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Project Cafe Rumor Cafe [Weinerpoop Post 7513]

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Net_Wrecker said:
I think some people are just done with the Wii, and this new console is overshadowing Skyward Sword. Mix that with the art style criticism, and the meh live showings, and yeah, hype on SS is lower than normal for a new console Zelda.

Honestly, I think they should've just stopped development until the Cafe specs were locked, resumed working on it as a Cafe title, and launch Cafe with a crazy new Zelda project. Leaving it as a Wii project was a mistake IMO.

Not this shit AGAIN


Thunder Monkey said:
I'm just patiently waiting to see anything.

Going in almost completely blind is odd in the internet age.
It is pretty crazy how Nintendo manages to generally go into E3 with things kept under wraps. Sony basically blows its load early every year and Microsoft hires Baby seals as security thinking they are Seal Team 6
Bel Marduk said:
That would be the stupidest thing they could do. Not to mention SS will do well sales wise anyway. The people who are "done" with the Wii and won't play SS as a result are the minority.
MYE said:
Not this shit AGAIN

Worked out pretty well for TP in almost the same situation.

In any case, I just have a feeling that this will be one of the more forgotten Zelda releases when all said and done. People will gush for a couple of months, then Cafe will steal the show in 2012, and people will be unfairly impatient wondering where their HD Zelda title is in 2013-2014 even though they just got a mainline game late 2011.
Fantastical said:
To be fair, a lot leaked with Project Cafe. Not in terms of games though, unless GTAV is real.
Yeah, but everyone knew they were making something.

We didn't know we were going to get to see it anytime soon, so that's something.

By now we'd have a general idea. But we know next to nothing.


Death Prophet
Thunder Monkey said:
Yeah, but everyone knew they were making something.

We didn't know we were going to get to see it anytime soon, so that's something.

By now we'd have a general idea. But we know next to nothing.
We know that it has a screen on the controller which sounds like the main hook. I think that's a big rather big leak.


mr_nothin said:
Cross posting...

You know what?
Watching the Giant Bomb podcast just now, has made me realize just how much everybody set up for Nintendo to just completely WOW everybody later on today. Everybody's so fatigued on shooters and QTEs and rail sequences.....that when Nintendo comes out with their platformers and adventure games, everyone is just going to goggle it up (including me).

Just take the Rayman demo and the reception that had. It seemed soooo fresh when it really wasnt. It's just fresh when you consider what type of games we have today.

Expect Nintendo to WOW later on today, no matter what they do and no matter how much more powerful their new system is. Everything is going to seem like a breathe of fresh air in our current post-apocalyptic state of the industry.

I'm in that same boat. I'm tired of shooters. Yes they're fun at first but I'm burnt out. Yeah they sell and as long as they continue to sell they'll keep making them. What's sad is that it's become the "safe" kind of title to develop so nobody is really taking a risk in trying to develop anything new. Instead it's the annual shooter for half a dozen or so different franchises, rinse, repeat. I keep thinking the shooter bubble will burst and people will quit buying them but instead it seems like they keep buying more of them. :\


Fantastical said:
To be fair, a lot leaked with Project Cafe. Not in terms of games though, unless GTAV is real.

Not many exact details, but there have been a lot of rumors with potential.

Compare what has leaked here to what leaks for Sony and Microsoft.... Nintendo looks like a high security intelligence agency.


Gravijah said:
Whatever reason you have for missing it is not good enough. Call out of work. Call out of school. Kill you wife/girlfriend/children.

How else will I afford my awesome new 3DS or new Nintendo console :(
mj1108 said:
I'm in that same boat. I'm tired of shooters. Yes they're fun at first but I'm burnt out. Yeah they sell and as long as they continue to sell they'll keep making them. What's sad is that it's become the "safe" kind of title to develop so nobody is really taking a risk in trying to develop anything new. Instead it's the annual shooter for half a dozen or so different franchises, rinse, repeat. I keep thinking the shooter bubble will burst and people will quit buying them but instead it seems like they keep buying more of them. :\
Same thing happened with platformers in the past. Shooters are just the flavor of the month.
Fantastical said:
We know that it has a screen on the controller which sounds like the main hook. I think that's a big rather big leak.
That tells us nothing.

Six inch touch screen.

Still tells us just about nothing. What gaming applications does it have? Why did they feel the need to do it?


I hate waiting.


JonCha said:
I hope they open with Zelda. I really do. Everyone is waiting for info on it.
I just hope Miyamoto doesn't try again to play it live on stage, last year was painful to watch.


Mojojo said:
I just hope Miyamoto doesn't try again to play it live on stage, last year was painful to watch.

Last year it seemed to be an interference issue, but I don't think they will do a live demo of it again. I think we'll get a new trailer w/ release date though.


mj1108 said:
Last year it seemed to be an interference issue, but I don't think they will do a live demo of it again. I think we'll get a new trailer w/ release date though.
Thats all it was. Interference. That was confirmed instantly after when people played it flawlessly in same room.

If anything maybe they will readjust their area for demos
I woke up a little while ago and I'm fucking hungry for the Nintendo magic now. I seriously want to stay home so that I can see the Cafe and the games. If GTA drops while I'm in school I think I may have a freaking heart attack.

Dammit why couldn't they make it later in the day!


^^Ah that was beautiful. I remember the second E3 2006 conference started I went completely bearshit insane. Beautiful stuff.

antonz said:
Thats all it was. Interference. That was confirmed instantly after when people played it flawlessly in same room.

If anything maybe they will readjust their area for demos
Sony's spies caused the interference during the conference. As soon as it was over Nintendo ninjas took care of them.


Unconfirmed Member
After last year's interference embarrassment, Nintendo vowed never again to release a console based around motion controls.


CassSept said:
^^Ah that was beautiful. I remember the second E3 2006 conference started I went completely bearshit insane. Beautiful stuff.

Sony's spies caused the interference during the conference. As soon as it was over Nintendo ninjas took care of them.
E3 2006 was all sorts of crazy especially when they announced Super Smash Bros. out of thin air the day after the conference and I remember Galaxy was part of some video reel and everyone was like wut, did they just announce a new Mario? Some even thought it was a spin-off and not a real game lol.


Mojojo said:
I just hope Miyamoto doesn't try again to play it live on stage, last year was painful to watch.

I'm expecting cabled controllers. You can't fight 500 journalists on wi-fi connections and bluetoothing with their phones.

I tell you what I'm not expecting: a price reveal. It's a year away. I doubt even Nintendo know what they are going to charge for it yet.
Nintendo conference in 6 hours and 15 minutes right?

EXCITE so far MS and Sony have been shallow presser's IMO so I'm fairly certain Nintendo's got this E3 purely for the fact they're showing new HW.


[Nintex] said:
E3 2006 was all sorts of crazy especially when they announced Super Smash Bros. out of thin air the day after the conference and I remember Galaxy was part of some video reel and everyone was like wut, did they just announce a new Mario? Some even thought it was a spin-off and not a real game lol.
Yeah, SSBB was revealed on the second day out of nowhere. I somehow managed to watched the trailer without getting spoiled and OMG SNAKE.
Even though they fell in the recent years (especially the abomination in 2008), E3 2006 was absolutely dominated by Nintendo, eot. Booth queues were absolutely crazy, especially in comparison with desolated PS3. It was probably >the< most memorable and craziest E3 of the last decade.


CassSept said:
Yeah, SSBB was revealed on the second day out of nowhere. I somehow managed to watched the trailer without getting spoiled and OMG SNAKE.
Even though they fell in the recent years (especially the abomination in 2008), E3 2006 was absolutely dominated by Nintendo, eot. Booth queues were absolutely crazy, especially in comparison with desolated PS3. It was probably >the< most memorable and craziest E3 of the last decade.
What made E3 2006 really memorable was Sony's press conference.


I almost fell asleep watching MS, Ubisoft and EA were slightly better but argh too many shooters, nothing in particular has grabbed my interest so far and it's a real shame. Nintendo will deliver this year I'm sure of it, can't wait for the conference to start!


Feels good to live in Sweden a day like this. I'll get off work in four hours and have time to hit the gym, get something to eat and be home in time for the conference. Perfect!
I'm sure on the Ubi conference last night, at the end of each one it shows the platforms it's on, there was. Some oddly placed blank spaces.

Like if we knew it was out this year the logos were evenly spaced, but a few had bigger specs in between

Maybe ( most likely) nothing.


never left the stone age
hamzik said:
Feels good to live in Sweden a day like this. I'll get off work in four hours and have time to hit the gym, get something to eat and be home in time for the conference. Perfect!
I dunno man, might die because of the crazy heat before the conference starts.


5pm UK time?

That sucks. I might still be in town at that time.

I wish there were more places that did free wifi. Do I really want to sit in a McDonalds reading tweets?
Also... Since when have these been Nintendos colours??


Fantastical said:
Jim Reilly tweeted about GTA V? Alright, I'm a believer.

He tweeted that he heard that some other people have heard that there could possibly be a potential announcement of the game at tomorrow's conference... maybe.

Either it will or it won't, but I don't think anyone outside of Nintendo and Rockstar know for sure.
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