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Project Cafe Rumor Cafe [Weinerpoop Post 7513]

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Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Ichor said:
Lol at thinking alcohol isn't a drug.

Ok, let me specify, I don't do any drugs that would show up in a random piss test because I have a really great job and I'd never want to fuck it up for pot. Better?


omg.kittens said:
I think those are what's most likely. Other stuff can be announced at their mysterious second press event on Wednesday, or just announced outside of a press event. I do expect coverage on Skyward Sword and DS games, but not on stage.
Ud be crazy to think Skyward Sword would get no attention on stage...its Zelda, it has to.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Bel Marduk said:

Don't fail us now.
*reaches* Want.

Oh Nintendo. Please announce these. Please. Please. Please.


The Everyman
JazzmanZ said:
So Gaf how hyped are you for the Cafe'? use this handy chart to decide which one you are.




Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
I cannot wait for Skyward Sword. I'm calling it now, best Zelda since the 64 era. Yup, done deal!


Ok, what the hell? I know it's Michael Pachter, but still.....

"What's GTAV? :>"


WinoMcCougarstein said:
I cannot wait for Skyward Sword. I'm calling it now, best Zelda since the 64 era. Yup, done deal!

It's so funny what a dramatic change the marketing for Skyward Sword has been compared to Twilight Princess, where it was various trailers, info / shown cutscenes on scenario, and various playable demos all done for at least a year leading up to its release.

Skyward Sword, who the hell knows.

mj1108 said:
Ok, what the hell? I know it's Michael Pachter, but still.....

"What's GTAV? :>"

Son of a bitch.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
This GTA V rumor is getting some serious traction. I'm going to be let down now if it isn't announced tomorrow.
I guess it'd be symbolic to have GTA announced at Nintendo's conference, but there's 0% chance of exclusivity, so I really don't know why people care that much. Except that people like GTA and would be happy if it was announced regardless of the Nintendo connection.

Anyway, I haven't really been following the other conferences too closely. MS seems to be getting low grades for Kinect stuff from the hardcore. Sony seems to have a winner with Vita, but a muted reaction to the rest of their conference. Am I right on this? Is this Nintendo's "Conference War" to lose?


Freezie KO said:
I guess it'd be symbolic to have GTA announced at Nintendo's conference, but there's 0% chance of exclusivity, so I really don't know why people care that much. Except that people like GTA and would be happy if it was announced regardless of the Nintendo connection.

Anyway, I haven't really been following the other conferences too closely. MS seems to be getting low grades for Kinect stuff from the hardcore. Sony seems to have a winner with Vita, but a muted reaction to the rest of their conference. Am I right on this? Is this Nintendo's "Conference War" to lose?

Sounds right to me. Not a whole lot in terms of new content from either party.


Freezie KO said:
I guess it'd be symbolic to have GTA announced at Nintendo's conference, but there's 0% chance of exclusivity, so I really don't know why people care that much. Except that people like GTA and would be happy if it was announced regardless of the Nintendo connection.

Anyway, I haven't really been following the other conferences too closely. MS seems to be getting low grades for Kinect stuff from the hardcore. Sony seems to have a winner with Vita, but a muted reaction to the rest of their conference. Am I right on this? Is this Nintendo's "Conference War" to lose?
Yeah Microsoft had a terrible conference overall and Sonys was ok but nothing to write home about. Vita Price was excellent but conference wasnt saved.

Nintendo would have to walk out and Show Cafe being the power of 2 Wii ducttaped to lose E3.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Freezie KO said:
I guess it'd be symbolic to have GTA announced at Nintendo's conference, but there's 0% chance of exclusivity, so I really don't know why people care that much. Except that people like GTA and would be happy if it was announced regardless of the Nintendo connection.

Anyway, I haven't really been following the other conferences too closely. MS seems to be getting low grades for Kinect stuff from the hardcore. Sony seems to have a winner with Vita, but a muted reaction to the rest of their conference. Am I right on this? Is this Nintendo's "Conference War" to lose?

You're missing the point. Just announcing this game at a Nintendo conference would be HUGE. When was the last time a major AAA third party game was announced at a Nintendo conference? Never right? Man, if they paid for a timed exclusive it would move thousands if not millions of consoles. You are underestimating the power of the GTA brand name, I would say it is probably second behind CoD in terms of popularity at this stage in the game. Anything GTA exclusive, timed or not, would be gigantic for Nintendo's mission of reclaiming the hardcore gamers.


I guess I'll put in my final predictions...

Conference will be mainly focused on the 3DS, with Cafe and Wii getting a similar amount of time and DS not too much at all.

- Last Story and Xenoblade localisation
- Zelda: Skyward Sword Wii Exclusive and launching this "holiday season"
- Zelda: 25th Anniversary Adventure will be a WiiWare/eShop game
- Wii Play: Motion will get a short trailer, no on stage demo
- Kirby Wii coming early 2012 in the west
- Super Mario 3DS will be unveiled launching this "holiday season"
- Mario Kart 3DS will be unveiled launching "Winter"
- Paper Mario 3DS trailer launching "Spring 2012"
- Kid Icarus: Uprising coming in the next three months
- OoT and Starfox will get a short trailer
- Animal Crossing 3DS announced for a 2012 release
- Pikmin 3 announced as a Project Cafe launch title
- Timesplitters 4 announced as a Cafe exclusive

- Super Mario Cafe teaser trailer
- Game with Mii's demoed for Cafe
- Some sort of art game shown off
- Controller is a single unit (screen does not detach in anyway)
- Wii MotionPlus supported, revamped design for Cafe

I think that's enough, though I expect to see other 3DS and Cafe games shown, I don't have a clue what they could be :p I have some easy guesses, some stabs in the dark and a few things I think should happen.. We'll find out soon enough!!
WinoMcCougarstein said:
You're missing the point. Just announcing this game at a Nintendo conference would be HUGE. When was the last time a major AAA third party game was announced at a Nintendo conference? Never right? Man, if they paid for a timed exclusive it would move thousands if not millions of consoles. You are underestimating the power of the GTA brand name, I would say it is probably second behind CoD in terms of popularity at this stage in the game. Anything GTA exclusive, timed or not, would be gigantic for Nintendo's mission of reclaiming the hardcore gamers.
Still not use to people calling GTA hardcore.
Interesting because you'd think the one thing Nintendo is going to show is new content. Even if it's just HD tech demos, at least we know Cafe will be playable. I'd imagine a couple 3DS reveals with a playable Mario Raccoon Hat will do well too.

Trying to keep my expectations low, but I wanted to gauge how the other conferences were received as well. Sounds like if Nintendo gets a B+, they can get away with "winning" safely.


Re: GTA, yeah, I might be underestimating. I wasn't really thinking about timed exclusivity. I guess that's possible. I was just thinking that, at best, someone comes out announces the game and says that it's 60 fps on Cafe. Hardcore gamers shrug and buy it for 360.


They would be wise to focus a lot on 3ds and virtually none for ds...3ds is not exactly doing gangbusters when u have a perfectly good ds with good games still coming out for it

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Thunder Monkey said:
Still not use to people calling GTA hardcore.

Oh christ, is it a dudebro game? Even better for Nintendo!


Freezie KO said:
I guess it'd be symbolic to have GTA announced at Nintendo's conference, but there's 0% chance of exclusivity, so I really don't know why people care that much.

We've been over this. It could show that Nintendo is aggressively courting third parties for their AAA franchises. Third parties have been a pretty big issue for Nintendo. Western ones especially.


Freezie KO said:
Interesting because you'd think the one thing Nintendo is going to show is new content. Even if it's just HD tech demos, at least we know Cafe will be playable. I'd imagine a couple 3DS reveals with a playable Mario Raccoon Hat will do well too.

Trying to keep my expectations low, but I wanted to gauge how the other conferences were received as well. Sounds like if Nintendo gets a B+, they can get away with "winning" safely.
Yeah MS and Sony really didnt do anything new. Sony even repeated last years bringing a developer on stage to kiss their ass over prior negative comments.


omg.kittens said:
I think those are what's most likely. Other stuff can be announced at their mysterious second press event on Wednesday, or just announced outside of a press event. I do expect coverage on Skyward Sword and DS games, but not on stage.

Well if it is all 3DS and Cafe it would make sense as these are their future consoles. I think they will show an awesome Zelda trailer but will demo and discuss it in-depth later.

Is everyone getting excited about the second conference? I remember last year this happened everyone got hyped about a second conference but all they did was have some sort of round table with journalists.


my final predictions. just what i think is likely to happen.

gta v exclusive
beyond good & evil 2 exclusive launch title
skies of arcadia 2 launch window (exclusive)
star tropics by retro
online system by valve
team fortress 2/half-life 3 at launch
super mario cafe revealed for holiday 2012
nintendo launch titles are pikmin and new miyamoto game
snatcher revealed
disgaea 4 cafe exclusive
super return of the jedi remastered and bundled with every system
kevin butler switches alliances
zelda williams making new zelda game for cafe


If Nintendo were to give a price & date tomorrow(probably doubtful) would Gamestop do pre-orders immediately?


Randomizer said:
Well if it is all 3DS and Cafe it would make sense as these are their future consoles. I think they will show an awesome Zelda trailer but will demo and discuss it in-depth later.

Is everyone getting excited about the second conference? I remember last year this happened everyone got hyped about a second conference but all they did was have some sort of round table with journalists.

They're having two ROUND TABLES, there is no second conference.

People get excited because they've announced stuff at them before like Pikmin 3 and shown stuff like the Zelda artwork and the first trailer for Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

There will be something noteworthy at these round tables but don't expect megatons.


Death Prophet
GTA V exclusive? Come on people...

It will be that GTA V is on the platform, not exclusive.

Did IGN ever give another hint other than "chase us down"?


Caramello said:
They're having two ROUND TABLES, there is no second conference.

People get excited because they've announced stuff at them before like Pikmin 3 and shown stuff like the Zelda artwork and the first trailer for Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

There will be something noteworthy at these round tables but don't expect megatons.

The two roundtables were confirmed? Was there a time given?
AniHawk said:
my final predictions. just what i think is likely to happen.

gta v exclusive
beyond good & evil 2 exclusive launch title
skies of arcadia 2 launch window (exclusive)
star tropics by retro
online system by valve
team fortress 2/half-life 3 at launch
super mario cafe revealed for holiday 2012
nintendo launch titles are pikmin and new miyamoto game
snatcher revealed
disgaea 4 cafe exclusive
super return of the jedi remastered and bundled with every system
kevin butler switches alliances
zelda williams making new zelda game for cafe

It's good that you keep your expectations low, but you forgot about Cafe's stealth launch DURING E3.


AniHawk said:
my final predictions. just what i think is likely to happen.

gta v exclusive
beyond good & evil 2 exclusive launch title
skies of arcadia 2 launch window (exclusive)
star tropics by retro
online system by valve
team fortress 2/half-life 3 at launch
super mario cafe revealed for holiday 2012
nintendo launch titles are pikmin and new miyamoto game
snatcher revealed
disgaea 4 cafe exclusive
super return of the jedi remastered and bundled with every system
kevin butler switches alliances
zelda williams making new zelda game for cafe

You so crazy..

Beyond Good & Evil 2 will be a proper exclusive

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Fantastical said:
GTA V exclusive? Come on people...

It will be that GTA V is on the platform, not exclusive.

Did IGN ever give another hint other than "chase us down"?

Again, it doesn't matter whether or not it is exclusive. A main GTA game on a Nintendo console is something that hasn't happened. Ever.
J-Rock said:
We've been over this. It could show that Nintendo is aggressively courting third parties for their AAA franchises. Third parties have been a pretty big issue for Nintendo. Western ones especially.

I agree there, but this generation has shown how much developers have changed. If a system can run their game then there's a 99% chance that it's going to be on it. We're at a point where developers want their games on as many platforms as possible because development prices are so high. So i'd say that it's expected that GTAV is going to be released on this system.


No leaks yet? Not one? Not even a teeny tiny one?

Nintendo must be working overtime lol. Can't wait for the conference, 'tis gonna be amazing!
Freezie KO said:
It's good that you keep your expectations low, but you forgot about Cafe's stealth launch DURING E3.
Iwata: "Look under your chair..."
"It's a Vitality Sensor! Or is it more?"
"Now, make yourselves really calm..."
*Consoles appear in front of the calm people*
"Every calm person gets a free <Cafe> console!"


Zero-Crescent said:
Iwata: "Look under your chair..."
"It's a Vitality Sensor! Or is it more?"
"Now, make yourselves really calm..."
*Consoles appear in front of the calm people*
"Every calm person gets a free <Cafe> console!"
Nintendo hired Oprah?


Fantastical said:
GTA V exclusive? Come on people...

It will be that GTA V is on the platform, not exclusive.

Did IGN ever give another hint other than "chase us down"?
Timed exclusive? lol

I also find this incredibly dubious I mean GTA IV made $500 million in it's first week. Why would Rockstar limit themselves to one platform especially one without a huge installed user base?


NTom64 said:
No leaks yet? Not one? Not even a teeny tiny one?

Nintendo must be working overtime lol. Can't wait for the conference, 'tis gonna be amazing!

the story's going to break in a couple of hours like it always does. we'll at least know what the console/controller looks like before the conference starts.
I know this is the wrong thread to ask this but I can't find the other one.

Are any US TV stations broadcasting the Nintendo conference live?

I'd search more but searching on the Wii browser is a pain in the ass since I don't have my PC set up.

In fact just typing this post with the Wii remote took a painfully long time...
SuperAngelo64 said:
I know this is the wrong thread to ask this but I can't find the other one.

Are any US TV stations broadcasting the Nintendo conference live?

I'd search more but searching on the Wii browser is a pain in the ass since I don't have my PC set up.

In fact just typing this post with the Wii remote took a painfully long time...
Spike and G4 probably?


Neo Member
I think it's more likely that Cafe is the lead sku and has added features, rather than having any kind of exclusivity for GTA V, unless it's a 'timed-exclusive' of one month. No way R* would limit their sales


Well, this will either be the most incredible E3 conference ever or even worse than Microsoft's 2010, Activison's 2007, and Konami's 2010 press conferences combined.

I know Nintendo is going to screw up somewhere. There's just no way everything will be flawless with so many announcements to cover across the Wii, 3DS, and Project Cafe.

According to Joystiq, the first roundtable is held on Tuesday at 5:30PM PT - 7:30PM PT, 8:30PM ET - 10:30PM ET. The secode one is on Wednesday at the same time as the first one.


Death Prophet
Nintendo is always 60 minutes, but last year they really packed a lot into the space and it made for a great conference.

Also, they release amazing stuff after the conference so it's like the conference is still happening without the bullshit.

Nintendo's E3 site will updated after the conference with developer interviews and stuff as well.
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