also be considered a disappointment by some and its reception will be better than UC3 but below UC2.
  • KojiPro will tease their new title throughout the year, but little concrete will be shown. They'll drop another playable teaser at PSX, but will not be survival horror or Silent Hills-related.

  • Resident Evil 7 is announced early in the year, and releasing Q4 2016, same as RE6.
  • Devil May Cry 5 is announced in either of two possible scenarios: 1) announced in Spring, big blow-out at E3 with trailer showing gameplay, releasing Q1 2017; 2) announced at TGS complete with trailer, releasing Q1 2018. Dante is the main character, with Nero as supporting character. Story will feature a revived Vergil. Lady and Trish will not be playable. Its campaign/level design will be very different from past DMC titles.
  • Street Fighter V's next wave of DLC characters is revealed at PSX. Will include another SF2 veteran (likely Sagat), another SF4 original, at least two SF3 characters, one of them being Q or Oro, and at least one more debut character (can be an existing character like Mike Haggar). No guest characters.
  • Resident Evil 2 Remake will have its first trailer at TGS. It'll have fixed camera angles but with 3D environments, and the option between classic camera angles and behind the shoulder view. Opinions among hardcore fans will be divided between cautiously accepting and livid.
  • Monster Hunter for PS4 will be announced, probably at TGS. Will not be Monster Hunter 5.
Square Enix/Eidos

  • Final Fantasy XV will be praised for its gameplay, but criticized for its open world which will be lacking in meaningful content. Reception to the story will be so-so. Won't blow people's minds, but it'll receive good-to-great reviews, and will be enough to consider Final Fantasy "back" after FF13.
  • Final Fantasy VII Remake will have another trailer at E3 giving us our first glimpse of Aerith, Tifa, Sephiroth, the Turks and the Shinra president, but not Red XIII, Jenova, Hojo, or Rufus. We'll get the first footage of how the magic system and limit breaks work. At PSX we'll see how summons work for the first time. In general we'll see more footage showing exploration of Midgar. We'll learn that Midgar is a semi-open environment, and that part 1 of the remake will be Midgar only. We'll also get a vague 2017 release confirmation for part 1 at PSX.
  • Nier Automata is more stream-lined, more action-focused than the original. Platinum fans will be pleased, but disappointed at the lack of set pieces, and Nier fans will be divided in their opinions.
  • Hitman will be considered underwhelming and lacking in content at launch, but as its content grows as the year goes on, so will its reception turn increasingly positive . Will be a GOTY contender for many, but will ultimately be overshadowed by other releases.
  • Deus Ex: Mankind Divided will have great reception, comparable to the original, and be a big seller. Will not be more streamlined.
  • Either Thief 5 or a new Legacy of Kain will be announced at E3.
  • Dormant PS1-era Eidos franchises besides LoK will be revived. Will be developed by smaller developers and not internally by Eidos/SE.
  • A classic SquareSoft franchise will be brought back, probably Parasite Eve.

Bandai Namco

  • Dark Souls 3 will do better than Dark Souls 2 on PC and Bloodborne overall. Will be more comparable to Bloodborne than the original Dark Souls in terms of content, and will be considered a disappointment for some. Will still be GOTY contender for many. General claims of series fatigue will not effect its overall reception.
  • Soul Calibur 6 is announced in the second half of the year. Might not be called Soul Calibur 6.
  • Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 will sell well and enjoy solid reviews. It'll be criticized for its poor gameplay balance by large parts of the fan base. No one except hardcore fans will care about it by the end of the year.


  • There'll be a new Sonic game announced. Will be better than Sonic Boom but still not great. Sonic cycle continues.
  • Virtua Fighter 6 will be announced. Will feature at least two new characters, at least of which will use Penchak Silat or Eskrima. One fighter will be of Middle-Eastern/North African origin. There'll be no release date for a console version, if one is announced.
  • Persona 5[ will be a GOTY contender and enjoy great success relative to the rest of the franchise. Will greatly boost the franchise's popularity and make it as close to mainstream as a non-FF/Pokemon JRPG can.
  • Shin Megami Tensei IV Final will enjoy better reception than the original.
  • Yakuza Kiwami will not release in the West in 2016.

  • Platinum's TMNT is solid, and slightly longer and more meaty than Transformers.
  • We'll have another Platinum announcement that will blow our minds. Will not be Bayonetta 3 or Bayonetta x DMC.
  • Several big titles will be buggy and glitchy at launch, and lacking in content. The Division is likely one of them.
  • Recore, Dishonored 2, Crackdown 3 and Mass Effect: Andromeda will be delayed to 2017.
  • Mighty No. 9 will be solid, but people will rate it more harshly because of the long development period and everything that transpired after the Kickstarter ended.
  • As we begin to see more of Bloodstained, people will lose their shit over it not looking like its artwork shown during the Kickstarter and will predict doom and gloom over the project.
  • Either the new Suikoden or the new Shadow Hearts that Verendus' hinted at will be confirmed dead by Verendus by the end of the year.
  • On the above note: A new Shadow Hearts will be announced for PS4/Vita at TGS. It'll be a soft-reboot, but will feature Yuri from the original series in some capacity. By some miracle will be developed by members of the original team, including the director of Covenant, Matsuzo Machida. SCEJ will be involved in production somehow, possibly as a collaboration with Marvelous and Universal Entertainment Corporation (the IP holder).
  • People Can Fly will unveil Bulletstorm 2 at E3 as one of their games in development. It will be closer to Painkiller and Doom in terms of gameplay and speed than the original.
  • Injustice 2 will be announced. The reveal will be pre-rendered, like MKX.
  • Torment: Tides of Numenera won't be as good as Planescape Torment, but will still be great and will be a GOTY contender.
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 will be announced. Agent is still dead.
  • Portal 3 or Left 4 Dead 3 will be announced. Still no Half Life 3.
  • Indie games will continue to be the greatest aspect of console/PC gaming in 2016.
  • Another indie will show up out of the blue and capture people's hearts to a similar degree to Undertale and Life is Strange, although slightly less, and will be a GOTY contender for many.
  • People still won't care about Battleborn.


It's confirmed as a Wii U title at least, if anything it will be cross-platform. But since your prediction is that "NX is dumb," I'm guessing you don't care much about what happens with Zelda. ;)

It also used to be a 2015 title, then stuff happened and it had to be delayed.

Making the Zelda game Wii U only at this point makes no sense, the platform is dead and the NX is gonna be announced at E3. Making Zelda for both of them would only make sense if the NX is something akin to gc -> wii in terms of console hardware. Even then, Nintendo is clearly pushing out NX as fast as possible because they want to get away from the Wii U. Dedicating resources and manpower to making the Wii U version of the game is completely counterproductive because that would do is give people less reason to get an NX.
Capcom will continue to be a disappointment
No RE7, No REmake 2, No DMC5, No Onimusha..... No nothing!

They'll announce a new logo for DMC and shit ton of new remasters to come in 2017 and beyond to get the fans excited, so, yaaaaay!

PS Plus IGC on PS4 will continue to be a disappointment
More games that no one cares about and barely anyone plays them but all that matters is that on the paper, you are getting your money's worth so, yaaaaay!

Persona 5 will be......wait for it...... nah...... not quite there...... just a little more....... delayed again!
Atlus will keep quite about the game throughout the year, not a single piece of info, no video, nothing! So everyone assume that P5 won't be releasing this year but no Atlus keeps on insisting, "It's coming guys", "don't worry it's almost here" and so on. Atlus eventually does a 10 days long stream at the end of the year which is full of pranks and trolling (read shitting on) their fanbase. The stream will end with a 7 minutes trailer of P5 which says "Fall 2017" at it's end.

Later on will get some interview from the team saying that the game looks great and all but they wanted it to bigger and better. So even though they clearly lied to our faces we should still be excited and give a damn cause surely it will one day come out, so yaaaaay!

Sony brings PS1 classics to PS4!
You can finally play the long awaited PS1 classics on your PS4!!! But... umm.... you know... you can't use the discs that you already have, cause.... cause.... cause PS4 can't read CDs, yeah, obviously. So you need to buy them on PSN.

Oh, and you can't use the ones that you bought before on PS3, cause.... you know.... PS4 obviously isn't as powerful as PS3 so it can't run that emulator or something. It would be crazy to even think that, come on man! And no, Sony can't let you download the games that you've already bought in PS3 era, I mean grow up, how can you even ask for something that outrageous!

All PS4 users can buy selected PS1 Classics from PS Store for the low low price of 20 bucks each. So, once again, yaaaaay!

Year of delays
Uncharted 4
Mass Effect
The Last Guardian
Final Fantasy XV
No Man's Sky
GT Sports

And many other games will get delayed to next year, making 2017 one of most exciting years in the gaming, yaaaaay!


Junior Member
NX Platform (Nintendo)
  • The NX Platform will have multiple form factors, one console & at least one handheld (both with an ARM architecture). The NX Console will launch Holiday 2016 in the West while Japan gets the NX Handheld at the same time. Said NX Console will be a bit under the Xbox One, while the NX Handheld will be a bit under the Wii U. Whichever NX device isn't in a region yet will be launched in Spring 2017. The door is left open for an NX Handheld XL later down the line, probably saved for late 2017 or early 2018.
  • The NX Platform will be revealed in a dedicated Nintendo Direct during the Spring, with more games being revealed during the Nintendo Digital Event at E3. The NX Console will be featured at the Nintendo World Championship playing next 3D Mario game during the Grand Finals.
  • Nintendo will continue to distance themselves from the Wii & DS branding in preparation for the NX Platform.
  • The NX Console will use the free-form touch screen controller from the patent, except the final version will include buttons, a D-Pad, triggers, & scrolling bumpers. The NX Handheld will emulate the NX Console's controller (with a single, 540p screen) to maintain control parity between all form factors.
  • The NX Console will cost $299, while the NX Handheld will cost $199.
  • All NX devices will be region-free.
  • The NX Console & Handheld(s) will not be backwards compatible with the Wii U or the 3DS (respectively).
  • The NX Console will be underwhelming in sales due to most gamers already being situated with the PS4 &/or Xbox One, while the NX Handheld is a booming success in Japan. This is concerning the Fall 2016 launch of each NX device in their respective regions.
  • The NX Handheld can also double as a controller for the NX Console & do Off-TV Play.
  • In the wake of the NX Platform, the Wii U will fade after 2016 while the 3DS will linger until Summer 2017 for Japan & the end of 2017 for the rest of the world.
  • Zelda U will see an NX Platform port at launch as well as a Wii U release.
  • The next 3D Mario & Pikmin 4 will be in the Fall 2016 NX Platform launch line-up.
  • Most western third parties won't bother with the NX Platform beyond games that show up on every system (Skylanders, Disney Infinity, Just Dance, Guitar Hero, etc.). That being said, Activision will give the NX Platform a shot with their Call of Duty games.
  • As a result of the previous bullet point, most of the NX Platform's games will either be from first parties, Japanese third parties, or indies
  • Sega, Bandai Namco, Capcom, Square Enix, & Level-5 will be amongst the NX Platform's biggest third party supporters (beyond indies).
  • Final Fantasy VII Remake, Kingdom Hearts III, & Final Fantasy XV will be announced for the NX Platform.
  • Monster Hunter X Ultimate will be announced for the NX Platform, planned for a 2017 release.
  • Monster Hunter 5 will be announced in Japan for the NX Platform. Like most Monster Hunter games, the rest of the world will wait until the Ultimate version before the game comes stateside.
  • Nintendo will go big on their indie support, which will bring in indie developers in droves.
  • MyNintendo will be heavily integrated into all NX devices, allowing for an actual account system.
  • A new mainline Animal Crossing game will be announced for 2017 on the NX Platform.
  • Retro Studios' new project will be a new IP, planned for a 2017 release on the NX Platform.
  • Smash 4 will see a Complete Edition on the NX Platform at launch, with the NX Console supporting the GameCube Adapter to keep the competitive scene happy. All future tournaments will make the jump to the NX Console for future-proofing purposes.
  • Bayonetta 3 & Splatoon 2 will be announced for the NX Platform, planned for a 2017 (maybe 2018) launch.
  • Mario Kart 9 will be mentioned for the NX Platform, but not shown until E3 2017.
  • Super Smash Bros. Melee HD will be announced for the NX Platform's launch alongside Smash 4: Complete Edition. It will also support the GameCube Adapter when played on the NX Console & will contain online multiplayer, an option to switch between NTSC & PAL balancing, & replays that you can save & share on YouTube. The game will run at 1080p/60fps on the NX Console & 540p/60fps on the NX Handheld.
Rest of Nintendo
  • Nintendo will begin an eSports league featuring Splatoon, Smash 4, & Melee HD that will function similarly to the Capcom Pro Tour. Players will gain points by placing at a number of tournaments throughout the year (fighting game tournaments like EVO & Final Round for the Smash games and dedicated Nintendo-hosted tournaments for Splatoon). Also like the Capcom Pro Tour, the top 32 players for each game will go to the Nintendo League Finals at the end of the year. This will mainly be a means to keep the franchises in the public eye until Splatoon 2 & Smash 5 are ready. Splatoon will be played on Wii U, while Smash 4 & Melee will be played on the NX Console. The initiative will be successful, more so on the Melee side of things.
  • Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem will come to the West in Summer 2016.
  • Star Fox Zero will end up going above the mixed expectations of many. It'll be a damn good game, but nothing mind-blowing.
  • Pokémon Z will be the swan song for the 3DS, launching in Fall 2016 (giving it a few months between it & the NX Platform's launch).
  • Pokkén Tournament will be a solid game, but how Local Multiplayer is handled will cause road-blocks for competitive play.
  • Corrin will be upper-mid tier in Smash 4, while Bayonetta will be amongst the top tier (despite her limited knockback potential beyond her smash attacks).
  • Fire Emblem Fates will sell slightly more than Awakening did in the West thanks to positive word-of-mouth & Corrin being in Smash 4. As implied in the previous sentence, it will be well-received by Western critics.
  • Pokémon Go will be huge.
  • A new wave of Amiibos based on the characters in Melee will be launched to coincide with Melee HD (to fill the void left by the Smash 4 Amiibo line).
Fighting Games
  • Street Fighter V will begin to take off in the FGC, & Capcom will add another $500k to the Capcom Pro Tour pot post-EVO.
  • In the wake of Street Fighter V's success, demand for Marvel vs. Capcom 4 will rise. Given Capcom's financial situation, Sony will consider footing the licensing fee for Capcom.
  • Capcom will announce the Wave 2 cast for Street Fighter V's DLC near the end of 2016. It will contain Akuma, Sagat, Crimson Viper, Dudley, Oro, & a newcomer. Q will be considered, but held back due to legal issues with Toei Company Ltd. & Robot Detective K (who Q blatantly ripped off).
  • Smash 4 & Melee will continue to co-exist at EVO 2016.
  • Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 will stick around for EVO 2016
  • Tekken 7 will be out on consoles near the end of 2016, & will launch on the NX Platform alongside the PS4 & XB1 releases.
  • King of Fighters XIV will exceed expectations, despite its mediocre graphics. That being said, KoFXIV will receive a bit more polishing in the visuals department before release, looking passable in its final form. It will barely be out in time to be at EVO 2016 (just barely).
  • Tekken x Street Fighter will continue development but will still be teased by Namco, as their focus is currently on Tekken 7.
  • Resident Evil 7 & Devil May Cry 5 will be announced.
  • Persona 5 will launch Summer 2016 in Japan & Fall 2016 for the rest of the world. It will meet expectations for long time fans, & bring tons of new fans into the series.
  • Final Fantasy XV will exceed expectations.
  • Final Fantasy VII Remake (Episode 1) will cover everything up to Cloud & Co. having to leave Midgar after being framed for killing Shinra. Each episode will have a set exclusivity period for the PS4, & will later see release on PC, the NX Platform, & the Xbox One.
  • Uncharted 4 will end the series on a high note.
  • The 25th Anniversary Sonic game will basically be Sonic Generations 2. The Sonic 3 half of S3&K & Sonic Lost World will see representation in the game as well as Sonic games already in Generations 1. Sonic Boom will only be referenced since it's only a spin-off. Like Generations 1 before it, the music will be amazing.
  • Virtual Reality won't catch the world on fire early on due to the high barrier of entry (mainly with the price tag). It will however be awesome for those who can afford it.
  • The PS4 will continue to sell like hotcakes.
  • Gravity Rush 2 will be awesome.
  • Dark Souls 3 will also be awesome.
  • Telltale's Marvel game will be announced. The X-Men & Fantastic Four will not exist in the game's world.


- Uncharted will be delayed one more time and release between the end of May through June. It will send the series out on a high note.

- NX is announced with gaming enthusiasts criticizing it for continuing down the non traditional path. Release date 2016.

- Microsoft will experience lots of delays to their "best lineup ever". Specifically do not think recore, crackdown, or scalebound find their release in 2016.

-Likewise The Last Guardian will be MIA for 2016. Atleast we already have all the gifs made this time.The game will get a release date for spring 2017.

- Virtual reality proves the tech has uses. Sony etc. will see sales as a success, but gamers will declare it a failure for not living up to some inflated attach rate expectations.

- All the console MOBA/ MOBA like games will fail on console.

- No Man Sky will have mixed reactions resulting from the inflated expectations some have. I still think its amazing.


1. Horizon: Zero Dawn is delayed until 2017
2. FFXV & Persona 5 release over the summer
3. PSVR is incredible but doesn't sell well and is released at the end of the year.
4. Capcom announces DMC5, RE7, & The return of Mega Man.
5. Bandai-Namco drop a trailer for Tekken x Street Fighter.
6. Scalebound or Crackdown gets delayed until 2017
7. The Division sucks and is broken in some type of way.
8. NX is revealed but isn't released until 2017
9. Zelda Wii U releases and is the Wii U's swan song.
10. Tekken 7 drops in the 4th Quarter of 2016.
11. Bayonetta 3 will be teased as an NX launch title.
12. Naughty Dog teases The Last Of Us 2.
13. It leaks that Kojima's new game is a mech game.
14. Persona 5 & Zelda Wii U duke it out for GOTY.
15. 2016 is the year of fighting games.
16. Level 5 announces something that makes people cry tears of joy.
17. Last Guardian is delayed until 2017.
18. Super Mario Sunshine gets an HD port to Wii-U.
19. FFVII remake does not come out in any capacity but Square continues to talk about it.



Uncharted released to critical acclaim, then a month later people begin seeing its flaws and state it isn't as good as Uncharted 2 but better then 3.

Sony has their biggest E3 ever with the following announcements:

  • God of War 4 is shown and is coming spring 2017. Kratos is back and is Egyptian mythology.
  • FF7 pt1 is releasing January 2017. Demo code packed in with FF15.
  • FF15 releases July 2016 and is actually really good. Sells a shit ton thanks to the FF7 demo.
  • Last of us 2 is teased with gameplay eventually shown at psx. Game is releasing November 2017.
  • New Crash. Coming November 2016.
  • Last Guardian releases in August 2016.
  • Horizon releases October and is a huge hit!
  • Bloodborne 2 is teased then some gameplay shown at psx. Releases summer 2017.
  • PS4 price cut to $300.
  • Uncharted story DLC coming November 2016

No Mans sky gets ok reviews. Game is boring then begins to fade. Eventually a VR version is announced but the game continues to fade.

Persona 5 releases in May and is a huge hit. Best in the series and sells surprisingly well.

PSVR releases at $250 with a bundled ps4 version @ $500. Receives mostly positive reaction. Hardcore gamers are disappointed and trash Sony, but casual consumers love it! Sells surprisingly well. Games that weren't meant to be big hits become fan favorites, while the opposite happens to the heavily advertised titles.


Banjo-Threeie, a new IP from Nintendo, and a long dormant PlayStation franchise will all be seen st E3. Book it.

True Fire

Ni-Oh is lowkey better than Dark Souls III. Better combat, better bosses, hauntingly beautiful Japanese horror aesthetic, and terrifying koto music. Dark Souls III gets better reviews, and Ni-Oh disappoints in sales. It becomes this generation's NieR and people will beg for a sequel, which won't happen until 2020.


FPS's will be back on top where they belong

-Doom will be godly.
-Shadow Warrior 2 will be godly.
-Fallout 4 full mod tools will make FO4 a godly fps. A Requiem/Wanderer's edition/J Sawyer type joint.
-Overwatch godly
-Rising Storm 2 Vietnam godly
-Killing Floor 2's full release and R6 siege DLC making both godly.
-Unreal Tournament godly.
-Space Hulk Deathwing godly, dudes that made Styx and E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy, with UE4 to alleviate jank from 2 of the jankiest games ever.
-one of Law Breakers, Homefront 2 and Sniper 3 will be godly.
-Bad Company 3 to get some cred back after Battlefront and Hardline both sucking dogshit, whether they will fuck it up who knows.
-COD will show signs of aging, forcing them to go back to WW2 in 2017 or they'll do something stupid and pull a Hardline.
-Serious Sam 4 revealed, completely free of COD's shadow and easily goty whenever it comes out.
-Valve will announce a game with a 3 in the title, acknowledging the existence of the number beyond its use in '34,000 accounts'. Surely Left for Dead or Team Fortress.

-Far Cry primal will suck and bomb, Far Cry without guns? laughable. However the sales bomb offers the best chance of getting them to go back to either Far Cry 2's style or Blood dragon so at least were getting the shit out of the way now instead of Far Cry 3.75 and then the experimentation game.

-Rockstar announce Max Payne 4 or Manhunt 3 to the rejoice of good people who don't want them to waste their time on Red Dead.

--Dark souls 3 will likely disappoint by being too similar to Bloodborne, ironically those that are fighting so hard for BB in the goty threads won't rank DS3 come 2016 for reasons they wont admit.

-The Division will be solid, very solid. These fuckers made World in Conflict not yearly AC's

-Southpark, Firewatch, the Witness and Recore will all be better games than Horizon, TLG, Gears 4 and Scalebound.

-Uncharted 4 will spawn the same review thread hall of shame 3 did for identifying posters you can safely add to ignore.

-Torment ToN delayed to 2017 much to Durante's ill humor, Divinity OS 2 also delayed but still coming out before Tides.

-XCOM 2 will likely be the goty unless DS3, Dishonored 2 or Deus Ex drop the bullshit.
-VR will be amazing.

-FFXV will be surprisingly good (This isn't particularly hard as there seems to be very little hype for this game at this point in time)

-Uncharted 4 will probably top 2 for the best in the series

-Dark Souls 3 will be better than 2 but will fail to top the first game

-Persona 5 will sell somewhere around 2 million units.

-No Man's Sky will be good but won't reach GOTY, metacritic average likely in the mid-80s

-The Division will be a decent but ultimately not very memorable experience, mid 70s average.


In no particular order or category:

  • The Nintendo NX will be revealed in a Direct about a week before E3 in an attempt to steal some thunder. It will be a distinctly Nintendo console, with a few irksome and eyerolling elements, but will tease just the right amount of games to win the usual people over. It will have a terrible name and even worse third-party support, but most won't care because that new Mario looks fun as hell.
  • Destiny 2 will be announced for September 2016 for current-gen only. Will come to PC as well as PS4/X1, but Destiny 1 characters won't be transferable from console to PC for some stupid reason. Will be a much better game than the first one, but it won't sell as well. GAF will play it for 300+ hours before complaining that it has no content.
  • Fallout 4's first DLC pack will be announced in late January, release in early March, and will offer a surprising amount of places to go and things to do. People will still distrust Season Passes because of that one time they decided it was a good idea to give forty dollars to studios with a known track record for very short DLC (looking at you, Rocksteady).
  • When you reach the center of the galaxy in No Man's Sky, you will get the opportunity to type in a random seed to generate and explore a galaxy of your very own. I would bet money on this.
  • Final Fantasy XV and Persona 5 will be released around the same time, though P5 will probably be out first. Despite being almost completely different games, GAF will repeatedly compare the two, mostly as a thinly-veiled attempt to disparage XV. Very few of these topics will be locked.
  • Red Dead Retribution announced around E3, and it looks and sounds divine. RD Redemption is still not coming to PC, of course. One day, while bored, I will go to Rockstar's website for Agent, a game which they still will not have said a single word about, and have a light chuckle at the fact the PS3 logo on the page is the really old one that still uses the font from the Sam Raimi Spider-Man films.
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider will sell better on PC than it did on X1, and even better on PS4. Microsoft will either be quiet on the matter or will reiterate just what an assuredly-fantastic exclusivity deal that was for them. Behind the scenes, though: heads are going to start rolling.
  • Towards the end of the year, Konami will tease something Metal Gear-related. Also, at this time, I would like to nominate "This will not go over very well with the fans" for Understatement of the Year.
  • Dark Souls III probably won't get the respect it deserves. Maybe because of the relatively negative stigma attached to II, maybe because it isn't Bloodborne, or maybe because people will think that the Souls series is getting "annualized" or some nonsense. The usual fans will love it, but I fear it's in danger of getting a tepid reception just about everywhere else.
  • Despite now having an adapter for Gamecube controllers (and the fact it can essentially play Gamecube games natively), the Wii U will still not get downloadable Gamecube games. I have never seen a company dislike money so much as Nintendo. You know how much they'd make if they threw the ROMs for Melee, Mario Sunshine, F-Zero GX, etc. up on the eShop?
  • Uncharted 4 will end on a cliffhanger. A future game in the series will focus on a different protagonist traveling to Nate's last known location and getting caught up in something larger.


In January, the year is declared the greatest year for games in the history of the industry.

VR doesn't explode right out of the gate due to price and being hard to demo. Some declare that VR gaming has no future, and others (correctly) predict that it will be a slow burn only catching on after several years on the market. Dedicated software support starts out weak.

Console sales remain strong for the first half of the year, but start to fall off in the states in the second half of the year and don't do nearly as well during the holidays. Sony doesn't care much since the PS4 is up in most developing countries.

Square fails to revive consoles in Japan.

2 indie games come out and capture the hearts of gamers everywhere, leading to many people acting completely pissed when they don't sweep GOTY, aka 2016's Rocket League and Undertale.

No Man's Sky satisfies people who just want to travel places, but most people are disappointed.

The Last Guardian receives one final delay into 2017.

Nintendo remains the industry's whipping boy for the first half of the year.

Mobile takes over consoles as the biggest video game earner industry in America. Despite this, mobile game growth starts to noticeably wane, but it does not fall yet.

Ubisoft mostly gets their act together. They are still a laughingstock.

No major games come out as broken as Assassin's Creed: Unity or The Master Chief Collection. Many remain either more buggy than they should be or be too light on content however.

Despite waning sales, dedicated handhelds refuse to go extinct.

Developing countries deliver more noticeable games on PC and mobile.

Activision continues to make all the money, even though Call of Duty sells its lowest amount since World at War.

More and more formerly Xbox exclusive games come out on PC, leading many gamers to believe that there will be no Xbox 4/2/720 despite Microsoft's continued assurances to the contrary.

Pokemon Go becomes very profitable, but not to the extent the companies involved hope it does. Nintendo's other mobile offerings either flop or otherwise fail to make much money.

Microtransactions start to be seen as normal in $60 games until it gets to the point where developers no longer need to wait until after launch to put them in for fear of reviewer backlash.

Most Japanese publishers start to take PC ports seriously, though only half are of acceptable quality to the community.

Steam fails to improve customer service or improve quality assurance on the storefront.

The popularity of AAA open-worlds begin to wane after too many of them in a small time frame, though they remain the biggest games along with shooters and sports.

Minecraft sales remain steady year over year.

PC graphics only improve marginally as AAA developers reach the limits of the PS4 and X1. Many developers drop hints that they want next-gen to come as soon as possible.

Star Wars Musou becomes a thing, officially or not.

Metal Gear Solid VI is unofficially unannounced. Excitement is low despite Konami's assurance that they are dedicated to keeping the quality the series is known for.

Everyone continues to hate EA. Their games remain best sellers.

Kojima officially unveils what he is now working on. A good third of his fans are outraged that it's not Iron Machine Liquid or Quiet Mountain.

Rovio lays off another 100 or so employees as they fail to make Angry Birds big again.

The Wii U has 3 months where it has zero retail releases in the west.

Some big free to play Chinese PC game becomes popular in the west.

A big augmented reality project is brought to life, and public focus begins to shift there.

Twilight Princess HD sells more on Wii U than Zelda U.

Mighty No. 9 releases to a tepid reception, partially because Capcom has all but confirmed Mega Man is getting a revival soon.

Minority protagonists become a larger presence in all sectors of the industry, from indie to AAA. There will be complaints about representation in video games in both ways.

The Playstation Vita continues to die very very very slowly.

Just Dance still sells the best on Wii.

Toys to Life contract after the market has been flooded with too many brands.

Nothing changes in regard to season passes. They continue to be sold at high prices before the game launches while shrouding the details of what is in them.

The next Red Dead is finally confirmed.

Final Fantasy XV finally releases. Certain fans of Persona 5 are shocked that Final Fantasy outsells it by a factor of 4.

Every single Platinum release flops. 3 more Platinum games are announced throughout the year.

Mass Effect: Andromeda comes out to great critical acclaim. After the initial hype fans mostly regard it as a disappointment.

Shenmue 3 goes through some sort of PR disaster.

More large publishers use Kickstarter or something similar to fund a moderately large project. These range from brand new games to expansions of existing ones. At least one publisher, probably Sega, uses crowdfunding to secure a PC port.

One of the biggest mobile games starts to collapse in revenue. It is not Candy Crush.

Yokai Watch 3 crushes Pokemon Z in Japan.

A large publisher makes an incredibly expensive acquisition ala Mojang or King. It is decried as foolhardy, but works out well for that publisher in the long run.

NPD starts reporting digital sales to some degree, though they still hide too many numbers from the public.

Resident Evil 7 is unveiled and is far more of a shooter than a horror game.

The Assassin's Creed movie fails to reinvigorate interest in the series.

A prominent figure in the industry passes away, and the industry briefly unites in grief. Everyone starts to realize that they're going to be doing this a lot in the coming years.

Microsoft has a fairly uneventful E3. Ubisoft has a good one. EA's remains consistent. Sony's is good, but seen as disappointing compared to 2015. The PC conference is a disappointment as Half Life 3 remains unrevealed despite small leaks hinting towards its existence. Nintendo's gathers the most excitement. It generates a 33/33/34 split between those who think Nintendo will become king again/Nintendo is doomed/I have no idea what they're doing.

None of Super Mario Galaxy 3, Kid Icarus Uprising 2, or Metroid 6 are in my sight. I remain hopeful on the last one despite everyone's pessimism.

In December, the year is declared kind of mediocre for the industry. 2017 is declared the greatest year for games in the history of the industry.
NX, the platform will launch. The console and handheld both come out in November. It will just be called Nintendo and it will tie their console, handheld and mobile games together. 3D Mario will be a launch game.


1. Witcher 3: Blood and Wine expansion will be the best DLC in 2016.
2. World of Final Fantasy will probably be my GOTY 2016.
3. Final Fantasy XV will disappoint. Poor gameplay, filled with fetch quests, cheesy stilted dialogue with poor localisation, boring world, decent story, awesome music.
4. Project Setsuna will be a nice little game.



Uncharted released to critical acclaim, then a month later people begin seeing its flaws and state it isn't as good as Uncharted 2 but better then 3.

Sony has their biggest E3 ever with the following announcements:

  • God of War 4 is shown and is coming spring 2017. Kratos is back and is Egyptian mythology.
  • FF7 pt1 is releasing January 2017. Demo code packed in with FF15.
  • FF15 releases July 2016 and is actually really good. Sells a shit ton thanks to the FF7 demo.
  • Last of us 2 is teased with gameplay eventually shown at psx. Game is releasing November 2017.
  • New Crash. Coming November 2016.
  • Last Guardian releases in August 2016.
  • Horizon releases October and is a huge hit!
  • Bloodborne 2 is teased then some gameplay shown at psx. Releases summer 2017.
  • PS4 price cut to $300.
  • Uncharted story DLC coming November 2016

No Mans sky gets ok reviews. Game is boring then begins to fade. Eventually a VR version is announced but the game continues to fade.

Persona 5 releases in May and is a huge hit. Best in the series and sells surprisingly well.

PSVR releases at $250 with a bundled ps4 version @ $500. Receives mostly positive reaction. Hardcore gamers are disappointed and trash Sony, but casual consumers love it! Sells surprisingly well. Games that weren't meant to be big hits become fan favorites, while the opposite happens to the heavily advertised titles.

Can this be real life?
I posted earlier but wanted to add a few more because these are fun "-"

Microsoft: At E3 they will announce Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver as an Xbox exclusive, developed by Crystal Dynamics. Valhalla Studios (Itagaki) will announce an Xbox One exclusive action game. Itagaki's spiritual successor to Ninja Gaiden. Obsidian announce a Xbox exclusive RPG. Lost Odyssey 2 by Mistwalker/Sakaguchi announced. Exclusive shooter from a western studio that will give everyone legitimate Gears of War/Bioshock levels of hype (not TitanFall 2). Attempt to top Sony's 2015 E3 blitzkrieg.

Nintendo: At E3, Reggie comes out and says Nintendo is back. Asks the crowd if their bodies are ready? Yes, Nintendo will have a press conference. Mario NX and Zelda NX are announced as launch titles. Stage demos of Mario Kart, Splatoon 2, Metroid, Donkey Kong, Kirby, all announced for 2017, people lose their shit. Ubisoft and Warner Bros are the only major, western AAA publishers to have launch titles. Lots of indie ports. Dragon Quest XI, Kingdom Hearts 3, Final Fantasy XV all announced for NX. Final Fantasy XV is announced as a launch title. People lose their shit. Nintendo puts the gimmicks to rest and return to their roots.

Sony: Sony Santa Monica, Sony Bend, and Sony San Diego each demo their new IP, people lose their shut, all announced for release in 2017. Deep Down is playable and absolutely blows people away. Published by SCE, PS4 exclusive, February 2017 release date. Naughty Dog tease TLOU 2. Sony Japan/From Software/Miyazaki show trailer for their next game (not DeSo2/BB2 but same style/universe). PSVR killer app is shown and it's not a game/porn. Fast forward to Gamescom in late August where Sony close the show by putting up a picture on the jumbo tron of the PS4 slim with $249 below it. Andy House, Shu, and Adam Boyes simultaneously drop their mics and walk off stage.
NX will launch with a new Mario,reviews will be amazing...it won't sell as expected.

VR will sell fairly well,with the innovations coming on the PC platform.

Pascal graphics cards will launch...I won't be able to afford one.

Sony will continue its console dominance.

Splatoon will still be in the Japanese top 10

Microsoft will revive Blinx...no one will notice


Crackdown 3 makes us believers in Cloud tech.
Nah, Crackdown will come out and be a fantastic showcase for what cloud computing can do.

However, people will still deny it's possible and make "power of the cloud" jokes. Regardless of the fact that it works.


I think FFXV will come out and be great, with a convoluted but less convoluted story than FFXIII, gorgeous visuals, solid performance and fun action gameplay.

I think the NX will come or and be more wiiu than wii (aka the masses won't be lining up for it).

I predict VR will do well - especially PSVR - although I think sales will explode in 2017.

Also, Mass Effect is going to be amazing...like truly amazing.
Ni-Oh is lowkey better than Dark Souls III. Better combat, better bosses, hauntingly beautiful Japanese horror aesthetic, and terrifying koto music. Dark Souls III gets better reviews, and Ni-Oh disappoints in sales. It becomes this generation's NieR and people will beg for a sequel, which won't happen until 2020.

I can't see this happening really. Miyazaki's track record is so much better than Team Ninja's, especially after Itagaki left.
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