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Project Cafe Rumor Cafe [Weinerpoop Post 7513]

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Konami? Port of the first NES TMNT game
SEGA? Sonic
Square-Enix? FF3 port. The DS game I mean.
Capcom? Lightside Chronicles
EA? Madden On-rails.
Activision? Guitar Heroes
Nintendo? They don't make games anymore.


Trurl said:
Would Nintendo be crazy enough to charge $100 a controller?
I think they could if they make it the main "half" of the system.

My prediction:
Screen, controls, processor, and a few gigs of flash memory on the controller (and they mention "spiritual successor to Gameboy")
Disc drive, hard drive, t.v.-out are on the "home base"

Lets you play games on the go, play splitscreen FPSs with friends (only showing scores on the t.v.), play single-screen multi on tv screen(NSMBCafé: everytime you go down a pipe, you show up on your own screen, everyone else carries on).

edit: the more I think about this, the more I think it needs to happen.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Dreamwriter said:
Can't wait for the meltdown when Nintendo announces that their new console...is just a Wii that supports native 720p games.

You're going to be waiting indefinitely.
Konami? Zone of the Enders HD COllection
Ubisoft? I am Alive
SEGA? Sonic Generations
Square-Enix? Tomb Raider
Capcom? Street Fighter X Tekken
EA? Madden 2013
Activision? Call of Duty Modern Warfare Triology
Nintendo? Pikmin 3
Konami? Bomberman: Act Zero
Ubisoft? Imaginez: Sheep
SEGA? Sonic & Mario at the Olympics 2012
Square-Enix? Chocobo Racing
Capcom? Resident Evil: Africa Chronicles
EA? Madden: So easy a Hamster could win edition
Activision? Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Nintendo? Wii music 2


TheGreatMightyPoo said:
Awesome, thanks.

Having a screen as part of the controller sounds great for local multiplayer, but having to pay over $400 for it on top of the price of the system would kill my enthusiasm for it.
Like every other Nintendo hardware/software reveal, I'm not expecting anything stellar on the third party front. I don't understand why it should be different this time.


Jealous Bastard
Trurl said:
Awesome, thanks.

Having a screen as part of the controller sounds great for local multiplayer, but having to pay over $400 for it on top of the price of the system would kill my enthusiasm for it.

charging this much for a controller is not in nintendo's m.o. they would change the controller drastically to avoid that kind of price.

that fits the methodology of other, more general tech companies--give people the highest tech regardless of price and they'll want it bad enough--but it ain't nintendo. i like that about them. they split the difference really nicely.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Dreamwriter said:
Yeah, you're right, I'm sure GAF would take it in a calm, professional manner.

I was referring to Nintendo announcing that it's just a Wii that plays in 720p. That's why you'll be waiting indefinitely.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
From The Dust said:
isn't one of the latest rumors Persona on the Cafe? I think it was that "ESRB Leak"

I'd die a happy man if a SMT game is announced for any of the consoles at E3. Actually, another Devil Summoner would make stupidly happy, especially if it took advantage of the power of Nintendo's new console.
Persona 5 will not be exclusive to Cafe, guys.

Especially when they just went through the trouble of trying to establish that audience on the PS3/360 with Catherine.


ShockingAlberto said:
Persona 5 will not be exclusive to Cafe, guys.

I agree.

Especially when they just went through the trouble of trying to establish that audience on the PS3/360 with Catherine.

I wouldn't say that. Catherine and Megaten have no similarities besides the art style and demons.


ShockingAlberto said:
Persona 5 will not be exclusive to Cafe, guys.

Especially when they just went through the trouble of trying to establish that audience on the PS3/360 with Catherine.

I absolutley loved nocturne on PS2, but I don't know a whole lot about this series other than that.

I'm not 100% sure how popular these games are in japan, but I know they are generally considered budget titles. Could nintendo potentially get an exclusive on the next SMT if they offered to help finance it? And would they? i know the series is kind of edgy and mature, so that could be beneficial for them if they were interested in changing people's perceptions.


Krowley said:
I absolutley loved nocturne on PS2, but I don't know a whole lot about this series other than that.

I'm not 100% sure how popular these games are in japan, but I know they are generally considered budget titles. Could nintendo potentially moneyhat the next SMT if they offered to help finance it? And would they? i know the series is kind of edgy and mature, so that could be beneficial for them.

Uhm, I don't really see why Nintendo would pay for exclusivity with SMT or Persona.
Konami? MGS Twin Snakes HD
Ubisoft? Red Steelz
SEGA? Sonic Monotone
Square-Enix? Chocobo Racing
Capcom? Castlevania Origins
EA? Boom Blox: Lonely Island Edition
Activision? Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Nintendo? Crash Bandicoot Remake


I want an Advance Wars game on Cafe. Giving each player his own screen is just begging for games like that.

Sure, technically it wouldn't offer anything beyond what handhelds already do for the series, but it would be a lot easier to set up than hoping each player has his own copy of the game, and having a shared television involved could make the experience a lot more satisfying.
You know, a Red Steel 3 with UE3 done by the Far Cry team could be awesome.
But, I doubt we'll get anything that exciting from Ubisoft.
Trurl said:
I want an Advance Wars game on Cafe. Giving each player his own screen is just begging for games like that.

Sure, technically it wouldn't offer anything beyond what handhelds already do for the series, but it would be a lot easier to set up than hoping each player has his own copy of the game, and having a shared television involved could make the experience a lot more satisfying.

BWiii would be a nice name


Trurl said:
I want an Advance Wars game on Cafe. Giving each player his own screen is just begging for games like that.

Sure, technically it wouldn't offer anything beyond what handhelds already do for the series, but it would be a lot easier to set up than hoping each player has his own copy of the game, and having a shared television involved could make the experience a lot more satisfying.

I'd rather have a Battalion Wars 3 on the Cafe and Advance Wars on the 3DS


From The Dust said:
BWiii would be a nice name
I want something turn-based. :p

Seriously, as long as the Cafe doesn't fall flat in some way, it could be the best thing for local multiplayer in forever.

I'd rather have a Battalion Wars 3 on the Cafe and Advance Wars on the 3DS
I used to play the original Advance Wars on two TVs with two Gamecubes with the Gameboy Advance Player.

Seriously. Advance Wars+fog of war+large screens=orgasmic. It's nice to have it be the main event in the room rather than some nerds huddling together quietly in a corner.

And it was originally a console game. While it works quite well on handhelds and there is something to be said for it being on a console. And with each player having his own screen it would be like getting the best of both worlds.
I might have mentioned this before but watch 'some mech game' turn out to be Steel Battallion. Could have been planned as a Cafe game before Microsoft turned up even.
Trurl said:
I want something turn-based. :p

Seriously, as long as the Cafe doesn't fall flat in some way, it could be the best thing for local multiplayer in forever.

I used to play the original Advance Wars on two TVs with two Gamecubes with the Gameboy Advance Player.

Seriously. Advance Wars+fog of war+large screens=orgasmic. It's nice to have it be the main event in the room rather than some nerds huddling together quietly in a corner.

And it was originally a console game. While it works quite well on handhelds and there is something to be said for it being on a console. And with each player having his own screen it would be like getting the best of both worlds.

it's "Advance Wars" for a reason. BW is the same franchise anyway. gimme more of that please :>
Jaded Alyx said:
So the first Cafe game we see from the following will be?

Konami? _______
Ubisoft? _______
SEGA? _______
Square-Enix? _______
Capcom? _______
EA? _______
Activision? _______
Nintendo? _______
I think Konami will probably port the MGS collection to Cafe. Similar power to 360/PS3 and it makes Snake relevant to Nintendo if he's in Smash again.

Ubisoft... some Rayman-not-Rayman bullshit. Maybe something like Red Steel or Assassin's Creed if they're feeling particularly daring.

SEGA. Sonic. Whether it's a Generations port or something in the vein of Colors 2.

Square-Enix will either release something completely underwhelming (like a Chocobo spin-off) or Kingdom Hearts 3, FF7 remake, and Chrono Break in a tri-pack.

Capcom something RE if they're smart.

EA Madden.

Activision CoD.

Nintendo... maybe Mario. The last system they had launch with a Mario was DS, last home console was N64 (!). I think the main reason for that is because they're trying to rely less on the Mario brand to carry their system like they did for NES/SNES/N64 but I think New Super Mario Bros. and Mario Kart have re-affirmed Mario as their biggest must-have game. So having Mario at launch would greatly help sales. But on the flip side, they could try to milk the launch sales for all they're worth and save Mario as their ace in the hole for the following holiday.


From The Dust said:
it's "Advance Wars" for a reason. BW is the same franchise anyway. gimme more of that please :>
It's Famicom wars for a reason. It's no coincidence that a game well suited for the Cafe's rumored setup has thus far done well on handhelds, don't let that fact trap it in the handheld ghetto.
Trurl said:
It's Famicom wars for a reason. It's no coincidence that a game well suited for the Cafe's rumored setup has thus far done well on handhelds, don't let that fact trap it in the handheld ghetto.

the games are named after their respective systems. that's what I was going for :p

although the series made their debut with the Advance line, but I'd rather they keep separate names
Konami? Please be Suikoden 6
Ubisoft? Petz: some kinda bullshit
SEGA? Sonic and the Crystal Skull
Square-Enix? Final Fantasy Tactics 2
Capcom? Resident Evil 5
EA? Madden or some other sports game
Activision? Call of Duty
Nintendo? Luigi's Mansion 2


Alright enough of the rumors, the day of reckoning is at hand, meet me somewhere!

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