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Project Cafe Rumor Cafe [Weinerpoop Post 7513]

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Bert said:
Will it be better than the MS site (which played for about 30 seconds then refused to load for me - I blame Silverlight, I'm sure they've gimped it on Chrome/Mac)?
Nintendo streamed flawlessly last year.


Penguin said:
Curtain shot



Someone go take a peek in the curtain.....come on.

antonz said:
Nintendo streamed flawlessly last year.

Funny they have the most lacking online system for a console but they can stream conferences better than anyone.


Bert said:
I for one would be happy with an analogue and some face buttons added to the wiimote-nunchuck combo, a la Move. But I can't see how they can have touchscreen as well. Split controls just feels soooo nice in your hands.
you can't put an analog stick on the remote and have it be anything other than unwieldy (unless you remove something, i suppose)...

perhaps the analog is on the "middle" (screen) part of the controller (and the remote attaches on the right)? with a smaller remote, that seems workable (it could be more comfortable than the way the ps controller works, probably...).


ivysaur12 said:
26 minutes until I find out if I still have to go into jury duty tomorrow. Please cancel, please cancel....
I know your frustrations, but jury duty can be interesting. The Michael Jackson trial was one of the most interesting times of my life.
antonz said:
I think they are talking more to the fact outside the conference as in location due to the mass setup outside

Not sure if it was mentioned but it was already confirmed cafe will be on the show floor right after the announcement. That guys "prediction" is a non-prediction.

Stephen Totilo said:
Nintendo's confirmation this morning that they'll be showing their new console at E3 left many unanswered questions, but also raised a note of skepticism. The company's statement on the Wii successor promises "a playable model" of the machine at E3 in June. But would Nintendo just play it on stage and leave attendees to gawk? No. "Playable means playable by everyone," a spokesperson for Nintendo told Kotaku today. Presumably, "everyone" means "everyone who shows up at E3 and maybe waits on a line or schedules an appointment." We'll be there in June, playing it.


birdchili said:
you can't put an analog stick on the remote and have it be anything other than unwieldy (unless you remove something, i suppose)...

perhaps the analog is on the "middle" (screen) part of the controller (and the remote attaches on the right)? with a smaller remote, that seems workable (it could be more comfortable than the way the ps controller works, probably...).

You'd have to redesign the wiimote to be more like the nunchuck. What I imagine is basically a Wavebird split into two, but I don't know how feasible that would be ergonomically.

One thing I don't worry about though is ergonomics, I've loved every Nintendo controller ever (including the Virtual Boy)


Truth101 said:
Just realized.

Tomorrow. Nintendo in HD.

The wait is agonizing

The end of the graphics gulf will be nice.

Next gen the three consoles are going to be much closer graphics wise. (Considering they will all be HD systems). Next gen should be the gen of multiplatform games across all the consoles.


Bert said:
You'd have to redesign the wiimote to be more like the nunchuck.
sure... a bit less rod-like, some extra face buttons... easy enough. keep the sensor bar back-compatible and you can require people have wii remotes for playing old wii games (not a big deal, really).


Jin34 said:
Doesn't matter, if it's not the standard they will either not be supported or be tacked on by 3rd parties, and you can't just tack on pointer control and have it work well.

I have this theory that something like livemove will be built into the system if the rumors about legacy controllers pans out.


It would allow users to create their own gestures to make up for missing buttons and whatnot.


Effect said:
I really don't see the problem with just putting more buttons on a new remote. Move has more.
buttons are easy enough, but putting an analog on there, keeping the d-pad, and still being able to actually use the thing in a reasonable way seems like a stretch.


birdchili said:
buttons are easy enough, but putting an analog on there, keeping the d-pad, and still being able to actually use the thing in a reasonable way seems like a stretch.

More buttons = more frustration for casuals.


birdchili said:
buttons are easy enough, but putting an analog on there, keeping the d-pad, and still being able to actually use the thing in a reasonable way seems like a stretch.

The pointer should be the equivalent of the the second analog stick. The only issue there might be if you have a 2D shooter and you need to turn around in 360 degrees but how many games are made that really require that?


Effect said:
The pointer should be the equivalent of the the second analog stick. The only issue there might be if you have a 2D shooter and you need to turn around in 360 degrees but how many games are made that really require that?
rumours suggest a second analog stick, so i'm going with that.

it was *definitely* missed by me in 3d games, where it's traditionally used for camera control, and works decently well (certainly better than any pointer-controlled camera i'm aware of).
AceBandage said:
Saw the summaries to both. Painful stuff. 6 Halo games in a single generation! And people bitch about Nintendo milking their franchises...
That would be 4 games. 3, Reach, ODST, and possibly 4 if it's for 360. If you're going to count the spinoffs you'll have to do the same for Nintendo's franchises.

Let's not turn this into a console war thread...
birdchili said:
buttons are easy enough, but putting an analog on there, keeping the d-pad, and still being able to actually use the thing in a reasonable way seems like a stretch.
Who says you need to keep the dpad? Replace it with a stick or circle pad. The dpad's use as extra buttons is negated if you add more face buttons (either in a diamond shape or like the original GCN prototype w the big A and 3 kidney beans).
NSQuote said:
The end of the graphics gulf will be nice.

Next gen the three consoles are going to be much closer graphics wise. (Considering they will all be HD systems). Next gen should be the gen of multiplatform games across all the consoles.

HD is a resolution. That's it. It has nothing to do with how powerful the consoles are.

Cmon people, "HD Nintendo games" is such a dumb phrase. It's been done on Dolphin already.


Truth101 said:
Just realized.

Tomorrow. Nintendo in HD.

The wait is agonizing
I'm not expecting this, but it's possible that Nintendo will have the most graphically impressive games of any of the console manufactures tomorrow. :-O

(the reason I'm not expecting it is because the other guys have been making hd games for years. not that I'm expecting the Cafe to be weaker than the PS3 and 360 or anything)
CoffeeJanitor said:

HD is a resolution. That's it.

Cmon people, "HD Nintendo games" is such a dumb phrase. It's been done on Dolphin already. It's a fucking resolution.

On a much more powerful console than Nintendo has ever had...


getting rid of the d-pad is a definite sacrifice on the control-front (even with a cross-shaped quartet of buttons). i don't *think* they'll do that.
Deadly Joker said:
Is it bad that I took off work tomorrow just for the Nintendo conference?

Hell fucking no! You should not even need to ask this or defend this. A brand new system unveil happens like what - every 5+ years? Enjoy the day off and watch this! This doesn't happen very often!


CoffeeJanitor said:

HD is a resolution. That's it.

Cmon people, "HD Nintendo games" is such a dumb phrase. It's been done on Dolphin already. It's a fucking resolution.

But it's next gen!


My schedule for this quarter was awesome. I only had classes from Tuesday to Thursday. I basically had a four day weekend. Now all my finals are jumbled up tomorrow so I'll have no time to watch the E3 conference. What a terrible backfire this has become. :(
My final prediction:

One tablet per console. Detachable side "wings" for buttons and sticks. they can be used on their own for motion control Wiimote and nunchuck style, or attached together sans tablet to form a traditional controller.


PounchEnvy said:
My schedule for this quarter was awesome. I only had classes from Tuesday to Thursday. I basically had a four day weekend. Now all my finals are jumbled up tomorrow so I'll have no time to watch the E3 conference. What a terrible backfire this has become. :(
Do you go to OSU?

It feels bad, man. I'm in a similar situation. GAF will double its previous record for most users ever online at one time, but I won't be among them. :,-(
birdchili said:
getting rid of the d-pad is a definite sacrifice on the control-front (even with a cross-shaped quartet of buttons). i don't *think* they'll do that.
Wait, what are you picturing exactly? Cuz I was thinking of a new wiimote which might be placed onto/into the right side of the tablet. Even if it is stand alone as an alternate to the tablet, if ur playing a 2d game or fighter, just use the tablet, which should have a dpad on the left like the cc pro.


Trurl said:
I'm not expecting this, but it's possible that Nintendo will have the most graphically impressive games of any of the console manufactures tomorrow. :-O

Man, this hasn't happened since...2001. Oh god. THE 10 YEARS CYCLE IS NOW COMPLETE


I'm expecting the new controller to be nothing like the Wiimote but the system will be compatible with the Wiimote for the purpose of backwards compatibility. (this is the company that included to memory card slots and four Gamecube controller ports with the Wii)
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