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Pride Toronto Welcomes Police to Attend Parade (Without uniforms, weapons, cruisers)


Seems dumb but I'm not a cop or a parade coordinator so whatever.

I mean I get the general impression from Canadians that cops aren't as terrible there? So there will be 10-20 less cops in uniform on a float... what about the hundreds working the parade?


Seems dumb but I'm not a cop or a parade coordinator so whatever.

I mean I get the general impression from Canadians that cops aren't as terrible there? So there will be 10-20 less cops in uniform on a float... what about the hundreds working the parade?

Wrong. Toronto Police are just as bad and racist.

Not to say that I agree with everything BLM-TO has done, but fuck the Cops here too.
Saying you can march as cops, but not with ANY of the signs and signifiers that actually differentiate you as cops, in a parade that (if it's like Pride parades elsewhere) is literally designed around adorning oneself with heightened versions of the signs and signifiers traditionally associated with the particular subcultural niche of the gay community you occupy, certainly seems pretty backhanded, especially when they've been allowed to march in uniform in the past.

If you're going to tell cops to fuck off until they get their shit together (and I'm not convinced a fun parade that you rely on police officers to protect is the proper venue to do this, but whatever), it seems like it'd be less condescending to simply leave this loophole out.
Okay? What point are you clumsily trying to make here?
Let me guess, you think there is no mistreatment of black people by police because BLM Toronto called Trudeau a white supremacist?

BLM Toronto was responsible for pressuring the LGBTQ community's removal of the cops from the Gay Pride parade.

+ anyone who claims that Justin Trudeau is a White Supremesict loses all credibiltiy in any debate or discussion


BLM Toronto was responsible for pressuring the LGBTQ community's removal of the cops from the Gay Pride parade.

+ anyone who claims that Justin Trudeau is a White Supremesict loses all credibiltiy in any debate or discussion

I know what they are responsible for. Does what they said mean there isn't an issue with how police treat black people?
I know what they are responsible for. Does what they said mean there isn't an issue with how police treat black people?
woudln't be better for the cops to be present and be involved in community outreach?

have you ever seen how cops intereacted in past Pride Parades? They are right in it having fun with the paraders.

alienating the cops from the parade doesn't HELP, it just creates mores sckismsms.

The leader of BLM Toronto (Yusra Khogali) is a racist, listen to her comments about refugees and immigrants.


This is just so contrary to what a lgbt parade is supposed to be about, I'll never understand it. It literally is "I hate cops so I don't want to see them in any way, shape or form", this is literally how people against lgbt parades or any way of lgbt representation act.

Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
The leader of BLM Toronto (Yusra Khogali) is a racist, listen to her comments about refugees and immigrants.

She's poison to the movement. I cannot believe people like her are allowed to lead such an important organization. Her views are not only toxic, they're idiotic.


woudln't be better for the cops to be present and be involved in community outreach?

have you ever seen how cops intereacted in past Pride Parades? They are right in it having fun with the paraders.

alienating the cops from the parade doesn't HELP, it just creates mores sckismsms.

The leader of BLM Toronto is a racist, listen to her comments about refugees and immigrants.
I loved that you danced around the question. Does what they said mean there is no issue with how black people are treated by the police.

Cops don't treat black people well and maybe, just maybe it is uncomfortable for some black people to have police being celebrated at pride parade.
You know there are black people in the LGBT community right? Seems like a few don't get that.

Toronto.... not New York City or LA
Ah there it is. You think there is no mistreatment of black people by the police in Toronto don't you?
She's poison to the movement. I cannot believe people like her are allowed to lead such an important organization. Her views are not only toxic, they're idiotic.

BLM Toronto has been hijacked by a nutjob who thinks that refugees and immigrants are conpsiracy to increase the number of "whites" LOL in society. That is what Yusra Khogali thinks.

I loved that you danced around the question. Does what they said mean there is no issue with how black people are treated by the police.

Cops don't treat black people well and maybe, just maybe it is uncomfortable for some black people to have police being celebrated at pride parade.
You know there are black people in the LGBT community right? Seems like a few don't get that.


Ah there it is. You think there is no mistreatment of black people by the police in Toronto don't you?

of corse there is mistreatment of Black and First Nations people in Canadian cities and in rural areas. That is true. And cops need to be better trained to not treat POC that way.

But you are talking about cop shootings; that my friend is not the case in Canadian cities. The last TO cop who shot at a troubled young man with knife on a bus got sentenced to jail.

So the cops shootings statistics in Canada really does not compare to your American situation which is more allarming due to your country's gun culture.


BLM Toronto has been hijacked by a nutjob who thinks that refugees and immigrants are conpsiracy to increase the number of "whites" LOL in society. That is what Yusra Khogali thinks.

of corse there is mistreatment of Black and First Nations people in Canadian cities and in rural areas. That is true. And cops need to be better trained to not treat POC that way.

But you are talking about cop shootings; that my friend is not the case in Canadian cities. The last TO cop who shot at a troubled young man with knife on a bus got sentenced to jail.

So the cops shootings statistics in Canada really does not compare to your American situation which is more allarming due to your country's gun culture.

they can start by not abusing and/or executing members of the community
Did we miss this part? I didn't say shit about people being shot, I wrote "mistreatment".
You have yet to answer the question about BLM, by the way.
beatings, profiling and mistreatment. Yes it does happen.

but he was talking about shootings... that almost never happens.

and when it did, the cop was charged

Point out where I wrote anything about shootings.
You're just making shit up to support your flimsy argument.
Did we miss this part? I didn't say shit about people being shot, I wrote "mistreatment".
You have yet to answer the question about BLM, by the way.

Point out where I wrote anything about shootings.
You're just making shit up to support your flimsy argument.

other posters on page 1 brought up "US" cases and examples when it pertains to LOLRONTO, as if it was an an American city when it is not


other posters on page 1 brought up "US" cases and examples when it pertains to LOLRONTO, as if it was an an American city when it is not
but he was talking about shootings... that almost never happens.
You were referring to me, no? Point out where I mentioned shootings for me please.
So does what BLM Toronto said about Trudeau mean they are incorrect about how black people are treated by police?
You were referring to me, no? Point out where I mentioned shootings for me please.
So does what BLM Toronto said about Trudeau mean they are incorrect about how black people are treated by police?

yes black people are treated poorly by cops.

also BLM TO's leader ranting about Justin Trudeau, refugees and immigrants make them look foolish and non-debatable

so we are both right


The police working security and not participating in the parade?
How is this so difficult to understand? It's like some of you are being deliberately obtuse.
I don't think people are being deliberately obtuse. It doesn't say anywhere in the article there will still be police working the parade and it reads like the organisers want zero sign of police presence. It was however clarified on the first page when I asked the same question so maybe people ought to read the whole thread before posting.


yes black people are treated poorly by cops.

also BLM TO's leader ranting about Justin Trudeau, refugees and immigrants make them look foolish and non-debatable

so we are both right
No, we're not both correct. You little video had dick all to do with the argument I was making about BLM having issue with police at a pride parade.
Now that we have that nonsense out of the way, what about the shooting nonsense?
Going to post links to where I wrote that?

White people should stay home. And all males too. You know what, nobody gets to march. Y'all go home. Ah Equality.

The line of thinking that every cop is bad and the whole profession should stand accountable for a certain percentage of bad apples is as bad as...racism and discrimination towards minorities shown by law enforcement

Wait, being a cop is the same as gender and race?
probably just the uniforms worn by groups that that historically and systematically terrorized the community.

White people should stay home. And all males too. You know what, nobody gets to march. Y'all go home. Ah Equality.

The line of thinking that every cop is bad and the whole profession should stand accountable for a certain percentage of bad apples is as bad as...racism and discrimination towards minorities shown by law enforcement. Nobody wins in the wide paint brush game.
No, we're not both correct. You little video had dick all to do with the argument I was making about BLM having issue with police at a pride parade.
Now that we have that nonsense out of the way, what about the shooting nonsense?
Going to post links to where I wrote that?

that is the leadesrsip of Toronto's chapter, it has everything to do with it.

that is the driving force of the TO chapters.


that is the leadesrsip of Toronto's chapter, it has everything to do with it.

that is the driving force of the TO chapters.

It has no bearing on this particular issue. What was said about Trudeau doesn't mean they are incorrect about this.
Have those posts about me talking about shooting yet?
It has no baring on this particular issue. What was said about Trudeau doesn't mean they are incorrect about this.
Have those posts about me talking about shooting yet?
BLM TO chapter cannot be debated with. besides, I have a defect according to them LOL
Wait, being a cop is the same as being male or white?

Certain people of those orientations have historically and systematically presecuted and continue to presecute miniorities so I think we should ban all people of those orientations from the parade. I mean they can show up if they want as long as they don't wear their white or female uniforms.



BLM TO chapter cannot be debated with. besides, I have a defect according to them LOL

So links to shooting posts I made?

Certain people of those orientations have historically and systematically presecuted and continue to presecute miniorities so I think we should ban all people of those orientations from the parade. I mean they can show up if they want as long as they don't wear their white or female uniforms.


So race and gender are the same as a chosen profession, correct? A profession that continues to have policy that negatively affects PoC. Can the same be said about race and gender?
So race and gender are the same as a chosen profession, correct? A profession that continues to have policy that negatively affects PoC. Can the same be said about race and gender?

They be telling me to be proud of who you are as long as you're not a piece of shit. Black is beautiful. Girls run the world. But happen to be a cop who just wants to do something that matters and may be serve his community ? Get the fuck out of here and not before you answer for the crime of everyone on the continent that has the same profession.

I hope people see the logical fallacy here. Pride prade is about saying to the world that we are proud of who we are and we love who we are. Well unless you happen to be this one profession and unless you made this one career choice. In that case, fuck you.
Pride is about being proud of your profession?

I just dont see how no uniforms and no weapons in a parade is such a big fuck you. Its more like a show some respect to a community who may fear them.


They be telling me to be proud of who you are as long as you're not a piece of shit. Black is beautiful. Girls run the world. But happen to be a cop who just wants to do something that matters and may be serve his community ? Get the fuck out of here and not before you answer for the crime of everyone on the continent that has the same profession.

I hope people see the logical fallacy here. Pride prade is about saying to the world that we are proud of who we are and we love who we are. Well unless you happen to be this one profession and unless you made this one career choice. In that case, fuck you.

"They be telling me" okay it is pretty clear what I am responding to here. Carry on.
You were too subtle, should have dropped a "we wuz kangz" in there to really drive your point home.
Yet to see edzom respond to any questions with anything but questions, snark or just duh posts.

Pride is about being proud of your profession?

Pride is about being proud of who you are and not being subject to unequal restrictions because of something that defines you, restrictions that usually other groups of people don't face.

This is a genius idea btw. You don't have to bridge the gap among the two sides and try the actual hard work of solving real issues when you can just pretend the other side doesn't exist in your safe space.

I am off to bed, I realized I don't even live in Canada. TO BLM have this pretty well figured out, that leader is especially gonna​ take them places.
Eh. I dont even know enough about the whole situation with why this is happening to have an educated opinion on it. If they are welcome to be in the parade but just not carry weapons or wear a uniform that may have some negative reactions from others in the parade, then I personally dont see it as such a big deal for them to suck it up and do it as a sign of good faith.

Dongs Macabre

aka Daedalos42
yes black people are treated poorly by cops.

also BLM TO's leader ranting about Justin Trudeau, refugees and immigrants make them look foolish and non-debatable

so we are both right

Can you link to any reputable sites saying that this Khogali person is the leader of BLM Toronto? I can only find sites saying that she co-founded it, which is really a completely different thing than being its "leader". I don't think the entire group should be vilified because of one person out of who know how many people who were there at its inception.


Honest question: Before BLM got involved, was there much criticism of the police taking part in the parade in years past?


Honest question: Before BLM got involved, was there much criticism of the police taking part in the parade in years past?
Not really. Since about the 90's the police force has been trying to be more open with the lgbtq community in the city. This was in large part to try to shed a lot of their misstatement of them prior to the 90's. They cleaned up a lot of the old brass nonsense and up until this all started up the police involvement was seen as a positive step to making the lgtbq community feel comfortable with them.


Honest question: Before BLM got involved, was there much criticism of the police taking part in the parade in years past?

Not really. There were criticisms of Toronto's police racially profiling the city's black population but the concerns over Pride itself were only raised, and successfully I might add, thanks to BLM TO bringing attention to how the police's presence functions as nothing but a PR stunt.
probably just the uniforms worn by groups that that historically and systematically terrorized the community.
The issue here is that no one seems to be able to come up with much in the way of examples of the Toronto police doing anything wrong. Unless your argument is that all police in all countries are somehow a part of some evil power structure to suppress minorities.

Theres maybe a dozen to 2 dozen fatal shootings across the country by police within a given year and by all accounts tgat excessive force was justified in basically all circumstances including the one listed earlier on this same page.


The issue here is that no one seems to be able to come up with much in the way of examples of the Toronto police doing anything wrong. Unless your argument is that all police in all countries are somehow a part of some evil power structure to suppress minorities.

Genuinely asking: What do you know about Pride Toronto?
The issue here is that no one seems to be able to come up with much in the way of examples of the Toronto police doing anything wrong. Unless your argument is that all police in all countries are somehow a part of some evil power structure to suppress minorities.

The Toronto Police's Long History of Racial Profiling

Police must address racial profiling head on to rebuild trust

Targeted by Police for Years, Toronto’s Black Community Responds to New Carding Laws


In many dissents that I've read, very rarely is the consideration of minorities (double minorities with sexuality and race combined) at the forefront of arguments. It's just, police feel slighted, so maybe we'll take away funding or create a new pride to accommodate police. He called the relationship between the LGBTQ and police 'bumpy' which is an understatement.

When we start prioritizing police and allies over the marginalized, we lose the premise and intent of pride and activism.


I am guessing not as much as you which I am sure nullifies any opinion I have.

Here's the short version: Pride started as a response to bathhouse raids made by the police throughout the 80s, raids which targeted hundreds of members of the LGBTQ+ community of Toronto. Pride was a protest in a similar vein to the Stonewall riots, pushing back against the systemic oppression they faced by the police and, to a larger extent, the government they represented (recall that it was a little over a decade since Pierre Elliot decriminalized homosexuality in Canada, gay marriage was two decades away and we've only recently begun working on changing the age of consent for anal intercourse that the LGBTQ+ community has rightfully called discriminatory). Having the police play a part in Pride, let alone be given a float, is grossly ignorant of Pride's past. This isn't even getting into the discrimination against racial profiling that minorities in the LGBTQ+ that many other posters have discussed at length i.e. carding that I would encourage you to inform yourself about.
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