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'Prisoners' Director Denis Villeneuve to Helm 'Blade Runner' Sequel, Ford Returns

  • Thread starter Deleted member 80556
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I like Villeneuve but I still don't really want this. Replace Ford with Jake and maybe I can muster some interest.

My jaw literally dropped at this news. Two things:

1. I'm still trying to understand Enemy, one year after seeing it but the fact that it's still in my head says something.

Have you seen this?
I'd be more than fine with this if deckard wasn't in it or part of the plot

But since he is, fuck this movie

I like how scott is recognizing he's kinda lost it though, by passing these to Blomkamp and villeneuve it feels like he's acknowledging the fact that he knows he can't revisit these


interesting director choice, but ford is going to sleepwalk his way through this like basically the rest of his modern performances


never left the stone age
Mixed emotions.
That guy is a good director but Prisoners is a really bad movie.
Deckard returns but Ford doesnt seem to give a shit anymore.
Fancher writing means nothing...the Blade runner script wasnt what made it so great
Hell the best line was made up by Hauer.


well yeah I guess we have to see star wars VII to judge if ford is able to ever give a fuck again. at the moment I am not too thrilled that he is in.
new golden age, son.


Don't ask me why but this picture makes me kind of sad.

To stay on-topic, loved Villeneuve's Prisoners, hated Enemy (but still liked the way it was shot and the overall visual style), and think he'd do a great job with Blade Runner. The material suits his directorial style.
You guys can feel free to shit on Crystal Skull, but it was the first film in ages where Ford actually gave a shit again.

I think that's the problem with it, he deserved so much more than that. He deserved something in the same atmosphere as Raiders. An old and haggard, out of touch Indy was a goldmine for solid story material. Based on that one point alone it could have brought it back to Raiders territory.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Bring on Sarah Gadon as the female protagonist for this and I will throw money at theatre screen.

Also replace ford with Hauer please.


There is hope now, but I still don't get why (well I do: MONEY) Bladerunner needs a sequel. I still have this horrible vision of some nitwit doing something stupid like forcing an appearance of the Tannhäuser Gate which will remove the mystic of the original.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Aside from the fact I don't trust Fancher & Michael Green to have written a good story, really (especially with Ridley's input), I don't like that this is going to proceed from the idea that Deckard is definitely a replicant.

What have Fancher and Green done before?

If it's set years after the original, he can't really be a replicant (unless he takes a more Batty-esque role or they try some terrible narrative gymnastics).


You guys can feel free to shit on Crystal Skull, but it was the first film in ages where Ford actually gave a shit again.

Agreed but the movie still blew chunks. How was he in Ender's Game? Caught a little bit of it on HBO the other day and it actually seemed pretty decent.

Regarding soundtrack for this thing, how about Reznor? That would be interesting.



Blade runner spoilers

If Harrison Ford is returning as Deckard, and since he is old; doesn't that retcon him being an android ?


I think Denis Villeneuve is best choice. I hope studio does not interfere with his vision.

Also, spiders are new unicorn...



Yaaaas! No Ridley Scott, now I can have hopes for the film*. Villeneuve is an incredible director, Incendies was fucking harrowing.

*note: I don't hate him as a director I just feel that he is at his worst when revisiting his old works/motifs.


Yeah, I really don't need a sequel to this, regardless of who's making it. The original was enough. Might've felt differently if they didn't insist on bringing back Deckard.


Hopefully the movie sequel is better than this:


I actually kind of liked that book when I read it, but it isn't very good.
As much as I have wanted a Blade Runner follow up, fuck no, not with Ford.
He gave up a long time ago. The last few movies I've seen him in he really looks and acts like he just doesn't care and doesn't want to be there. He's just not into acting any longer and that's fine but I'd rather they not make this movie.
What have Fancher and Green done before?

If it's set years after the original, he can't really be a replicant (unless he takes a more Batty-esque role or they try some terrible narrative gymnastics).

Fancher helped write the original - Green's probably best known as a CW guy - he worked on Smallville, Jack & Bobby, Everwood. He also worked on Kings, Heroes, and Green Lantern. He's the guy on Prometheus 2 as well.

Just because Villenueve did Enemy with Gyllenhaal doesn't necessarily mean Gyllenhaal is the automatic best pick for a Blade Runner movie. Unless we're dealing with knee-jerk association, I'm unsure why his name keeps coming up. He's a good actor (and I loved Nightcrawler) but that doesn't necessarily mean he's a good fit for... for whatever the fuck this is going to be.
Will they retain the grainy 80s sci fi look like JJ is doing with Star Wars or are they going to go hog wild with digital filming and CGI like the recent total recall remake?
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